Owner of Fox News getting married for 4th- time.

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Viagra; allowing ancient plutocrats to keep acting like fools since 1998
It is my experience that billionaires trade their wives in every decade or so. They don't have family values. They have billionaire values. They ain't like normal folks people. Why you insist on thinking they are is beyond me.
when you are the owner of family values TV you could at least ACT like you had family values.
Yes, he is marrying Jerry Hall former relationship of Mick Jagger from the Rolling Stones and mother of four of his children.

I don't have a horse on this race :tongue: but ..meh .. I wish them both very happy times! Why not? :thup:

Jerry with Mick in the past
Rupert Murdoch is marrying Jerry Hall?

Mick Jagger's ex?

I don't give a shit about "family values", but that's fucking hilarious.

She figures she'll outlive him and be on easy street.

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