On Criticizing the President


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
The “beef” that I, and many I identify with most closely, have with much of the criticism being pitched at Barack Obama is simply that it is not constructive. Each time a decision is made that is not whatever enough for The Best Progressives, the knee-jerking, the hysteria, and the hyperbole is *immediately* turned up to eleven. The past week is a perfect example, with ScheduleGate and OzoneNationalAmbientAirQualityStandardsGate. Or whatever we’re calling it.

The Obama Administration provided explanation on both of these items. ScheduleGate is not a big deal. It’s just not. As for OzoneEtcGate, the letter from Cass Sunstein to the EPA on the air quality standards decision is a particularly important read. I’m not a policy wonk, I don’t claim to understand every detail of this issue, but I understand enough to know my hair shouldn’t be on fire over it. The explanation in the letter makes sense to me. Part of my job has me working within the confines of regulatory cycles and individual rule issuance. I can attest wholeheartedly to the confusion and headaches caused by conflicting regulations and rules that are put in place as a result of poor planning and shitty governance. It makes compliance impossible, it creates unnecessary risk, and more often than not winds up costing a lot of money. Effective planning and governance means making the right decisions at the right times to encourage the right behaviors and appropriate accountability. I repeat: my hair is not on fire over this issue.

So here’s the frustration: stuff happens, and The Best Progressives are immediately thrown into a tizzy. Fueled by a toxic combination of media talking points, visceral outrage, and a deep insecurity that we’ve all been suckered by a Republican plant by the name of Barack Obama, the pitchforks come out.

Obama caved!

Obama is just like Bush!

Obama needs a spine!

Obama needs to act like a real Democrat!

Obama doesn’t deserve to be reelected!

Obama is betraying the base!

Palin was right – Obama doesn’t have any executive experience!

(Oh…sorry about that last one. I don’t know how that made its way in there.)

Those familiar with the IT industry may have heard of the Gartner Hype Cycle. I know, I know – just bear with me on this, I promise I have a point. The Hype Cycle has five phases, and even though it’s supposed to be about new technology, the same shit applies…

Virtual Daze» Blog Archive » On Criticizing the President

Good points.
Were you born yesterday betty? Didn't you see the hate speech directed at Bush that makes criticism of Obama look like a PTA meeting? They showed a movie in 40 American theaters depicting the assassination of president Bush while he was still in office. Cindy Sheehan's crazies camped out in Crawford Tx waving hundreds of offensive signs calling Bush vile names.
Lol, but just last week One Democrat Rep. wanted to help us people get to hell and another accused us American citizens of wanting to HANG PEOPLE
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Were you born yesterday betty? Didn't you see the hate speech directed at Bush that makes criticism of Obama look like a PTA meeting? They showed a movie in 40 American theaters depicting the assassination of president Bush while he was still in office. Cindy Sheehan's crazies camped out in Crawford Tx waving hundreds of offensive signs calling Bush vile names.

they think we all forgot about ALL THAT STUFF...the poor wittle Obama is the victim...
The “beef” that I, and many I identify with most closely, have with much of the criticism being pitched at Barack Obama is simply that it is not constructive. Each time a decision is made that is not whatever enough for The Best Progressives, the knee-jerking, the hysteria, and the hyperbole is *immediately* turned up to eleven. The past week is a perfect example, with ScheduleGate and OzoneNationalAmbientAirQualityStandardsGate. Or whatever we’re calling it.

The Obama Administration provided explanation on both of these items. ScheduleGate is not a big deal. It’s just not. As for OzoneEtcGate, the letter from Cass Sunstein to the EPA on the air quality standards decision is a particularly important read. I’m not a policy wonk, I don’t claim to understand every detail of this issue, but I understand enough to know my hair shouldn’t be on fire over it. The explanation in the letter makes sense to me. Part of my job has me working within the confines of regulatory cycles and individual rule issuance. I can attest wholeheartedly to the confusion and headaches caused by conflicting regulations and rules that are put in place as a result of poor planning and shitty governance. It makes compliance impossible, it creates unnecessary risk, and more often than not winds up costing a lot of money. Effective planning and governance means making the right decisions at the right times to encourage the right behaviors and appropriate accountability. I repeat: my hair is not on fire over this issue.

So here’s the frustration: stuff happens, and The Best Progressives are immediately thrown into a tizzy. Fueled by a toxic combination of media talking points, visceral outrage, and a deep insecurity that we’ve all been suckered by a Republican plant by the name of Barack Obama, the pitchforks come out.

Obama caved!

Obama is just like Bush!

Obama needs a spine!

Obama needs to act like a real Democrat!

Obama doesn’t deserve to be reelected!

Obama is betraying the base!

Palin was right – Obama doesn’t have any executive experience!

(Oh…sorry about that last one. I don’t know how that made its way in there.)

Those familiar with the IT industry may have heard of the Gartner Hype Cycle. I know, I know – just bear with me on this, I promise I have a point. The Hype Cycle has five phases, and even though it’s supposed to be about new technology, the same shit applies…

Virtual Daze» Blog Archive » On Criticizing the President

Good points.
Amazing that there exists people who actually have the time and inclination to think up this kind of tripe.
Were you born yesterday betty? Didn't you see the hate speech directed at Bush that makes criticism of Obama look like a PTA meeting? They showed a movie in 40 American theaters depicting the assassination of president Bush while he was still in office. Cindy Sheehan's crazies camped out in Crawford Tx waving hundreds of offensive signs calling Bush vile names.

You should be able to provide the viewing audience out here all the hate speech that democratic politicians put out about George W. Bush.

Last I remember, Cindy was not elected to anything and she had a legitimate gripe.

Her son was killed in a war, that in itself was a war crime..and based on lies.
Lol, but just last week One Democrat Rep. wanted to help us people get to hell and another accused us American citizens of wanting to HANG PEOPLE

Like that's never happened before?

Lynching - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You DO realize that it was almost exclusively Democrats doing the lynching, don't you?

Mostly for crimes such as rape and looting. Different times. Nothing compared to the rapes and violence the people getting leched got hang for.
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Pubs have a 24/7/365 negative propaganda/fear mongering/misinformation/spin machine- talk about New World Order....the brainwashed know every trival soap opera negative about Obama, more than half the dupes believe PURE BS like Obama is a Kenyan Muslim Marxist, ACORN stole the election, believe but don't know Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 1/2010. It's scary and un-American...
A bitchy progressive is bitching about other bitchy progressives being bitches. Man, lifes a bitch.
Pubs have a 24/7/365 negative propaganda/fear mongering/misinformation/spin machine- talk about New World Order....the brainwashed know every trival soap opera negative about Obama, more than half the dupes believe PURE BS like Obama is a Kenyan Muslim Marxist, ACORN stole the election, believe but don't know Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 1/2010. It's scary and un-American...

You mother fuckers seriously think that your side didn't attack the whole 8 fucking years against Bush and the republicans. PAY BACKS A BITCH!:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Pubs have a 24/7/365 negative propaganda/fear mongering/misinformation/spin machine- talk about New World Order....the brainwashed know every trival soap opera negative about Obama, more than half the dupes believe PURE BS like Obama is a Kenyan Muslim Marxist, ACORN stole the election, believe but don't know Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 1/2010. It's scary and un-American...

And you mother fuckers seriously think that your side didn't attack the whole 8 fucking years against Bush and the republicans. PAY BACKS A BITCH!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

And Bill Clinton got a free ride.

From the Mena airport, right?

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