OK, the neo-Bolshevists are tightening their grip on the US, but what does that mean?

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
More and more people are realizing that a growing neo-Bolshevik movement has been behind all the inflammatory rhetoric over the last four years--for example, calling Donald Trump "Hitler", and Trump supporters "Nazis". More and more people are realizing that the Antifa of today, like the Antifa of the 1920s, is closely allied with these neo-Bolsheviks.

To understand how serious of a matter this is, lets look at some select quotes by those original Bolshevists, who seized power a hundred years ago in Russia in a bloodless coup like the coup we are witnessing now.

  • "Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution." (Lenin.)
  • "You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form." (Trotsky.)
  • "Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality." (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • "We represent organised terror... we know no quarter." (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • "We shall carry on organised terror.... If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too." (Lassovsky)
  • "We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • "The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence." (Latzis.)
Pay attention to those, for example, on this board, who advocate violence against political enemies. They are serious. They will always increase the violence as long as they are not stopped. Staying quiet will not protect you. It is genocide they ultimately want.
More and more people are realizing that a growing neo-Bolshevik movement has been behind all the inflammatory rhetoric over the last four years--for example, calling Donald Trump "Hitler", and Trump supporters "Nazis". More and more people are realizing that the Antifa of today, like the Antifa of the 1920s, is closely allied with these neo-Bolsheviks.

To understand how serious of a matter this is, lets look at some select quotes by those original Bolshevists, who seized power a hundred years ago in Russia in a bloodless coup like the coup we are witnessing now.

  • "Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution." (Lenin.)
  • "You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form." (Trotsky.)
  • "Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality." (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • "We represent organised terror... we know no quarter." (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • "We shall carry on organised terror.... If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too." (Lassovsky)
  • "We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • "The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence." (Latzis.)
Pay attention to those, for example, on this board, who advocate violence against political enemies. They are serious. They will always increase the violence as long as they are not stopped. Staying quiet will not protect you. It is genocide they ultimately want.
Can't you just speak your propaganda without pejoratives of fakeness and consider just trying to tell the truth in plain words?
More and more people are realizing that a growing neo-Bolshevik movement has been behind all the inflammatory rhetoric over the last four years--for example, calling Donald Trump "Hitler", and Trump supporters "Nazis". More and more people are realizing that the Antifa of today, like the Antifa of the 1920s, is closely allied with these neo-Bolsheviks.

To understand how serious of a matter this is, lets look at some select quotes by those original Bolshevists, who seized power a hundred years ago in Russia in a bloodless coup like the coup we are witnessing now.

  • "Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution." (Lenin.)
  • "You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form." (Trotsky.)
  • "Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality." (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • "We represent organised terror... we know no quarter." (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • "We shall carry on organised terror.... If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too." (Lassovsky)
  • "We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • "The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence." (Latzis.)
Pay attention to those, for example, on this board, who advocate violence against political enemies. They are serious. They will always increase the violence as long as they are not stopped. Staying quiet will not protect you. It is genocide they ultimately want.
^ this guy would love to throw down on having some fascism around here
More and more people are realizing that a growing neo-Bolshevik movement has been behind all the inflammatory rhetoric over the last four years--for example, calling Donald Trump "Hitler", and Trump supporters "Nazis". More and more people are realizing that the Antifa of today, like the Antifa of the 1920s, is closely allied with these neo-Bolsheviks.

To understand how serious of a matter this is, lets look at some select quotes by those original Bolshevists, who seized power a hundred years ago in Russia in a bloodless coup like the coup we are witnessing now.

  • "Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution." (Lenin.)
  • "You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form." (Trotsky.)
  • "Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality." (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • "We represent organised terror... we know no quarter." (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • "We shall carry on organised terror.... If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too." (Lassovsky)
  • "We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • "The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence." (Latzis.)
Pay attention to those, for example, on this board, who advocate violence against political enemies. They are serious. They will always increase the violence as long as they are not stopped. Staying quiet will not protect you. It is genocide they ultimately want.
Can't you just speak your propaganda without pejoratives of fakeness and consider just trying to tell the truth in plain words?

The king of one liner strikes again!

Most of post one are composed of quotes from noted commie leaders.

