Our Nations Biggest Problems...


Oct 10, 2011
...are the lack of Intellectual Honesty, Moral Correctness and the propensity towards Spiritual Wickedness.

These are the catalysts for the systemic problems we now face, with our 230+ year old American Democratic Capitalistic Experiment.

Coupled to that catalytic trio, is a growing disdain for genuine education in America. Education that leads to genuine knowledge, which then leads to genuine progress through genuine innovation. Toss in the pathological lineage and historicity of Racial Intolerance, and the centuries old foundation for systemic social injustice that follows in its wake, caps off the causation for a society in terminal decline.

In other words, our paradigm for the way we live our lives, is failing us.

We are slowing becoming turned over to a Reprobate Mind. One that no longer recognizes the difference between right and wrong; one that can no longer reason with common sense as its guide; one that can longer determine truth from error; one that is easily mislead, confused and overwhelmed by misdirection, misinformation and slight of hand. A collective mind that is easily manipulated into seeing what is not there, hearing what is not audible, feeling what is not real and responding (in error) to what is not in our nations collective best interest. We are failing ourselves - miserably.

Since the election of Ronald Reagan, the United States of America has been targeted. Not by so-called "Arab Terrorists," but by those who would seek to use her power for the express purpose of bringing into existence an Imperialistic, Totalitarian, Fascist foundation as the new order of things.

Their goal? Simple. They seek to retain the worlds wealth and to make Economic Slaves out of everyone else. Failure to understand this, is failure to understand the world in which you now live. This 'goal' reaches as far back as the dawn of mankind. For thousands of years, men have sought to enslave the weaker and to retain (accumulate) privilege (wealth) in the process. Even with the dawn of civilization, nothing in this regard has changed.

Slave Masters have given up chains and shackles as their primary tools of physical restraint and they have abandoned the whip as their tool for physical control. Chains, shackles and whips have been replaced with Psychological and Emotional Conditioning, and at the core of that conditioning resides the tempest of Fear. And, when We The People are filled with fear, dread and loathing we become hyper susceptible to suggestion - where we see, hear and believe precisely what the Slave Masters want us to see, hear and believe.

So, the people end up believing in False Flags. False Flags that can take the form of a myriad lies: Go to War, False Flags. Bail out the Banks, False Flags. Partisan political blaming, False Flags. Anti-Social, False Flags. Patriotic, False Flags. Constitutional crisis, False Flags. Economic, False Flags. National security, False Flags. The distribution of Fear is the Slave Masters greatest tool for civil compliance. Yet, in the collective, we somehow have not learned these evident lessons as a society and as a nation.

So, we delude ourselves into believing that 19 neophyte so-called terrorists were the actual causality behind September 11th, 2001, when in reality, there is little to no evidence that any of the 19 individuals named, had anything at all to do with 911. Much the same way, we delude ourselves into believing that the use of preemptive military action against a sovereign nation that was never a national security threat to the United States, was somehow warranted and acceptable. Likewise, we delude ourselves into believing that the wealthiest individuals in the world, deserved our tax dollars in repayment for poor business decisions that helped to forever alter the course of the United States Economy. And, we delude ourselves into believing that the very same Politicians who allowed our economy to be ripped apart by savage corporate wolves, somehow, are the very same Politicians who now have the answers for how to solve our problems.

A Reprobate Mind can no longer determine the difference between right and wrong, truth from error and good from evil. If we fail to strive for intellectual honesty and to see the need for remaining morally upright as human beings - and if we fail to consider the need to yield to spiritual cleanliness, then our destiny of destruction is assuredly fixed. But, if we change our ways - we can alter the course of our lives and retain a future that yields good fruit for all.

Most Americans don't fully understand this yet, but subsequent to the Presidential Election of 1980, the paradigm that encompasses our way of life, had been altered, forever. The Global Economic Implosion of 2008, was nothing more than the physical manifestation of what by necessity had to happen and was set into motion in 1980. We have had roughly 30 years of Engineering Bubbles of various kinds, shapes, sizes, colors and textures. Now, those chickens begin to come home to roost and we sit back and wonder how our Frog got cooked.

