Our (U.S.) Government Has Become Too Big For Its Britches


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
From approximately the year 1947 to 1988, and again from the year 1992 to 2019, the people of the United States of America enjoyed existing in states of relative political, social, cultural and ideological stability. The former period, lasting some 41 years, could be described as the modern Golden Age of American citizenship, and for the purposes of this post shall refer to it thusly. The latter period, lasting for some twenty-seven years—while hardly comparable in "gilded" quality of life to the previous much longer lasting one, was nevertheless stable in the barest of terms and, if nothing else positive can be said about it, was at least "livable" from the perspective of a majority of American citizens.

Throughout that first period of stable American existence lasting from the end of World War II until the close of Ronald Reagan's second term as POTUS, American citizens thrived under across the board social, cultural and governmental fecundity; three foundational pillars of being American which came together to promote personal and individual freedom, rights, self-improvement and sustainable individual economic improvement. Religion in America as well was still promoted as the foundation value system from whence all American ethics and moral benevolence derived. Even the most radical university borne competing ideology could not detract enough from Christianity's message to sway the hearts and minds of a majority of Americans away from religion's ancient value system.

The nuclear family, whose absolute importance to the survival of our civilization and species, was also enshrined at every level of our society and government; in our entertainment and publishing industry, and was fully embraced by a majority of iconic public figures of the time. If one wished to set an example for clean, moral, worthwhile living during this American Golden Age, then one married, had a family and remained both faithful to his wife or her husband and devoted themselves to becoming exemplary parents and grandparents; a good American life was all about the family. Family first and foremost.

Another boon of this long lasting American Golden age was the spirit of our Free Press. Our American Free Press of the time grounded itself, by and large, in presenting itself and practicing its profession as a third system of checks and balances on both government and private corporate actions. During this time, if a politician or group of them or any captain of industry was suspected of working against the common good or health of the American people then the professional journalist corps of our Free Press would devote themselves to exposing such malevolence and seeing such bad actor public and private figures held accountable.

For over forty-one years we American People enjoyed all of the above aspects of extremely stable life in this country. My grandfather, a WWII combat veteran, returned from that terrible conflict with small savings he would, over the course of a couple of decades, turn into a small fortune; a fortune raised and maintained in no small part by working his fingers to the bone during twelve hour shifts in a three-story forge. His was an era when the common blue collar American worker could, by both abiding laws and working like hell, better himself and create for himself and his family a small empire. His was also a gilded era when men and women of starkly opposing political views could, without fear of physical or ideological violence or reprisal, engage in political debate in public spaces at will.

Fast forward to the end of Ronald Reagan's second presidential term and the end of what some might describe as America's last nostalgic golden decade, the 1980's. By some accounts America's first and only truly Golden Age ended with the election George H.W. Bush, whose entry into the White House was accompanied in full by the Central Intelligence Agency. Some argue Bush "one" laid the brickwork for William Clinton's implementation of both NAFTA and the Assault Weapons Ban in 1994, two historically bad policies with lasting implications for all Americans, for all of time. It is of course no coincidence that immediately post the aforementioned two policy implementations the quality of American life took a steep dive in two key directions. Police departments nationwide and at all governmental levels began to militarize themselves with assault weapons and vehicles and even their service uniforms came to resemble those of military forces, and many, many once booming small American industrial cities began to die out.

But, as always before in our previous, often tumultuous American history, Americans found new ways to thrive, although they thrived at a much slower, more limited rate and enjoyed very little if any of the meteoric blue collar success of their fathers and grandfathers, post World War II.

Another great blow was dealt to the average American worker-citizen post the horrific events of 9/11/2001 in both the forms of the Patriot Act and the commercial normalization of the internet, which co-arrived with the advent of mass social media usage. Americans were about to face two decades of endless fear mongering across all media and internet platforms as the bogeyman of Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorism empowered the U.S. Government to seize unprecedented levels of power and control over their daily lives. Further eroding the American Spirit at large was the funneling of tens of millions of Americans onto a very few social media platforms in order to practice their broader First Amendment right to free speech. As Americans became more dependent on social media to express themselves so did social media corporations reduce, slowly at first, their ability to freely say whatever they chose. Our American government did not miss a beat in joining themselves at the hip with these social media titans, even going so far as to integrate their platforms with both the NSA and DIA counterterror capabilities. For the first time in American history our American government was 24/7 surveilling everything we said, every place we visited and every phone call we made.

And then the helm of our government was handed off to a President credibly suspected of not only being an active foreign agent but not qualified to hold that highest public office due to the origins of his birth. But once again Americans tightened their belts, held their chins high and tried to move forward as the exemplars of their lives, the men and women who fought the great wars, faded away more rapidly but those who remained continued to stand as proud to be American.

