Our Economy Can't Take This, Get it Over With


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
---When stores and stadiums are empty and our cities look like ghost towns, consumer spending—the lifeblood of the economy—will lessen by hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars. The implosion in spending will lead to millions of fewer jobs, to even less spending—a downward spiral with no obvious end in sight.---

Just do what our moms did when one kid had chicken pox, expose it to everyone and get it over with. We can't afford to let Democrats ruin our economy.

---When stores and stadiums are empty and our cities look like ghost towns, consumer spending—the lifeblood of the economy—will lessen by hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars. The implosion in spending will lead to millions of fewer jobs, to even less spending—a downward spiral with no obvious end in sight.---

Just do what our moms did when one kid had chicken pox, expose it to everyone and get it over with. We can't afford to let Democrats ruin our economy.

It didn't take long for you to adopt the new Trump narrative. Which is basically, "We can't jeopardize my re-election for the sake of thousands of lives."
---When stores and stadiums are empty and our cities look like ghost towns, consumer spending—the lifeblood of the economy—will lessen by hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars. The implosion in spending will lead to millions of fewer jobs, to even less spending—a downward spiral with no obvious end in sight.---

Just do what our moms did when one kid had chicken pox, expose it to everyone and get it over with. We can't afford to let Democrats ruin our economy.

How many lives are you personally willing to sacrifice for Trump? Give us a hard number. Which of your relatives or loved ones will you give over to appease your god?
The statistics won't matter to me if I'm the one who dies ...

Oregon governor Kate Brown asked us to stay at home, restrict travel and practice social distancing ... we immediately had one of our busiest travel days in history ... so Governor Brown demanded we stay at home and then all our public places filled up with people elbow-to-elbow ... so the Governor has now ordered us to stay home, under penalty of law ...

Oregonians ... what can I say ...
Yeah, who cares if two million Americans die?
Not this guy.

two words...Death Panels.

---When stores and stadiums are empty and our cities look like ghost towns, consumer spending—the lifeblood of the economy—will lessen by hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars. The implosion in spending will lead to millions of fewer jobs, to even less spending—a downward spiral with no obvious end in sight.---

Just do what our moms did when one kid had chicken pox, expose it to everyone and get it over with. We can't afford to let Democrats ruin our economy.

How many lives are you personally willing to sacrifice for Trump? Give us a hard number. Which of your relatives or loved ones will you give over to appease your god?
We sacrificed over 18,000 for your precious Obama. We have lost about 500 and killed the economy. Tell me, what you gonna do when the government runs out of money because no one is working?
We used to quarantine sick people. Now we quarantine people who are not sick. Welcome to Utopia.
We quarantine everyone because we don't know who is infected. If we only quarantined those who show signs of illness, two million Americans would die.
Right now the mortality rate is less than 1%. Let the healthy people work, and get this over with. I mean doctors are saying we are all gonna get it regardless. So get it over with and stop crashing the economy.
The problem is that most here are looking at this from a very limited and extremely partisan perspective. This whole thing is so much bigger than the US, Trump, Democrats and Republicans. (And I’m not talking about the virus which is just a pretext.) There are power grabs going on globally, and this is not a temporary thing. You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. The world is changing, and not in a good way. This thing is bringing us one step closer to the NWO, and eventually a cashless society. They will use the excuse that money is too dirty, germs are too easily passed with money, so we’re going to see more and more places not accepting cash, and that’s just the beginning. All of this is about total control and moving us in the direction that the people who run this world have been wanting to move us in for a very, very long time. Long before Trump was a glimmer in his daddy‘s eye. In order to take us toward something new, they have to destroy what currently exists. There is so much more to this than most here seem to realize, and it is not good at all, to put it mildly.
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1:12 pm: Cuomo fires back at Trump on coronavirus: No American will say speed up the economy at the cost of human life
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo pushed back hard against the idea raised by President Donald Trump of easing restrictions from coronavirus mitigation efforts in an effort to revive the U.S. economy.
“I understand what the president is saying that this is unsustainable that we close down the economy and we continue to spend money. There is no doubt about that,” Cuomo said at a press conference in New York City.
“But if you ask the American people to choose between public health and the economy then it’s no contest. No American is going to say ‘accelerate the economy at the cost of human life,’” Cuomo argued. —Dan Mangan
It didn't take long for you to adopt the new Trump narrative. Which is basically, "We can't jeopardize my re-election for the sake of thousands of lives."
It didn't take liberals long to decide they'd welcome an economic depression with open arms if it helped them in the election.
You didn't answer the question.

How many lives are you personally willing to sacrifice for Trump? Give us a hard number. Which of your relatives or loved ones will you give over to the virus?
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo pushed back hard against the idea raised by President Donald Trump of easing restrictions from coronavirus mitigation efforts in an effort to revive the U.S. economy.
“I understand what the president is saying that this is unsustainable that we close down the economy and we continue to spend money. There is no doubt about that,” Cuomo said at a press conference in New York City.
“But if you ask the American people to choose between public health and the economy then it’s no contest. No American is going to say ‘accelerate the economy at the cost of human life,’” Cuomo argued. —Dan Mangan
We should force Democrats to watch movies about the depression.

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