Operation Gladio and NATO terrorism in Western Europe


Gold Member
Jun 14, 2021
Over there

"...Clearly Gladio remains an important part of european history the scope of which is rarely fully understood. Upon joining NATO countries signed secret agreements promising to keep their population in check. Secret armies were used to wage a false flag terror campaign in Italy and Belgium. In France and Italy they even launched failed coup attempts. In Greece and Turkey the coups proved successful and a Fascist regime of terror was instituted. In Portugal and Spain the secret armies were used to preserve fascist dictatorships and commit acts of assassination and terror on their behalf. Today in Ukraine we see a similar phenomena Fascists trained by NATO have overthrown the government now they are terrorizing the population using fascist paramilitaries. It is just the latest example of the Illusion of western Democracy..."


"...Clearly Gladio remains an important part of european history the scope of which is rarely fully understood. Upon joining NATO countries signed secret agreements promising to keep their population in check. Secret armies were used to wage a false flag terror campaign in Italy and Belgium. In France and Italy they even launched failed coup attempts. In Greece and Turkey the coups proved successful and a Fascist regime of terror was instituted. In Portugal and Spain the secret armies were used to preserve fascist dictatorships and commit acts of assassination and terror on their behalf. Today in Ukraine we see a similar phenomena Fascists trained by NATO have overthrown the government now they are terrorizing the population using fascist paramilitaries. It is just the latest example of the Illusion of western Democracy..."


The cover for these stay behind armies was that they existed to prepare for a Soviet Invasion. However they also had the dual role of keeping communists from coming to power peacefully.

Sounds like a good idea, because commies really suck.
anti-imperialist-u.blogspot.com ?

Sounds like fake news, conspiracy nonsense.

Can you find a legit news source that covers the story?
Sounds like fake news, conspiracy nonsense.

Can you find a legit news source that covers the story?
I am sorry, but doctor Goebbels died before operation GLADIO, otherwise he would provide you with very legit information you'd like
All of this is associated with the Cold War, but the Cold War was a fake concept. Starting with Brezhnev, the USSR began to weaken, after the oil crisis it turned into an appendage of Europe and did not even have food security. The economy collapsed, people turned into alcoholics. There could be no talk of a real confrontation. They couldn't even make cars, the only decent car in the USSR was bought from Fiat.
The "Muscovite" car developed directly in the USSR was made so stupidly that its engine could stall from splashing puddles, because water from the cooling fan sprayed onto the ignition system.
Almost all technologies were either purchased from the West or were simply stolen. Even music and movie plots.
How could they support ballistic missiles if they couldn't even make furniture screws?
There was no professional army (and still does not exist), and the army of commoners did not really know how to fight, they were defeated even from small groups, Ahmad Shah Massoud won all their battles, and they managed to screw up even in small Chechnya. It was practically not an army, but a free labor force; instead of military affairs, soldiers harvested potatoes and plastered the walls.

Almost all profits from oil sales were accumulated on deposits of European banks, that is, it was a financial colony.

So, we are not told a lot
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This was a real army that "opposed nato",


At demonstration performances, they sawed bricks and broke them like "Bruce Lee", besides that, they walked on the parade ground and jogged, once a year they got to the shooting range, but not all.

Professionals were in the special services only, such as the special forces of the GRU.
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I think that in the European armies of NATO, the training of personnel and officer corps was also poor, but NATO never counted on the armed forces of Europe. They are counting on American military bases and equipment located in Europe.
This was a real army that "opposed nato",
Yeah... The nonsense you're talking here can impress teenagers. But they don't come here. Adults come here, many of whom remember that time. To them, you look like a cheap liar-idiot
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I saw a movie how "Soviet paratroopers" did acrobatic somersaults, but at the same time they could not raise their leg higher than eggs. This is all really funny, do you want to watch Rambo movie back? Or Star Wars at once?
Once again: there was no professional army in the USSR, with the exception of units associated with government services like the KGB. There was not even enough food to feed the conscripts. The units had pig farms, which were served by soldiers-pig breeders. They were engaged in the whole household, cooked food in canteens and independently cleaned the territories of military units, repaired fences, and were involved in work on construction sites and farms, there was a special type of troops that simply worked on construction sites and in the defense industry for free and did not undergo real military service. Perhaps there was good aviation. But basically everything was built on performances.

I have no idea how it might be that they could not developed cars and computers(that was "soviet PDP" or like) but could developed and menaged space military troops. Did they fly missiles from American computers?
The Brezhnev's USSR was dependent on oil exports and grain imports from Canada. To break it, the embargo was enough, no one would even start any military action.
Once again: there was no professional army in the USSR, with the exception of units associated with government services like the KGB.
Thank you for your valuable information, it adds so much to my 2 year experience in the Soviet army...
Upon joining NATO countries signed secret agreements promising to keep their population in check.
For sure. Abortion politics at its worst. Available on demand with the advice and consent of Christian Democrat preachers in church. Speak out of line like Julian Assange, and there's a girl two to press rape charges against a man, and they have other ways of dealing with women who don't toe the Feminist line on Abortion and Birth Control above all other medicine.

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