Over the eight years of the Obama administration a very steep, calamitous and wholly noticeable shift occurred in both government and cultural treatment of once and always previously enshrined American history. Radical leftist university ideologues gained immense ground in their war on American tradition, the nuclear family and Christianity. Social taboos which had always been taboo for good reason and previously relegated to the neon dark corners of American society, were driven to the forefront of acceptable behavior almost overnight. It was also during Obama's two terms that our once admirable and necessary Free Press shifted its allegiance almost entirely to the democratic party. Here too our federal legislators hopped aboard with the radical leftist war campaigns to fundamentally change forever both what it meant to be American and to rewrite those most hallowed American values. Both senators and house members shifted their allegiance from the American people to radical leftist ideology, Chinese communist state ideology and to wholly enriching their own personal net worth as their primary function. The once expansive terrain of our American individual rights and freedoms was shrinking at an alarming rate. We also witnessed our once beloved and pervasive tenets of American culture be surrounded and assaulted from all sides by thoroughly immoral—even Satanic—human monsters and their "woke" neo-religion.

The election of Donald Trump was a direct, collective response by the average American citizen to the preceding years of terrifying cultural and political change forced onto them by politicians gone mad with self-aggrandizement, ideological fervor and complete lack of respect for their pursuit of the American Dream. While deeply imperfect, personally, Donald Trump came to represent, in the minds of tens of millions of Americans, the only barrier to the final normalization of human evil in every level of their existence. Donald Trump was the last fallback position; the last stopgap emergency contingency, on America's slide down into Hell on Earth.

Essentially, at this moment in time—January 21, 2021—our elected government, the men and women WE chose to lead our civilization and improve our lives, have almost to the last man and woman, betrayed not only each and every one of us personally for their own accumulation of wealth and power, but have also nearly given our nation in its entirety over to both purely evil domestic ideology and the communist government of China.

So much national clamor has been made recently about the so called revolutionary assault on our Capitol building but the aspect of that event few are examining in depth is the true ownership of that structure and every other government building standing in Washington D.C. and every state capitol complex. While it is true, quite obviously, that in order to survive as a functioning, sovereign civilization government must be allowed to function, it is also perhaps even truer that in America government exists only to serve the will of the People. We have arrived at a period in American history when our government only exists to preserve and serve itself—a terrible truth now evident at every political level.

Since at least January 2020 local, state and federal government here in the good old USA has been consolidating and flaunting its power to suspend our God given and Constitution enshrined rights on a whim without legislative process, in order to perpetuate a state of constant local, state and federal emergency. Throughout this dark period in both our history and daily lives everyday Americans at large have become poorer, both in the economic and quality of life sense, whilst our elected leaders and major retail corporations have increased their collective bottom lines by billions, perhaps trillions in newly earned dollars. Additionally, our elected leaders have moved us closer and closer to the communist Chinese model of both dealing the pandemic and managing social credit.

As if all of the preceding paragraph wasn't grounds enough already for the American people taking severe action against their elected politicians, half of America watched—on live television—the crystal clear theft of a presidential election victory from one candidate in order to elect the other. Despite the transparent fraud of the 2020 presidential election a steel wall of silence and denial was erected to stop dead in its tracks any free and without consequence debate about said systemic election fraud. This was carried out by a coalition of what used to be our Free Press, social media giants, and the democratic party—along with their republican surrogates, traitors to the last.

All of the above being the case; with all legal and political means of having our grievances heard and resolved, we the American people have exhibited extreme restraint in dealing with government, media, and corporate mass corruption, up to this point. But we must ask ourselves night and day: what happens if we the people do nothing, take no action, in response to witnessing the greatest crimes in the history of our civilization, crimes against our very lives, our beloved American nation, and against our children and their children?

What will happen to us through our lack of mighty and direct action against unprecedented government and corporate corruption is no less than the end of seventy plus years of enough civilizational stability to practice our individual rights and freedoms, improve our lives through abiding laws and working hard, and quite possibly even our ability to survive at all, beyond the next few years, which will be incredibly dark and devoid of hope. My fellow Americans, we are in the fight our lives, for our very lives, and there is simply no space or time left for indecision, fence sitting, or putting our heads in the sand in hope it will all get better, over time. Our government has betrayed us at every level and must face severe consequences; consequences only we, the good people of America, can enact and enforce.
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From approximately the year 1947 to 1988, and again from the year 1992 to 2019, the people of the United States of America enjoyed existing in states of relative political, social, cultural and ideological stability. The former period, lasting some 41 years, could be described as the modern Golden Age of American citizenship, and for the purposes of this post shall refer to it thusly. The latter period, lasting for some twenty-seven years—while hardly comparable in "gilded" quality of life to the previous much longer lasting one, was nevertheless stable in the barest of terms and, if nothing else positive can be said about it, was at least "livable" from the perspective of a majority of American citizens.

