One Democrat Totally PWNS 3 Hard-Rightwingers...On The FAUX Channel


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
It's an oldie, but goodie...

[ame=]Jennifer Granholm Hijacks Fox News & Destroys Republicans - YouTube[/ame]

Git outta heah wit dat RW bullcrap!


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It's an oldie, but goodie...

Jennifer Granholm Hijacks Fox News & Destroys Republicans - YouTube

Git outta heah wit dat RW bullcrap!



I know things aren't going that well for the progressives, Marc when you start scouring the "archives" for examples of a liberal win. How long ago was that clip from? Three years?

2 years spruce...two, not three.

In 2012 we will see yet a nother Liberal SMACK DOWN when Obama readily hands the Republicans their A$$es to them again with the election.

It's an oldie, but goodie...

Jennifer Granholm Hijacks Fox News & Destroys Republicans - YouTube

Git outta heah wit dat RW bullcrap!



I know things aren't going that well for the progressives, Marc when you start scouring the "archives" for examples of a liberal win. How long ago was that clip from? Three years?

2 years spruce...two, not three.

In 2012 we will see yet a nother Liberal SMACK DOWN when Obama readily hands the Republicans their A$$es to them again with the election.


Gee, Marc...since it happened on Feb. 24th of 2009 wouldn't that be a whole lot closer to three years ago?

Why would you even "want" another four years of this guy, Marc? It's obvious at this point he doesn't have any answers to our economic you REALLY want another Obama term to cement his position as the most clueless President since Jimmy Carter?

All I can say is if Americans do elect this guy again then they'll deserve what they get.

You can blame the 2008 election of an unproven Junior Senator as wishful thinking by the American public. The 2010 midterms showed quite clearly they had 'buyer's remorse'. I have a feeling the 2012 elections will likely show that the voters realize how big of a mistake they made last time. The "reality slap" has been delivered to the US repeatedly over the past almost three years as we keep getting reminded how dangerous it is to elect someone based on vague promises and flowery rhetoric.
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Our ex-governor knows Ford was in virtually the same boat as GM and Chrysler, got proactive about their situation several years before the GM and Chrysler stuff hit the fan, and survived nicely. But to Jenny everyone else (in the world) is doing it so we should too. Liberalism 101...the government can fix it.
It's an oldie, but goodie...

Jennifer Granholm Hijacks Fox News & Destroys Republicans - YouTube

Git outta heah wit dat RW bullcrap!



And, in a related story....

"Some politicians give us failure. Some politicians give us failure mixed with spectacle. Once in a generation, a politician gives us failure and misunderstanding so colossal that his or her bad example rises to the level of public service.

To this elite few belongs Jennifer Granholm.

In the Michigan she governed for eight long years, the roll call of despair is not in dispute. On her watch, the state's ranking in per capita GDP plummeted to 41st place from 24th, Detroit's population shriveled to its lowest level since 1910, and Michigan earned the dubious distinction of being the only state ..."
McGurn: Granholm's Perfect Bad Example -
Gee, Marc...since it happened on Feb. 24th of 2009 wouldn't that be a whole lot closer to three years ago?

Why would you even "want" another four years of this guy, Marc? It's obvious at this point he doesn't have any answers to our economic you REALLY want another Obama term to cement his position as the most clueless President since Jimmy Carter?

All I can say is if Americans do elect this guy again then they'll deserve what they get.

You can blame the 2008 election of an unproven Junior Senator as wishful thinking by the American public. The 2010 midterms showed quite clearly they had 'buyer's remorse'. I have a feeling the 2012 elections will likely show that the voters realize how big of a mistake they made last time. The "reality slap" has been delivered to the US repeatedly over the past almost three years as we keep getting reminded how dangerous it is to elect someone based on vague promises and flowery rhetoric.
That's the bogus far RW meme that the Republicans want to have stick to our President and his Administration.

The fact of the matter is they have been AGAINST him from BEFORE he even took office.

They've stated in literal words, "our job is to make him a one-term President." The obstruction doesn't get any more blatant and obvious than that.

In Obama's 2nd term he'll be able to do ALL the things he couldn't in the 1st term. Bring REAL change.

I don't expect a rabid RWer like yourself to agree on this, so don't expect me to agree with your swill either.
Gee, Marc...since it happened on Feb. 24th of 2009 wouldn't that be a whole lot closer to three years ago?

Why would you even "want" another four years of this guy, Marc? It's obvious at this point he doesn't have any answers to our economic you REALLY want another Obama term to cement his position as the most clueless President since Jimmy Carter?

All I can say is if Americans do elect this guy again then they'll deserve what they get.

You can blame the 2008 election of an unproven Junior Senator as wishful thinking by the American public. The 2010 midterms showed quite clearly they had 'buyer's remorse'. I have a feeling the 2012 elections will likely show that the voters realize how big of a mistake they made last time. The "reality slap" has been delivered to the US repeatedly over the past almost three years as we keep getting reminded how dangerous it is to elect someone based on vague promises and flowery rhetoric.
That's the bogus far RW meme that the Republicans want to have stick to our President and his Administration.

The fact of the matter is they have been AGAINST him from BEFORE he even took office.

They've stated in literal words, "our job is to make him a one-term President." The obstruction doesn't get any more blatant and obvious than that.

In Obama's 2nd term he'll be able to do ALL the things he couldn't in the 1st term. Bring REAL change.

I don't expect a rabid RWer like yourself to agree on this, so don't expect me to agree with your swill either.

That's quite amusing, Marc. Would you care to take a crack at explaining why Obama couldn't get things done in his first two years? Sorry but it couldn't have been the Republicans...they were locked out in the hall while Barack, Nancy and Harry wrote Obamacare and the Obama Stimulus. So your guy couldn't get things done with huge majorities in both the House and Senate for two years but you think he's going to do better with another term in which he won't have even close to that many votes? How exactly is that going to happen?

If Obama DOES get reelected it's going to mean another four years of political stalemate...with Obama refusing to budge from his progressive agenda and the Republicans refusing to give him the money to fund all of his entitlement programs. Why would anyone want that?

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