Operation Bengazi Accountablity-1 Million Calls Monday Oct 29


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Don't just talk about it here. Make a difference. And don't forget to ask about Hillary saying they were going to arrest the film maker.
More Info:
Call the White House Correspondants and demand that they ask tough questions about Bengazi!

Why is the White House lying to us the American people?

When did the President know and why was there no security?

Why was the video blamed when we knew that it was a terrorist attack in real time?

Was this situation a arms deal gone bad with militia or terrorist groups that do not like America?

Why are they lying to the American people?

The phone # to call is 202-266-7453

White House switchboard- 202-456-1414 … More

Operation Bengazi Accountablity-1 Million Calls Monday Oct 29 | FreedomConnector
Yeah...that'll work.

I guess we'll never know unless we try. You've made it clear that you're not bothered by the events in Benghazi and have no questions about why Americans in service to their country were left to die, but some of us don't share your lack of interest. Those that do care, will pick up the phone and demand answers.
Yeah...that'll work.

I guess we'll never know unless we try. You've made it clear that you're not bothered by the events in Benghazi and have no questions about why Americans in service to their country were left to die, but some of us don't share your lack of interest. Those that do care, will pick up the phone and demand answers.

Funny. Good luck with that, eh?
Yeah...that'll work.

I guess we'll never know unless we try. You've made it clear that you're not bothered by the events in Benghazi and have no questions about why Americans in service to their country were left to die, but some of us don't share your lack of interest. Those that do care, will pick up the phone and demand answers.

Funny. Good luck with that, eh?

You never know. :eusa_whistle:

"And three years ago, then-CNN anchor Lou Dobbs and conservative talk radio hosts helped to defeat an immigration bill after they urged listeners to call Capitol operators.

The effort overloaded the switchboard, and senators ultimately voted against advancing the immigration measure despite strong bipartisan support and the backing of President George W. Bush."
Why wait til Monday? Perhaps even a few calls to the Whitehouse press room might make them realize that people are paying attention.
I checked online at CNN, CBS, ABC, and NBC about twenty minutes ago.. and not a word. Not a word about how these guys called for help and were denied.
Yeah...that'll work.

I guess we'll never know unless we try. You've made it clear that you're not bothered by the events in Benghazi and have no questions about why Americans in service to their country were left to die, but some of us don't share your lack of interest. Those that do care, will pick up the phone and demand answers.

Funny. Good luck with that, eh?

Surely this pisses you off, Bo...politics aside.

Americans, veterans, serving the United States, ordered to leave the Ambassador to die, then left to die themselves.

It's despicable.

House Oversight Committee line to call and voice your opinion, DEMANDING Hearings be IMMEDIATELY scheduled and this President come before the American people, UNDER OATH and answer for his lies.

Phone: (202) 225-5074
2157 Rayburn House Office Building,
Washington, DC 20515
Committee On Oversight & Government Reform

I was told we need to call here and give voice to our concerns.
Let's see if we can make enough noise that this will stop being hidden by the press. Do call the House Oversight Committee, but also continue to call the press office at 202-266-7453. I think contacting the MSM headquarters is also a good idea. I would make phone calls rather than email. The phone is much more strident.
Guess what?...

... due to Hurricane Sandy...

... business in Washington...

... has been called off tomorrow.

Thanks.. Well I guess even if the government is closed tomorrow, CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS will all still be functioning. The American people need to step up and make noise and get a little justice for Ty Woods. That man showed unbelievable courage and it's wrong to let his death be just another bump in the road.
Don't just talk about it here. Make a difference. And don't forget to ask about Hillary saying they were going to arrest the film maker.
More Info:
Call the White House Correspondants and demand that they ask tough questions about Bengazi!

Why is the White House lying to us the American people?

When did the President know and why was there no security?

Why was the video blamed when we knew that it was a terrorist attack in real time?

Was this situation a arms deal gone bad with militia or terrorist groups that do not like America?

Why are they lying to the American people?

The phone # to call is 202-266-7453

White House switchboard- 202-456-1414 … More

Operation Bengazi Accountablity-1 Million Calls Monday Oct 29 | FreedomConnector

I called just now (12:25 AM Florida time) and left a message. I gave them my number, but told them I did not expect a call back. I just told them that I was not happy with how the matter was handled and thought the administration's response lacked candor.
  • Thanks
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yeah like your left boycotting Chick Fil A and their place was bombarded with supporters. Dont be so sure..

No; most CFAs (if I'm not mistaken) are franchised and the franchisee usually is local. The workers are local. CFA's good works are local for darn sure. (Their brownies are still overpriced).

The "phone protest" is lame. At least get off your butts and get out of the house.

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