Our Economy Can't Take This, Get it Over With

---When stores and stadiums are empty and our cities look like ghost towns, consumer spending—the lifeblood of the economy—will lessen by hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars. The implosion in spending will lead to millions of fewer jobs, to even less spending—a downward spiral with no obvious end in sight.---

Just do what our moms did when one kid had chicken pox, expose it to everyone and get it over with. We can't afford to let Democrats ruin our economy.

trump and you followers of trump should have thought about that back in January when trump was warned about this but did nothing. Actually he did worse than nothing, he denied it was even happening, called it all a hoax, vilified anyone who tried to tell the truth and even told people that they could go to work if they have the virus.

Now you're crying over the consequences of trump's very bad choices and irresponsibility.

No the answer isn't to expose everyone to this. It will kill more people and make our medical system even more damaged,

What is wrong with you people? You deny it was even happening. Now that you're inconvenienced by it all you make stupid statements just so you can have your instant gratification.

Grow up, take responsibility for your actions. Act like an adult. If you didn't want this to happen you should have listened to the people you vilified for 2 months when we tried to warn you.
---When stores and stadiums are empty and our cities look like ghost towns, consumer spending—the lifeblood of the economy—will lessen by hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars. The implosion in spending will lead to millions of fewer jobs, to even less spending—a downward spiral with no obvious end in sight.---

Just do what our moms did when one kid had chicken pox, expose it to everyone and get it over with. We can't afford to let Democrats ruin our economy.

How many lives are you personally willing to sacrifice for Trump? Give us a hard number. Which of your relatives or loved ones will you give over to appease your god?

The irony when liberals talk about “saving lives”. Whose lives? Does that include the elderly? Look at your sides’ concern about overpopulation.

What about the real concern with overpopulation? It has nothing to do with the elderly. it has to do with not having too many children.

I believe it is all Republicans that say the elderly can be sacrificed to the economy.

The healthcare models your side pursues call for “panels” to determine further care. Between children and the elderly, the Left argues about crowdedness and overpopulation.
What you are seeing in empty streets and unemployed masses has nothing to do with Trump. This Is what James Clyburn meant when he said a total collapse would give democrats a chance to restructure the nation to reflect their vision.
Oregon governor Kate Brown asked us to stay at home ... so the Governor has now ordered us to stay home, under penalty of law ...
What is the legal authority of arresting people for being out in public? Or for shutting down a business?

My apologies for not addressing these several posts asking for the legal authority ... I'm not a lawyer ... certainly the governor has this authority if Oregonians give it to her ... there's an overwhelming consensus among the voters to be just like Commiefornia if not even more socialist ... Portland absolutely wants to be seen as the most blue of the blue States ... filthy hippies ...

Oregon is quite proud of out-Californiacating the rest of you people ... and extremely proud to do so without a sales tax ... I blame the do-nothing legislature down in Redding, they haven't even met yet ... I know that was their mandate, so they make a great scapegoat, just like we here in the State of Jefferson want ...

I drive 75 miles to do grocery shopping ... significantly cheaper than buying locally ... something most people can't understand about Oregon ... my mother lived 50 miles from the closest gas station of any kind, 108 miles to her doctor's office, 350 miles to the closest decent sized hospital ... what do you mean by "arresting people"? ... there's not enough police for that ... I ask why there's enough police in your area for such foolishness? ...
The problem is that most here are looking at this from a very limited and extremely partisan perspective. This whole thing is so much bigger than the US, Trump, Democrats and Republicans. (And I’m not talking about the virus which is just a pretext.) There are power grabs going on globally, and this is not a temporary thing. You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. The world is changing, and not in a good way. This thing is bringing us one step closer to the NWO, and eventually a cashless society. They will use the excuse that money is too dirty, germs are too easily passed with money, so we’re going to see more and more places not accepting cash, and that’s just the beginning. All of this is about total control and moving us in the direction that the people who run this world have been wanting to move us in for a very, very long time. Long before Trump was a glimmer in his daddy‘s eye. In order to take us toward something new, they have to destroy what currently exists. There is so much more to this than most here seem to realize, and it is not good at all, to put it mildly.
Much like 9/11, only even greater! :eek:

But it's hard to believe China is who they, whomever they is, would use to bring the whole world under their, whomever their is, control?

Only the Asian countries had a plan on how to handle this outbreak, and all of us westernized nations have gone through a series of Murphy's Law.....? Weird, how does that all fit in?

Remember, God gives power unto the beast, for a time, times, and half a time.... it's part of his plan.... it does seem like we are getting closer.... the cashless society is right around the corner....

What's wrong with a cashless society?
Totalitarian assholes like it because it allows the government to track all your spending.
---When stores and stadiums are empty and our cities look like ghost towns, consumer spending—the lifeblood of the economy—will lessen by hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars. The implosion in spending will lead to millions of fewer jobs, to even less spending—a downward spiral with no obvious end in sight.---

Just do what our moms did when one kid had chicken pox, expose it to everyone and get it over with. We can't afford to let Democrats ruin our economy.

How many lives are you personally willing to sacrifice for Trump? Give us a hard number. Which of your relatives or loved ones will you give over to appease your god?

what a fricken stupid thing to say. and coming from the party that supports the killing of millions of unborn humans every year (and the vast majority of them are minority children) the party of tolerance , right?

