Palestine was always Israel


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Know Your History: Even the Term “Free Palestine”
Was Co-opted From the Jews

“Free, free Palestine!”
These are the words shouted out by Israel haters worldwide, more often than not an expression of their wish for the destruction of the state of Israel.

But did you know the first use of the words “Free Palestine” were for the exact opposite objective?


American League for a Free Palestine (ALFP) was created in July 1944, by Peter H Bergson (formerly Hillel Kook), for the purpose of supporting and funding his Hebrew Committee of National Liberation in Palestine. The ALFP attracted Jewish and non-Jewish members from all occupations, but especially those in politics and entertainment.

The ALFP’s most notable achievement was the work of award winning playwright and director Ben Hecht, a member of the league. Hecht wrote A Flag is Born to propagandize the cause by comparing the fight for a free Palestine against the British to the American Revolution. With money raised from the production of the play, the league purchased a boat for the aliyah of Holocaust survivors from France. The group dissolved in December 1948 as the goal of the league had been achieved.

Do you think the Jews of the time would have named their movement this way had there been a distinguishable group of Arabs identifying as “palestinians”, who had run a state called “Palestine”?

I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.
Canaan did and I did not. I said David and later Joshua conquered it. And no they were not. They were dark skinned with straight hair. Black Africans don’t have straight hair.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

The land belongs to the Hebrew civilization.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon A"H specifically mentions that,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H, and priests were specifically not African.

Read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.
Last edited:
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.
Canaan did and I did not. I said David and later Joshua conquered it. And no they were not. They were dark skinned with straight hair. Black Africans don’t have straight hair.
No they didnt have straight hair. You cant sleep on a rock with straight hair. You need curly cushioned hair to sleep on a rock. Even if they did have straight hair there are Black Africans with straight hair.

I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.
You missed bullet point #2 of my post. You cannot read. David and Joshua are Hebrew names and they were middle eastern not African.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.
Canaan did and I did not. I said David and later Joshua conquered it. And no they were not. They were dark skinned with straight hair. Black Africans don’t have straight hair.
No they didnt have straight hair. You cant sleep on a rock with straight hair. You need curly cushioned hair to sleep on a rock. Even if they did have straight hair there are Black Africans with straight hair.

That girl has curly hair that was straightened. You have used that pic before. Weird pedophile you are.
Never used the pic before and you need prove that I did.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.
You missed bullet point #2 of my post. You cannot read. David and Joshua are Hebrew names and they were middle eastern not African.
Bullshit. Hebrew isnt even a Hebrew name.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.
You missed bullet point #2 of my post. You cannot read. David and Joshua are Hebrew names and they were middle eastern not African.
Bullshit. Hebrew isnt even a Hebrew name.

...thank you.

No I can't :auiqs.jpg:
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.
You missed bullet point #2 of my post. You cannot read. David and Joshua are Hebrew names and they were middle eastern not African.
Bullshit. Hebrew isnt even a Hebrew name.

...thank you.

No I can't :auiqs.jpg:
I know you cant. Because Hebrew is a Canaanite word.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons. This is where the bible and science meet.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?

'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and Shem A"H were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Last edited:
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?
'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and others were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

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