Throughout that first period of stable American existence lasting from the end of World War II until the close of Ronald Reagan's second term as POTUS, American citizens thrived under across the board social, cultural and governmental fecundity; three foundational pillars of being American which came together to promote personal and individual freedom, rights, self-improvement and sustainable individual economic improvement. Religion in America as well was still promoted as the foundation value system from whence all American ethics and moral benevolence derived. Even the most radical university borne competing ideology could not detract enough from Christianity's message to sway the hearts and minds of a majority of Americans away from religion's ancient value system.

The nuclear family, whose absolute importance to the survival of our civilization and species, was also enshrined at every level of our society and government; in our entertainment and publishing industry, and was fully embraced by a majority of iconic public figures of the time. If one wished to set an example for clean, moral, worthwhile living during this American Golden Age, then one married, had a family and remained both faithful to his wife or her husband and devoted themselves to becoming exemplary parents and grandparents; a good American life was all about the family. Family first and foremost.

Another boon of this long lasting American Golden age was the spirit of our Free Press. Our American Free Press of the time grounded itself, by and large, in presenting itself and practicing its profession as a third system of checks and balances on both government and private corporate actions. During this time, if a politician or group of them or any captain of industry was suspected of working against the common good or health of the American people then the professional journalist corps of our Free Press would devote themselves to exposing such malevolence and seeing such bad actor public and private figures held accountable.

For over forty-one years we American People enjoyed all of the above aspects of extremely stable life in this country. My grandfather, a WWII combat veteran, returned from that terrible conflict with small savings he would, over the course of a couple of decades, turn into a small fortune; a fortune raised and maintained in no small part by working his fingers to the bone during twelve hour shifts in a three-story forge. His was an era when the common blue collar American worker could, by both abiding laws and working like hell, better himself and create for himself and his family a small empire. His was also a gilded era when men and women of starkly opposing political views could, without fear of physical or ideological violence or reprisal, engage in political debate in public spaces at will.

Fast forward to the end of Ronald Reagan's second presidential term and the end of what some might describe as America's last nostalgic golden decade, the 1980's. By some accounts America's first and only truly Golden Age ended with the election George H.W. Bush, whose entry into the White House was accompanied in full by the Central Intelligence Agency. Some argue Bush "one" laid the brickwork for William Clinton's implementation of both NAFTA and the Assault Weapons Ban in 1994, two historically bad policies with lasting implications for all Americans, for all of time. It is of course no coincidence that immediately post the aforementioned two policy implementations the quality of American life took a steep dive in two key directions. Police departments nationwide and at all governmental levels began to militarize themselves with assault weapons and vehicles and even their service uniforms came to resemble those of military forces, and many, many once booming small American industrial cities began to die out.

But, as always before in our previous, often tumultuous American history, Americans found new ways to thrive, although they thrived at a much slower, more limited rate and enjoyed very little if any of the meteoric blue collar success of their fathers and grandfathers, post World War II.

Another great blow was dealt to the average American worker-citizen post the horrific events of 9/11/2001 in both the forms of the Patriot Act and the commercial normalization of the internet, which co-arrived with the advent of mass social media usage. Americans were about to face two decades of endless fear mongering across all media and internet platforms as the bogeyman of Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorism empowered the U.S. Government to seize unprecedented levels of power and control over their daily lives. Further eroding the American Spirit at large was the funneling of tens of millions of Americans onto a very few social media platforms in order to practice their broader First Amendment right to free speech. As Americans became more dependent on social media to express themselves so did social media corporations reduce, slowly at first, their ability to freely say whatever they chose. Our American government did not miss a beat in joining themselves at the hip with these social media titans, even going so far as to integrate their platforms with both the NSA and DIA counterterror capabilities. For the first time in American history our American government was 24/7 surveilling everything we said, every place we visited and every phone call we made.

And then the helm of our government was handed off to a President credibly suspected of not only being an active foreign agent but not qualified to hold that highest public office due to the origins of his birth. But once again Americans tightened their belts, held their chins high and tried to move forward as the exemplars of their lives, the men and women who fought the great wars, faded away more rapidly but those who remained continued to stand as proud to be American.