Those "plain words" are scary to a free based society.
More and more people are realizing that a growing neo-Bolshevik movement has been behind all the inflammatory rhetoric over the last four years--for example, calling Donald Trump "Hitler", and Trump supporters "Nazis". More and more people are realizing that the Antifa of today, like the Antifa of the 1920s, is closely allied with these neo-Bolsheviks.

To understand how serious of a matter this is, lets look at some select quotes by those original Bolshevists, who seized power a hundred years ago in Russia in a bloodless coup like the coup we are witnessing now.

  • "Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution." (Lenin.)
  • "You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form." (Trotsky.)
  • "Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality." (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • "We represent organised terror... we know no quarter." (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • "We shall carry on organised terror.... If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too." (Lassovsky)
  • "We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • "The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence." (Latzis.)
Pay attention to those, for example, on this board, who advocate violence against political enemies. They are serious. They will always increase the violence as long as they are not stopped. Staying quiet will not protect you. It is genocide they ultimately want.
Neo-bolshevism is a made up word from the novel 1984 and has no actual meaning.
More and more people are realizing that a growing neo-Bolshevik movement has been behind all the inflammatory rhetoric over the last four years--for example, calling Donald Trump "Hitler", and Trump supporters "Nazis". More and more people are realizing that the Antifa of today, like the Antifa of the 1920s, is closely allied with these neo-Bolsheviks.

To understand how serious of a matter this is, lets look at some select quotes by those original Bolshevists, who seized power a hundred years ago in Russia in a bloodless coup like the coup we are witnessing now.

  • "Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution." (Lenin.)
  • "You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form." (Trotsky.)
  • "Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality." (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • "We represent organised terror... we know no quarter." (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • "We shall carry on organised terror.... If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too." (Lassovsky)
  • "We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • "The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence." (Latzis.)
Pay attention to those, for example, on this board, who advocate violence against political enemies. They are serious. They will always increase the violence as long as they are not stopped. Staying quiet will not protect you. It is genocide they ultimately want.
That could have been said by Chuck Schumer or any other democrat communist.
More and more people are realizing that a growing neo-Bolshevik movement has been behind all the inflammatory rhetoric over the last four years--for example, calling Donald Trump "Hitler", and Trump supporters "Nazis". More and more people are realizing that the Antifa of today, like the Antifa of the 1920s, is closely allied with these neo-Bolsheviks.

To understand how serious of a matter this is, lets look at some select quotes by those original Bolshevists, who seized power a hundred years ago in Russia in a bloodless coup like the coup we are witnessing now.

  • "Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution." (Lenin.)
  • "You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form." (Trotsky.)
  • "Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality." (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • "We represent organised terror... we know no quarter." (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • "We shall carry on organised terror.... If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too." (Lassovsky)
  • "We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • "The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence." (Latzis.)
Pay attention to those, for example, on this board, who advocate violence against political enemies. They are serious. They will always increase the violence as long as they are not stopped. Staying quiet will not protect you. It is genocide they ultimately want.
Trump's Bolshevik Revolution of January 6 against the United States failed.
More and more people are realizing that a growing neo-Bolshevik movement has been behind all the inflammatory rhetoric over the last four years--for example, calling Donald Trump "Hitler", and Trump supporters "Nazis". More and more people are realizing that the Antifa of today, like the Antifa of the 1920s, is closely allied with these neo-Bolsheviks.

To understand how serious of a matter this is, lets look at some select quotes by those original Bolshevists, who seized power a hundred years ago in Russia in a bloodless coup like the coup we are witnessing now.

  • "Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution." (Lenin.)
  • "You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form." (Trotsky.)
  • "Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality." (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • "We represent organised terror... we know no quarter." (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • "We shall carry on organised terror.... If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too." (Lassovsky)
  • "We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • "The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence." (Latzis.)
Pay attention to those, for example, on this board, who advocate violence against political enemies. They are serious. They will always increase the violence as long as they are not stopped. Staying quiet will not protect you. It is genocide they ultimately want.