90% of people who get corona will either not know they have it or will have very mild symptoms. Those who die are those who have other major health issues or compromised immune systems.

tell us, how many of those people would have died anyway? don't know do you? But to get an accurate count of the corona mortality rate we need that number.
We need to take the remains from some of those who pass on with health issues and study the heck out of their bodies for reasons beyond the known.

And when it turns out they died because they caught this virus? What will your excuse be then? Why not just accept that this is a deadly disease that is overwhelming our healthcare system?

because it isn't any of those things. It is not the bubonic plague, it isn't common flu, it isn't measles or chicken pox, or whooping cough. It is a virus with a mortality rate similar to the common flu that takes millions of people every year.

the overreaction and panic is much more dangerous than the virus.

Hospitals are only having issues in NYC and some parts of Cal and Washington state. The government has sent the hospital ships and is building new medical facilities in those places.

shutting down the economy will cause many more deaths than this chinese virus.
It is nothing like the flu. The flu does not overwhelm hospitals with critically ill patients. We are acting (far too slowly) not overreacting.

No, shutting down the economy is not going to kill more people than the virus. That's a ludicrous statement. Here are some actual facts, not lies spewed by Trump.

It is difficult to disaggregate the impact of an economic downturn on health and mortality from other factors. Those who become unemployed do tend to have higher levels of depression and bad health. But for the general population, studies have found that death rates from other causes — cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases, and traffic and industrial injuries — were either unchanged or actually decreased.
For example, a 2012 study found that suicides did increase during the Depression of the 1930s, but the death rate for car accidents decreased and no significant effects were observed for 30 other causes of death in the United States. A 2009 study found that mortality actually decreased across almost all ages during the Depression. Researchers last year also found that mortality rates overall declined from 2005 to 2010, a period that covered the deep recession that ran from late 2007 through mid-2009.

And, no, little fish, it's not just NY and CA that are having issues with finding enough ICU beds, ventilators, PPE or tests...It's America. Americans are dying. Not liberals or conservatives. Not Democrats or Republicans. Americans.
You want to have another great depression? Really? You must be on a government pension. No one could be this big of an asshole.
We used to quarantine sick people. Now we quarantine people who are not sick. Welcome to Utopia.
It's because the USA Fd up, and did not have enough tests, to know who to Quarantine.

Thus trying to shelter in place, everyone.

THAT would not be the case, if we began testing in January.

All the what ifs in the world can't change the fact....

Are you listening to yourself?

How can you have tests for something completely new and unknown? You'd think that test is available immediately when new disease strike?

How can you begin testing in January when China, place where this shit started was covering up their own outbreak like it didn't happen?

Go back and look at your posts from February (I just did), and you'll notice that you didn't even talk about Coronavirus before mid month.
Had we traced down all contacts during the first few months and quarantined them, limited all foreign travel to the US, and had test kits that actually worked, we would not be isolating the general public today. The blame lies with the current and previous administrations for not listening the CDC, the WHO, and numerous epidemiologists who told us that America was not prepared for a pandemic.

This is something I could agree with you to some degree.

First of, to be clear, WHO did not offered test kits to US. Second, when Trump issued travel ban from China and Europe, left accused him of racism, premature panic, etc. For those things, left actually can't say anything, because he was right, and they look like morons. Hid did good, and left ridiculed him for it, now they're criticizing him for not doing more?

Now about tests. WHO issued the statement on Jan 14, 2020 that China found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of coronavirus. No reason to panic, right? Well, panic did hit us in January and officials at the FDA and CDC stymied private and academic development of diagnostic tests while pushing defective government tests. Then U.S. government stopped Seattle’s Dr. Helen Chu from testing for coronavirus because Chu’s lab "was not certified as clinical lab under regulations established by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services". It was not until March 17 that the FDA first gave emergency approval to any private company to distribute non-government tests to hospitals. Not to mention that to date, the agency still prohibits distribution to private citizens. For that, you cannot blame Trump neither, because that is nature of bureaucracy that Trump is actually trying to downsize or eliminate, and he can't do it alone, or without Congress.

Those the same bureaucrats have always sought to monopolize all testing within government (and gov't certified hospitals), and that caused deaths of thousands, if not tens of thousands over time. Just to give you an example. You know that AIDS/HIV was present in US for more than three decades, and despite there were test available, only in 2012 U.S. government finally permitted a private, at-home, HIV test. Prior to that, the stigma of that disease undoubtedly kept hundreds of thousands from getting tested at government-controlled clinics. Thousands undoubtedly died as a result, because they didn't tested or they tested too late.

Or another example, government has also banned production of non-approved protective masks until manufacturers submit detailed applications to the CDC’s NIOSH office. Meanwhile government inspectors are grounded from travel to inspect the manufacturing facilities. Why? And especially why in the time of crisis?

President have huge powers, but he can't resolve every problem with a "phone and a pen". U.S has actually followed the Chinese model of COVID-19 response to the letter. Just as in China, American officials enforced regulations which stalled and obstructed all efforts by private, local or academic medical experts to test or report on the virus, and then overreacted to public concerns by implementing Orwellian measures to illustrate the government’s supposed control. But that's another subject.
On January 17, WHO published a protocol from German researchers with the instructions necessary for any country to manufacture coronavirus tests. The information was available to the US and other countries. The United States doesn't ordinarily rely on WHO for tests because the US typically has the capacity to manufacture its own diagnostics. The US did not request kits from the WHO. Instead they preceded to manufacture their own and for whatever reason many kits were flawed and gave erroneous results. The CDC ran short of chemicals it needed which was another delay. Finally kits started to become available, however the CDC procedures were out of date and made it nearly impossible to get tests done in timely manner. In short the CDC was unprepared just as other parts of the government.

