ONE GIGANTIC LIE... OVER half of all Americans have problems getting insurance because of "pre-existing conditions"!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
How many times has this lie been told even by GOP!
"Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition," Obama told the crowd in Maryland.

A reader found this confusing and asked us,
"So that meant 150 million people could not have insurance?"
When Obama said as many as half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition, he was describing the number of people who have heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, mental illness or any of a number of other maladies. It was a statement about the prevalence of those illnesses across the population.
If you already have insurance and develop one of these problems, generally, your insurance company will pay for treatment.

Since about 85 percent of Americans already have insurance, many through large group plans, this would not be a concern. But for those who don’t, it matters. The Affordable Care Act provision is aimed at those people. By the way, the law has had this protection for children since it was passed in 2010. As of Jan. 1, 2014, the rule extends to adults.

The administration expected about 375,000 people would enroll in a special insurance program for those who had been denied coverage but as of January 2013, only about 107,000 had. That said, many factors apart from health could have affected enrollments.

So I'm 100% confident that MOST people that heard Obama's Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition, jumped to conclusion
that Politifact points out ... does that mean over 150 million Americans don't have insurance???

Of course not but how MANY of the MSM, politicians tell you that there never were up to half of all Americans that couldn't get health insurance
because of PRE-EXISTING conditions? ZERO! NO one points this out!

Told flat out LIE and for that LIE we still have idiots who believe that number!
IF that number were EVEN true... then explain why under Obamacare the "Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan" has just

How many times has this lie been told even by GOP!
"Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition," Obama told the crowd in Maryland.

A reader found this confusing and asked us,
"So that meant 150 million people could not have insurance?"
When Obama said as many as half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition, he was describing the number of people who have heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, mental illness or any of a number of other maladies. It was a statement about the prevalence of those illnesses across the population.
If you already have insurance and develop one of these problems, generally, your insurance company will pay for treatment.

Since about 85 percent of Americans already have insurance, many through large group plans, this would not be a concern. But for those who don’t, it matters. The Affordable Care Act provision is aimed at those people. By the way, the law has had this protection for children since it was passed in 2010. As of Jan. 1, 2014, the rule extends to adults.

The administration expected about 375,000 people would enroll in a special insurance program for those who had been denied coverage but as of January 2013, only about 107,000 had. That said, many factors apart from health could have affected enrollments.

So I'm 100% confident that MOST people that heard Obama's Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition, jumped to conclusion
that Politifact points out ... does that mean over 150 million Americans don't have insurance???

Of course not but how MANY of the MSM, politicians tell you that there never were up to half of all Americans that couldn't get health insurance
because of PRE-EXISTING conditions? ZERO! NO one points this out!

Told flat out LIE and for that LIE we still have idiots who believe that number!
IF that number were EVEN true... then explain why under Obamacare the "Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan" has just

View attachment 392474
If a right wing SCOTUS throws out the Affordable Healthcare Act, you will see first hand how pre-conditions affect those seeking health insurance.
How many times has this lie been told even by GOP!
"Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition," Obama told the crowd in Maryland.

A reader found this confusing and asked us,
"So that meant 150 million people could not have insurance?"
When Obama said as many as half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition, he was describing the number of people who have heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, mental illness or any of a number of other maladies. It was a statement about the prevalence of those illnesses across the population.
If you already have insurance and develop one of these problems, generally, your insurance company will pay for treatment.

Since about 85 percent of Americans already have insurance, many through large group plans, this would not be a concern. But for those who don’t, it matters. The Affordable Care Act provision is aimed at those people. By the way, the law has had this protection for children since it was passed in 2010. As of Jan. 1, 2014, the rule extends to adults.

The administration expected about 375,000 people would enroll in a special insurance program for those who had been denied coverage but as of January 2013, only about 107,000 had. That said, many factors apart from health could have affected enrollments.

So I'm 100% confident that MOST people that heard Obama's Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition, jumped to conclusion
that Politifact points out ... does that mean over 150 million Americans don't have insurance???

Of course not but how MANY of the MSM, politicians tell you that there never were up to half of all Americans that couldn't get health insurance
because of PRE-EXISTING conditions? ZERO! NO one points this out!

Told flat out LIE and for that LIE we still have idiots who believe that number!
IF that number were EVEN true... then explain why under Obamacare the "Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan" has just

View attachment 392474
If a right wing SCOTUS throws out the Affordable Healthcare Act, you will see first hand how pre-conditions affect those seeking health insurance.

