O'Reilly Screws Up Again


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
On his Fox News Show, the Factor, Bill O'Reilly invited fellow Fox commentator Eric Shawn to report on 3 alleged jihadist type characters in the White House, who evangelist Franklin Graham had suggested were influencing president Obama.

Here's what Shawn reported to O'Reilly (who accepted point-blank everything Shawn said) regarding 3 Muslims that Rev. Graham singled out.

1. Arif Alikhan - Shawn said he was a former Deputy Mayor of Los Angeles, Asst. Sect of Homeland Security in the Policy Development Office, is currently the highest ranking civilain commander in the LA Police dept,. He said Alikhan has no radical or pro-jihad views that we know of, and worked for John Ashcroft. O'Reilly then curtly said "So he's a security guy".

"Security guy" ? What I find disturbing about this little exchange is that Shawn is simply presenting the legitimate respected jobs Alikhan has had, and holding them up as if this was proof that Alikhan is without any radical jihad ties.

Here's what is part of that "not that we know of" stuff Shawn mentioned, but which I DO happen to know of. Alikhan is a founder of the World Islamic Organization, which the Egyptian magazine, Rose El-Youseff, identifies as a Muslim Brotherhood "subsidiary." In addition, back in 2007, Alikhan was instrumental in removing the Muslim terror tracking plan in LA.The controversial Muslim ‘Mapping’ Plan of the Los Angeles Police Department is now “dead on arrival” according to Chief William Bratton. “It is over and not just put on the side,” said Chief Bratton in a meeting with the Muslim leadership of Southern California on Thursday, November 15th. The meeting was moderated by Deputy Mayor of Los Angeles, Arif Alikhan and attended by Deputy Chief Mike Downing.

2. Shaw presented the next name Graham gave (Mohamed Elibiary) as a real pro-jihadist bad guy, so I'll give Shaw and o'Reilly credit on that one.

3. Rashad Hussein - Again Shawn presents the guy's govt job record, as if this somehow legitimizes him, and relieves him of all suspicion as a pro-jihadist (if not Muslim Brotherhood operative). Again goes with the certainly not that we know of, and O'reilly concludes, "All right, so he's a legitimate guy, with legitimate business"

Well, too bad Bill apparently never read my OP here in USMB back in entitled Obama Administration = the Muslim Brotherhood, which if he had done so, he might not have made these foolish and ignorant comments.

The pro-jihad and Muslim Brotherhood scoop on Hussein is long and well-documented. Here's what I wrote in my USMB OP on him. >>

Rashad Hussain - long been involved with various Muslim Brotherhood front organizations including Abdurahman Alamoudi’s American Muslim Council and The International Institute of Islamic Thought (or IIIT) to which jihadists like Sami al-Arian (who pled guilty in 2006 to organizing secret financial contributions to the Palestine Islamic Jihad, a terrorist group) and Jamal Barzinji, a founding father of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, also have ties. Hussain was also involved in the original Brotherhood front in America, the Muslim Students Association.
An example of Hussain’s sympathies can be found in his declaration at a Muslim Students Association conference in Chicago in September 2004 that Sami al-Arian had been subjected to a “politically motivated prosecution.”
In January 2009, Hussain was named Deputy Associate White House Counsel. Among his government responsibilities in that capacity were national security and new media issues. More specifically he has been charged with “helping inform the administration’s Muslim outreach efforts,” and consulting on the drafting of President Obama’s first address to the “Muslim World” delivered in June 2009 at Cairo University in Egypt. On February 20, 2010, the President announced that Hussain would serve as his “special envoy” to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
Even more than his White House post, this job with the OIC has given Hussain a platform for facilitating official outreach to Islamists, as opposed to Islamic moderates. It has enabled him to reinterpret their intentions to American policy makers and to promote their agendas under the guise of “repairing relations with the Muslim world."

Hussein's jihadist ties can be exposed further, but I have presented a condensed version for brevity's sake, to limit the size of this already long (but damn important) OP. If anyone wished to contest the radicalism of Rashad Hussein, I'll be happy to present more of his dirt in the posts.

My USMB expose' OP of Obama Administration Muslim Brotherhooders also listed 3 others who Franklin Graham did not list, and thus weren't mentioned on the Factor, and these were Huma Abedin, Dalia Mogahed, and Mohammed Magid. Also not mentioned by Graham (or Shaw and O'Reilly) were Salam al-Marayati and Eboo Patel, also named in the Rose El-Youseff article.

Disturbing though is how incredibly absent of information Shaw and O'Reilly were as they sat there talking on this much watched, highly rated media show, as is they were knowledgable, while not realizing how much they did NOT know, and badly misleading the public.

Obama Administration the Muslim Brotherhood US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Egyptian Magazine Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration The Investigative Project on Terrorism

A man and 6 of the Brotherhood in the White House The Investigative Project on Terrorism
PS - the idea that just because a Muslim person had held or still holds a job in a respected govt office, that this means he/she is OK, is ludicrous. There have been many Muslims in govt jobs looking respectable, and turn out to be as jihadist as anyone who ever lived.