Over the eight years of the Obama administration a very steep, calamitous and wholly noticeable shift occurred in both government and cultural treatment of once and always previously enshrined American history. Radical leftist university ideologues gained immense ground in their war on American tradition, the nuclear family and Christianity. Social taboos which had always been taboo for good reason and previously relegated to the neon dark corners of American society, were driven to the forefront of acceptable behavior almost overnight. It was also during Obama's two terms that our once admirable and necessary Free Press shifted its allegiance almost entirely to the democratic party. Here too our federal legislators hopped aboard with the radical leftist war campaigns to fundamentally change forever both what it meant to be American and to rewrite those most hallowed American values. Both senators and house members shifted their allegiance from the American people to radical leftist ideology, Chinese communist state ideology and to wholly enriching their own personal net worth as their primary function. The once expansive terrain of our American individual rights and freedoms was shrinking at an alarming rate. We also witnessed our once beloved and pervasive tenets of American culture be surrounded and assaulted from all sides by thoroughly immoral—even Satanic—human monsters and their "woke" neo-religion.

The election of Donald Trump was a direct, collective response by the average American citizen to the preceding years of terrifying cultural and political change forced onto them by politicians gone mad with self-aggrandizement, ideological fervor and complete lack of respect for their pursuit of the American Dream. While deeply imperfect, personally, Donald Trump came to represent, in the minds of tens of millions of Americans, the only barrier to the final normalization of human evil in every level of their existence. Donald Trump was the last fallback position; the last stopgap emergency contingency, on America's slide down into Hell on Earth.

Essentially, at this moment in time—January 21, 2021—our elected government, the men and women WE chose to lead our civilization and improve our lives, have almost to the last man and woman, betrayed not only each and every one of us personally for their own accumulation of wealth and power, but have also nearly given our nation in its entirety over to both purely evil domestic ideology and the communist government of China.

So much national clamor has been made recently about the so called revolutionary assault on our Capitol building but the aspect of that event few are examining in depth is the true ownership of that structure and every other government building standing in Washington D.C. and every state capitol complex. While it is true, quite obviously, that in order to survive as a functioning, sovereign civilization government must be allowed to function, it is also perhaps even truer that in America government exists only to serve the will of the People. We have arrived at a period in American history when our government only exists to preserve and serve itself—a terrible truth now evident at every political level.

Since at least January 2020 local, state and federal government here in the good old USA has been consolidating and flaunting its power to suspend our God given and Constitution enshrined rights on a whim without legislative process, in order to perpetuate a state of constant local, state and federal emergency. Throughout this dark period in both our history and daily lives everyday Americans at large have become poorer, both in the economic and quality of life sense, whilst our elected leaders and major retail corporations have increased their collective bottom lines by billions, perhaps trillions in newly earned dollars. Additionally, our elected leaders have moved us closer and closer to the communist Chinese model of both dealing the pandemic and managing social credit.

As if all of the preceding paragraph wasn't grounds enough already for the American people taking severe action against their elected politicians, half of America watched—on live television—the crystal clear theft of a presidential election victory from one candidate in order to elect the other. Despite the transparent fraud of the 2020 presidential election a steel wall of silence and denial was erected to stop dead in its tracks any free and without consequence debate about said systemic election fraud. This was carried out by a coalition of what used to be our Free Press, social media giants, and the democratic party—along with their republican surrogates, traitors to the last.

All of the above being the case; with all legal and political means of having our grievances heard and resolved, we the American people have exhibited extreme restraint in dealing with government, media, and corporate mass corruption, up to this point. But we must ask ourselves night and day: what happens if we the people do nothing, take no action, in response to witnessing the greatest crimes in the history of our civilization, crimes against our very lives, our beloved American nation, and against our children and their children?

What will happen to us through our lack of mighty and direct action against unprecedented government and corporate corruption is no less than the end of seventy plus years of enough civilizational stability to practice our individual rights and freedoms, improve our lives through abiding laws and working hard, and quite possibly even our ability to survive at all, beyond the next few years, which will be incredibly dark and devoid of hope. My fellow Americans, we are in the fight our lives, for our very lives, and there is simply no space or time left for indecision, fence sitting, or putting our heads in the sand in hope it will all get better, over time. Our government has betrayed us at every level and must face severe consequences; consequences only we, the good people of America, can enact and enforce.
That was really good- until you brought in the chinese- they have enough trouble keeping their own people in line to worry themselves with we the stinky tourist- our gov't hasn't given over to the chinese gov't- follow the money, see the agenda- it ain't chinese money making money with the MIC, nor is it gaining favor in congress- it isn't chinese buying legislation that favors them- and it ain't Russia either- look at congressional donors, as well as the large businesses who are paying homage to all you've complained about, especially the "woke" bullshit and pandering to the antifa riots the thugs perpetrated- do you think the chinese funded them?
From approximately the year 1947 to 1988, and again from the year 1992 to 2019, the people of the United States of America enjoyed existing in states of relative political, social, cultural and ideological stability. The former period, lasting some 41 years, could be described as the modern Golden Age of American citizenship, and for the purposes of this post shall refer to it thusly. The latter period, lasting for some twenty-seven years—while hardly comparable in "gilded" quality of life to the previous much longer lasting one, was nevertheless stable in the barest of terms and, if nothing else positive can be said about it, was at least "livable" from the perspective of a majority of American citizens.