That's just bullshit, bt. There was no ACA during the Clinton Regime on the 1990's, and people weren't dying in the streets of pre-existing conditions at all. Why would you think they would now?
No, a lot of people with pre-existing conditions can get insurance, but the insurance won't pay a dime for any treatment or medicine that has to do with it. So what good is that insurance really? Then the next problem was the life time cap on medical issues. If a kid is born with some kind of medical issue like seizures, by the time they are in their 20's-30's they've maxed out and can no longer get the treatment and medicine they need.
No, a lot of people with pre-existing conditions can get insurance, but the insurance won't pay a dime for any treatment or medicine that has to do with it. So what good is that insurance really? Then the next problem was the life time cap on medical issues. If a kid is born with some kind of medical issue like seizures, by the time they are in their 20's-30's they've maxed out and can no longer get the treatment and medicine they need.
All what you said is true. BUT YOUR statement "lot of people"... again the whole point was gross exaggeration of a problem.
There never were 46 million uninsured, nor over half Americans didn't get health insurance because of "pre-existing"!
LIES... That caused MORE problems.
The biggest cost to health care most people don't seem to know nor CARE!
Called "Defensive Medicine"! Totally ignored by the lawyer Obama...
So using the conservative figure of 26% of total national health expenditures: $3.5 trillion (2017) or $910,000.000.000!
$910 billion.
FastStats As a result the USA leads the world in law suits.
So you may complain about health care costs but "defensive medicine" where doctors due to fear of lawyers
filing malpractice lawsuits call for duplicate tests, multiple opinions...all out of fear they are going to get sued by the money hungry lawyers. And of course with Over 90% of medical malpractice cases settled out of court for an average $425,000;
the average jury award tops $1 million.[3]
Most of the time, it's a lot cheaper to settle.
Malpractice: When to Settle a Suit and When to Fight So where was TORT reform in ACA...hmmm with Obama as a lawyer ZILC! NADA.

No, a lot of people with pre-existing conditions can get insurance, but the insurance won't pay a dime for any treatment or medicine that has to do with it. So what good is that insurance really? Then the next problem was the life time cap on medical issues. If a kid is born with some kind of medical issue like seizures, by the time they are in their 20's-30's they've maxed out and can no longer get the treatment and medicine they need.
All what you said is true. BUT YOUR statement "lot of people"... again the whole point was gross exaggeration of a problem.
There never were 46 million uninsured, nor over half Americans didn't get health insurance because of "pre-existing"!
LIES... That caused MORE problems.
The biggest cost to health care most people don't seem to know nor CARE!
Called "Defensive Medicine"! Totally ignored by the lawyer Obama...
So using the conservative figure of 26% of total national health expenditures: $3.5 trillion (2017) or $910,000.000.000!
$910 billion.
FastStats As a result the USA leads the world in law suits.
So you may complain about health care costs but "defensive medicine" where doctors due to fear of lawyers
filing malpractice lawsuits call for duplicate tests, multiple opinions...all out of fear they are going to get sued by the money hungry lawyers. And of course with Over 90% of medical malpractice cases settled out of court for an average $425,000;
the average jury award tops $1 million.[3]
Most of the time, it's a lot cheaper to settle.
Malpractice: When to Settle a Suit and When to Fight So where was TORT reform in ACA...hmmm with Obama as a lawyer ZILC! NADA.

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Ok... so what good is insurance for people if it won't cover what is wrong with them or if once they reach their 20's or 30's and can no longer get the medicine or treatment they need to live? All the rest of what you posted is white noise as it has nothing to do with what I posted.

This isn't to mention that if someone is forced to change jobs, and let's say they can't afford the ENORMOUS COBRA cost, they lose their coverage that was covering their health problems, and then once they find a new job, even if the new job has insurance, their previous health issues that WERE COVERED are now considered pre-existing and NOT covered. Or at the very best, the insurance will tell them they will start covering the health issue once they have been at the job for a year, but during that year the person is having to pay full cost for doctor visits and prescriptions. Depending on the ailment those cost can be so high that person cannot afford it, which may lead to them missing work or not being able to work at all.

