Operation Chaos 2020!


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Operation Chaos 2020!

It's Time for Republicans to Disrupt the SC Presidential Primaries

f I vote in the Democrat presidential primary won’t that hurt Pres. Trump or the GOP? Nope. There is no Republican primary in SC this year so Pres. Trump is the nominee no matter what. This will actually help our Republican cause by showing how easy it is to influence the opposite party’s election. It will help Pres. Trump by electing the craziest Democrat who will be easy for Trump to beat.

Does it matter who we vote
If all
the “interlopers" vote for the same candidate, it will have a far bigger

Ok, who do we vote for? As we get closer to the day of the
election we will have more to say about which specific candidate is the target.

Operation Chaos 2020
The republicans depend on cheating to win.
The republicans depend on cheating to win.

The republicans don't seem to depend on Democrats at all. It's visa versa.

Operation Chaos 2020!

It's Time for Republicans to Disrupt the SC Presidential Primaries

f I vote in the Democrat presidential primary won’t that hurt Pres. Trump or the GOP? Nope. There is no Republican primary in SC this year so Pres. Trump is the nominee no matter what. This will actually help our Republican cause by showing how easy it is to influence the opposite party’s election. It will help Pres. Trump by electing the craziest Democrat who will be easy for Trump to beat.

Does it matter who we vote
If all
the “interlopers" vote for the same candidate, it will have a far bigger

Ok, who do we vote for? As we get closer to the day of the
election we will have more to say about which specific candidate is the target.

Operation Chaos 2020
The republicans depend on cheating to win.
Lol, we are doing it because liberals also do it. Why do you think we still have Lindsey Graham. I'm voting for Bernie! Republicans want it changed here, democrats don't. Maybe this will change their minds.
Operation Chaos 2020!

It's Time for Republicans to Disrupt the SC Presidential Primaries

f I vote in the Democrat presidential primary won’t that hurt Pres. Trump or the GOP? Nope. There is no Republican primary in SC this year so Pres. Trump is the nominee no matter what. This will actually help our Republican cause by showing how easy it is to influence the opposite party’s election. It will help Pres. Trump by electing the craziest Democrat who will be easy for Trump to beat.

Does it matter who we vote
If all
the “interlopers" vote for the same candidate, it will have a far bigger

Ok, who do we vote for? As we get closer to the day of the
election we will have more to say about which specific candidate is the target.

Operation Chaos 2020
The republicans depend on cheating to win.
How is it cheating to vote for a candidate? Doesnt all votes matter? Why are you so full of hatred towards some of your own candidates?
There is zero chance any of the democrats in the democrat clown show have a chance. Nobody cares. President Trump destroyed the best democrats already. It is just entertainment at this point and a reminder that anyone who is currently a democrat is clinically mentally ill.
There is zero chance any of the democrats in the democrat clown show have a chance. Nobody cares. President Trump destroyed the best democrats already. It is just entertainment at this point and a reminder that anyone who is currently a democrat is clinically mentally ill.

which candidate was that?
Operation Chaos 2020!
It's Time for Republicans to Disrupt the SC Presidential Primaries

Thanks for pointing out in your link that:

Under current South Carolina law there is nothing the Republican Party can do to prevent bona fide Democrats from voting in the GOP primary. That means, in large areas of the state, where there is frequently no competitive Democrat primary (which is often the case), Democrats can just vote in the Republican primary and vote for the most liberal candidate or for the candidate they think will fare worst in the general election.

And because of that, you think the Republicans are "cheating" because they are only trying to level the playing field.
If the democrat candidates are all capable of being president, why does it matter who GOP voters vote for?
Who does Penelope want us to vote for?
1. Bernie?
2. Bloomberg?
3. Pete?
4. Warren?
5. Biden?
6. Steyer?
7. Klobuchar?

If I was allowed to vote I'd vote for Bernie to get him as many delegates as possible for a 1st ballot win, otherwise the super-delegates will take it from him in subsequent ballots.
In South Carolina, voters don't register by party. So during any given primary day, voters can choose which party's primary to vote in. If both democrats and republicans are having a primary on the same day, then a voter can vote in one of the primaries, but not both.

There is no republican presidential primary in South Carolina on Saturday, so why not be a democrat for that day?
Operation Chaos 2020!

It's Time for Republicans to Disrupt the SC Presidential Primaries

f I vote in the Democrat presidential primary won’t that hurt Pres. Trump or the GOP? Nope. There is no Republican primary in SC this year so Pres. Trump is the nominee no matter what. This will actually help our Republican cause by showing how easy it is to influence the opposite party’s election. It will help Pres. Trump by electing the craziest Democrat who will be easy for Trump to beat.

Does it matter who we vote
If all
the “interlopers" vote for the same candidate, it will have a far bigger

Ok, who do we vote for? As we get closer to the day of the
election we will have more to say about which specific candidate is the target.

Operation Chaos 2020
The republicans depend on cheating to win.
It’s a brilliant move! Bernie will win and trump will destroy him
Operation Chaos 2020!