By the time the CDC was producing reliable kits in March, the virus was beyond control using tracking and quarantine. The only viable plan was social distancing which is where we are now. In short, the US actions leading up to social distancing was a true cluster fuck. There was no real plan for dealing with a pandemic. Homeland Security's Inventory of needed supplies and equipment was only a fraction of what was required. FEMA plans to deal with an epidemic was to borrow supplies from other areas. They simple never considered that the equipment and supplies might be needed by many places in the country.

If you look at the timetable on virus in the US beginning Jan 1, you will see the CDC, Homeland Security, and the White House were forming committees, hiring advisers, inventory supplies, and designating responsibility. There were discussions ranging from what the states vs the federal should be doing to what the capabilities were in various states. All this should have been worked out long ago. As I said, it's not all Trump's fault. Previous presidents for many years have ignored the need to prepare for a pandemic.

You seem to completely ignore part of my post where I was talking about tests and our reliance on government to do things right. You actually prove my point that we can't completely rely on government, and give them total control over things they have less expertise than private sector. They monopolized, therefore outlawed the private production of tests, and private testing, which give them complete control and make us completely dependent on government.

I am not saying that government should not have mechanism that will step in, or step in first, but government bureaucracy is the reason why we're seeing bad results in situations like this. That's not Trump's fault, or necessary even government fault, but system that allows them to grow so big that can't manage itself anymore.

You said it yourself, government produced tests were flawed. Whose fault is that? It may seem weird to you that I'm gonna say it, but I don't think it's government fault. It's our fault to give government blank power and make them our first and only line of defense without backup plans. Because, when government failed in their job, and left us defenseless, the only remaining thing they could come up with was "social distancing" and shutting down the country.

We all know we have most powerful armed forces in the world, managed by our government, and we don't have to worry that anyone would attack us frontally with conventional weapons. But lets say someone does it, and our military, managed by our government, fail to protect us, and we are left to rely on ourselves. Let me ask you something... Would you still wait on government to do something, or you would rely on your own rifle to defend your family and your home?
---When stores and stadiums are empty and our cities look like ghost towns, consumer spending—the lifeblood of the economy—will lessen by hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars. The implosion in spending will lead to millions of fewer jobs, to even less spending—a downward spiral with no obvious end in sight.---

Just do what our moms did when one kid had chicken pox, expose it to everyone and get it over with. We can't afford to let Democrats ruin our economy.

How many lives are you personally willing to sacrifice for Trump? Give us a hard number. Which of your relatives or loved ones will you give over to appease your god?

what a fricken stupid thing to say. and coming from the party that supports the killing of millions of unborn humans every year (and the vast majority of them are minority children) the party of tolerance , right?

90% of people who get corona will either not know they have it or will have very mild symptoms. Those who die are those who have other major health issues or compromised immune systems.

tell us, how many of those people would have died anyway? don't know do you? But to get an accurate count of the corona mortality rate we need that number.
We need to take the remains from some of those who pass on with health issues and study the heck out of their bodies for reasons beyond the known.

And when it turns out they died because they caught this virus? What will your excuse be then? Why not just accept that this is a deadly disease that is overwhelming our healthcare system?

because it isn't any of those things. It is not the bubonic plague, it isn't common flu, it isn't measles or chicken pox, or whooping cough. It is a virus with a mortality rate similar to the common flu that takes millions of people every year.

the overreaction and panic is much more dangerous than the virus.

Hospitals are only having issues in NYC and some parts of Cal and Washington state. The government has sent the hospital ships and is building new medical facilities in those places.

shutting down the economy will cause many more deaths than this chinese virus.
It is nothing like the flu. The flu does not overwhelm hospitals with critically ill patients. We are acting (far too slowly) not overreacting.

No, shutting down the economy is not going to kill more people than the virus. That's a ludicrous statement. Here are some actual facts, not lies spewed by Trump.

It is difficult to disaggregate the impact of an economic downturn on health and mortality from other factors. Those who become unemployed do tend to have higher levels of depression and bad health. But for the general population, studies have found that death rates from other causes — cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases, and traffic and industrial injuries — were either unchanged or actually decreased.
For example, a 2012 study found that suicides did increase during the Depression of the 1930s, but the death rate for car accidents decreased and no significant effects were observed for 30 other causes of death in the United States. A 2009 study found that mortality actually decreased across almost all ages during the Depression. Researchers last year also found that mortality rates overall declined from 2005 to 2010, a period that covered the deep recession that ran from late 2007 through mid-2009.

And, no, little fish, it's not just NY and CA that are having issues with finding enough ICU beds, ventilators, PPE or tests...It's America. Americans are dying. Not liberals or conservatives. Not Democrats or Republicans. Americans.

you are wrong about all of this, as usual.

The flu has overwhelmed hospitals in the past, so did H1N1 when the kenyan messiah did nothing until thousands of americans had died from it.

There is an outbreak here in New Orleans right now of corona. Mostly because of Mardi Gras and the inactions of the stupid incompetent mayor. But even so the latest reports show just under 50% of hospital beds are available now.

I fully understand that you and your fellow libtards want this to devastate the country so you can demonize Trump for it. But that is not going to work for you. It is being controlled, medications are being found that successfully treat it and Trump will be president for another 4 years.