I'm so glad you are able to devote so much of your life to monitoring Mr. O'Reilley on our behalf!

But one small request:

Should you ever be contacted by an agency polling as to what listen to regularly....be truthful. No matter how much it hurts; be truthful.
I know I can't live my life without listening to what O'Reilly says. Because I NEVER listen to guy or Rush, etc etc

but their hardon for him is becoming quite stupid

You people have become a joke. too bad you don't worry over the LAMEstream Pravda media as much as do some guy on fox news

but that would be asking too much I'm sure
I know I can't live my life without listening to what O'Reilly says. Because I NEVER listen to guy or Rush, etc etc

but their hardon for him is becoming quite stupid

You people have become a joke. too bad you don't worry over the LAMEstream Pravda media as much as do some guy on fox news

but that would be asking too much I'm sure
You missed the point. O'Reilly's Factor show has astronomical ratings. Millions o fpeople are watching it, and being misled. Get it ?
Holly fucking christ, you dumbfucks just can't get past Fox News & their personalities.

I am glad I am not as ocd as all you morons
You missed the point too. It has nothing to do with O'Reilly or Shaw. It has to do with all the people receiving wrong information. THEM. Got it now ?
Holly fucking christ, you dumbfucks just can't get past Fox News & their personalities.

I am glad I am not as ocd as all you morons
You missed the point too. It has nothing to do with O'Reilly or Shaw. It has to do with all the people receiving wrong information. THEM. Got it now ?
Most of the people watching Fox News are not as stupid as you'd like to believe.
Contrary to the idiocy of the far left or right most of the uninformed morons among us don't even watch the news.
Your paranoia is duly noted
Holly fucking christ, you dumbfucks just can't get past Fox News & their personalities.

I am glad I am not as ocd as all you morons
You missed the point too. It has nothing to do with O'Reilly or Shaw. It has to do with all the people receiving wrong information. THEM. Got it now ?
Most of the people watching Fox News are not as stupid as you'd like to believe.
Contrary to the idiocy of the far left or right most of the uninformed morons among us don't even watch the news.
Your paranoia is duly noted
What's the matter ? Not getting enough sex lately, Mr Angry ? You get a good informative OP like this, and all you can do with it, is feed your oversensitive ego ? Looks like you've got some psychological issues going on. All I can say is NOT MY PROBLEM, and just go on talking to the normal people.

And we don't need your "counseling". I know who watches Fox News, and I know what they are and aren't aware of. This is a very good OP, with a lot of substance in both the text and the links... You're just a jerk, that's all. We got your 2 cents, so now please stay away, and take your useless and worthless posts somewhere else.
Accuracy and truth are not what O'Reilly is paid for.
I think this was a case of ignorance and very insufficient research (probably tapping the wrong sources) Also some stupidity in thinking that working for govt agencies equals a clean slate. Many jihadis have been employed in the FBI's Arabic translation unit for years. After 9-11, they threw a celebration party, with a video showing the twin towers falling down.
So L.A. is a breeding ground for terrorists? Ground Zero? Fox News, good , bad? Maybe we need a poll?
Do people really still trust Bill O'Reilly?

I mean........he's seen pictures and videos of people (including nuns) getting killed, yet was never there himself, even though he claims he was.

He said he reported from a war zone (in the Falklands) when in actuality, he was reporting from a protest zone (that wasn't dangerous) that was over 1,000 miles away.

Bill O'Reilly is no better than Brian Williams for telling the truth.

And.............sorry to say, but it's the truth.....................Jon Stewart gets his facts better than Billo the Clown ever thought about doing.
All we need is this list >> Arif Alikhan, Mohamed Elibiary, Rashad Hussein, Huma Abedin, Dalia Mogahed, Mohamed Magid, Salam al-Marayati and Eboo Patel.
Holly fucking christ, you dumbfucks just can't get past Fox News & their personalities.

I am glad I am not as ocd as all you morons
You missed the point too. It has nothing to do with O'Reilly or Shaw. It has to do with all the people receiving wrong information. THEM. Got it now ?
Most of the people watching Fox News are not as stupid as you'd like to believe.
Contrary to the idiocy of the far left or right most of the uninformed morons among us don't even watch the news.
Your paranoia is duly noted
What's the matter ? Not getting enough sex lately, Mr Angry ? You get a good informative OP like this, and all you can do with it, is feed your oversensitive ego ? Looks like you've got some psychological issues going on. All I can say is NOT MY PROBLEM, and just go on talking to the normal people.

And we don't need your "counseling". I know who watches Fox News, and I know what they are and aren't aware of. This is a very good OP, with a lot of substance in both the text and the links... You're just a jerk, that's all. We got your 2 cents, so now please stay away, and take your useless and worthless posts somewhere else.
Has nothing to do with a "conservative" ego ( which by they way is a RETARDED saying" and everything to do with I don't watch Fox news very often and O'Reilly doesn't reside in my pussy.

I see you can't say the same

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