Hello, New World Order.
Coupled to that catalytic trio, is a growing disdain for genuine education in America. Education that leads to genuine knowledge, which then leads to genuine progress through genuine innovation. Toss in the pathological lineage and historicity of Racial Intolerance, and the centuries old foundation for systemic social injustice that follows in its wake, caps off the causation for a society in terminal decline.

STOP! You just went down the wrong path.

Coupled to that catalytic trio, is a growing disdain for genuine education in America. Uh, okay...We have lost our way.

Education that leads to genuine knowledge, which then leads to genuine progress through genuine innovation. The "genuine innovation" education has experienced since the 70's has been devestating to the progress of learning. We have experienced more fads than than the latest diets and find schools wasting money on the newest programs that are quickly buried for the next PC reading series or history book. Some innovations have been positive, but in real;ity so many ideas are tossed out so quickly in lieu of the next fad that some good ideas are simply lost.

Toss in the pathological lineage and historicity of Racial Intolerance, and the centuries old foundation for systemic social injustice that follows in its wake, caps off the causation for a society in terminal decline. You write as though there was no Civil Rights movement, sufferage or attitudee change in America. Great changes took place not only in the minds of people but in laws to ensure fairness to all citizens took place. The country came together to elect the first black president of the US. That is hardly a society of racial intolerance resulting in terminal decline./COLOR]

I will take up more of your confusion later.
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IMO the biggest problem is an increasing lack of self reliance, and the desire to be self reliant. There are way too many people sticking their hand out for a living while making all sorts of excuses as to why it's somebody elses' fault that their lack of effort hasn't been rewarded with riches.
...are the lack of Intellectual Honesty, Moral Correctness and the propensity towards Spiritual Wickedness.

Most Americans don't fully understand this yet, but subsequent to the Presidential Election of 1980, the paradigm that encompasses our way of life, had been altered, forever. The Global Economic Implosion of 2008, was nothing more than the physical manifestation of what by necessity had to happen and was set into motion in 1980.

Hello, New World Order.


STOP! You just went down the wrong path.

Uh, okay...We have lost our way.

This is precisely what I refer to. We've done a lot more that merely "lost our way." We've just lost our way of life. That's a lot different than merely stumbling along the way towards a stronger future.

You don't seem to understand the full impact, but you are in the majority - because the majority have yet to catch on to what just happened. The game has changed - forever at least 100 years or more. You don't seem to understand - our entire economy and eventually our way of life as U.S. Citizens has and will change as a direct result of 30+ years of policy neglect, greed and capitalism allowed to run unchecked.

We've survived on the creation of Economic Bubbles over the past 20 years. Those Bubbles were financed by China, for the most part while it reformed its own internal economy. What many don't seem to understand is that the 19th century economy belonged to the Europe; the 20th century belonged to the United States - but the 21st century economy will belong to China. Because they own the vast majority of our federal bonds and because we have become so incredibly interdependent on China's national savings as fuel for our own economic bubbles, China, will be in the drivers seat economically for the next 100+ years. That will cause fundamental economic changes right here in the United States.

2008, was not merely the execution of yet another U.S. recession. It was the shot heard around the world and the trigger for real and fundamental economic change here in the United States. Our economy is now undergoing massive structure alteration - as I type. Failure to understand this, is failure indeed.

The "genuine innovation" education has experienced since the 70's has been devestating to the progress of learning.

Our K-12 educational system is hopelessly broken! Other than a few Public and a few Private standout examples, the rest of our K-12 system is seriously flawed and in desperate need of replacement - not overhaul, but an entirely new paradigm for teaching our youth. We do four year degrees better than anyone, but K-12 is what determines the readiness of those entering our colleges and universities around the country and for eons, college administrators have been seeing far too many under-prepared college freshmen.

When I talk about innovation in America, I'm talking primarily about Economic Innovation. The kind of innovation that fuels real economic growth. The kind of innovation that the oil and automobile industries have been fighting for decades in this country, for fear that their petroleum based product revenues would suffer. Yes - we definitely need innovation in the class room, but that kind of innovation deals with the protocols, methodologies, practices, tactics and strategies for how we approach the entire question of educating our youth.

