Oregon Democrat Admits Amnesty Is About Control Of The Country, Not Human Rights


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

An Oregon Democrat believes that the fight for amnesty for illegal immigrants is the “civil rights battle” for millennials that will decide who controls the the country for the next three decades.

“Immigration reform is probably the biggest issue of the 21st century,” Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-OR) reportedly said at an “Immigration Day Action” event this weekend. “It will decide who is in charge of this country for the next 20 or 30 years.”

According to the Portland Tribune, Schrader made his remarks at an event that was sponsored by Causa, a prominent Oregon pro-amnesty group, and he compared today’s amnesty fight to the civil and voting rights movements in the 1960s, saying the amnesty movement is “the civil rights battle for the younger generation.”

“They, too, had a different background — different ethnicity, different race — and yet they had rights to participate in this country of ours that had been denied them,” he reportedly told the gathering at Chemeketa Community College. “This is what is at stake now for a lot of you and your families. I feel a kinship and a need to support all people who had an opportunity to come to this great country.”

As Breitbart News has emphasized, though, “the civil rights movement of the 1960s was about ensuring that black Americans received all of the rights they were due as citizens of the United States while today’s pro-amnesty movement is about demanding full rights for non-citizens who entered the country illegally.”

Oregonians for Immigration Reform, which has opposed Obama’s executive amnesty, acknowledged that “immigration built the foundation and wove the fabric of our sovereign nation,” but emphasized that it “is concerned about the utter disregard for existing United States immigration laws.”

“A sovereign American nation has both the right and the responsibility to limit immigration and control its borders,” the group reportedly said.

The White House on Monday asked for a stay of a federal judge’s injunction against Obama’s executive amnesty while it readies its appeal. Judge Andrew Hanen last week issued an injunction after a majority of states sued the Obama administration over its executive amnesty. As the Tribune noted, though, Oregon, whose progressive voters overwhelmingly rejected driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants last November, was not one of those states. Oregon actually joined 11 other states and Washington, D.C. to file a brief in support of Obama’s executive amnesty.


Dem. Rep Amnesty Fight Will Decide Who Controls Country for Next 30 Years - Breitbart
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And yet the Rs go along with Obama's amnesty. It seems they think they can win their votes too, or maybe it is all just another plan to appease the power elite.
And yet the Rs go along with Obama's amnesty. It seems they think they can win their votes too, or maybe it is all just another plan to appease the power elite.
If they know anything about how California went Democrat they would do everything they can to stop it.
I would add if they knew anything AT ALL, they would do all they could to stop it.
just my opinion but reps want amnesty as much as dms want amnesty . See Reagan and every politician following him . Hope that its stopped but I don't think that it will be .
I doubt there will be a Republican in the White House for the next 3 decades, regardless.

The last six years of He-Who-Has-Not-Been-Vetted has so polluted and poisoned the mind of reason and sanity in this country that the 47% has become the 57%.

We are fucked for generations to come.

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