One of Mittens' Many Lies


Jun 27, 2009
That Etch-a-sketch to Moderate Mitt is still ongoing...

It’s true Romney has never claimed bureaucrats or employers should be able to prohibit contraception. And he’s never taken the position that women shouldn’t have access to contraceptives.

But Romney inverted the issue. Obama criticized Romney not for opposing access to contraception, but for opposing a requirement that insurance cover contraceptives — a requirement he signed into law and that influential religious groups, religiously-affiliated employers, and Republicans strongly opposed.

In response to Obama’s contraception mandate, Senate Republicans led by Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) introduced an amendment that would have overturned the mandate and, as Obama described, allowed employers to deny coverage of birth control and any other services they deemed morally objectionable.

At the debate, Romney tried to make it appear as if he opposed the Blunt amendment. But that’s not true. This issue dogged Romney during the GOP primary. Back in February, his opponents pounced when he told the Ohio News Network that he opposed Blunt’s bill. Romney quickly claimed he’d misunderstood the question and insisted “of course I support the Blunt amendment.”

Romney Tries To Etch-A-Sketch Support For Blunt Amendment | TPMDC
Here's some good Chuck Pierce to share, too:

All night, the president had been battering Willard Romney for positions Romney had had to take in order to win the Republican nomination for president. Because of the nature of the Republican primary electorate, Romney had gone zooming off to the right, especially on issues relating to ladyparts and the ladies who have them. Now, of course, he's trying to revive the previous con that had helped him get elected governor of Massachusetts. (He's even got a new ad out, smack off the end of the debate, about how his position on reproductive freedom isn't anywhere near that of that crazy Mormon bastard who was yapping up there in all those Republican debates.) The president even had the audacity to compare Romney's record on these issues unfavorably to that noted champion of progressive social causes, George W. Bush.

Read more: Debate Spin Room: Beyond Binders, Etch-A-Sketch 2.0 - Esquire

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