But, the kind of innovation that I'm referring to here in this thread, is Lifestyle Innovation and that kind of innovation is what has the most potential for the U.S. to regain a sustainable economy and the opportunity to retire our national debt, both at the same time. What we need are sustainable energy usage and sustainable energy creation/sources paradigms. That will provide an economic infrastructure containing plenty of Middle Class jobs, but it will most definitely require an educated and well trained workforce - and we currently do not have the K-12 horsepower to sustain such a new economic paradigm out through the next 100+ years.

You must understand here, that we are through the looking glass on a massively changing U.S. Economy, whether we like it or not - things are going to change - drastically.

You write as though there was no Civil Rights movement, sufferage or attitudee change in America. Great changes took place not only in the minds of people but in laws to ensure fairness to all citizens took place. The country came together to elect the first black president of the US. That is hardly a society of racial intolerance resulting in terminal decline.

Indeed, I know the history of the United States of America, or I would not have commented on the same.

What good is it to elect the first African American President, when you insist on holding him to a double standard of performance! The total hypocrisy that has swirled around this particular President, has been off the charts ridiculous and anybody remaining intellectually honest will admit as much.

This President, has had to endure more double standard nonsense, than any President in the history of our Republic. He's being blamed for things that were caused by fools, war criminals and corporate pimps. He was blamed for not turning the economy around, 97 days after his inauguration! Or, have you forgotten that fact? Republicans have taken an Anti-Obama stance, ever since November 8th, 2008, regardless of the policy and regardless of whether or not their recalcitrance would continue to harm the United States economy. All the while, this President attempted to include Republicans in the debate about how to best administer the solutions necessary - he sought their input from day one and they slapped his hand on day two. Those are facts not in dispute.

And, why would they do this? After labeling him a Muslim for nearly 5 years. Two years during the run-up to the election, they labeled him an associative Terrorists, right in the middle of the so-called "War On Terror." My goodness! Where have you been? Did you not witness this happening during the 2008 Presidential campaign cycle? They called him an Anti-American Muslim Terrorists. Add up all the labels they through at him and that is precisely what you got.

After he did something that no U.S. President has ever been able to accomplish (though many have tried), passing National Healthcare, they called him a Black Bolshevik Socialist and some are now calling the man a Black Communist. Did you HEAR what Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House (for goodness sakes) called the man?

Seriously, how much more evidence do you need to realize that race and racism is just as alive and well in America today, than it was before Obama, got elected to the Presidency. Have we made progress? Absolutely, yes! We've made tremendous progress. However, when you hole is so deep and you find a way to climb merely halfway out, that does not mean that you are free of your hole.

You cannot explain the double standard held against this President by any other measure other than the color of his skin - pure and simple. The double standard that he faces now, is beyond ludicrous - it is absurdly illogical and hopelessly transparent.

When half of your country is STILL hate filled, you've got a very long way to go socially, before you can claim racial equality - Black President, or no Black President. There are still far too many haters in the U.S. today, to proclaim victory on that front. That is what I was referring to in my original post.

I hope I've clarified my statements a bit.
IMO the biggest problem is an increasing lack of self reliance, and the desire to be self reliant. There are way too many people sticking their hand out for a living while making all sorts of excuses as to why it's somebody elses' fault that their lack of effort hasn't been rewarded with riches.
Imagine if the pioneers back in the day just threw in the towel despite thier adversity?

We have a nation replete with spoiled children.
IMO the biggest problem is an increasing lack of self reliance, and the desire to be self reliant. There are way too many people sticking their hand out for a living while making all sorts of excuses as to why it's somebody elses' fault that their lack of effort hasn't been rewarded with riches.

Would that list of people sticking their hand-out, include those banks who took money from U.S. taxpayers by order of the United States Congress and the President of the United States?

If the banks and financial institutions like AIG, use their self reliance to get themselves and their business entities in trouble, should they be told not to stick their hand-out in receipt of taxpayer dollars?

Should BofA, have been told that they should not make excuses for why they believed it was the fault of someone else, for their failures? Should GM have been allowed to make excuses about its failure and thus, been deemed to have a lack of self reliance and a lack of effort?

Do you see how that knife cuts both ways now?
STOP! You just went down the wrong path.

Uh, okay...We have lost our way.

This is precisely what I refer to. We've done a lot more that merely "lost our way." We've just lost our way of life. That's a lot different than merely stumbling along the way towards a stronger future.

