OMFG - A public school teacher has been FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
More proof govt cain't do nothin' right. We need to go to private schools and a voucher system that lets parents choose. Of course dems oppose that and insist govt is the answer to everything.

Creepy Teacher Finally Fired After Nearly a Decade of Calling Middle School Girls Names Like "Dirty Ho" | The Daily Sheeple

Dec 9,2013

The worst teacher in New Jersey has had his dismissal upheld by the courts, after he spent nearly a decade subjecting female students and teachers to his own peculiar and degrading brand of unrelenting sexual harassment.

James Lang, a veteran middle school teacher who taught in Woodbridge, New Jersey, was suspended without pay from his job just over a year and a half ago, after almost 10 years of sordid history at the school district.

A news report from The Daily Record enumerated some of the astounding accusations against Lang:

A girl who sought help improving her grades allegedly was told by Lang that she would be “better off working the streets.”

Telling a female student who bent over to pick up a paper that he would “tap that.”

Asking students during class whether they would be afraid if his “snake were in their bed.”

Saying that a female student’s “mouth was fast and on the weekends it runs extra fast.”

Because Lang was tenured, he was entitled to a review of his termination. Judge Tiffany M. Williams presided and upheld the termination, saying that Lang “violated all standards of decency” and “contributed to a sexually demeaning environment” with his “grotesque and sexual” behavior.” She wrote, “He is not fit to lead in an educational institution among moldable young minds.”
He should never have been allowed to enter a classroom. What a pathetic excuse for a human being.
he spent nearly a decade subjecting female students and teachers to his own peculiar and degrading brand of unrelenting sexual harassment.
This fellow should have been fired immediately, not some decade later. Can't anyone call some union busters to put a stop to this nonsense.
There never should have been a second day for him to do such a thing. His job should have been history after the first.

God bless you and his former students always!!!

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You'd think this would fall under extreme sexual harrassment, but none of that applies when teachers unions are involved. Why should teachers have tenure anyway.?
When I was a substitute teacher, I noticed one of the grade-school faculty getting very chummy with some 3rd grade girls. He was a PE teacher that wandered into the library to "visit" my charges. At first I thought maybe he was their older brother, or an uncle. I mentioned it to Mrs. H. who was teaching second grade at the time. She had repeatedly seen this behavior but was reluctant to report it for fear she would disrupt the nepotistic atmosphere of the school, and be reprimanded herself (This guy was related to at least two other district employees).

Soon after, our daughter would complain of a stomach ache each morning and ask to stay home from school. This was very uncharacteristic of her. I immediately put 2 and 2 together and paid a visit to the principal. I told her about what I observed (leaving my wife out of it), and about our daughter's reluctance to go to school. She asked if I thought there was a connection, and I looked her right in the eye and said "there better fucking NOT be".

That teacher didn't return the next year, but I heard he was immediately employed by yet another school district. In other words, there was no mention of his behavior (nor of my complaint) in his records. I got on the phone to DCFS and explained the whole story. They were very cordial but told me that I would have to file a formal complaint and that the charges would ultimately have to be proven- a near impossibility.

So there you have it, and this is how such behavior is allowed to continue. The education system is one of nepotism, cronyism, and favoritism... all protected and encouraged by unions.
The tenured inure themselves among the educable populace.

Bestowing their perverse behavior.

"Good" teachers are abandoned for their lack of relation or friendship or "church" with the administration.

It's not what you know, it's who you know. In the school system.
When I was a substitute teacher, I noticed one of the grade-school faculty getting very chummy with some 3rd grade girls. He was a PE teacher that wandered into the library to "visit" my charges. At first I thought maybe he was their older brother, or an uncle. I mentioned it to Mrs. H. who was teaching second grade at the time. She had repeatedly seen this behavior but was reluctant to report it for fear she would disrupt the nepotistic atmosphere of the school, and be reprimanded herself (This guy was related to at least two other district employees).

Soon after, our daughter would complain of a stomach ache each morning and ask to stay home from school. This was very uncharacteristic of her. I immediately put 2 and 2 together and paid a visit to the principal. I told her about what I observed (leaving my wife out of it), and about our daughter's reluctance to go to school. She asked if I thought there was a connection, and I looked her right in the eye and said "there better fucking NOT be".

That teacher didn't return the next year, but I heard he was immediately employed by yet another school district. In other words, there was no mention of his behavior (nor of my complaint) in his records. I got on the phone to DCFS and explained the whole story. They were very cordial but told me that I would have to file a formal complaint and that the charges would ultimately have to be proven- a near impossibility.

So there you have it, and this is how such behavior is allowed to continue. The education system is one of nepotism, cronyism, and favoritism... all protected and encouraged by unions.

I'ts the same as the catholic church and their priests and judaism and their rabbis. Molesters everywhere but the churches buy off whoever they need to and nothing is done.

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