Rather than the partisan bullshit, what we should be focusing on is how this started in China and why they lied about it for weeks. But I get it, you would rather watch americans suffer if you think it helps you politically. Pathetic.

The COVID 19 virus currently has a mortality rate of about 2%. H1N1 was 0.02%. It is far worse than H1N1.

I fully understand that you don't care about human lives if it will get your Orange Overlord (don't forget to be properly appreciative) re elected. Most people aren't.

Could you be more of a fucking tool? This is not NY, CA or New Orleans, Richard Cranium.

---When stores and stadiums are empty and our cities look like ghost towns, consumer spending—the lifeblood of the economy—will lessen by hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars. The implosion in spending will lead to millions of fewer jobs, to even less spending—a downward spiral with no obvious end in sight.---

Just do what our moms did when one kid had chicken pox, expose it to everyone and get it over with. We can't afford to let Democrats ruin our economy.

How many lives are you personally willing to sacrifice for Trump? Give us a hard number. Which of your relatives or loved ones will you give over to appease your god?

what a fricken stupid thing to say. and coming from the party that supports the killing of millions of unborn humans every year (and the vast majority of them are minority children) the party of tolerance , right?

90% of people who get corona will either not know they have it or will have very mild symptoms. Those who die are those who have other major health issues or compromised immune systems.

tell us, how many of those people would have died anyway? don't know do you? But to get an accurate count of the corona mortality rate we need that number.
We need to take the remains from some of those who pass on with health issues and study the heck out of their bodies for reasons beyond the known.

And when it turns out they died because they caught this virus? What will your excuse be then? Why not just accept that this is a deadly disease that is overwhelming our healthcare system?

because it isn't any of those things. It is not the bubonic plague, it isn't common flu, it isn't measles or chicken pox, or whooping cough. It is a virus with a mortality rate similar to the common flu that takes millions of people every year.

the overreaction and panic is much more dangerous than the virus.

Hospitals are only having issues in NYC and some parts of Cal and Washington state. The government has sent the hospital ships and is building new medical facilities in those places.

shutting down the economy will cause many more deaths than this chinese virus.
It is nothing like the flu. The flu does not overwhelm hospitals with critically ill patients. We are acting (far too slowly) not overreacting.

No, shutting down the economy is not going to kill more people than the virus. That's a ludicrous statement. Here are some actual facts, not lies spewed by Trump.

It is difficult to disaggregate the impact of an economic downturn on health and mortality from other factors. Those who become unemployed do tend to have higher levels of depression and bad health. But for the general population, studies have found that death rates from other causes — cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases, and traffic and industrial injuries — were either unchanged or actually decreased.
For example, a 2012 study found that suicides did increase during the Depression of the 1930s, but the death rate for car accidents decreased and no significant effects were observed for 30 other causes of death in the United States. A 2009 study found that mortality actually decreased across almost all ages during the Depression. Researchers last year also found that mortality rates overall declined from 2005 to 2010, a period that covered the deep recession that ran from late 2007 through mid-2009.

And, no, little fish, it's not just NY and CA that are having issues with finding enough ICU beds, ventilators, PPE or tests...It's America. Americans are dying. Not liberals or conservatives. Not Democrats or Republicans. Americans.
You want to have another great depression? Really? You must be on a government pension. No one could be this big of an asshole.
No, I do not, but I also do not want thousands of Americans to die for the economy. If I had to choose a Depression or thousands of Americans dying from COVID, I choose a Depression. We can recover from a Depression, these people can't get their loved ones back.

The problem is that most here are looking at this from a very limited and extremely partisan perspective. This whole thing is so much bigger than the US, Trump, Democrats and Republicans. (And I’m not talking about the virus which is just a pretext.) There are power grabs going on globally, and this is not a temporary thing. You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. The world is changing, and not in a good way. This thing is bringing us one step closer to the NWO, and eventually a cashless society. They will use the excuse that money is too dirty, germs are too easily passed with money, so we’re going to see more and more places not accepting cash, and that’s just the beginning. All of this is about total control and moving us in the direction that the people who run this world have been wanting to move us in for a very, very long time. Long before Trump was a glimmer in his daddy‘s eye. In order to take us toward something new, they have to destroy what currently exists. There is so much more to this than most here seem to realize, and it is not good at all, to put it mildly.
Much like 9/11, only even greater! :eek:

But it's hard to believe China is who they, whomever they is, would use to bring the whole world under their, whomever their is, control?

Only the Asian countries had a plan on how to handle this outbreak, and all of us westernized nations have gone through a series of Murphy's Law.....? Weird, how does that all fit in?

Remember, God gives power unto the beast, for a time, times, and half a time.... it's part of his plan.... it does seem like we are getting closer.... the cashless society is right around the corner....

What's wrong with a cashless society?

who determines how much credit you have to spend? answer that and you will understand why a cashless society would be a disaster.

Who said anything about credit? I can go a whole month paying bills and making purchases without once having to use credit or touch cash. Have you never heard of a debit card?

of course you can, so can I. But currently that value that we can spend by debit cards is dependent on our income and is readily convertible into cash.

In a cashless society the conversion to cash no longer exists and the government could very easily confiscate whatever value you have in your bank accounts as taxes.

That is happening today in Greece. any money in a bank can be taken by the government as taxes without your approval or knowledge. So, in Greece today almost all transactions are in cash. Careful what you wish for twitchey. it isn't what you think it is.

