Of course biden lied....Job Killer Joe biden is going to ban fracking...make America dependent on middle east energy again...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
joe biden and the other morons of the democrat party are going to ban fracking......the energy practice that made America energy independent and an energy exporter......so no longer will America be free from Middle East violence..........

Job Killer joe is going to kill even more jobs in the American energy sector....

So...union democrats.....are you happy you voted to cancel your own jobs by voting for job killer joe?

joe biden and the other morons of the democrat party are going to ban fracking......the energy practice that made America energy independent and an energy exporter......so no longer will America be free from Middle East violence..........

Actually, Fracking is only practical when the price of oil is high... otherwise it costs more to bring it out of the ground than you can sell it for.

Not destroying the water table so big oil can make some profits... OH MY GOD, THAT'S HORRIBLE.
joe biden and the other morons of the democrat party are going to ban fracking......the energy practice that made America energy independent and an energy exporter......so no longer will America be free from Middle East violence..........

Actually, Fracking is only practical when the price of oil is high... otherwise it costs more to bring it out of the ground than you can sell it for.

Not destroying the water table so big oil can make some profits... OH MY GOD, THAT'S HORRIBLE.
Not so much anymore costs have come way down over 15 years
joe biden and the other morons of the democrat party are going to ban fracking......the energy practice that made America energy independent and an energy exporter......so no longer will America be free from Middle East violence..........

Actually, Fracking is only practical when the price of oil is high... otherwise it costs more to bring it out of the ground than you can sell it for.

Not destroying the water table so big oil can make some profits... OH MY GOD, THAT'S HORRIBLE.

It doesn't destroy the water table you doofus....... you guys lie and lie and lie.........
o my biden derangement syndrome is spreading fast
Actually I'm in full support of everything joes handlers want to do

Its gonna be great !!
Oh baby is it ever

LMAO I tend to agree. Every boneheaded thing the jack ass does will be remembered in 2024. Hell on day one he screwed every tax payer in America.

I'm just going to sit back and watch the lefty loons defend the jackass. I'll enjoy every minute of it.
Not so much anymore costs have come way down over 15 years

Not enough to make it practical. Trump had to give them a big bailout when the Pandemic caused oil consumption to drop.

It doesn't destroy the water table you doofus....... you guys lie and lie and lie.........

One of the gravest threats posed by fracking is the contamination of drinking water wells, vital sources of water for many rural communities. Though the industry has attempted to obscure evidence of well water contamination by fracking, multiple instances have come to light.

  • In Pennsylvania, Colorado, Ohio and Wyoming, fracking has been linked to drinking water contamination and property damage. (See Propublica’s series of reports on fracking)
  • A Duke study examining 60 sites in New York and Pennsylvania found “systematic evidence for methane contamination” in household drinking water. Water wells half a mile from drilling operations were contaminated by methane at 17 times the rate of those farther from gas developments. Although methane in water has not been studied closely as a health hazard, it can seep into houses and build up to explosive levels.
  • In December 2011, US EPA released a 121-page draft report linking the contamination of drinking water wells near the town of Pavillion, Wyoming to nearby gas drilling.
  • An investigation by ProPublica found that years after their wells were contaminated by nearby fracking operations, EPA began to supply water to residents of Dimock, Pennsylvania.
  • In New York, claims have already been filed against the Anschutz Exploration Corporation and its subcontractors on behalf of nine families for the contamination of their drinking waterdue to natural gas exploration and drilling.
  • A scene in “Gasland,” a documentary in which a homeowner was able to light the water flowing out of his kitchen tap, made many people aware of the dangers of fracking. Scientific American also published a ProPublica investigation that found “a string of documented cases of gas escaping into drinking water – in Pennsylvania and other states.”
  • A 1987 report concluded that hydraulic fracturing fluids or gel used by the Kaiser Exploration and Mining Company contaminated a well roughly 600 feet away on the property of James Parsons in Jackson County, W.Va.
joe biden and the other morons of the democrat party are going to ban fracking......the energy practice that made America energy independent and an energy exporter......so no longer will America be free from Middle East violence..........

Job Killer joe is going to kill even more jobs in the American energy sector....

So...union democrats.....are you happy you voted to cancel your own jobs by voting for job killer joe?


Heard that the unions told workers to vote for that man.

So their pipeline jobs are now gone.


Within one day, some voters for that man are being bitten in the posterior by his policies.
Democrats are anti job. They have been that way since the Johnson days and the advent of the welfare state. Since then, Democrats have been actively trying to keep their constituents poor, pissed off and dependent on government. This is why I predict many free thinking Democrats will join with Trump Republicans and form an America first party that will serve the workers and taxpayers instead of the establishment elitists (Democrats and neocons). We need to do this before Biden turns our country into the United States of Guatemala or a subsidiary of China or a Marxist antifa enclave. Nothing good will happen with this bunch in charge
joe biden and the other morons of the democrat party are going to ban fracking......the energy practice that made America energy independent and an energy exporter......so no longer will America be free from Middle East violence..........

Job Killer joe is going to kill even more jobs in the American energy sector....

So...union democrats.....are you happy you voted to cancel your own jobs by voting for job killer joe?

Townhall is ultra conservative and without ethics

  • The top five sources of U.S. total petroleum (including crude oil) imports by share of total petroleum imports in 2019 were
  • Canada 49%
  • Mexico 7%
  • Saudi Arabia 6%
  • Russia 6%
  • Colombia 4%
Oil imports and exports - U.S. Energy Information Administration (E…

joe biden and the other morons of the democrat party are going to ban fracking......the energy practice that made America energy independent and an energy exporter......so no longer will America be free from Middle East violence..........