Throughout that first period of stable American existence lasting from the end of World War II until the close of Ronald Reagan's second term as POTUS, American citizens thrived under across the board social, cultural and governmental fecundity; three foundational pillars of being American which came together to promote personal and individual freedom, rights, self-improvement and sustainable individual economic improvement. Religion in America as well was still promoted as the foundation value system from whence all American ethics and moral benevolence derived. Even the most radical university borne competing ideology could not detract enough from Christianity's message to sway the hearts and minds of a majority of Americans away from religion's ancient value system.

The nuclear family, whose absolute importance to the survival of our civilization and species, was also enshrined at every level of our society and government; in our entertainment and publishing industry, and was fully embraced by a majority of iconic public figures of the time. If one wished to set an example for clean, moral, worthwhile living during this American Golden Age, then one married, had a family and remained both faithful to his wife or her husband and devoted themselves to becoming exemplary parents and grandparents; a good American life was all about the family. Family first and foremost.

Another boon of this long lasting American Golden age was the spirit of our Free Press. Our American Free Press of the time grounded itself, by and large, in presenting itself and practicing its profession as a third system of checks and balances on both government and private corporate actions. During this time, if a politician or group of them or any captain of industry was suspected of working against the common good or health of the American people then the professional journalist corps of our Free Press would devote themselves to exposing such malevolence and seeing such bad actor public and private figures held accountable.

For over forty-one years we American People enjoyed all of the above aspects of extremely stable life in this country. My grandfather, a WWII combat veteran, returned from that terrible conflict with small savings he would, over the course of a couple of decades, turn into a small fortune; a fortune raised and maintained in no small part by working his fingers to the bone during twelve hour shifts in a three-story forge. His was an era when the common blue collar American worker could, by both abiding laws and working like hell, better himself and create for himself and his family a small empire. His was also a gilded era when men and women of starkly opposing political views could, without fear of physical or ideological violence or reprisal, engage in political debate in public spaces at will.

Fast forward to the end of Ronald Reagan's second presidential term and the end of what some might describe as America's last nostalgic golden decade, the 1980's. By some accounts America's first and only truly Golden Age ended with the election George H.W. Bush, whose entry into the White House was accompanied in full by the Central Intelligence Agency. Some argue Bush "one" laid the brickwork for William Clinton's implementation of both NAFTA and the Assault Weapons Ban in 1994, two historically bad policies with lasting implications for all Americans, for all of time. It is of course no coincidence that immediately post the aforementioned two policy implementations the quality of American life took a steep dive in two key directions. Police departments nationwide and at all governmental levels began to militarize themselves with assault weapons and vehicles and even their service uniforms came to resemble those of military forces, and many, many once booming small American industrial cities began to die out.

But, as always before in our previous, often tumultuous American history, Americans found new ways to thrive, although they thrived at a much slower, more limited rate and enjoyed very little if any of the meteoric blue collar success of their fathers and grandfathers, post World War II.

Another great blow was dealt to the average American worker-citizen post the horrific events of 9/11/2001 in both the forms of the Patriot Act and the commercial normalization of the internet, which co-arrived with the advent of mass social media usage. Americans were about to face two decades of endless fear mongering across all media and internet platforms as the bogeyman of Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorism empowered the U.S. Government to seize unprecedented levels of power and control over their daily lives. Further eroding the American Spirit at large was the funneling of tens of millions of Americans onto a very few social media platforms in order to practice their broader First Amendment right to free speech. As Americans became more dependent on social media to express themselves so did social media corporations reduce, slowly at first, their ability to freely say whatever they chose. Our American government did not miss a beat in joining themselves at the hip with these social media titans, even going so far as to integrate their platforms with both the NSA and DIA counterterror capabilities. For the first time in American history our American government was 24/7 surveilling everything we said, every place we visited and every phone call we made.

And then the helm of our government was handed off to a President credibly suspected of not only being an active foreign agent but not qualified to hold that highest public office due to the origins of his birth. But once again Americans tightened their belts, held their chins high and tried to move forward as the exemplars of their lives, the men and women who fought the great wars, faded away more rapidly but those who remained continued to stand as proud to be American.

