Our Guardian Angels Watch Over Us.


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2015

Our Guardian Angels Watch Over Us.
September 18,2021

Based on . . .
Matthew 18:1-10
Hebrews 1:14
Psalms 34:7
many have concluded that each of we Christians have
at least one, or more, Guardian Angles that are assigned
to watchcare and protect us during our lifetime.

Matthew 18:10
“See that you do not despise one of these little ones.
For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see
the face of my Father in heaven."

Hebrews 1:14
"Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those
who will inherit salvation?"

Psalms 34:7
"The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,
and he delivers them.".

The context of Matthew 18:1-10 requires that we interpret
Matthew 18:10's "one of these little ones" to be a reference
to we adult Christians. (Jesus is telling adults to take the
lowly place of children, that is to become properly humble).


So we adult Christians are in that group that have "angels
in heaven" ~~~ ("their angels in heaven." Matthew 18:10)


So based upon Matthew 18:1-10 and Hebrews 1:14 and
Psalms 34:7 ~~ we Christians DO have Guardian Angels
that watch over us. Its NOT . . . ONLY . . . young children
that have Guardian Angles that watch over them.

Of course, our Guardian Angels start their protecting work,
watching over us, when we are very young.

The world of Angels is as real as it gets.

There is an unseen world out there that
you can't see, that is actually more real
than this world that you can see.

How so?

Well, the people and most of the things
of this world are in the process of dying
or rotting or rusting away, but the people
and things of That Other World Heaven
are not. dying rotting, and rusting away.

That which is NOT dying, rotting, and rusting
away, is more real than that which IS dying,
rotting, and rusting away. Notice I said
"more real." This world IS real, but
That Other World Heaven is more real.

So Angels are as real as it gets.
You can't see them, but they can see you.
They know who you are. they know your
name and they know where you live.

And they like you ~
actually its reasonable to believe they love
you . Why? Because they would love what
God loves and God loves you.

Here is a list of some Bible verses/passages
if you ever want to "do a read up" on what
the Bible has to say about Angels:

Luke 15:10
Psa. 103:20
Psa 91:11
Luke 1:19
Judges 6:11-12
2 Kings 6:15-17
Acts 10:4
Acts 12:7-9
Dan. 9: 21-23
Matt. 1:18
Gen 24:40
Gen 19:1-11
Matt. 13:41-42


for such powerful beings they dont seem to be doing a great job.....why is that?....
Is angels who aren't showing up with their message, or is it humans who take no notice? As a species, I am guessing the latter. From the beginning we showed this propensity to blame someone else for our own failing.
christians die all the time...get robbed and raped
God has no respect of person -- Romans 2:11 (the Christian is promised nothing extra in this physical life except the promise of a long and healthy life if he makes choices as per the advise found in scriptures, the Word of God)........the rain falls on the just and the unjust, the saint and the sinner.

Angels are "messengers". An example of a "guardian angel" would be the passage of Matthew 18:10. No where does it declare that the angels duty is protect the innocent, but to communicate to the Father what they are witnessing as they always have the attention of the Father.

In Hebrews 1:14 the author is detailing how angels can Minster (minister: authorized to conduct religious service because of their ability to message/communicate from Heaven).

In fact as detailed by the scriptures, the Old Testament Covenant was inspired to the written word due to the messaging of Angels. It was the work of the angels that brought the Old Law into effect. "Which of the prophets did your fathers (ancestors) not prosecute? And they killed those who foretold the coming of the Just One (Jesus the Messiah), of whom you now have become the betrayers and murderers, WHO HAVE RECEIVED THE LAW BY THE DIRECTION OF ANGELS AND HAVE NOT KEPT IT." -- Acts 7:52-53. This was right before they placed the disciple Stephen to death.....

Angels are not to be worshiped, they also are servants of God, only God is to be worshiped (Exodus 34:14, Deut. 8:19, Col 2:18-19, Acts 10:25-26, Acts 14:14-15), Example: "You shall worship the Lord your God and serve Him only." -- Luke 4:8

Why does bad things happen to good people? Free Will, God creates miraculously and then allows the created to be governed by The Natural Laws that He established, God created the 1st example of life than commanded reproduction through natural means, each example of life would reproduce each after its own kind.....never outside of species -- Genesis 1:24-25)......first came the chicken, then the chicken naturally laid the egg to reproduce, (the only exceptions would be when the Word was confirmed as being truth from Heaven.....that is always the purpose of the Supernatural, to confirm a communication as originating from Heaven) -- Mark 16:20

Salvation is a spiritual endeavor..........the reward thereof comes after this race we call life as run its course.....during that race we control our own fates through free will choices, decisions.......sometimes we make poor decisions and end up in the wrong place at the right time. Don't blame God for poor decision making. Example: Don't drive and then blame God because of an injury or death caused by poor decision making on your part or the bad decisions made by others that effects your life. Don't move to a beach house and pay for the atmosphere in keeping up with the Jones, and wake up one morning with a hurricane bearing down on your choice of locations, then begin praying to God for a miracle.

Its not rocket science. We are made in the image of God (God is a Spirit -- John 4:24).........thus we are Like God through the gift of the spirit from God, with that gift comes the free will to make the choice between good and evil, right and wrong...etc., (Genesis 3:22-23).
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God has no respect of person -- Romans 2:11 (the Christian is promised nothing extra in this physical life except the promise of a long and healthy life if he makes choices as per the advise found in scriptures, the Word of God)........the rain falls on the just and the unjust, the saint and the sinner.

Angels are "messengers". An example of a "guardian angel" would be the passage of Matthew 18:10. No where does it declare that the angels duty is protect the innocent, but to communicate to the Father what they are witnessing as they always have the attention of the Father.