Job Killer joe is going to kill even more jobs in the American energy sector....

So...union democrats.....are you happy you voted to cancel your own jobs by voting for job killer joe?


Heard that the unions told workers to vote for that man.

So their pipeline jobs are now gone.


Within one day, some voters for that man are being bitten in the posterior by his policies.

Yup and that's just day one. On that day he screwed every tax payer in America. It will be fun to watch every lefty loon on this board defend his stupid ass. I'll just sit here and LMAO. Lord knows they will have plenty to defend.
Democrats are anti job. They have been that way since the Johnson days and the advent of the welfare state. Since then, Democrats have been actively trying to keep their constituents poor, pissed off and dependent on government. This is why I predict many free thinking Democrats will join with Trump Republicans and form an America first party that will serve the workers and taxpayers instead of the establishment elitists (Democrats and neocons). We need to do this before Biden turns our country into the United States of Guatemala or a subsidiary of China or a Marxist antifa enclave. Nothing good will happen with this bunch in charge

You work for a pipeline company? If Keystone is built it will create 4,000 temporary jobs and the pipeline construction companies will do the work.
Democrats are anti job. They have been that way since the Johnson days and the advent of the welfare state. Since then, Democrats have been actively trying to keep their constituents poor, pissed off and dependent on government. This is why I predict many free thinking Democrats will join with Trump Republicans and form an America first party that will serve the workers and taxpayers instead of the establishment elitists (Democrats and neocons). We need to do this before Biden turns our country into the United States of Guatemala or a subsidiary of China or a Marxist antifa enclave. Nothing good will happen with this bunch in charge

You work for a pipeline company? If Keystone is built it will create 4,000 temporary jobs and the pipeline construction companies will do the work.
Good call. I'm retired from a pipeline company.
joe biden and the other morons of the democrat party are going to ban fracking......the energy practice that made America energy independent and an energy exporter......so no longer will America be free from Middle East violence..........

Actually, Fracking is only practical when the price of oil is high... otherwise it costs more to bring it out of the ground than you can sell it for.

Not destroying the water table so big oil can make some profits... OH MY GOD, THAT'S HORRIBLE.
Then why didn’t Old Joe just say that when he was running?
Instead he lied.
joe biden and the other morons of the democrat party are going to ban fracking......the energy practice that made America energy independent and an energy exporter......so no longer will America be free from Middle East violence..........

Job Killer joe is going to kill even more jobs in the American energy sector....

So...union democrats.....are you happy you voted to cancel your own jobs by voting for job killer joe?


Heard that the unions told workers to vote for that man.

So their pipeline jobs are now gone.


Within one day, some voters for that man are being bitten in the posterior by his policies.

Yup and that's just day one. On that day he screwed every tax payer in America. It will be fun to watch every lefty loon on this board defend his stupid ass. I'll just sit here and LMAO. Lord knows they will have plenty to defend.

The Xiden Regime will just do whatever it wants, they know they didn’t win the election so they can just break any and all campaign promises they made in an attempt to win the normies. They know they can get away with anything now.
joe biden and the other morons of the democrat party are going to ban fracking......the energy practice that made America energy independent and an energy exporter......so no longer will America be free from Middle East violence..........

Actually, Fracking is only practical when the price of oil is high... otherwise it costs more to bring it out of the ground than you can sell it for.

Not destroying the water table so big oil can make some profits... OH MY GOD, THAT'S HORRIBLE.

Costs are being brought down as time goes on due to improvements in technology and application.

A water bearing strata and a gas/oil bearing strata are usually far apart from each other, and separated by very impermeable rock layers. If not you wouldn't be able to use the water in the first place.
Not so much anymore costs have come way down over 15 years

Not enough to make it practical. Trump had to give them a big bailout when the Pandemic caused oil consumption to drop.

It doesn't destroy the water table you doofus....... you guys lie and lie and lie.........

One of the gravest threats posed by fracking is the contamination of drinking water wells, vital sources of water for many rural communities. Though the industry has attempted to obscure evidence of well water contamination by fracking, multiple instances have come to light.

  • In Pennsylvania, Colorado, Ohio and Wyoming, fracking has been linked to drinking water contamination and property damage. (See Propublica’s series of reports on fracking)
  • A Duke study examining 60 sites in New York and Pennsylvania found “systematic evidence for methane contamination” in household drinking water. Water wells half a mile from drilling operations were contaminated by methane at 17 times the rate of those farther from gas developments. Although methane in water has not been studied closely as a health hazard, it can seep into houses and build up to explosive levels.
  • In December 2011, US EPA released a 121-page draft report linking the contamination of drinking water wells near the town of Pavillion, Wyoming to nearby gas drilling.
  • An investigation by ProPublica found that years after their wells were contaminated by nearby fracking operations, EPA began to supply water to residents of Dimock, Pennsylvania.
  • In New York, claims have already been filed against the Anschutz Exploration Corporation and its subcontractors on behalf of nine families for the contamination of their drinking waterdue to natural gas exploration and drilling.
  • A scene in “Gasland,” a documentary in which a homeowner was able to light the water flowing out of his kitchen tap, made many people aware of the dangers of fracking. Scientific American also published a ProPublica investigation that found “a string of documented cases of gas escaping into drinking water – in Pennsylvania and other states.”
  • A 1987 report concluded that hydraulic fracturing fluids or gel used by the Kaiser Exploration and Mining Company contaminated a well roughly 600 feet away on the property of James Parsons in Jackson County, W.Va.


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