You don't seem to understand the full impact, but you are in the majority - because the majority have yet to catch on to what just happened. The game has changed - forever at least 100 years or more. You don't seem to understand - our entire economy and eventually our way of life as U.S. Citizens has and will change as a direct result of 30+ years of policy neglect, greed and capitalism allowed to run unchecked.

We've survived on the creation of Economic Bubbles over the past 20 years. Those Bubbles were financed by China, for the most part while it reformed its own internal economy. What many don't seem to understand is that the 19th century economy belonged to the Europe; the 20th century belonged to the United States - but the 21st century economy will belong to China. Because they own the vast majority of our federal bonds and because we have become so incredibly interdependent on China's national savings as fuel for our own economic bubbles, China, will be in the drivers seat economically for the next 100+ years. That will cause fundamental economic changes right here in the United States.

2008, was not merely the execution of yet another U.S. recession. It was the shot heard around the world and the trigger for real and fundamental economic change here in the United States. Our economy is now undergoing massive structure alteration - as I type. Failure to understand this, is failure indeed.

The "genuine innovation" education has experienced since the 70's has been devestating to the progress of learning.

Our K-12 educational system is hopelessly broken! Other than a few Public and a few Private standout examples, the rest of our K-12 system is seriously flawed and in desperate need of replacement - not overhaul, but an entirely new paradigm for teaching our youth. We do four year degrees better than anyone, but K-12 is what determines the readiness of those entering our colleges and universities around the country and for eons, college administrators have been seeing far too many under-prepared college freshmen.

When I talk about innovation in America, I'm talking primarily about Economic Innovation. The kind of innovation that fuels real economic growth. The kind of innovation that the oil and automobile industries have been fighting for decades in this country, for fear that their petroleum based product revenues would suffer. Yes - we definitely need innovation in the class room, but that kind of innovation deals with the protocols, methodologies, practices, tactics and strategies for how we approach the entire question of educating our youth.

But, the kind of innovation that I'm referring to here in this thread, is Lifestyle Innovation and that kind of innovation is what has the most potential for the U.S. to regain a sustainable economy and the opportunity to retire our national debt, both at the same time. What we need are sustainable energy usage and sustainable energy creation/sources paradigms. That will provide an economic infrastructure containing plenty of Middle Class jobs, but it will most definitely require an educated and well trained workforce - and we currently do not have the K-12 horsepower to sustain such a new economic paradigm out through the next 100+ years.

You must understand here, that we are through the looking glass on a massively changing U.S. Economy, whether we like it or not - things are going to change - drastically.

You write as though there was no Civil Rights movement, sufferage or attitudee change in America. Great changes took place not only in the minds of people but in laws to ensure fairness to all citizens took place. The country came together to elect the first black president of the US. That is hardly a society of racial intolerance resulting in terminal decline.

Indeed, I know the history of the United States of America, or I would not have commented on the same.

What good is it to elect the first African American President, when you insist on holding him to a double standard of performance! The total hypocrisy that has swirled around this particular President, has been off the charts ridiculous and anybody remaining intellectually honest will admit as much.

This President, has had to endure more double standard nonsense, than any President in the history of our Republic. He's being blamed for things that were caused by fools, war criminals and corporate pimps. He was blamed for not turning the economy around, 97 days after his inauguration! Or, have you forgotten that fact? Republicans have taken an Anti-Obama stance, ever since November 8th, 2008, regardless of the policy and regardless of whether or not their recalcitrance would continue to harm the United States economy. All the while, this President attempted to include Republicans in the debate about how to best administer the solutions necessary - he sought their input from day one and they slapped his hand on day two. Those are facts not in dispute.

And, why would they do this? After labeling him a Muslim for nearly 5 years. Two years during the run-up to the election, they labeled him an associative Terrorists, right in the middle of the so-called "War On Terror." My goodness! Where have you been? Did you not witness this happening during the 2008 Presidential campaign cycle? They called him an Anti-American Muslim Terrorists. Add up all the labels they through at him and that is precisely what you got.

After he did something that no U.S. President has ever been able to accomplish (though many have tried), passing National Healthcare, they called him a Black Bolshevik Socialist and some are now calling the man a Black Communist. Did you HEAR what Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House (for goodness sakes) called the man?