In Hebrews 1:14 the author is detailing how angels can Minster (minister: authorized to conduct religious service because of their ability to message/communicate from Heaven).

In fact as detailed by the scriptures, the Old Testament Covenant was inspired to the written word due to the messaging of Angels. It was the work of the angels that brought the Old Law into effect. "Which of the prophets did your fathers (ancestors) not prosecute? And they killed those who foretold the coming of the Just One (Jesus the Messiah), of whom you now have become the betrayers and murderers, WHO HAVE RECEIVED THE LAW BY THE DIRECTION OF ANGELS AND HAVE NOT KEPT IT." -- Acts 7:52-53. This was right before they placed the disciple Stephen to death.....

Angels are not to be worshiped, they also are servants of God, only God is to be worshiped (Exodus 34:14, Deut. 8:19, Col 2:18-19, Acts 10:25-26, Acts 14:14-15), Example: "You shall worship the Lord your God and serve Him only." -- Luke 4:8

Why does bad things happen to good people? Free Will, God creates miraculously and then allows the created to be governed by The Natural Laws that He established, God created the 1st example of life than commanded reproduction through natural means, each example of life would reproduce each after its own kind.....never outside of species -- Genesis 1:24-25)......first came the chicken, then the chicken naturally laid the egg to reproduce, (the only exceptions would be when the Word was confirmed as being truth from Heaven.....that is always the purpose of the Supernatural, to confirm a communication as originating from Heaven) -- Mark 16:20

Salvation is a spiritual endeavor..........the reward thereof comes after this race we call life as run its course.....during that race we control our own fates through free will choices, decisions.......sometimes we make poor decisions and end up in the wrong place at the right time. Don't blame God for poor decision making. Example: Don't drive and then blame God because of an injury or death caused by poor decision making on your part or the bad decisions made by others that effects your life. Don't move to a beach house and pay for the atmosphere in keeping up with the Jones, and wake up one morning with a hurricane bearing down on your choice of locations, then begin praying to God for a miracle.

Its not rocket science. We are made in the image of God (God is a Spirit -- John 4:24).........thus we are Like God through the gift of the spirit from God, with that gift comes the free will to make the choice between good and evil, right and wrong...etc., (Genesis 3:22-23).
there is no god---can't be proven .....
You can't prove Dark Matter exists ... it doesn't mean it's not theoretically possible.
hahhahaha--where have you been ?? it's like a court of law, either prove it or it's not true ..
..I can claim all kinds of stuff....ducks fly on the moon--you can't prove that's not true
..''not theoretically possible''' = bullshit
..total bullshit----no proof of god whatsoever--not even a THEORY
it's like a court of law, either prove it or it's not true ..
You say there is no god if you can't prove it ... that's the opposite of the way court works.

I spend a lot of time in court (traffic fines). It's not prove it or it's not true, it's prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. A reasonable person (a legal construct) must believe the proof presented without doubt to gain a conviction.

In a civil court, it's proof on a balance of probabilities (which argument is the most likely on probability).

In science, you can only reject a theory by disproving it empirically. Can you prove empirically that a supernatural being with god-like qualities cannot possibly exist?

Show me your data.
You say there is no god if you can't prove it ... that's the opposite of the way court works.

I spend a lot of time in court (traffic fines). It's not prove it or it's not true, it's prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. A reasonable person (a legal construct) must believe the proof presented without doubt to gain a conviction.

In a civil court, it's proof on a balance of probabilities (which argument is the most likely on probability).

In science, you can only reject a theory by disproving it empirically. Can you prove empirically that a supernatural being with god-like qualities cannot possibly exist?

Show me your data.
stop the piddly stupidshit---you can't prove there is a god--plain and simple
I don't have to prove there is no god UNTIL a god has been proven --just l like a court of law--innocent until proven guilty
And you can't prove there isn't. Until you can, the existence of a god is theoretically possible.
1. but they don't even have a credible theory
2. no, that's not how it works
3. YES YES--you said it!! ''possible'' = not proven --HAHAHAHAH
I'm surprised by all of your fk ups
there is no god---can't be proven .....
Of course.........there is no physical universe, its not there, its all an illusion, there is no biological life that can't be explained by the very laws that govern physics......unexplained life is an illusion. And there is no such thing as PRIMA FACIE TRUTH that also is just an illusion.

Its the 93% of all humanity that accepts his place in the universe as inferior to the creating force (that believe in a creator).....that's crazy stupid, its the 7% atheist population that can't see the forest for the trees that believe that everything magically came from nothing (like the fairy tale of the cosmic egg i.e., the BIG BANG) that are always correct. :abgg2q.jpg:

The scriptures address the topic of foolishness. "Professing themselves to be wise, THEY BECAME FOOLS" -- Romans 1:22
Why did they become fools? They refused to accept the obvious handiwork of the creator that's all around them.

There are 42 passages of scripture that details the mindset of the average FOOL.



My favorite, "The fool in his heart has said, THERE IS NO GOD........" -- Ps. 53:1
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God is a black woman.
If God is a black woman........does that mean that the Holy Spirit and the Son are also black? If so.........does it matter? If I had to pick a universal color to apply to the God of creation I would choose RED. Considering the truth revealed in scripture, "And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell upon the face of the earth..........." -- Acts 17:26

But in reality, God is a spirit (John 4:24), no one has seen God (1 John 4:12).......

Thus, its a most difficult thing to describe and paint a picture of a being that has never been seen, with our only knowledge coming in the form of the inspired written Word that He has decided to share with us......His vastness and great power/authority defies the very thoughts of man.....we can never fully understand Him, the best we can do is complete the mission that we were created to do, serve and obey God through free will choices in choosing between good and evil as we are endowed with a spirit from God.

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