It's all a ridiculous cycle and despite so many Republicans saying they are against insurance companies not covering pre-existing conditions, their lawsuits say otherwise. You don't believe what comes out of a politician's mouth, you believe their actions.
Watching the news "pre-existing conditions" and the MYTH of "over half of All Americans have pre-existing conditions"... is being repeated... YET the majority of Americans who hear this think WHAT these people don't have any coverage???
FACTS are the NUMBERS don't accurately reflect how many people have insurance coverage issues regarding pre-existing conditions".
According to the insurance industry
FACTS NOT half but As many as 82 million Americans with employer-based coverage have a pre-existing condition, ranging from life-threatening illnesses like cancer to chronic conditions like diabetes, asthma, or heart disease.
But the impression over half of all Americans NOT covered due to "pre-existing conditions" was the MYTH that Obama used to pass ACA!
I will post later proof from insurance companies exactly how many people have health insurance WITH pre-existing conditions!
Watching the news "pre-existing conditions" and the MYTH of "over half of All Americans have pre-existing conditions"... is being repeated... YET the majority of Americans who hear this think WHAT these people don't have any coverage???
FACTS are the NUMBERS don't accurately reflect how many people have insurance coverage issues regarding pre-existing conditions".
According to the insurance industry
FACTS NOT half but As many as 82 million Americans with employer-based coverage have a pre-existing condition, ranging from life-threatening illnesses like cancer to chronic conditions like diabetes, asthma, or heart disease.
But the impression over half of all Americans NOT covered due to "pre-existing conditions" was the MYTH that Obama used to pass ACA!
I will post later proof from insurance companies exactly how many people have health insurance WITH pre-existing conditions!

You are really splitting hairs to try and be right. As I pointed out, a person can have insurance coverage and have pre-existing conditions, HOWEVER they don't have health insurance coverage FOR their pre-existing condition.

It would be like owning a car but not having gas so you can drive it. So the argument would be, "Do you own a car?" "Yes, but I can't afford gas to be able to drive it." "I DIDN'T ask if you could drive it, I asked if you had a car... so quit giving me excuses!"
Watching the news "pre-existing conditions" and the MYTH of "over half of All Americans have pre-existing conditions"... is being repeated... YET the majority of Americans who hear this think WHAT these people don't have any coverage???
FACTS are the NUMBERS don't accurately reflect how many people have insurance coverage issues regarding pre-existing conditions".
According to the insurance industry
FACTS NOT half but As many as 82 million Americans with employer-based coverage have a pre-existing condition, ranging from life-threatening illnesses like cancer to chronic conditions like diabetes, asthma, or heart disease.
But the impression over half of all Americans NOT covered due to "pre-existing conditions" was the MYTH that Obama used to pass ACA!
I will post later proof from insurance companies exactly how many people have health insurance WITH pre-existing conditions!

You are really splitting hairs to try and be right. As I pointed out, a person can have insurance coverage and have pre-existing conditions, HOWEVER they don't have health insurance coverage FOR their pre-existing condition.

It would be like owning a car but not having gas so you can drive it. So the argument would be, "Do you own a car?" "Yes, but I can't afford gas to be able to drive it." "I DIDN'T ask if you could drive it, I asked if you had a car... so quit giving me excuses!"
I'm not splitting any hairs! The facts are that "over half of all Americans have pre-existing conditions" was a GROSS malfeasance on the part of Obama JUST to get Obamacare passed.
FACTS are 180 million Americans have employer insurance which provide "pre-existing conditions" coverage.
FACTS are IN two years... 325,000 people a year denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions!
THINK about that number in context with "over half of all Americans have pre-existing conditions" statement THAT triggered
all this brouhaha over 325,000 people per year!

This investigation only surveyed four large insurers and covered a three year period from 2007 to 2009.
These four companies alone denied health coverage to 651,000 individuals because of pre existing conditions.
This translates to one in seven people who applied for health insurance.
The investigation also found that the number of denials increased year after year.

Do you understand the enormity of blowing OUT of proportion "over half of all Americans.. 150 million!" when
less than 325,000 a year can't get coverage! NOT 150 MILLION!!!
Watching the news "pre-existing conditions" and the MYTH of "over half of All Americans have pre-existing conditions"... is being repeated... YET the majority of Americans who hear this think WHAT these people don't have any coverage???
FACTS are the NUMBERS don't accurately reflect how many people have insurance coverage issues regarding pre-existing conditions".
According to the insurance industry
FACTS NOT half but As many as 82 million Americans with employer-based coverage have a pre-existing condition, ranging from life-threatening illnesses like cancer to chronic conditions like diabetes, asthma, or heart disease.
But the impression over half of all Americans NOT covered due to "pre-existing conditions" was the MYTH that Obama used to pass ACA!
I will post later proof from insurance companies exactly how many people have health insurance WITH pre-existing conditions!

