Official Human Migration model seems to be at odds with Linguistics.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Am I saying that this Out-of-Africa picture is wrong? No. But I think the time-scale needs to be amplified by a factor of 1.4

There's absolutely no way the Native American language families have become so different than the Asian language families in the past 12,000 years.

If anyone has credible links to human remains in the Americas more than 15,000 years ago please share them. Any remains before 21,500 years ago would be very interesting.

Am I saying that this Out-of-Africa picture is wrong? No. But I think the time-scale needs to be amplified by a factor of 1.4

There's absolutely no way the Native American language families have become so different than the Asian language families in the past 12,000 years.

If anyone has credible links to human remains in the Americas more than 15,000 years ago please share them.

Where is a link to your proof that linguistics does not reflect the out of Africa model? Try 50K years

BBC News Sci Tech First Americans were Australian
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Sequencing DNA from the 12,600-year-old skeleton of an infant found in central Montana, scientists have confirmed that early Native Americans descended from ancient Asians, not from Western Europeans, according to a study published in Nature today (February 12). This work, led by ancient DNA expert Eske Willerslev of the University of Copenhagen and his colleagues, marked the first ancient North American genome to have been fully sequenced.
Am I saying that this Out-of-Africa picture is wrong? No. But I think the time-scale needs to be amplified by a factor of 1.4

There's absolutely no way the Native American language families have become so different than the Asian language families in the past 12,000 years.

If anyone has credible links to human remains in the Americas more than 15,000 years ago please share them. Any remains before 21,500 years ago would be very interesting.


Go to and search "Solutrean" and "Paleoamerican Odyssey Conference". The Solutreans probably got here 20,000 - 22,000 years ago. They were white, and they were from France, and the evidence that they beat the Mongoloid migrations into the New World by several thousand years is beginning to accrue. Very politically incorrect as you might suspect, but that doesn't make the fact any less true.
Go to and search "Solutrean" and "Paleoamerican Odyssey Conference". The Solutreans probably got here 20,000 - 22,000 years ago. They were white, and they were from France, and the evidence that they beat the Mongoloid migrations into the New World by several thousand years is beginning to accrue. Very politically incorrect as you might suspect, but that doesn't make the fact any less true.

I knew it. I found this from the website. I have never seen that before. And yes, some of what appears here is not politically correct, although in a very benign sense. Sad that we have PC culture during this age of information.

Still I need something further back, at least 18,500 years.

oday, the archaeological community has largely come to accept that people were living at Monte Verde before the emergence of Clovis technology. Adovasio, whose excavations at Meadowcroft Rockshelter in the 1970s uncovered artifacts indicating that people were living in western Pennsylvania between 14,000 and 16,000 years ago, says that now, looking back, he realizes that he and Dillehay vastly underestimated how long it would take for their findings to be accepted. And the work continues. At the Santa Fe conference, Dillehay offered a presentation on Monte Verde and one on a site in northern Peru called Huaca Prieta, where he’s found charcoal and animal bones along with stone tools dating back as far as 14,200 years.
Am I saying that this Out-of-Africa picture is wrong? No. But I think the time-scale needs to be amplified by a factor of 1.4

There's absolutely no way the Native American language families have become so different than the Asian language families in the past 12,000 years.

If anyone has credible links to human remains in the Americas more than 15,000 years ago please share them.

Where is a link to your proof that linguistics does not reflect the out of Africa model? Try 50K years

BBC News Sci Tech First Americans were Australian

This too is very interesting. A lot of south american women have more voluptuous features than their asian ancestors suggesting there was something there before them. I used to think it was from the columbian slave trade (modern gene mixing), but paintings and drawings and journal/diary accounts (many concerning the spread of syphilis) suggest their different phyiscal features predated the slave trade. I don't think they had enough time to micro evolve such different faces and physical structures if they were purely asian.
Where is a link to your proof that linguistics does not reflect the out of Africa model? Try 50K years

BBC News Sci Tech First Americans were Australian

In fact, your link really nails it. I knew that graphic in the OP could not be accurate time-wise. I think one of the key problems is the ancient coastlines are under water now, which really fucks up archeology and skeleton/fossil records.

However, the new evidence shows that these people did not arrive in an empty wilderness. Stone tools and charcoal from the site in Brazil show evidence of human habitation as long ago as 50,000 years.

The site is at Serra Da Capivara in remote northeast Brazil. This area is now inhabited by the descendants of European settlers and African slaves who arrived just 500 years ago.

But cave paintings found here provided the first clue to the existence of a much older people.


The costumes and rituals shown in rock art survived in Terra del Fuego

Images of giant armadillos, which died out before the last ice age, show the artists who drew them lived before even the natives who greeted the Europeans.
These Asian people have facial features described as mongoloid. However, skulls dug from a depth equivalent to 9,000 to 12,000 years ago are very different.

Walter Neves, an archaeologist from the University of Sao Paolo, has taken extensive skull measurements from dozens of skulls, including the oldest, a young woman who has been named Lucia.

