Obstruction of the Arizona audit adds up to one conclusion: They’re guilty and they know it


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Obstruction of the Arizona audit adds up to one conclusion:​

They’re guilty and they know it​

When accused of a crime, innocent people do not block the evidence of their innocence from coming forward.

7 May 2021 ~~ By J.D. Rucker
The audit of Maricopa County, Arizona, election equipment and ballots is proceeding despite numerous legal attacks by the Democratic Party and private organizations. They have also engaged in intimidation practices with the help of Joe Biden’s Department of Justice. The Republican Party of Arizona has a message for the latter and it’s as constitutional as it gets.
“Federal govt has no authority to interfere in America’s Audit. DOJ interference has nothing to do with violations of minority rights, lack of security and everything to do with Democrat abuse of power and govt intrusion in Arizona elections. #AmericasAudit” they Tweeted. (https://t.co/LGUlOYNs8p)​
The DoJ sent a letter calling for the audit to stop over ludicrous concerns about security, voter suppression (really?), and the left’s favorite fraudulent boogeyman: Systemic racism. But through it all, the audit has continued, albeit with major roadblocks put up from every angle.
If you think Democrats are blocking the release of routers and passwords, suing multiple times, sending threatening letters from DC, and selling what’s left of their souls to stop the Arizona Audit because they’re innocent, then you’re a fool.

The Feds have no jurisdiction here, as long as they claim there was no voter fraud. So, it’s a very good plan to wait until after the audit is complete to announce the findings. If any fraud were announced early, the FBI would move in to grab the evidence. The AZ militia should stand on guard to protect the ballots and a Republican form of government, as required by the U.S. Constitution. The AZ legislature has every right to conduct this audit, and must do so free of federal encroachment.
The FBI will make any evidence disappear. This has been proven time and time again as in the Awan case, Anthony Weiner's laptop, Seth Rich murder etc. But getting this report of that evidence out into the world will be worth it.
If you think Democrats are blocking the release of routers and passwords, suing multiple times, sending threatening letters from DC, and selling what’s left of their souls to stop the Arizona Audit because they’re innocent, then you’re a fool.

Worth repeating.
unbelievable that democrsts will still never ever ever no matter how much proof admit they cheated. When there is enough proof now. Lie, deny, hide and destroy evidence.
They just go take mike flynns things, Rudy Giuliani things, Roger Stone's things. But no way does anyone go grab a voting machine .
It's like catnip for deplorables. Watching them roll in it is so much fun.
When nothing comes from this "audit" they'll just claim that the auditors are on the take or that the law enforcement people are corrupt, or that the system is stacked against them.

It literally never ends with these losers.
unbelievable that democrsts will still never ever ever no matter how much proof admit they cheated. When there is enough proof now. Lie, deny, hide and destroy evidence.

Why should they admit anything when:
A). Their brainwashed cultified base is content, willing and desirous to be fed the same old pack of lies?
B). Their media is used to telling a lie often enough until it eventually /becomes/ the "truth."
C). It is taking weeks to thoroughly audit Maricopa, yet somehow by magic, all those "courts" which dismissed Trump's cases went through all the evidence across SIX states in only days?

The democrats knew going into this that the system only allows a few weeks end to end for a president to contest what would be a rather small anomaly, so all they had to do was inject MASSIVE cheating across the board at the whole of the 2020 election to ensure that Trump never got anywhere and Bidden was slid in to meet deadlines before there was any more that could be done to stop it!
If you think Democrats are blocking the release of routers and passwords, suing multiple times, sending threatening letters from DC, and selling what’s left of their souls to stop the Arizona Audit because they’re innocent, then you’re a fool.

Worth repeating.
What are you going to do about it besides whine?
I plan to celebrate soon. You are not invited.
It's like catnip for deplorables. Watching them roll in it is so much fun.
When nothing comes from this "audit" they'll just claim that the auditors are on the take or that the law enforcement people are corrupt, or that the system is stacked against them.

It literally never ends with these losers.
When "nothing" comes from this audit-------people with common sense will see that the dems/swamp destroyed evidence and that the numbers still don't add up.
What is the difference between the Arizona audit and the Georgia audit? Why are Democrats losing control of their bowels over the Arizona audit but were fine with the Georgia audit? Perhaps the fix was in for Georgia and it isn't for Arizona?
Different styles of cheating.......the dems deployed multiple ways of cheating. Georgia likely was largely black female voters being bused around multi-voting. Arizona seems to be more done with computer fraud (hispanic voters tend to not vote much less multivote and aren't as "locked up" in dems to begin with)---black women in SC/NC/GA are a different story--they multi-vote county to county. I seen it happen in SC with obama and I at the same time was on the dem mailing list with JOE MESSINA their campaign whatever---he was sending out "requests" to take a bus ride for SC'ians to go to NC "to get out the vote." Really think he was asking for SC dems to go vote in NC.
Dominion Voting Systems and Maricopa County officials are refusing to hand over passwords for election machines to auditors in Arizona.

Dominion said in a statement to news outlets on Thursday that it would comply with the audit, but Cyber Ninjas, the firm hired by the Arizona Senate to conduct it along with three other companies, is not accredited by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.

