Oppression by Orgasm?


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Today, roughly 89% of young men and 31% of young women admit to viewing hardcore internet pornography, and the average age of exposure is estimated to be 11 years old. Google Analytics shows that porn traffic increases 4,700% after school hours when kids get home from school. Pornography is so ubiquitous that exposure to hardcore pornography, including the depiction of particularly deviant and extreme fetish activity, has been identified by studies as a “normative” childhood experience. Understanding the full sociological ramifications of pornography is undoubtedly difficult considering the near impossibility of finding a control group that has not been exposed to hardcore pornography. However, it is very reasonable to assume that the porn industry is a profound influence, if not the central influence, on the formation of young people’s sexuality and their attitudes towards members of the opposite sex. And, as discussed above, the industry producing this material deliberately produces increasingly graphic, deviant, and hateful anti-white material designed to push the boundaries of the acceptable and to shock and desensitize viewers.

For instance, a still from an interracial abuse porn video featuring an actress with braces, pigtails, and a flat chest — i.e., made to look like a 13-year-old — surrounded by African men has become a viral meme that has been shared and adapted millions of times online. The meme is so ubiquitous that high school students imitate it. High school students as young as 16 have been following porn trends and uploading videos online depicting “them[selves] crushing small creatures to death while performing sexual acts” in Cape Town, South Africa.
May I suggest reading he article before commenting? It has some interesting links corroborating the links to the Porn Industry.

I'm not a believer in censoring, btw, and I don't believe it's the gov't's role to try- the above is on the parents.

I put this in Current Events because, well, it is happening as we speak.
Google Analytics shows that porn traffic increases 4,700% after school hours when kids get home from school.

That's what I've never understood: if they can monitor the flow of porn traffic and filter and block porn type by your selection of search filtering, then they know exactly what porn is, where it is, and could remove or better control it if they wanted.

The fact that they don't tells me they WANT kids and others looking at that stuff!

I just read them for the articles.... :)

Let's make this political.

The First Amendment to the Constitution ("Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech...") was INTENDED, and for the first 175 years or so was presumed to mean only that one could not be criminally sanctioned for criticizing the government, or any government official. (One might also note that the first five words - "Congress shall make no law..." - have never been amended and are not the least bit ambiguous).

At the time of the promulgation of the First Amendment, and for approximately 175 years thereafter, there were CENSORSHIP laws in virtually every jurisdiction in the land, and NO ONE had the slightest concern that these laws - some of them foolish, to be sure - contravened the First Amendment. These censorship laws would have dealt quite sternly with those who publish the materials referred to in this thread. People WENT TO JAIL for saying "God damn you!" Today's pornographers would quickly become near-permanent guests of the State.

Enter the Leftist lawyers of the American Civil Liberties Union, and their fellow travelers on the Federal Bench. "Congress" now means "the sovereign," and there is apparently only one utterance that Government can punish, and that utterance is the loud proclamation, "FIRE!" in a crowded theater - assuming there is no actual fire. Everything else - we are told - is protected by the First Amendment.

Today, the State is powerless to restrain every other communication, in whatever form it takes, up to and including a film of savages ravaging an apparently underage girl.

This is "progress" to today's Left.

When I write and say that "The Left is Evil," people think I exaggerate. I do not.
We are in desperate need of a Puritan revival. Or, we could adopt Islamic Sharia principles.

I assume that the young woman hired to do the BBC guys gang bang, deposited a big check afterwards. In my day we had to scrounge for magazines and 8mm tapes. It's almost possible that the internet was invented solely for the explosion of porn. It's big business because the money is there and funnels in from everywhere. Politics has nothing to do with sleazy material and everything to do with capitalist greed.

It used to be that the family computer was in plain view and 11 year olds didn't dare bring up the porn in the house. Now they all have smartphones and can watch it whenever they are out of sight.

People used to use parental blocking controls. Now they just don't care.

Porn doesn't corrupt the minds of 99.9% of our youth. They actually learn from it. The 0.1% that are wetting the bed, starting fires, and killing and torturing small animals have always been with us. They probably don't even watch porn.
Hell man. I remember jacking to the lingerie pages in the Mont-Ward catalog. Searz had ugly bitches. Looked like Mike Obama.. photos from their locations ?
OTOH I don't use Windoze so if I choose to opt out of pRon at the house you aint getting there...unless....you have a fucking brain.. doubtful.
Go get your W10 updates. LOL
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There's a saying; garbage in garbage out- the younger the receiver of "garbage", the the more effect it will have on the "out"put- but, I didn't post this so much for discussing porn- it is what it is. I notice everyone (if they even read the article) did exactly what the article pointed out- ignored the producers, and actors. Why is that?

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