Over the eight years of the Obama administration a very steep, calamitous and wholly noticeable shift occurred in both government and cultural treatment of once and always previously enshrined American history. Radical leftist university ideologues gained immense ground in their war on American tradition, the nuclear family and Christianity. Social taboos which had always been taboo for good reason and previously relegated to the neon dark corners of American society, were driven to the forefront of acceptable behavior almost overnight. It was also during Obama's two terms that our once admirable and necessary Free Press shifted its allegiance almost entirely to the democratic party. Here too our federal legislators hopped aboard with the radical leftist war campaigns to fundamentally change forever both what it meant to be American and to rewrite those most hallowed American values. Both senators and house members shifted their allegiance from the American people to radical leftist ideology, Chinese communist state ideology and to wholly enriching their own personal net worth as their primary function. The once expansive terrain of our American individual rights and freedoms was shrinking at an alarming rate. We also witnessed our once beloved and pervasive tenets of American culture be surrounded and assaulted from all sides by thoroughly immoral—even Satanic—human monsters and their "woke" neo-religion.

The election of Donald Trump was a direct, collective response by the average American citizen to the preceding years of terrifying cultural and political change forced onto them by politicians gone mad with self-aggrandizement, ideological fervor and complete lack of respect for their pursuit of the American Dream. While deeply imperfect, personally, Donald Trump came to represent, in the minds of tens of millions of Americans, the only barrier to the final normalization of human evil in every level of their existence. Donald Trump was the last fallback position; the last stopgap emergency contingency, on America's slide down into Hell on Earth.

Essentially, at this moment in time—January 21, 2021—our elected government, the men and women WE chose to lead our civilization and improve our lives, have almost to the last man and woman, betrayed not only each and every one of us personally for their own accumulation of wealth and power, but have also nearly given our nation in its entirety over to both purely evil domestic ideology and the communist government of China.

So much national clamor has been made recently about the so called revolutionary assault on our Capitol building but the aspect of that event few are examining in depth is the true ownership of that structure and every other government building standing in Washington D.C. and every state capitol complex. While it is true, quite obviously, that in order to survive as a functioning, sovereign civilization government must be allowed to function, it is also perhaps even truer that in America government exists only to serve the will of the People. We have arrived at a period in American history when our government only exists to preserve and serve itself—a terrible truth now evident at every political level.

Since at least January 2020 local, state and federal government here in the good old USA has been consolidating and flaunting its power to suspend our God given and Constitution enshrined rights on a whim without legislative process, in order to perpetuate a state of constant local, state and federal emergency. Throughout this dark period in both our history and daily lives everyday Americans at large have become poorer, both in the economic and quality of life sense, whilst our elected leaders and major retail corporations have increased their collective bottom lines by billions, perhaps trillions in newly earned dollars. Additionally, our elected leaders have moved us closer and closer to the communist Chinese model of both dealing the pandemic and managing social credit.

As if all of the preceding paragraph wasn't grounds enough already for the American people taking severe action against their elected politicians, half of America watched—on live television—the crystal clear theft of a presidential election victory from one candidate in order to elect the other. Despite the transparent fraud of the 2020 presidential election a steel wall of silence and denial was erected to stop dead in its tracks any free and without consequence debate about said systemic election fraud. This was carried out by a coalition of what used to be our Free Press, social media giants, and the democratic party—along with their republican surrogates, traitors to the last.

All of the above being the case; with all legal and political means of having our grievances heard and resolved, we the American people have exhibited extreme restraint in dealing with government, media, and corporate mass corruption, up to this point. But we must ask ourselves night and day: what happens if we the people do nothing, take no action, in response to witnessing the greatest crimes in the history of our civilization, crimes against our very lives, our beloved American nation, and against our children and their children?

What will happen to us through our lack of mighty and direct action against unprecedented government and corporate corruption is no less than the end of seventy plus years of enough civilizational stability to practice our individual rights and freedoms, improve our lives through abiding laws and working hard, and quite possibly even our ability to survive at all, beyond the next few years, which will be incredibly dark and devoid of hope. My fellow Americans, we are in the fight our lives, for our very lives, and there is simply no space or time left for indecision, fence sitting, or putting our heads in the sand in hope it will all get better, over time. Our government has betrayed us at every level and must face severe consequences; consequences only we, the good people of America, can enact and enforce.
From approximately the year 1947 to 1988, and again from the year 1992 to 2019, the people of the United States of America enjoyed existing in states of relative political, social, cultural and ideological stability. The former period, lasting some 41 years, could be described as the modern Golden Age of American citizenship, and for the purposes of this post shall refer to it thusly. The latter period, lasting for some twenty-seven years—while hardly comparable in "gilded" quality of life to the previous much longer lasting one, was nevertheless stable in the barest of terms and, if nothing else positive can be said about it, was at least "livable" from the perspective of a majority of American citizens.