It's Time for Republicans to Disrupt the SC Presidential Primaries

f I vote in the Democrat presidential primary won’t that hurt Pres. Trump or the GOP? Nope. There is no Republican primary in SC this year so Pres. Trump is the nominee no matter what. This will actually help our Republican cause by showing how easy it is to influence the opposite party’s election. It will help Pres. Trump by electing the craziest Democrat who will be easy for Trump to beat.

Does it matter who we vote
If all
the “interlopers" vote for the same candidate, it will have a far bigger

Ok, who do we vote for? As we get closer to the day of the
election we will have more to say about which specific candidate is the target.

Operation Chaos 2020
The republicans depend on cheating to win.
Where has this worked in the past for Repubs? Repub voters have been hornswaggled by their own party to get the elitist choices as candidates many times. You are the guys who live to fill every nick and cranny with Progs. And then when achieved you leave the areas you infected. You are a massive coronavirus of political leanings. Moving from one area to another and fundamentally changing everything to what you scaredly left.
Operation Chaos 2020!

It's Time for Republicans to Disrupt the SC Presidential Primaries

f I vote in the Democrat presidential primary won’t that hurt Pres. Trump or the GOP? Nope. There is no Republican primary in SC this year so Pres. Trump is the nominee no matter what. This will actually help our Republican cause by showing how easy it is to influence the opposite party’s election. It will help Pres. Trump by electing the craziest Democrat who will be easy for Trump to beat.

Does it matter who we vote
If all
the “interlopers" vote for the same candidate, it will have a far bigger

Ok, who do we vote for? As we get closer to the day of the
election we will have more to say about which specific candidate is the target.

Operation Chaos 2020
The republicans depend on cheating to win.

How is that "cheating"?

It is called an "open primary". Had you been in class rather that getting gang-bnged by the football team, you would know this!
Last edited:
Operation Chaos 2020!

It's Time for Republicans to Disrupt the SC Presidential Primaries

f I vote in the Democrat presidential primary won’t that hurt Pres. Trump or the GOP? Nope. There is no Republican primary in SC this year so Pres. Trump is the nominee no matter what. This will actually help our Republican cause by showing how easy it is to influence the opposite party’s election. It will help Pres. Trump by electing the craziest Democrat who will be easy for Trump to beat.

Does it matter who we vote
If all
the “interlopers" vote for the same candidate, it will have a far bigger

Ok, who do we vote for? As we get closer to the day of the
election we will have more to say about which specific candidate is the target.

Operation Chaos 2020
The republicans depend on cheating to win.

How is that "cheating"?

It is called an "open primary". Had you been in class rather that getting gang-bnged by the football team, you would know this!

Its cheating, fake voting.
Operation Chaos 2020!

It's Time for Republicans to Disrupt the SC Presidential Primaries

f I vote in the Democrat presidential primary won’t that hurt Pres. Trump or the GOP? Nope. There is no Republican primary in SC this year so Pres. Trump is the nominee no matter what. This will actually help our Republican cause by showing how easy it is to influence the opposite party’s election. It will help Pres. Trump by electing the craziest Democrat who will be easy for Trump to beat.

Does it matter who we vote
If all
the “interlopers" vote for the same candidate, it will have a far bigger

Ok, who do we vote for? As we get closer to the day of the
election we will have more to say about which specific candidate is the target.

Operation Chaos 2020
The republicans depend on cheating to win.

How is that "cheating"?

It is called an "open primary". Had you been in class rather that getting gang-bnged by the football team, you would know this!

Its cheating, fake voting.
Collusion? Lol
why is tramp so afraid of Biden and Bloomberg.

If Bernie wins we will know why, the republicans cheated in the state.
On Tuesday, Rush told listeners as voters went to the polls: “Operation Chaos is succeeding exactly as planned and meeting all objectives.”

He pointed to the tens of thousands of voters in Pennsylvania who changed registration from Republican to Democrat in the weeks leading up to the primary and suggested they were “Operation Chaos operatives.”

Following Clinton’s win, the McClatchy Newspapers reported: “One out of 10 voters said they'd changed their party registrations so they could vote in the primary, according to exit polls. They broke for Obama by a margin of nearly 2-to-1.

“Yet late-deciding voters — including those who'd long been registered Democrats — broke heavily for Clinton. One possible explanation was the flood of controversial news about Obama in recent weeks, as well as his defensive performance in a debate last week.

“Another possible ingredient in the mix was mischief: Popular conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh for weeks urged his loyal listeners to register as Democrats to vote for Clinton and prolong an increasingly harsh battle that might benefit the Republicans.”

On Wednesday Limbaugh told listeners Obama could secure the nomination by acknowledging the success of Operation Chaos. "What Obama has to do is go out and say this [Hillary] win is artificial and this win is phony because of Operation Chaos,” he said.

Limbaugh: &#39Operation Chaos&#39 Helped Hillary

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