Seriously, how much more evidence do you need to realize that race and racism is just as alive and well in America today, than it was before Obama, got elected to the Presidency. Have we made progress? Absolutely, yes! We've made tremendous progress. However, when you hole is so deep and you find a way to climb merely halfway out, that does not mean that you are free of your hole.

You cannot explain the double standard held against this President by any other measure other than the color of his skin - pure and simple. The double standard that he faces now, is beyond ludicrous - it is absurdly illogical and hopelessly transparent.

When half of your country is STILL hate filled, you've got a very long way to go socially, before you can claim racial equality - Black President, or no Black President. There are still far too many haters in the U.S. today, to proclaim victory on that front. That is what I was referring to in my original post.

I hope I've clarified my statements a bit.
I haven't bothered read the rest of comments after I saw what you have done. I don't interact with those who can't carry on an honest discussion.

Do not change the intent of my comments, please.
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STOP! You just went down the wrong path.

Uh, okay...We have lost our way.

This is precisely what I refer to. We've done a lot more that merely "lost our way." We've just lost our way of life. That's a lot different than merely stumbling along the way towards a stronger future.

You don't seem to understand the full impact, but you are in the majority - because the majority have yet to catch on to what just happened. The game has changed - forever at least 100 years or more. You don't seem to understand - our entire economy and eventually our way of life as U.S. Citizens has and will change as a direct result of 30+ years of policy neglect, greed and capitalism allowed to run unchecked.

We've survived on the creation of Economic Bubbles over the past 20 years. Those Bubbles were financed by China, for the most part while it reformed its own internal economy. What many don't seem to understand is that the 19th century economy belonged to the Europe; the 20th century belonged to the United States - but the 21st century economy will belong to China. Because they own the vast majority of our federal bonds and because we have become so incredibly interdependent on China's national savings as fuel for our own economic bubbles, China, will be in the drivers seat economically for the next 100+ years. That will cause fundamental economic changes right here in the United States.

2008, was not merely the execution of yet another U.S. recession. It was the shot heard around the world and the trigger for real and fundamental economic change here in the United States. Our economy is now undergoing massive structure alteration - as I type. Failure to understand this, is failure indeed.

Our K-12 educational system is hopelessly broken! Other than a few Public and a few Private standout examples, the rest of our K-12 system is seriously flawed and in desperate need of replacement - not overhaul, but an entirely new paradigm for teaching our youth. We do four year degrees better than anyone, but K-12 is what determines the readiness of those entering our colleges and universities around the country and for eons, college administrators have been seeing far too many under-prepared college freshmen.

When I talk about innovation in America, I'm talking primarily about Economic Innovation. The kind of innovation that fuels real economic growth. The kind of innovation that the oil and automobile industries have been fighting for decades in this country, for fear that their petroleum based product revenues would suffer. Yes - we definitely need innovation in the class room, but that kind of innovation deals with the protocols, methodologies, practices, tactics and strategies for how we approach the entire question of educating our youth.

But, the kind of innovation that I'm referring to here in this thread, is Lifestyle Innovation and that kind of innovation is what has the most potential for the U.S. to regain a sustainable economy and the opportunity to retire our national debt, both at the same time. What we need are sustainable energy usage and sustainable energy creation/sources paradigms. That will provide an economic infrastructure containing plenty of Middle Class jobs, but it will most definitely require an educated and well trained workforce - and we currently do not have the K-12 horsepower to sustain such a new economic paradigm out through the next 100+ years.

You must understand here, that we are through the looking glass on a massively changing U.S. Economy, whether we like it or not - things are going to change - drastically.

You write as though there was no Civil Rights movement, sufferage or attitudee change in America. Great changes took place not only in the minds of people but in laws to ensure fairness to all citizens took place. The country came together to elect the first black president of the US. That is hardly a society of racial intolerance resulting in terminal decline.

Indeed, I know the history of the United States of America, or I would not have commented on the same.

What good is it to elect the first African American President, when you insist on holding him to a double standard of performance! The total hypocrisy that has swirled around this particular President, has been off the charts ridiculous and anybody remaining intellectually honest will admit as much.