Throughout that first period of stable American existence lasting from the end of World War II until the close of Ronald Reagan's second term as POTUS, American citizens thrived under across the board social, cultural and governmental fecundity; three foundational pillars of being American which came together to promote personal and individual freedom, rights, self-improvement and sustainable individual economic improvement. Religion in America as well was still promoted as the foundation value system from whence all American ethics and moral benevolence derived. Even the most radical university borne competing ideology could not detract enough from Christianity's message to sway the hearts and minds of a majority of Americans away from religion's ancient value system.

The nuclear family, whose absolute importance to the survival of our civilization and species, was also enshrined at every level of our society and government; in our entertainment and publishing industry, and was fully embraced by a majority of iconic public figures of the time. If one wished to set an example for clean, moral, worthwhile living during this American Golden Age, then one married, had a family and remained both faithful to his wife or her husband and devoted themselves to becoming exemplary parents and grandparents; a good American life was all about the family. Family first and foremost.

Another boon of this long lasting American Golden age was the spirit of our Free Press. Our American Free Press of the time grounded itself, by and large, in presenting itself and practicing its profession as a third system of checks and balances on both government and private corporate actions. During this time, if a politician or group of them or any captain of industry was suspected of working against the common good or health of the American people then the professional journalist corps of our Free Press would devote themselves to exposing such malevolence and seeing such bad actor public and private figures held accountable.

For over forty-one years we American People enjoyed all of the above aspects of extremely stable life in this country. My grandfather, a WWII combat veteran, returned from that terrible conflict with small savings he would, over the course of a couple of decades, turn into a small fortune; a fortune raised and maintained in no small part by working his fingers to the bone during twelve hour shifts in a three-story forge. His was an era when the common blue collar American worker could, by both abiding laws and working like hell, better himself and create for himself and his family a small empire. His was also a gilded era when men and women of starkly opposing political views could, without fear of physical or ideological violence or reprisal, engage in political debate in public spaces at will.

Fast forward to the end of Ronald Reagan's second presidential term and the end of what some might describe as America's last nostalgic golden decade, the 1980's. By some accounts America's first and only truly Golden Age ended with the election George H.W. Bush, whose entry into the White House was accompanied in full by the Central Intelligence Agency. Some argue Bush "one" laid the brickwork for William Clinton's implementation of both NAFTA and the Assault Weapons Ban in 1994, two historically bad policies with lasting implications for all Americans, for all of time. It is of course no coincidence that immediately post the aforementioned two policy implementations the quality of American life took a steep dive in two key directions. Police departments nationwide and at all governmental levels began to militarize themselves with assault weapons and vehicles and even their service uniforms came to resemble those of military forces, and many, many once booming small American industrial cities began to die out.

But, as always before in our previous, often tumultuous American history, Americans found new ways to thrive, although they thrived at a much slower, more limited rate and enjoyed very little if any of the meteoric blue collar success of their fathers and grandfathers, post World War II.

Another great blow was dealt to the average American worker-citizen post the horrific events of 9/11/2001 in both the forms of the Patriot Act and the commercial normalization of the internet, which co-arrived with the advent of mass social media usage. Americans were about to face two decades of endless fear mongering across all media and internet platforms as the bogeyman of Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorism empowered the U.S. Government to seize unprecedented levels of power and control over their daily lives. Further eroding the American Spirit at large was the funneling of tens of millions of Americans onto a very few social media platforms in order to practice their broader First Amendment right to free speech. As Americans became more dependent on social media to express themselves so did social media corporations reduce, slowly at first, their ability to freely say whatever they chose. Our American government did not miss a beat in joining themselves at the hip with these social media titans, even going so far as to integrate their platforms with both the NSA and DIA counterterror capabilities. For the first time in American history our American government was 24/7 surveilling everything we said, every place we visited and every phone call we made.

And then the helm of our government was handed off to a President credibly suspected of not only being an active foreign agent but not qualified to hold that highest public office due to the origins of his birth. But once again Americans tightened their belts, held their chins high and tried to move forward as the exemplars of their lives, the men and women who fought the great wars, faded away more rapidly but those who remained continued to stand as proud to be American.

