OPP, TPS, RCMP are National Security Threats- ‘I’m not a thief. I just completely forgot,’ Toronto police constable says of the $360 taken from a dead


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Let this be the excuse from thieves when they put something in their pocket and walk out of a store. One of Torontos Finest, he will not only keep his job, he will probably be Chief of Police someday.

There are good officers who do what is right, I hope they win the day. Knowing our creepy system, I highly doubt they will succeed.

In reality, this guy is a Saint. The covert among these agencies are by far the worst. I dare anyone to read the Ontario Police Services Act and not be floored by how creepy our system is. Unfortunately other nations might even follow ours one day.

No wonder our allies don't trust us...

Doh. Slap of the forehead, metaphorically.

“I forgot.”

Maybe upwards of 20 times, Const. Daniel Han said that on Tuesday, in the witness box. And variations thereof.

Which makes him either a thief — as criminally charged, for allegedly scooping $360 from a dead man’s night table drawer — or one of the most absent-minded cops ever.

“I’m not a thief, I didn’t steal the money. I just completely forgot. I’m sorry.”

The 13-year Toronto police veteran spent the entire day on the stand recounting events from March 15, 2019, and crucially what he’d failed to recollect as he clocked off his late shift — that he had a wad of $20 bills in the cargo pants pocket of his uniform. What completely escaped his mind for the next 15 days, Han testified, even after being queried, via email, about the purported missing cash by a 14 Division detective, who had been alerted to the vanished money by the brother of the deceased.

Removed his uniform, hung it up in his personal locker, was in and out of that locker over much of the following fortnight, was in and out of the property lock-up area where the money should have been placed for safekeeping until claimed by next of kin, yet didn’t twig to the memory until a few hours before he was charged by Professional Standards on April 1.

Han, 42, has pleaded not guilty to charges of stealing and breach of trust while attending to a sudden death.
Human nature has it's up's & down's for sure but the down side is always a downer for everyone.

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