Ooohhh...so it makes it so you can't cheat on your taxes...Yeah, that would be awful....:lol:

are you totally ignorant? do you want the government to be able to put an assessment on your bank account at will? and without your knowledge or consent?

Its not about cheating on taxes, its about freedom from oppressive government.
Don't worry, tinfoil man, I'm sure you will be able to buy something you can hide under your bed.
---When stores and stadiums are empty and our cities look like ghost towns, consumer spending—the lifeblood of the economy—will lessen by hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars. The implosion in spending will lead to millions of fewer jobs, to even less spending—a downward spiral with no obvious end in sight.---

Just do what our moms did when one kid had chicken pox, expose it to everyone and get it over with. We can't afford to let Democrats ruin our economy.

How many lives are you personally willing to sacrifice for Trump? Give us a hard number. Which of your relatives or loved ones will you give over to appease your god?

The people at the highest risk of dying are the elderly and people with preexisting conditions, so why are you not adding that to your comment?

Most people that are healthy that contract the Coronavirus are either asymptomatic or have fluish like symptoms that they get over within a certain time period.

On rare cases does the virus cause major issues with those with a healthy immune system.

So as you Islam the Op'er the reality is this virus is only deadly to those that are over a certain age and with preexisting conditions but do not let me stop you with your hysterical ranting about how the Op'er want people to die for Trump when it was Mayor Bill de Bozo also not taking the virus seriously back in mid-January...

Now watch you will explain to me what I wrote is all lies when the CDC has been blasting what and who are in fact the most vulnerable and that Mayor de Bozo of New York did indeed blast his own residents for being cautious about going out to eat...

Want links?
---When stores and stadiums are empty and our cities look like ghost towns, consumer spending—the lifeblood of the economy—will lessen by hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars. The implosion in spending will lead to millions of fewer jobs, to even less spending—a downward spiral with no obvious end in sight.---

Just do what our moms did when one kid had chicken pox, expose it to everyone and get it over with. We can't afford to let Democrats ruin our economy.

How many lives are you personally willing to sacrifice for Trump? Give us a hard number. Which of your relatives or loved ones will you give over to appease your god?

what a fricken stupid thing to say. and coming from the party that supports the killing of millions of unborn humans every year (and the vast majority of them are minority children) the party of tolerance , right?

90% of people who get corona will either not know they have it or will have very mild symptoms. Those who die are those who have other major health issues or compromised immune systems.

tell us, how many of those people would have died anyway? don't know do you? But to get an accurate count of the corona mortality rate we need that number.
We need to take the remains from some of those who pass on with health issues and study the heck out of their bodies for reasons beyond the known.

And when it turns out they died because they caught this virus? What will your excuse be then? Why not just accept that this is a deadly disease that is overwhelming our healthcare system?

because it isn't any of those things. It is not the bubonic plague, it isn't common flu, it isn't measles or chicken pox, or whooping cough. It is a virus with a mortality rate similar to the common flu that takes millions of people every year.

the overreaction and panic is much more dangerous than the virus.

Hospitals are only having issues in NYC and some parts of Cal and Washington state. The government has sent the hospital ships and is building new medical facilities in those places.

shutting down the economy will cause many more deaths than this chinese virus.
It is nothing like the flu. The flu does not overwhelm hospitals with critically ill patients. We are acting (far too slowly) not overreacting.

No, shutting down the economy is not going to kill more people than the virus. That's a ludicrous statement. Here are some actual facts, not lies spewed by Trump.

It is difficult to disaggregate the impact of an economic downturn on health and mortality from other factors. Those who become unemployed do tend to have higher levels of depression and bad health. But for the general population, studies have found that death rates from other causes — cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases, and traffic and industrial injuries — were either unchanged or actually decreased.
For example, a 2012 study found that suicides did increase during the Depression of the 1930s, but the death rate for car accidents decreased and no significant effects were observed for 30 other causes of death in the United States. A 2009 study found that mortality actually decreased across almost all ages during the Depression. Researchers last year also found that mortality rates overall declined from 2005 to 2010, a period that covered the deep recession that ran from late 2007 through mid-2009.

And, no, little fish, it's not just NY and CA that are having issues with finding enough ICU beds, ventilators, PPE or tests...It's America. Americans are dying. Not liberals or conservatives. Not Democrats or Republicans. Americans.
You want to have another great depression? Really? You must be on a government pension. No one could be this big of an asshole.
No, I do not, but I also do not want thousands of Americans to die for the economy. If I had to choose a Depression or thousands of Americans dying from COVID, I choose a Depression. We can recover from a Depression, these people can't get their loved ones back.

You do understand people will die in a depression also, so as you saved those lives from the virus you are sacrificing others at the same time.

Millions will lose their homes, jobs and so on which leads to higher crime and war during a World Wide Depression...

Maybe that is your end goal is wanting a War?
We used to quarantine sick people. Now we quarantine people who are not sick. Welcome to Utopia.
It's because the USA Fd up, and did not have enough tests, to know who to Quarantine.

Thus trying to shelter in place, everyone.

THAT would not be the case, if we began testing in January.

All the what ifs in the world can't change the fact....

Are you listening to yourself?

How can you have tests for something completely new and unknown? You'd think that test is available immediately when new disease strike?

How can you begin testing in January when China, place where this shit started was covering up their own outbreak like it didn't happen?

