Occupy Wall Street Website: “Stop Listing Demands” We Look Like Complete Imbeciles


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, October 5, 2011, 11:56 AM
Stop Listing Demands! We look like we’re freaking nuts.

The Occupy Wall Street lunatics scolded fellow commie activists today for posting their legitimate demands. It makes them look stupid.

The opponents of this movement are using the demands posted in this forum as the official lists. And some of these lists regardless of how right or wrong are extreme points of view and will only hurt our cause by making us look like extremist nut jobs. You don’t speak for everyone in this. Stop creating public demand lists, delete demands threads. Let the organizers and the law team working for them do this.

so thanks a lot, now this is how the opponents are viewing us Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wage” and “Across the Board Debt Forgiveness For All” | The Gateway Pundit

read the rest with comments.:lol:
Occupy Wall Street Website: “Stop Listing Demands” We Look Like Complete Imbeciles | The Gateway Pundit
in other words..

We dont want your opinion...we want your body to show numbers.
Interesting. So now we have the web site backing up exactly what I was saying earlier: that those demands were the personal opinion of ONE person, posted in the forum, and were not "official demands of OWS" in any way, shape or form. That's been confirmed, but does one of you yahoos have the decency and intellectual integrity to say, "Well, all right, guess I was wrong about that"?

Ha! No, now that that's been confirmed, and the list of demands you were so outraged about shown for the bullshit it always was, you do a one-eighty and say this shows how the movement is telling people not to think for themselves.

This movement scares the crap out of you guys. It couldn't be more obvious. Your mental contortions in response to it are nothing short of pathetic.
Interesting. So now we have the web site backing up exactly what I was saying earlier: that those demands were the personal opinion of ONE person, posted in the forum, and were not "official demands of OWS" in any way, shape or form. That's been confirmed, but does one of you yahoos have the decency and intellectual integrity to say, "Well, all right, guess I was wrong about that"?

Ha! No, now that that's been confirmed, and the list of demands you were so outraged about shown for the bullshit it always was, you do a one-eighty and say this shows how the movement is telling people not to think for themselves.

This movement scares the crap out of you guys. It couldn't be more obvious.

Scares the crap out of us? No. Gives us concerns? yes. But then any movement created and orchestrated by a bunch of violent revolutionaries who want to overthrow our nation and enslave us to a totalitarian state should concern any honest person.

Of course, the one problem they are going to have in implimenting our agenda is that we are here and aware of what they are doing. And we are going to stop them by restoring the Republic.
Interesting. So now we have the web site backing up exactly what I was saying earlier: that those demands were the personal opinion of ONE person, posted in the forum, and were not "official demands of OWS" in any way, shape or form. That's been confirmed, but does one of you yahoos have the decency and intellectual integrity to say, "Well, all right, guess I was wrong about that"?

Ha! No, now that that's been confirmed, and the list of demands you were so outraged about shown for the bullshit it always was, you do a one-eighty and say this shows how the movement is telling people not to think for themselves.

This movement scares the crap out of you guys. It couldn't be more obvious. Your mental contortions in response to it are nothing short of pathetic.

Yes, when I see a bunch acting collectively in such a colossally stupid manner, and then I'm told "hey, these are the smart ones", it scares me.

IN general stupidity on such a grand scale should scare anyone.
I'm still waiting for one of you guys that was so dead certain those "eleven demands" were proof of how radical OWS is to admit you were wrong.

Because you were.
Interesting. So now we have the web site backing up exactly what I was saying earlier: that those demands were the personal opinion of ONE person, posted in the forum, and were not "official demands of OWS" in any way, shape or form. That's been confirmed, but does one of you yahoos have the decency and intellectual integrity to say, "Well, all right, guess I was wrong about that"?

Ha! No, now that that's been confirmed, and the list of demands you were so outraged about shown for the bullshit it always was, you do a one-eighty and say this shows how the movement is telling people not to think for themselves.

This movement scares the crap out of you guys. It couldn't be more obvious. Your mental contortions in response to it are nothing short of pathetic.

Well it's beginning to gel. Unions are getting into the fray.

About fucking time.
Interesting. So now we have the web site backing up exactly what I was saying earlier: that those demands were the personal opinion of ONE person, posted in the forum, and were not "official demands of OWS" in any way, shape or form. That's been confirmed, but does one of you yahoos have the decency and intellectual integrity to say, "Well, all right, guess I was wrong about that"?

Ha! No, now that that's been confirmed, and the list of demands you were so outraged about shown for the bullshit it always was, you do a one-eighty and say this shows how the movement is telling people not to think for themselves.

This movement scares the crap out of you guys. It couldn't be more obvious. Your mental contortions in response to it are nothing short of pathetic.

Well it's beginning to gel. Unions are getting into the fray.

About fucking time.

And why do you think this is a good thing?
Interesting. So now we have the web site backing up exactly what I was saying earlier: that those demands were the personal opinion of ONE person, posted in the forum, and were not "official demands of OWS" in any way, shape or form. That's been confirmed, but does one of you yahoos have the decency and intellectual integrity to say, "Well, all right, guess I was wrong about that"?

Ha! No, now that that's been confirmed, and the list of demands you were so outraged about shown for the bullshit it always was, you do a one-eighty and say this shows how the movement is telling people not to think for themselves.

This movement scares the crap out of you guys. It couldn't be more obvious. Your mental contortions in response to it are nothing short of pathetic.

Well it's beginning to gel. Unions are getting into the fray.

About fucking time.

And why do you think this is a good thing?

Thug mentality?
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Interesting. So now we have the web site backing up exactly what I was saying earlier: that those demands were the personal opinion of ONE person, posted in the forum, and were not "official demands of OWS" in any way, shape or form. That's been confirmed, but does one of you yahoos have the decency and intellectual integrity to say, "Well, all right, guess I was wrong about that"?