Over the eight years of the Obama administration a very steep, calamitous and wholly noticeable shift occurred in both government and cultural treatment of once and always previously enshrined American history. Radical leftist university ideologues gained immense ground in their war on American tradition, the nuclear family and Christianity. Social taboos which had always been taboo for good reason and previously relegated to the neon dark corners of American society, were driven to the forefront of acceptable behavior almost overnight. It was also during Obama's two terms that our once admirable and necessary Free Press shifted its allegiance almost entirely to the democratic party. Here too our federal legislators hopped aboard with the radical leftist war campaigns to fundamentally change forever both what it meant to be American and to rewrite those most hallowed American values. Both senators and house members shifted their allegiance from the American people to radical leftist ideology, Chinese communist state ideology and to wholly enriching their own personal net worth as their primary function. The once expansive terrain of our American individual rights and freedoms was shrinking at an alarming rate. We also witnessed our once beloved and pervasive tenets of American culture be surrounded and assaulted from all sides by thoroughly immoral—even Satanic—human monsters and their "woke" neo-religion.

The election of Donald Trump was a direct, collective response by the average American citizen to the preceding years of terrifying cultural and political change forced onto them by politicians gone mad with self-aggrandizement, ideological fervor and complete lack of respect for their pursuit of the American Dream. While deeply imperfect, personally, Donald Trump came to represent, in the minds of tens of millions of Americans, the only barrier to the final normalization of human evil in every level of their existence. Donald Trump was the last fallback position; the last stopgap emergency contingency, on America's slide down into Hell on Earth.

Essentially, at this moment in time—January 21, 2021—our elected government, the men and women WE chose to lead our civilization and improve our lives, have almost to the last man and woman, betrayed not only each and every one of us personally for their own accumulation of wealth and power, but have also nearly given our nation in its entirety over to both purely evil domestic ideology and the communist government of China.

So much national clamor has been made recently about the so called revolutionary assault on our Capitol building but the aspect of that event few are examining in depth is the true ownership of that structure and every other government building standing in Washington D.C. and every state capitol complex. While it is true, quite obviously, that in order to survive as a functioning, sovereign civilization government must be allowed to function, it is also perhaps even truer that in America government exists only to serve the will of the People. We have arrived at a period in American history when our government only exists to preserve and serve itself—a terrible truth now evident at every political level.

Since at least January 2020 local, state and federal government here in the good old USA has been consolidating and flaunting its power to suspend our God given and Constitution enshrined rights on a whim without legislative process, in order to perpetuate a state of constant local, state and federal emergency. Throughout this dark period in both our history and daily lives everyday Americans at large have become poorer, both in the economic and quality of life sense, whilst our elected leaders and major retail corporations have increased their collective bottom lines by billions, perhaps trillions in newly earned dollars. Additionally, our elected leaders have moved us closer and closer to the communist Chinese model of both dealing the pandemic and managing social credit.

As if all of the preceding paragraph wasn't grounds enough already for the American people taking severe action against their elected politicians, half of America watched—on live television—the crystal clear theft of a presidential election victory from one candidate in order to elect the other. Despite the transparent fraud of the 2020 presidential election a steel wall of silence and denial was erected to stop dead in its tracks any free and without consequence debate about said systemic election fraud. This was carried out by a coalition of what used to be our Free Press, social media giants, and the democratic party—along with their republican surrogates, traitors to the last.

All of the above being the case; with all legal and political means of having our grievances heard and resolved, we the American people have exhibited extreme restraint in dealing with government, media, and corporate mass corruption, up to this point. But we must ask ourselves night and day: what happens if we the people do nothing, take no action, in response to witnessing the greatest crimes in the history of our civilization, crimes against our very lives, our beloved American nation, and against our children and their children?

What will happen to us through our lack of mighty and direct action against unprecedented government and corporate corruption is no less than the end of seventy plus years of enough civilizational stability to practice our individual rights and freedoms, improve our lives through abiding laws and working hard, and quite possibly even our ability to survive at all, beyond the next few years, which will be incredibly dark and devoid of hope. My fellow Americans, we are in the fight our lives, for our very lives, and there is simply no space or time left for indecision, fence sitting, or putting our heads in the sand in hope it will all get better, over time. Our government has betrayed us at every level and must face severe consequences; consequences only we, the good people of America, can enact and enforce.
Awesome ! :RockOn:
The US of empire died when GHWB(never heard of the cia) assisted JFK---but call him Jack---'s removal.BUT. Since then, Disney in Whorlando opened to the world !
From approximately the year 1947 to 1988, and again from the year 1992 to 2019, the people of the United States of America enjoyed existing in states of relative political, social, cultural and ideological stability.

Are you kidding? Seems somebody's forgetting about the Red Scare and the civil rights movement.
It should be the government is here for the best interest of the country and that's it, and when they only care about what's good for the county then they are also doing what's best for the citizens. And in turn the people support the government.

Now its the government only cares about itself and the people are expected to obey the government.

The government is here for us, we aren't here for the government.

The founding fathers and people who built this country would ashamed right now. Not only in the current administration, but ashamed of us for letting it happen.

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