Okl lege has a few Republicans acting like The Onion


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
5 Facts About American History That Oklahoma Wants to Ban - Mic

5 Facts About American History That Oklahoma Wants to Ban

In a move straight out of an Onion article, the Oklahoma state legislature has moved to ban history. At least, the accurate study of it.

House Bill 1380, written by Republican state legislator Dan Fisher, prohibits "the expenditure of funds on the Advanced Placement United States history course" in Oklahoma public schools. Fisher is a member of the dominionist Black Robe Regiment, which argues that a "false wall of separation of church and state has been constructed" by secular progressives who aim to stamp out religious faith in the United States. This might explain his motivation for the bill: That Advanced Placement U.S. history courses only teach "what is bad about America" and fail to emphasize "American exceptionalism."

· Some of Fisher's peers feel that even this egregious politicization of Oklahoma's curriculum doesn't go far enough. Rep. Sally "Gays Are Worse Than Terrorists" Kern has claimed that "AP courses violate the legislation approved last year that repealed Common Core" and "could be construed as an attempt to impose a national curriculum on American schools."

· Oklahoma's not the first state to declare the AP U.S. history course "un-American." In January, the Georgia legislature introduced a resolution that rejects a new version of the course for teaching a "radically revisionist view of American history" and neglecting to sufficiently lionize "America's Founding Fathers, the principles of the Declaration of Independence [and] the religious influences on our nation's history."


Far right wing reactionaries are to blame for this anti-educational insanity.

The idiots claim that “Manifest Destiny, American military tactics in World War II and the immigration booms of the late 19th century are all ‘maligned in the new framework, according to Krieger — and he's made it his life's mission to change the AP U.S. history course back to the more "pro-American" version”.

Among the more common false teachings “in American classrooms to unsuspecting students” are — a list of truths that, if Oklahoma gets its way, students may never hear." Examples are:

· “Lie: The Civil War had little to do with slavery.
Truth: The Civil War had everything to do with slavery”

· Lie: America was founded on religious freedom.
Truth: America was founded on religious persecution.

· Lie: America was founded as a Christian nation.
Truth: America passed a treaty saying it's not.
I bet they have changed state history books to say that the Native American Indian was on vacation while on the reservation....Since I took the class in 1976...
These un-Americans want Jesusland. Lucky for us, but not their children of course, they are stuck in the fly-over that is Oklahoma.

I loved it when the AP history guy they interviewed said the history was true, they just don't like how it makes the US look. Propagandists for Jesus.
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The OK teachers will do the same thing when TX tried to do it: pull their forelocks and teach it honestly,
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Most of history does not comply with LBT's looniness is what he meant to say.
Most of history does not comply with LBT's looniness is what he meant to say.
You got that right. Here's his version:
Left wing loon's version of American History can be taught with these two words.

"America sucks". or in the words of Reverend Wright "Goddamn America".
Left wing loon's version of American History can be taught with these two words.

"America sucks". or in the words of Reverend Wright "Goddamn America".
And these two words "American exceptionalism" is horse shit as well.
Left wing loon's version of American History can be taught with these two words.

"America sucks". or in the words of Reverend Wright "Goddamn America".
And these two words "American exceptionalism" is horse shit as well.

Fool. What America is and always will be is exceptional. I'll never forget standing at the base of the Statue of Liberty for the first time and looking up at her. It was an overwhelming experience. Part of the problem with you left wing nutbars is you've never travelled outside of your home town to experience the sheer wonder that is America.

I've been coast to coast. Blessed in my life that way.Very few states I haven't been to.

America is just fabulously unreal.
Left wing loon's version of American History can be taught with these two words.

"America sucks". or in the words of Reverend Wright "Goddamn America".
And these two words "American exceptionalism" is horse shit as well.

Fool. What America is and always will be is exceptional. I'll never forget standing at the base of the Statue of Liberty for the first time and looking up at her. It was an overwhelming experience. Part of the problem with you left wing nutbars is you've never travelled outside of your home town to experience the sheer wonder that is America.

I've been coast to coast. Blessed in my life that way.Very few states I haven't been to.

America is just fabulously unreal.

Shhhh. Starkey is a republican.

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