Ha! No, now that that's been confirmed, and the list of demands you were so outraged about shown for the bullshit it always was, you do a one-eighty and say this shows how the movement is telling people not to think for themselves.

This movement scares the crap out of you guys. It couldn't be more obvious. Your mental contortions in response to it are nothing short of pathetic.

Well it's beginning to gel. Unions are getting into the fray.

About fucking time.

And why do you think this is a good thing?

I do. Get the SEIU down there. If they think they're looking stupid now.... just wait till the Union members start ranting. :lol:

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, October 5, 2011, 11:56 AM
Stop Listing Demands! We look like we’re freaking nuts.

The Occupy Wall Street lunatics scolded fellow commie activists today for posting their legitimate demands. It makes them look stupid.

The opponents of this movement are using the demands posted in this forum as the official lists. And some of these lists regardless of how right or wrong are extreme points of view and will only hurt our cause by making us look like extremist nut jobs. You don’t speak for everyone in this. Stop creating public demand lists, delete demands threads. Let the organizers and the law team working for them do this.

so thanks a lot, now this is how the opponents are viewing us Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wage” and “Across the Board Debt Forgiveness For All” | The Gateway Pundit

read the rest with comments.:lol:
Occupy Wall Street Website: “Stop Listing Demands” We Look Like Complete Imbeciles | The Gateway Pundit

Someone with a BRAIN should have thought of that BEFORE they listed those 13 DEMANDS--:lol::lol:

You've got a hodge podge group of people listing their own DEMANDS--many of which are absolutely ridiculous--and this group has yet to really identify themselves as being for or against anything.

And every time one of these protesters decides to build a web-site with their own demand list--this group loses all credibility.

Take a CLUE from the Tea Party movement in this country: This is NO LEADER-there never will be---and while we have a few fringe nut-cases--the overwhelming majority in this movement WANTS--a smaller Federal Government--less government spending--and a balanced budget amendment. That's pretty much it--and those FEW core ideas have been very successful--in kicking behinds in the 2010 election.

For instance--I still have no idea what the Wall Street Occupiers are protesting?--:cuckoo:
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OK, so.... being the curious type.... I went along to the Occupy Wall Street Website. It says...

Occupy Wall Street is leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%. We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends and encourage the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants.

So, if it's a leaderless resistance movement.... who the fuck is telling the rest of them to stop making hysterically moronic demands?

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, October 5, 2011, 11:56 AM
Stop Listing Demands! We look like we’re freaking nuts.

The Occupy Wall Street lunatics scolded fellow commie activists today for posting their legitimate demands. It makes them look stupid.

The opponents of this movement are using the demands posted in this forum as the official lists. And some of these lists regardless of how right or wrong are extreme points of view and will only hurt our cause by making us look like extremist nut jobs. You don’t speak for everyone in this. Stop creating public demand lists, delete demands threads. Let the organizers and the law team working for them do this.

so thanks a lot, now this is how the opponents are viewing us Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wage” and “Across the Board Debt Forgiveness For All” | The Gateway Pundit

read the rest with comments.:lol:
Occupy Wall Street Website: “Stop Listing Demands” We Look Like Complete Imbeciles | The Gateway Pundit
Um...I don't know how to break this to you, old bean....But you are extremist nutjobs! :lmao:
I suspect real/true conservatives find most of the posts by the self described conservatives on this message board as harmful too. Most movements have extremists, usually they're the dumbest and most verbal
In other words: "Stop thinking for yourself. We will tell you what your demands are, you dumb sheep"
I like the fact that they know that Bankers are the problem, but their solution is worse than the bankers; Install a Dictator.

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, October 5, 2011, 11:56 AM
Stop Listing Demands! We look like we’re freaking nuts.

The Occupy Wall Street lunatics scolded fellow commie activists today for posting their legitimate demands. It makes them look stupid.

The opponents of this movement are using the demands posted in this forum as the official lists. And some of these lists regardless of how right or wrong are extreme points of view and will only hurt our cause by making us look like extremist nut jobs. You don’t speak for everyone in this. Stop creating public demand lists, delete demands threads. Let the organizers and the law team working for them do this.

so thanks a lot, now this is how the opponents are viewing us Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wage” and “Across the Board Debt Forgiveness For All” | The Gateway Pundit

read the rest with comments.:lol:
Occupy Wall Street Website: “Stop Listing Demands” We Look Like Complete Imbeciles | The Gateway Pundit

Someone with a BRAIN should have thought of that BEFORE they listed those 13 DEMANDS--:lol::lol:

You've got a hodge podge group of people listing their own DEMANDS--many of which are absolutely ridiculous--and this group has yet to really identify themselves as being for or against anything.

And every time one of these protesters decides to build a web-site with their own demand list--this group loses all credibility.

Take a CLUE from the Tea Party movement in this country: This is NO LEADER-there never will be---and while we have a few fringe nut-cases--the overwhelming majority in this movement WANTS--a smaller Federal Government--less government spending--and a balanced budget amendment. That's pretty much it--and those FEW core ideas have been very successful--in kicking behinds in the 2010 election.

For instance--I still have no idea what the Wall Street Occupiers are protesting?--:cuckoo:
Neither do they. They are just spoiled brat children that are quite frankly misguided into protesting at the wrong place. They need to be in the District Of Criminals, the root of the problems that face us.

They are little mindless soldiers doing as thier brainwashing masters tell them.
OK, so.... being the curious type.... I went along to the Occupy Wall Street Website. It says...

Occupy Wall Street is leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%. We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends and encourage the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants.

So, if it's a leaderless resistance movement.... who the fuck is telling the rest of them to stop making hysterically moronic demands?

Yes virginia, there are stupid questions.

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