Go back and look at your posts from February (I just did), and you'll notice that you didn't even talk about Coronavirus before mid month.
Had we traced down all contacts during the first few months and quarantined them, limited all foreign travel to the US, and had test kits that actually worked, we would not be isolating the general public today. The blame lies with the current and previous administrations for not listening the CDC, the WHO, and numerous epidemiologists who told us that America was not prepared for a pandemic.

This is something I could agree with you to some degree.

First of, to be clear, WHO did not offered test kits to US. Second, when Trump issued travel ban from China and Europe, left accused him of racism, premature panic, etc. For those things, left actually can't say anything, because he was right, and they look like morons. Hid did good, and left ridiculed him for it, now they're criticizing him for not doing more?

Now about tests. WHO issued the statement on Jan 14, 2020 that China found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of coronavirus. No reason to panic, right? Well, panic did hit us in January and officials at the FDA and CDC stymied private and academic development of diagnostic tests while pushing defective government tests. Then U.S. government stopped Seattle’s Dr. Helen Chu from testing for coronavirus because Chu’s lab "was not certified as clinical lab under regulations established by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services". It was not until March 17 that the FDA first gave emergency approval to any private company to distribute non-government tests to hospitals. Not to mention that to date, the agency still prohibits distribution to private citizens. For that, you cannot blame Trump neither, because that is nature of bureaucracy that Trump is actually trying to downsize or eliminate, and he can't do it alone, or without Congress.

Those the same bureaucrats have always sought to monopolize all testing within government (and gov't certified hospitals), and that caused deaths of thousands, if not tens of thousands over time. Just to give you an example. You know that AIDS/HIV was present in US for more than three decades, and despite there were test available, only in 2012 U.S. government finally permitted a private, at-home, HIV test. Prior to that, the stigma of that disease undoubtedly kept hundreds of thousands from getting tested at government-controlled clinics. Thousands undoubtedly died as a result, because they didn't tested or they tested too late.

Or another example, government has also banned production of non-approved protective masks until manufacturers submit detailed applications to the CDC’s NIOSH office. Meanwhile government inspectors are grounded from travel to inspect the manufacturing facilities. Why? And especially why in the time of crisis?

President have huge powers, but he can't resolve every problem with a "phone and a pen". U.S has actually followed the Chinese model of COVID-19 response to the letter. Just as in China, American officials enforced regulations which stalled and obstructed all efforts by private, local or academic medical experts to test or report on the virus, and then overreacted to public concerns by implementing Orwellian measures to illustrate the government’s supposed control. But that's another subject.
Since when did Dotard ever give a shit what the left thought or said? So can we stop the whining about remarks made about Dotard's travel ban from China? Are you that brainwashed that you believe Dotard acted or failed to act because of left wing critisizm of him?
---When stores and stadiums are empty and our cities look like ghost towns, consumer spending—the lifeblood of the economy—will lessen by hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars. The implosion in spending will lead to millions of fewer jobs, to even less spending—a downward spiral with no obvious end in sight.---

Just do what our moms did when one kid had chicken pox, expose it to everyone and get it over with. We can't afford to let Democrats ruin our economy.

How many lives are you personally willing to sacrifice for Trump? Give us a hard number. Which of your relatives or loved ones will you give over to appease your god?

what a fricken stupid thing to say. and coming from the party that supports the killing of millions of unborn humans every year (and the vast majority of them are minority children) the party of tolerance , right?

90% of people who get corona will either not know they have it or will have very mild symptoms. Those who die are those who have other major health issues or compromised immune systems.

tell us, how many of those people would have died anyway? don't know do you? But to get an accurate count of the corona mortality rate we need that number.
We need to take the remains from some of those who pass on with health issues and study the heck out of their bodies for reasons beyond the known.

And when it turns out they died because they caught this virus? What will your excuse be then? Why not just accept that this is a deadly disease that is overwhelming our healthcare system?

because it isn't any of those things. It is not the bubonic plague, it isn't common flu, it isn't measles or chicken pox, or whooping cough. It is a virus with a mortality rate similar to the common flu that takes millions of people every year.

the overreaction and panic is much more dangerous than the virus.

Hospitals are only having issues in NYC and some parts of Cal and Washington state. The government has sent the hospital ships and is building new medical facilities in those places.

shutting down the economy will cause many more deaths than this chinese virus.
You are ignoring the rate of increase in deaths from Covid 19. One month ago, almost to the day, there was 1 death in the US from Covid 19. The number of deaths just passed 2000 today. Deaths are doubling every 4 or 5 days. If the current rate continues, we will have more deaths from covid 19 within a month than we had in the entire 2018-19 flu season, 34,200.

We can hope that the curve will flatten out, we can speculate that the covid 19 cases will drop in the summer months, and we believe that social distancing will reduce the number cases as it has elsewhere. However, it would be foolish to try to return the country to normalcy based on hopes, speculations, and believes because if the current increase in deaths continue we will be looking at hundreds of thousands of deaths this summer.

Personally, I believe we are going see to a lot of improvement over the next month but I certainly would not bet the lives of tens of thousand of people on it. We need to wait and see, even it means more lost jobs and a deepening recession.
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---When stores and stadiums are empty and our cities look like ghost towns, consumer spending—the lifeblood of the economy—will lessen by hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars. The implosion in spending will lead to millions of fewer jobs, to even less spending—a downward spiral with no obvious end in sight.---

Just do what our moms did when one kid had chicken pox, expose it to everyone and get it over with. We can't afford to let Democrats ruin our economy.

trump and you followers of trump should have thought about that back in January when trump was warned about this but did nothing. Actually he did worse than nothing, he denied it was even happening, called it all a hoax, vilified anyone who tried to tell the truth and even told people that they could go to work if they have the virus.