The only way you Taliban/ISIS home grown terrorists will get along with the majority is, first, for you stop lying.
More and more people are realizing that a growing neo-Bolshevik movement has been behind all the inflammatory rhetoric over the last four years--for example, calling Donald Trump "Hitler", and Trump supporters "Nazis". More and more people are realizing that the Antifa of today, like the Antifa of the 1920s, is closely allied with these neo-Bolsheviks.

To understand how serious of a matter this is, lets look at some select quotes by those original Bolshevists, who seized power a hundred years ago in Russia in a bloodless coup like the coup we are witnessing now.

  • "Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution." (Lenin.)
  • "You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form." (Trotsky.)
  • "Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality." (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • "We represent organised terror... we know no quarter." (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • "We shall carry on organised terror.... If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too." (Lassovsky)
  • "We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • "The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence." (Latzis.)
Pay attention to those, for example, on this board, who advocate violence against political enemies. They are serious. They will always increase the violence as long as they are not stopped. Staying quiet will not protect you. It is genocide they ultimately want.
Can't you just speak your propaganda without pejoratives of fakeness and consider just trying to tell the truth in plain words?

The king of one liner strikes again!

Most of post one are composed of quotes from noted commie leaders.

Those "plain words" are scary to a free based society.
Free based?
You may be more accurate than you realize. Democrats love them some drug addiction.
More and more people are realizing that a growing neo-Bolshevik movement has been behind all the inflammatory rhetoric over the last four years--for example, calling Donald Trump "Hitler", and Trump supporters "Nazis". More and more people are realizing that the Antifa of today, like the Antifa of the 1920s, is closely allied with these neo-Bolsheviks.

To understand how serious of a matter this is, lets look at some select quotes by those original Bolshevists, who seized power a hundred years ago in Russia in a bloodless coup like the coup we are witnessing now.

  • "Ninety per cent of Russians may perish so long as ten per cent. remain at the time of the world revolution." (Lenin.)
  • "You object to the gentle terror which we practice against our class enemies, but know this, that in a month at latest this terror will take on a crueller form." (Trotsky.)
  • "Pitiless repression is necessary, banishing all sentimentality." (Lounatcharsky [ Lunacharsky ])
  • "We represent organised terror... we know no quarter." (Dzerginsky. [ Dzerzhinsky ])
  • "We shall carry on organised terror.... If you notice a bourgeois escaping the eye, vigilant, as it is, of our organisation, catch him and kill him with your own hands. If you see a revolutionary socialist of the right, a menchevik [ menshevik ], or any kind of traitor, succeed in hiding himself kill him too." (Lassovsky)
  • "We were terrorists at the beginning of the revolution and even before, and we always shall be. We need leaders who feel nothing but mortal hatred towards the bourgeoisie; who organise and prepare the proletariat for an implacable struggle; who do not hesitate to use the most violent means towards those who stand in their way. It is the bitterest civil war that history has ever known. (Zinovieff. [ Zinoviev ])
  • "The Cheka does not judge its enemies; it strikes them down without pity and suppresses any who are not on the same side of the fence." (Latzis.)
Pay attention to those, for example, on this board, who advocate violence against political enemies. They are serious. They will always increase the violence as long as they are not stopped. Staying quiet will not protect you. It is genocide they ultimately want.
Can't you just speak your propaganda without pejoratives of fakeness and consider just trying to tell the truth in plain words?

The king of one liner strikes again!

Most of post one are composed of quotes from noted commie leaders.

Those "plain words" are scary to a free based society.
moony is a troll
Democrats are coming for Trump supporters. They intend to put them in camps and put their kids in cages where they do Democrat things to them.
The only way you Taliban/ISIS home grown terrorists will get along with the majority is, first, for you stop lying.
Oh, you mean tell the truth like you guys do? Hahahaha.... Like Biden got more votes than Trump. Like Russia colluded with the Trump campaign? Truth like that?
The only way you Taliban/ISIS home grown terrorists will get along with the majority is, first, for you stop lying.
Oh, you mean tell the truth like you guys do? Hahahaha.... Like Biden got more votes than Trump. Like Russia colluded with the Trump campaign? Truth like that?

I can see that I missed a Traitor and Terrorist. My bad. Enjoy the bitbucket. I don't have the time nor the inclination to bother with you.

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