"The measurements show that Lucia was anything but mongoloid," he says.
Am I saying that this Out-of-Africa picture is wrong? No. But I think the time-scale needs to be amplified by a factor of 1.4

There's absolutely no way the Native American language families have become so different than the Asian language families in the past 12,000 years.

If anyone has credible links to human remains in the Americas more than 15,000 years ago please share them. Any remains before 21,500 years ago would be very interesting.


Go to and search "Solutrean" and "Paleoamerican Odyssey Conference". The Solutreans probably got here 20,000 - 22,000 years ago. They were white, and they were from France, and the evidence that they beat the Mongoloid migrations into the New World by several thousand years is beginning to accrue. Very politically incorrect as you might suspect, but that doesn't make the fact any less true.

Am I saying that this Out-of-Africa picture is wrong? No. But I think the time-scale needs to be amplified by a factor of 1.4

There's absolutely no way the Native American language families have become so different than the Asian language families in the past 12,000 years.

If anyone has credible links to human remains in the Americas more than 15,000 years ago please share them. Any remains before 21,500 years ago would be very interesting.


Go to and search "Solutrean" and "Paleoamerican Odyssey Conference". The Solutreans probably got here 20,000 - 22,000 years ago. They were white, and they were from France, and the evidence that they beat the Mongoloid migrations into the New World by several thousand years is beginning to accrue. Very politically incorrect as you might suspect, but that doesn't make the fact any less true.


Oh, thanks for that. I'm sure North America's leading archaeologists are concerned that man-who-likes-diarrhea-in-his-face has a dissenting opinion. Should I contact the media?
There's also an incredible similarity between the Noah Flood story and the Mezo American flood myths, as strong a correlation between the Vedic hidden sun myth and the Japanese hidden sun myth (Ameratsu) which is shown to be linguistically related before the Lake Toba Superreuption. I can get the name of the professor who wrote the paper.

Linguistically they put the hidden sun myth at 50,000 years ago (Indian Vedas and Japan Ameratsu).

A lot my influence comes from Professor Witzel who I have several e-mail exchanges with.
All ancient myths and creation stories are related.

And there is much more...
All ancient myths and creation stories are related.

And there is much more...

From the Ameratsu thesis link (Hidden Sun) of Lauriasian origin 70,000 years ago, which coincides with the volcanic winter of the Lake Toba Supereruption backed by genetic bottleneck evidence 50,000-80,000 years ago I just found this gem.

Or much earlier, in some scenarios: Valverde finds in Chile, 35,000 BCE. There also are new theories of
immigration by boat along the west coast of North America, (note the thesis by von Sadowsky 1978 about the
Uralic origin of the Wintu in the California valley, and the Ice Age immigration of the people represented by
Kennebec man, from Western Europe, via the ice sheet, Iceland and Greenland)

I just sent Professor Witzel an e-mail requesting the original thesis by Sadowsky.

This link may contain the reference, but I would prefer verification:
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Am I saying that this Out-of-Africa picture is wrong? No. But I think the time-scale needs to be amplified by a factor of 1.4

There's absolutely no way the Native American language families have become so different than the Asian language families in the past 12,000 years.

If anyone has credible links to human remains in the Americas more than 15,000 years ago please share them. Any remains before 21,500 years ago would be very interesting.


Go to and search "Solutrean" and "Paleoamerican Odyssey Conference". The Solutreans probably got here 20,000 - 22,000 years ago. They were white, and they were from France, and the evidence that they beat the Mongoloid migrations into the New World by several thousand years is beginning to accrue. Very politically incorrect as you might suspect, but that doesn't make the fact any less true.

Solutrean scam has been debunked severely

Solutrean hypothesis - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"A 2011 article in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology tends to argue against the Solutrean theory on genetic grounds. Researchers in Italy argued that the distinctively Asian C4c and the disputed X2a had "parallel genetic histories." They note that "C4c is deeply rooted in the Asian portion of the mtDNA phylogeny and is indubitably of Asian origin.""
Oh ass leper, shut the hell up. I attended the conference in Santa Fe. Now why don't you quit making a fool of yourself and do as I suggested. Go to the web site and do some homework. Archaeology Magazine is the official publication of the American Archaeological Association...dumbass. Have they been "debunked" do you think? How about the 40 sponsored Solutrean dig sites now in excavation? "Debunked" do you think? You're an ignorant racist. You've proven that time and again.
Oh ass leper, shut the hell up. I attended the conference in Santa Fe. Now why don't you quit making a fool of yourself and do as I suggested. Go to the web site and do some homework. Archaeology Magazine is the official publication of the American Archaeological Association...dumbass. Have they been "debunked" do you think? How about the 40 sponsored Solutrean dig sites now in excavation? "Debunked" do you think? You're an ignorant racist. You've proven that time and again.
Oh sweettom. Dont be sore. I attended the founding fathers signing of the declaration of independence. I already did my homework and dont need to go anywhere. DNA trumps pretty much anything except time travel. Soultrean theory is dead in the water. Your insistence on averting your eyes to the DNA proves you are racist butt boil.

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