'Oops!' - NY Dem Fails to Disclose More Than $25 Million in Personal Financial Holdings


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
NY Dem Fails to Disclose More Than $25 Million in Personal Financial Holdings
-- Self-funded New York Democratic congressional candidate Nancy Goroff's disclosure reports may run afoul of ethics rules

How does one 'forge' to disclose more than $25 MILLION in assets?

"New York Democratic congressional candidate Nancy Goroff failed to disclose more than $25 million in personal financial holdings while loaning her campaign more than $1 million—a potential violation of House ethics rules, according to an election watchdog.

Goroff, who is in a tight race against Republican incumbent Lee Zeldin, reported between $5 and $25 million in a Vanguard brokerage account in her latest financial disclosure. Goroff also holds up to $200,000 between three retirement accounts, according to the disclosure.

The Democrat, however, did not report the underlying holdings in those accounts, which runs afoul of congressional disclosure rules designed to safeguard against conflicts of interest. House rules require congressional candidates to disclose the "specific stocks, mutual funds, or other assets" within an investment account.

Goroff, who won her June primary by fewer than 2 points, will face Zeldin in November."

Isn't that 'special'......

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This is why the dems want Trump gone...he is killing off their gravy train....
It's not just the Dimocrats. RINOs have the same problem with Trump. Corruption and self-serving political posturing is not peculiar to any one party. Trump is killing the cash cow for a lot of politicians, lobbyists and the businesses they represent.

Big Pharma hates Trump. The media hates Trump. The importers of millions of tons of Made-in-China products hate Trump. Big Tech hates Trump.

It's ALL about the money.
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This is why the dems want Trump gone...he is killing off their gravy train....
It's not just the Dimocrats. RINOs have the same problem with Trump. Corruption and self-serving political posturing is not peculiar to any one party. Trump is killing the cash cow for a lot of politicians, lobbyists and the businesses they represent.

Big Pharma hates Trump. They media hates Trump. The importers of millions of tons of Made-in-China products hate Trump. Big Tech hates Trump.

It's ALL about the money.
Like Trump says...they hate him because he watches out for us.....had Obama put Americans first I imagine he would have been hated too....
sad part, ny and cuomo the homo will let that slide. its right in their messed up minds. she must have been set up....
NY Dem Fails to Disclose More Than $25 Million in Personal Financial Holdings
-- Self-funded New York Democratic congressional candidate Nancy Goroff's disclosure reports may run afoul of ethics rules

How does one 'forge' to disclose more than $25 MILLION in assets?

"New York Democratic congressional candidate Nancy Goroff failed to disclose more than $25 million in personal financial holdings while loaning her campaign more than $1 million—a potential violation of House ethics rules, according to an election watchdog.

Goroff, who is in a tight race against Republican incumbent Lee Zeldin, reported between $5 and $25 million in a Vanguard brokerage account in her latest financial disclosure. Goroff also holds up to $200,000 between three retirement accounts, according to the disclosure.

The Democrat, however, did not report the underlying holdings in those accounts, which runs afoul of congressional disclosure rules designed to safeguard against conflicts of interest. House rules require congressional candidates to disclose the "specific stocks, mutual funds, or other assets" within an investment account.

Goroff, who won her June primary by fewer than 2 points, will face Zeldin in November."

Isn't that 'special'......

Ethics? Do Democrats have any?

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