Our Solar/Alt Energy Future

We need as much oil as possible to fuel the equipment necessary to extract all those rare earth minerals required to power all those electric cars.

Ever see anyone scarring the earth with electric or wind powered vehicles:

VIRGINIA CITY, Nev., Aug. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Comstock Inc. (NYSE: LODE) (“Comstock” and the “Company”) and its subsidiary, Comstock Metals Corporation (“Comstock Metals”), a technology leader in efficiently recycling end-of-life solar panels into reusable aluminum, copper, silver, glass and other minerals, that delivers a 100% closed-loop, zero-landfill solution, today announced its first shipments and revenues from the sale of over 3,000 pounds of recycled, reusable aluminum, commencing regularly scheduled shipments. We expect aluminum recovery of about 10 to 15 percent of the solar panel input weight. This initial sale exceeded our expectation of secondary recovery, achieving more than fifty cents per pound for these aluminum scrap grades.
A guy in SW Scotland, his solar panels have only produced half of the expected amount of electric this year. Who on earth would have solar panels in Scotland to begin with, and man made climate change brought us a below average temperature year, just clouds and rain.

The future is solar, the future is not bright.

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