This President, has had to endure more double standard nonsense, than any President in the history of our Republic. He's being blamed for things that were caused by fools, war criminals and corporate pimps. He was blamed for not turning the economy around, 97 days after his inauguration! Or, have you forgotten that fact? Republicans have taken an Anti-Obama stance, ever since November 8th, 2008, regardless of the policy and regardless of whether or not their recalcitrance would continue to harm the United States economy. All the while, this President attempted to include Republicans in the debate about how to best administer the solutions necessary - he sought their input from day one and they slapped his hand on day two. Those are facts not in dispute.

And, why would they do this? After labeling him a Muslim for nearly 5 years. Two years during the run-up to the election, they labeled him an associative Terrorists, right in the middle of the so-called "War On Terror." My goodness! Where have you been? Did you not witness this happening during the 2008 Presidential campaign cycle? They called him an Anti-American Muslim Terrorists. Add up all the labels they through at him and that is precisely what you got.

After he did something that no U.S. President has ever been able to accomplish (though many have tried), passing National Healthcare, they called him a Black Bolshevik Socialist and some are now calling the man a Black Communist. Did you HEAR what Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House (for goodness sakes) called the man?

Seriously, how much more evidence do you need to realize that race and racism is just as alive and well in America today, than it was before Obama, got elected to the Presidency. Have we made progress? Absolutely, yes! We've made tremendous progress. However, when you hole is so deep and you find a way to climb merely halfway out, that does not mean that you are free of your hole.

You cannot explain the double standard held against this President by any other measure other than the color of his skin - pure and simple. The double standard that he faces now, is beyond ludicrous - it is absurdly illogical and hopelessly transparent.

When half of your country is STILL hate filled, you've got a very long way to go socially, before you can claim racial equality - Black President, or no Black President. There are still far too many haters in the U.S. today, to proclaim victory on that front. That is what I was referring to in my original post.

I hope I've clarified my statements a bit.
I haven't bothered read the rest of comments after I saw what you have done. I don't interact with those who can't carry on an honest discussion.

Do not change the intent of my comments, please.
Report his dumbass.
Mr. Shaman,

Indeed. And, you can add the names of Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Dick "5-Time Deferment" Cheney, Gary Schmitt, John Bolton, The Donald Rumsfeld, Irving Kristol, William Kristol, Charles Krauthammer, Douglas Feith and a host of other Neoconservative Cadre that worked behind the scenes of the George W. Bush, Administration prior to September 11th, 2001.

Here, in 2011, we are still reeling from the damage they caused when they skyjacked the Republican Party and flew it directly into the side of the United States of America. All the while, mainstream Republican Party members never knew what hit them - much like those in New York, Arlington and Pennsylvania. Same thing - no difference whatsoever.

The world has changed drastically (for the worse) - yet still, so many people don't yet know it. The whole thing is amazing to watch unfold.

Big Business.
Big Media.
Big Government.

All acting in concert to delude, deceive and beguile.

The New Tri-Axis of Evil.

Hello, New World Order.
I haven't bothered read the rest of comments after I saw what you have done.

I seriously doubt you even understood what you read. The pretense here, is staggering. Offer a nonsequitur in rebuttal and shield yourself from the truth all day long, it won't change the facts and you won't be able to rebut them with counter-facts.

I don't interact with those who can't carry on an honest discussion.

Translation: Don't argue with yourself.

There isn't anything to argue with in this thread - that's the point.

Do not change the intent of my comments, please.

This is a linear dialectic medium for discussion. The intent of your comments should be crystal clear at the time you make them public - else, clarification is necessary. If you decide to run and hide under a rock, that's your decision. However, it would not change a single fact delineated inside this thread.

We have become a nation of easily duped human beings, primarily because we refuse to properly educate ourselves and/or we delude ourselves into thinking we know more than we do. We take too much for granted and we assume more than we should. We do this to our own detriment and our nation is suffering RIGHT NOW as a direct result of our neglect, arrogance and foolish belief that we could somehow spew ignorance, while receiving long-term prosperity as a result.

When you wake-up from the delusional fog of fake democracy and you decide that you truly care enough about this country, THEN you will be prepared to have this conversation. But, as long as you feign knowledge about what's going on around you, all the while, slowly being gassed to death under the weight of debt that you will never be able to repay and a job that you will never be able to retain, then you will forever be lost in the wilderness of the Economic Slave.

Wake Up, before it is too late. Indeed, it may already be thus.
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