One of 20 FBI Whistleblowers Goes Public, Agent Steve Friend Says FBI Leaders Inflating Supremacist Narrative, Refused to SWAT “Innocent” Americans


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Synopsis: NY Post: “FBI hero paying the price for exposing unjust ‘persecution’ of conservative Americans”:

  • FBI Special Agent Steve Friend is the first agent of 20 unnamed FBI whistleblowers to go openly public with allegations of FBI leadership, under FBI Director Chris Wray, pressuring agents to “reclassify” cases as “domestic violent extremism” even though there may be “minimal, circumstantial evidence to support the reclassification,” according to Rep. Jim Jordan. Rep. Jordan says this narrative by the administration is “misleading”

  • The campaign is primarily designed to boost the perception of a white supremacist movement. Recently Attorney General Merrick Garland said: “In the FBI’s view, the top domestic violence extremist threat comes from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocated for the superiority of the White race,”

  • The New York Post reports:

    “FBI domestic-terrorism cases are being opened on innocent American citizens who were nowhere near the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, based on anonymous tips to an FBI hotline or from Facebook spying on their messages.”

    “The FBI has post-facto designated a grassed area outside the Capitol as a restricted zone, when it was not restricted on Jan. 6, 2021, in order to widen the net of prosecutions.”

    - ”The FBI intends to prosecute everyone even peripherally associated with J6 and another wave of J6 subjects are about to be referred to the FBI’s Daytona Beach resident agency “for investigation and arrest.”
  • The NY Post reports that Special Agent Friend “[refused] to participate in SWAT raids that he believed violated FBI policy and were a use of excessive force against Jan. 6 subjects accused of misdemeanor offenses”.
“On Aug. 19, he first told his immediate boss, Supervisory Senior Resident Agent Greg Federico, that he believed “it was inappropriate to use an FBI SWAT team to arrest a subject for misdemeanor offenses and opined that the subject would likely face extended detainment and biased jury pools in Washington, DC.”

“I suggested alternatives such as the issuance of a court summons or utilizing surveillance groups to determine an optimal, safe time for a local sheriff deputy to contact the subjects and advise them about the existence of the arrest warrant.”

  • At a meeting in Jacksonville with superiors Assistant Special Agents in Charge Coult Markovsky and Sean Ryan, he was asked asked if he believed any J6 rioters committed crimes and he replied: “Some of the people who entered the Capitol committed crimes, but others were innocent. I elaborated that I believed some innocent individuals had been unjustly prosecuted, convicted and sentenced.”

  • “Friend says his concerns are shared with large numbers of rank-and-file FBI agents across the country who believe they are being used as pawns to pursue the political agenda of the bosses in Washington, DC. These kinds of abuses of the law are a “morale killer” for field agents.”

  • Many of them joined the FBI in the wake of 9/11, ostensibly for idealistic reasons.

Author of NY Post article Miranda Devine (view at Rumble)
Synopsis: NY Post: “FBI hero paying the price for exposing unjust ‘persecution’ of conservative Americans”:

  • FBI Special Agent Steve Friend is the first agent of 20 unnamed FBI whistleblowers to go openly public with allegations of FBI leadership, under FBI Director Chris Wray, pressuring agents to “reclassify” cases as “domestic violent extremism” even though there may be “minimal, circumstantial evidence to support the reclassification,” according to Rep. Jim Jordan. Rep. Jordan says this narrative by the administration is “misleading”

  • The campaign is primarily designed to boost the perception of a white supremacist movement. Recently Attorney General Merrick Garland said: “In the FBI’s view, the top domestic violence extremist threat comes from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocated for the superiority of the White race,”

  • The New York Post reports:

    “FBI domestic-terrorism cases are being opened on innocent American citizens who were nowhere near the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, based on anonymous tips to an FBI hotline or from Facebook spying on their messages.”

    “The FBI has post-facto designated a grassed area outside the Capitol as a restricted zone, when it was not restricted on Jan. 6, 2021, in order to widen the net of prosecutions.”

    - ”The FBI intends to prosecute everyone even peripherally associated with J6 and another wave of J6 subjects are about to be referred to the FBI’s Daytona Beach resident agency “for investigation and arrest.”
  • The NY Post reports that Special Agent Friend “[refused] to participate in SWAT raids that he believed violated FBI policy and were a use of excessive force against Jan. 6 subjects accused of misdemeanor offenses”.
“On Aug. 19, he first told his immediate boss, Supervisory Senior Resident Agent Greg Federico, that he believed “it was inappropriate to use an FBI SWAT team to arrest a subject for misdemeanor offenses and opined that the subject would likely face extended detainment and biased jury pools in Washington, DC.”

“I suggested alternatives such as the issuance of a court summons or utilizing surveillance groups to determine an optimal, safe time for a local sheriff deputy to contact the subjects and advise them about the existence of the arrest warrant.”

  • At a meeting in Jacksonville with superiors Assistant Special Agents in Charge Coult Markovsky and Sean Ryan, he was asked asked if he believed any J6 rioters committed crimes and he replied: “Some of the people who entered the Capitol committed crimes, but others were innocent. I elaborated that I believed some innocent individuals had been unjustly prosecuted, convicted and sentenced.”

  • “Friend says his concerns are shared with large numbers of rank-and-file FBI agents across the country who believe they are being used as pawns to pursue the political agenda of the bosses in Washington, DC. These kinds of abuses of the law are a “morale killer” for field agents.”

  • Many of them joined the FBI in the wake of 9/11, ostensibly for idealistic reasons.

Author of NY Post article Miranda Devine (view at Rumble)

All 20 of them should appear in a CLOSED SESSION congressional hearing and state exactly what they are seeing behind the scenes at the FBI.

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