OMG Team Obama to train women especially mothers to recognize radicalization Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
I'm listening to the Red Eye guys and at first I thought they were joking. Ooooooooooooh Noooooooooooooooooo. It's for freaking real.

"Abdul you put that book on beheading infidels down right now or you are grounded for a week"

Oh yeah. That's gonna freaking work. Combating terrorism by Mummy giving time outs.


In a speech at the White House Summit to Counter Violent Extremism, National Security Adviser Susan Rice on Thursday said part of the strategy to combat terrorism is training women - especially mothers - to recognize the signs of recruitment and radicalization in their own families.

“Who is better than a mother to spot unusual behavior in her child and intervene?” Rice asked.

“Around the world, the United States is supporting projects to train women to recognize the signs of recruitment and radicalization in their families and communities and to devise prevention strategies.”

Susan Rice Who Better Than a Mother to Spot Unusual Behavior in Her Child and Intervene CNS News
It's smart advice. Why in the world would that bother you? Or would you prefer that mothers ignore the signs and end up growing up a bunch of fucking jihadis?

Sometimes, righties like you are so blinded by their hate that they don't even recognize something that this administration does that they would otherwise 100% support.

It makes you look completely ridiculous.
Are you trying to claim that parents are not the ones that are best situated to see radicalists before they become radicalists?

The only problem I would have with this is that it is unlikely to do any good - I would bet most of the time the parents are involved. The idea is rather sound though - even if a bit unrealistic.
It's smart advice. Why in the world would that bother you? Or would you prefer that mothers ignore the signs and end up growing up a bunch of fucking jihadis?

Sometimes, righties like you are so blinded by their hate that they don't even recognize something that this administration does that they would otherwise 100% support.

It makes you look completely ridiculous.

Amazing isn't it?
I told you we CITIZENS has now become his biggest enemy

watch your backs and bank accounts
Are you trying to claim that parents are not the ones that are best situated to see radicalists before they become radicalists?

The only problem I would have with this is that it is unlikely to do any good - I would bet most of the time the parents are involved. The idea is rather sound though - even if a bit unrealistic.

I doubt it. Most of the time the parents are taken by surprise when their kids disappear only to end up in Syria. In fact, it's the FBI working with parents and the local communities that are able to stop some of them from leaving the country to join groups like ISIS.
What would the right recommend doing to prevent kids from getting radicalized?

I think this is a good idea - one of many possible tools to use.
Because we all know that a mother and father will turn their child in because they THINK they may become radicalized..... BUT we also have history to know...

Seems, the brainwashing can go both ways.... Hitler did it, a good lesson for the CommiecRATS!

OP would rather kill them later than take some time to put impressionable teens on a better path now.
Because we all know that a mother and father will turn their child in because they THINK they may become radicalized..... BUT we also have history to know...

Seems, the brainwashing can go both ways.... Hitler did it, a good lesson for the CommiecRATS!

I think the idea is not "turning them in" but recognizing the danger they are in and trying to intervene before it's too late.

Also, parents have turned their children in. Two girls from Colorado were intercepted in Germany (I think) on their way to Syria because their parents contacted the FBI. It's better than losing them to ISIS.
Because we all know that a mother and father will turn their child in because they THINK they may become radicalized..... BUT we also have history to know...

Seems, the brainwashing can go both ways.... Hitler did it, a good lesson for the CommiecRATS!

I think the idea is not "turning them in" but recognizing the danger they are in and trying to intervene before it's too late.

Also, parents have turned their children in. Two girls from Colorado were intercepted in Germany (I think) on their way to Syria because their parents contacted the FBI. It's better than losing them to ISIS.

They made it all the way to Germany!!!...Where were the parents before hand?

AND, if these girls made it that far, they are TOO FAR GONE to turnaround.
400 Million to fight much does this program cost...............

Perhaps bullets and guns for those on the lines against ISIS instead of leaflets on how to figure out if your kid is getting radicalized....................

The Moms will know if the kid is getting radical or going off norm anyway.......moms always know this already.
Why would you need to tell a parent this?

It's not horrible it's just stupid and childish. Everything this admin does has the feel of a high school counselor behind it.
400 Million to fight much does this program cost...............

Perhaps bullets and guns for those on the lines against ISIS instead of leaflets on how to figure out if your kid is getting radicalized....................

The Moms will know if the kid is getting radical or going off norm anyway.......moms always know this already.
No they don't, moms are blinded by love and it is common for even the most horrific criminal to have a mother who will plead their innocence in the face of indisputable evidence.
Why would you need to tell a parent this?

It's not horrible it's just stupid and childish. Everything this admin does has the feel of a high school counselor behind it.
Okay Moms.........if your kid is reading the Koran and looks wild eyed and crazy, or is stabbing the table with the dinner might have a problem.................

So how are they training............what is the training..............and what does it cost..............

Perhaps the next strategy is to drop leaflets in Syria saying be NICE ISIS.

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