Now you're crying over the consequences of trump's very bad choices and irresponsibility.

No the answer isn't to expose everyone to this. It will kill more people and make our medical system even more damaged,

What is wrong with you people? You deny it was even happening. Now that you're inconvenienced by it all you make stupid statements just so you can have your instant gratification.

Grow up, take responsibility for your actions. Act like an adult. If you didn't want this to happen you should have listened to the people you vilified for 2 months when we tried to warn you.
You say we should just get over with it. Returning the country to normalcy and just letting the virus run it's course means getting the immunity level of the population to 60% to 80%. Without a vaccine, that could mean over 50 million cases and hundreds of thousands of deaths.
We used to quarantine sick people. Now we quarantine people who are not sick. Welcome to Utopia.
It's because the USA Fd up, and did not have enough tests, to know who to Quarantine.

Thus trying to shelter in place, everyone.

THAT would not be the case, if we began testing in January.

All the what ifs in the world can't change the fact....

Are you listening to yourself?

How can you have tests for something completely new and unknown? You'd think that test is available immediately when new disease strike?

How can you begin testing in January when China, place where this shit started was covering up their own outbreak like it didn't happen?

Go back and look at your posts from February (I just did), and you'll notice that you didn't even talk about Coronavirus before mid month.
Had we traced down all contacts during the first few months and quarantined them, limited all foreign travel to the US, and had test kits that actually worked, we would not be isolating the general public today. The blame lies with the current and previous administrations for not listening the CDC, the WHO, and numerous epidemiologists who told us that America was not prepared for a pandemic.

This is something I could agree with you to some degree.

First of, to be clear, WHO did not offered test kits to US. Second, when Trump issued travel ban from China and Europe, left accused him of racism, premature panic, etc. For those things, left actually can't say anything, because he was right, and they look like morons. Hid did good, and left ridiculed him for it, now they're criticizing him for not doing more?

Now about tests. WHO issued the statement on Jan 14, 2020 that China found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of coronavirus. No reason to panic, right? Well, panic did hit us in January and officials at the FDA and CDC stymied private and academic development of diagnostic tests while pushing defective government tests. Then U.S. government stopped Seattle’s Dr. Helen Chu from testing for coronavirus because Chu’s lab "was not certified as clinical lab under regulations established by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services". It was not until March 17 that the FDA first gave emergency approval to any private company to distribute non-government tests to hospitals. Not to mention that to date, the agency still prohibits distribution to private citizens. For that, you cannot blame Trump neither, because that is nature of bureaucracy that Trump is actually trying to downsize or eliminate, and he can't do it alone, or without Congress.

Those the same bureaucrats have always sought to monopolize all testing within government (and gov't certified hospitals), and that caused deaths of thousands, if not tens of thousands over time. Just to give you an example. You know that AIDS/HIV was present in US for more than three decades, and despite there were test available, only in 2012 U.S. government finally permitted a private, at-home, HIV test. Prior to that, the stigma of that disease undoubtedly kept hundreds of thousands from getting tested at government-controlled clinics. Thousands undoubtedly died as a result, because they didn't tested or they tested too late.

Or another example, government has also banned production of non-approved protective masks until manufacturers submit detailed applications to the CDC’s NIOSH office. Meanwhile government inspectors are grounded from travel to inspect the manufacturing facilities. Why? And especially why in the time of crisis?

President have huge powers, but he can't resolve every problem with a "phone and a pen". U.S has actually followed the Chinese model of COVID-19 response to the letter. Just as in China, American officials enforced regulations which stalled and obstructed all efforts by private, local or academic medical experts to test or report on the virus, and then overreacted to public concerns by implementing Orwellian measures to illustrate the government’s supposed control. But that's another subject.
Since when did Dotard ever give a shit what the left thought or said? So can we stop the whining about remarks made about Dotard's travel ban from China? Are you that brainwashed that you believe Dotard acted or failed to act because of left wing critisizm of him?

Where have I said that Trump failed?
---When stores and stadiums are empty and our cities look like ghost towns, consumer spending—the lifeblood of the economy—will lessen by hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars. The implosion in spending will lead to millions of fewer jobs, to even less spending—a downward spiral with no obvious end in sight.---

Just do what our moms did when one kid had chicken pox, expose it to everyone and get it over with. We can't afford to let Democrats ruin our economy.

How many lives are you personally willing to sacrifice for Trump? Give us a hard number. Which of your relatives or loved ones will you give over to appease your god?

what a fricken stupid thing to say. and coming from the party that supports the killing of millions of unborn humans every year (and the vast majority of them are minority children) the party of tolerance , right?

90% of people who get corona will either not know they have it or will have very mild symptoms. Those who die are those who have other major health issues or compromised immune systems.

tell us, how many of those people would have died anyway? don't know do you? But to get an accurate count of the corona mortality rate we need that number.
We need to take the remains from some of those who pass on with health issues and study the heck out of their bodies for reasons beyond the known.

And when it turns out they died because they caught this virus? What will your excuse be then? Why not just accept that this is a deadly disease that is overwhelming our healthcare system?

because it isn't any of those things. It is not the bubonic plague, it isn't common flu, it isn't measles or chicken pox, or whooping cough. It is a virus with a mortality rate similar to the common flu that takes millions of people every year.

the overreaction and panic is much more dangerous than the virus.