You are really splitting hairs to try and be right. As I pointed out, a person can have insurance coverage and have pre-existing conditions, HOWEVER they don't have health insurance coverage FOR their pre-existing condition.

It would be like owning a car but not having gas so you can drive it. So the argument would be, "Do you own a car?" "Yes, but I can't afford gas to be able to drive it." "I DIDN'T ask if you could drive it, I asked if you had a car... so quit giving me excuses!"
I'm not splitting any hairs! The facts are that "over half of all Americans have pre-existing conditions" was a GROSS malfeasance on the part of Obama JUST to get Obamacare passed.
FACTS are 180 million Americans have employer insurance which provide "pre-existing conditions" coverage.
FACTS are IN two years... 325,000 people a year denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions!
THINK about that number in context with "over half of all Americans have pre-existing conditions" statement THAT triggered
all this brouhaha over 325,000 people per year!

This investigation only surveyed four large insurers and covered a three year period from 2007 to 2009.
These four companies alone denied health coverage to 651,000 individuals because of pre existing conditions.
This translates to one in seven people who applied for health insurance.
The investigation also found that the number of denials increased year after year.

Do you understand the enormity of blowing OUT of proportion "over half of all Americans.. 150 million!" when
less than 325,000 a year can't get coverage! NOT 150 MILLION!!!

If you think only that number of people did not have coverage for pre-existing conditions you are stuck in a fog. Health care is the #1 issue to voters in this election for a reason and it isn't for people who want to get rid of Obamacare and go back to the old way it used to be.
Watching the news "pre-existing conditions" and the MYTH of "over half of All Americans have pre-existing conditions"... is being repeated... YET the majority of Americans who hear this think WHAT these people don't have any coverage???
FACTS are the NUMBERS don't accurately reflect how many people have insurance coverage issues regarding pre-existing conditions".
According to the insurance industry
FACTS NOT half but As many as 82 million Americans with employer-based coverage have a pre-existing condition, ranging from life-threatening illnesses like cancer to chronic conditions like diabetes, asthma, or heart disease.
But the impression over half of all Americans NOT covered due to "pre-existing conditions" was the MYTH that Obama used to pass ACA!
I will post later proof from insurance companies exactly how many people have health insurance WITH pre-existing conditions!

You are really splitting hairs to try and be right. As I pointed out, a person can have insurance coverage and have pre-existing conditions, HOWEVER they don't have health insurance coverage FOR their pre-existing condition.

It would be like owning a car but not having gas so you can drive it. So the argument would be, "Do you own a car?" "Yes, but I can't afford gas to be able to drive it." "I DIDN'T ask if you could drive it, I asked if you had a car... so quit giving me excuses!"
I'm not splitting any hairs! The facts are that "over half of all Americans have pre-existing conditions" was a GROSS malfeasance on the part of Obama JUST to get Obamacare passed.
FACTS are 180 million Americans have employer insurance which provide "pre-existing conditions" coverage.
FACTS are IN two years... 325,000 people a year denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions!
THINK about that number in context with "over half of all Americans have pre-existing conditions" statement THAT triggered
all this brouhaha over 325,000 people per year!

This investigation only surveyed four large insurers and covered a three year period from 2007 to 2009.
These four companies alone denied health coverage to 651,000 individuals because of pre existing conditions.
This translates to one in seven people who applied for health insurance.
The investigation also found that the number of denials increased year after year.

Do you understand the enormity of blowing OUT of proportion "over half of all Americans.. 150 million!" when
less than 325,000 a year can't get coverage! NOT 150 MILLION!!!

If you think only that number of people did not have coverage for pre-existing conditions you are stuck in a fog. Health care is the #1 issue to voters in this election for a reason and it isn't for people who want to get rid of Obamacare and go back to the old way it used to be.

Unlike you and what you think most Americans think we don't like being lied to us and the "over half of all Americans" and "46 million uninsured" exaggerations caused MORE financial duress than anything else.
FACT not a guess:
Total national health expenditures: $3.5 trillion (2017)

Would you be in favor of cutting the $3.5 trillion by 30% or nearly $800 billion?
No guesses by me. No subjective statement by me. FACTS!
90% of physician survey say they could cut $800 billion a year. Do you believe them?
Do you believe these physicians that say they waste nearly $800 billion a year that wouldn't have to be spent?
OF course you don't believe what the experts tell you because YOU know BETTER!
Deal with FACTS... not guesses.

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