Hospitals are only having issues in NYC and some parts of Cal and Washington state. The government has sent the hospital ships and is building new medical facilities in those places.

shutting down the economy will cause many more deaths than this chinese virus.
It is nothing like the flu. The flu does not overwhelm hospitals with critically ill patients. We are acting (far too slowly) not overreacting.

No, shutting down the economy is not going to kill more people than the virus. That's a ludicrous statement. Here are some actual facts, not lies spewed by Trump.

It is difficult to disaggregate the impact of an economic downturn on health and mortality from other factors. Those who become unemployed do tend to have higher levels of depression and bad health. But for the general population, studies have found that death rates from other causes — cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases, and traffic and industrial injuries — were either unchanged or actually decreased.
For example, a 2012 study found that suicides did increase during the Depression of the 1930s, but the death rate for car accidents decreased and no significant effects were observed for 30 other causes of death in the United States. A 2009 study found that mortality actually decreased across almost all ages during the Depression. Researchers last year also found that mortality rates overall declined from 2005 to 2010, a period that covered the deep recession that ran from late 2007 through mid-2009.

And, no, little fish, it's not just NY and CA that are having issues with finding enough ICU beds, ventilators, PPE or tests...It's America. Americans are dying. Not liberals or conservatives. Not Democrats or Republicans. Americans.
You want to have another great depression? Really? You must be on a government pension. No one could be this big of an asshole.
No, I do not, but I also do not want thousands of Americans to die for the economy. If I had to choose a Depression or thousands of Americans dying from COVID, I choose a Depression. We can recover from a Depression, these people can't get their loved ones back.

You do understand people will die in a depression also, so as you saved those lives from the virus you are sacrificing others at the same time.

Millions will lose their homes, jobs and so on which leads to higher crime and war during a World Wide Depression...

Maybe that is your end goal is wanting a War?

You do understand that I have already provided the data debunking that claim.

It is difficult to disaggregate the impact of an economic downturn on health and mortality from other factors. Those who become unemployed do tend to have higher levels of depression and bad health. But for the general population, studies have found that death rates from other causes — cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases, and traffic and industrial injuries — were either unchanged or actually decreased.
For example, a 2012 study found that suicides did increase during the Depression of the 1930s, but the death rate for car accidents decreased and no significant effects were observed for 30 other causes of death in the United States. A 2009 study found that mortality actually decreased across almost all ages during the Depression. Researchers last year also found that mortality rates overall declined from 2005 to 2010, a period that covered the deep recession that ran from late 2007 through mid-2009.
In comparison, projections from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that deaths from the coronavirus in the United States could range from 200,000 to 1.7 million.
---When stores and stadiums are empty and our cities look like ghost towns, consumer spending—the lifeblood of the economy—will lessen by hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars. The implosion in spending will lead to millions of fewer jobs, to even less spending—a downward spiral with no obvious end in sight.---

Just do what our moms did when one kid had chicken pox, expose it to everyone and get it over with. We can't afford to let Democrats ruin our economy.

How many lives are you personally willing to sacrifice for Trump? Give us a hard number. Which of your relatives or loved ones will you give over to appease your god?
How many lives are you willing to sacrifice to get him outta there?

I don't give two shits about the dotard at this point. I don't care about the election in any capacity other than my job. I care about someone in my family catching this virus and dying. Aren't you?
Don't bullshit us. You're too stupid to have a job.

So you can't answer a simple question either? Are you truly not concerned about catching this deadly virus or passing it on to a loved one? I just found out one of my employees was exposed to someone with COVID through their other job. We worked together in the office just Monday. That's frightening.

Anyone working for you would, of course, have a second job.
---When stores and stadiums are empty and our cities look like ghost towns, consumer spending—the lifeblood of the economy—will lessen by hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars. The implosion in spending will lead to millions of fewer jobs, to even less spending—a downward spiral with no obvious end in sight.---

Just do what our moms did when one kid had chicken pox, expose it to everyone and get it over with. We can't afford to let Democrats ruin our economy.

How many lives are you personally willing to sacrifice for Trump? Give us a hard number. Which of your relatives or loved ones will you give over to appease your god?

I'm not too concerned about yours.
Well, thats what makes me a liberal and you a Trump sucking psychophant. I DO care about yours even when you apparently don't.

Could you not?
---When stores and stadiums are empty and our cities look like ghost towns, consumer spending—the lifeblood of the economy—will lessen by hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars. The implosion in spending will lead to millions of fewer jobs, to even less spending—a downward spiral with no obvious end in sight.---

Just do what our moms did when one kid had chicken pox, expose it to everyone and get it over with. We can't afford to let Democrats ruin our economy.

How many lives are you personally willing to sacrifice for Trump? Give us a hard number. Which of your relatives or loved ones will you give over to appease your god?
How many lives are you willing to sacrifice to get him outta there?

I don't give two shits about the dotard at this point. I don't care about the election in any capacity other than my job. I care about someone in my family catching this virus and dying. Aren't you?
Don't bullshit us. You're too stupid to have a job.

So you can't answer a simple question either? Are you truly not concerned about catching this deadly virus or passing it on to a loved one? I just found out one of my employees was exposed to someone with COVID through their other job. We worked together in the office just Monday. That's frightening.

Anyone working for you would, of course, have a second job.

That is correct, they would. I only employ seasonal extra help during an election. Why? Need a job?

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