“Releasing Dominion’s intellectual property to an unaccredited, biased, and plainly unreliable actor such as Cyber Ninjas would be reckless, causing irreparable damage to the commercial interests of the company and the election security interests of the country,” Dominion said. “No company should be compelled to participate in such an irresponsible act.”

Dominion does not tell the Senate who is responsible and who is not. Their job is to cooperate not lecture about election integrity. Voters do not care about Dominion's commercial interests they care about their election.

The only conclusion is fraud happened.
Bennett: Well we still don’t have the chain of custody documents that the county must have kept between when the ballots were put in the warehouse after the November election to when they were delivered to us on April 22nd. We know that one of the county officials tweeted out a photo of some of the ballot pallets being loaded into the back of a truck as though they were ready to deliver them to the Senate. And so we would like to see if their chain of custody documents between November and April include movement of the ballots like that. We have complete chain of custody from the day that they brought the ballots to us, while we’ve been holding the ballots. But we’re still looking for the chain of custody documentation between the election and April.

Looks like Maricopa county officials did very little to ensure election integrity. No chain of custody from November until April? That is not right or legal.


The County officials need to be held accountable and this election in Maricopa county should be nullified.

Obstruction of the Arizona audit adds up to one conclusion:​

They’re guilty and they know it​

When accused of a crime, innocent people do not block the evidence of their innocence from coming forward.

7 May 2021 ~~ By J.D. Rucker
The audit of Maricopa County, Arizona, election equipment and ballots is proceeding despite numerous legal attacks by the Democratic Party and private organizations. They have also engaged in intimidation practices with the help of Joe Biden’s Department of Justice. The Republican Party of Arizona has a message for the latter and it’s as constitutional as it gets.
“Federal govt has no authority to interfere in America’s Audit. DOJ interference has nothing to do with violations of minority rights, lack of security and everything to do with Democrat abuse of power and govt intrusion in Arizona elections. #AmericasAudit” they Tweeted. (https://t.co/LGUlOYNs8p)​
The DoJ sent a letter calling for the audit to stop over ludicrous concerns about security, voter suppression (really?), and the left’s favorite fraudulent boogeyman: Systemic racism. But through it all, the audit has continued, albeit with major roadblocks put up from every angle.
If you think Democrats are blocking the release of routers and passwords, suing multiple times, sending threatening letters from DC, and selling what’s left of their souls to stop the Arizona Audit because they’re innocent, then you’re a fool.

The Feds have no jurisdiction here, as long as they claim there was no voter fraud. So, it’s a very good plan to wait until after the audit is complete to announce the findings. If any fraud were announced early, the FBI would move in to grab the evidence. The AZ militia should stand on guard to protect the ballots and a Republican form of government, as required by the U.S. Constitution. The AZ legislature has every right to conduct this audit, and must do so free of federal encroachment.
The FBI will make any evidence disappear. This has been proven time and time again as in the Awan case, Anthony Weiner's laptop, Seth Rich murder etc. But getting this report of that evidence out into the world will be worth it.
Even if they get justice in Arizona, Garland would step in and contest it. There are just too many crooked liberal judges to expect real justice.

Obstruction of the Arizona audit adds up to one conclusion:​

They’re guilty and they know it​

When accused of a crime, innocent people do not block the evidence of their innocence from coming forward.

7 May 2021 ~~ By J.D. Rucker
The audit of Maricopa County, Arizona, election equipment and ballots is proceeding despite numerous legal attacks by the Democratic Party and private organizations. They have also engaged in intimidation practices with the help of Joe Biden’s Department of Justice. The Republican Party of Arizona has a message for the latter and it’s as constitutional as it gets.
“Federal govt has no authority to interfere in America’s Audit. DOJ interference has nothing to do with violations of minority rights, lack of security and everything to do with Democrat abuse of power and govt intrusion in Arizona elections. #AmericasAudit” they Tweeted. (https://t.co/LGUlOYNs8p)​
The DoJ sent a letter calling for the audit to stop over ludicrous concerns about security, voter suppression (really?), and the left’s favorite fraudulent boogeyman: Systemic racism. But through it all, the audit has continued, albeit with major roadblocks put up from every angle.
If you think Democrats are blocking the release of routers and passwords, suing multiple times, sending threatening letters from DC, and selling what’s left of their souls to stop the Arizona Audit because they’re innocent, then you’re a fool.

The Feds have no jurisdiction here, as long as they claim there was no voter fraud. So, it’s a very good plan to wait until after the audit is complete to announce the findings. If any fraud were announced early, the FBI would move in to grab the evidence. The AZ militia should stand on guard to protect the ballots and a Republican form of government, as required by the U.S. Constitution. The AZ legislature has every right to conduct this audit, and must do so free of federal encroachment.
The FBI will make any evidence disappear. This has been proven time and time again as in the Awan case, Anthony Weiner's laptop, Seth Rich murder etc. But getting this report of that evidence out into the world will be worth it.
predictable cultist crap. For months we heard the audit will show fraud. It showed no fraud. So naturally, the desperate cultists say it showed fraud anyway. You people are an embarrassment to our country.
Even if they get justice in Arizona, Garland would step in and contest it. There are just too many crooked liberal judges to expect real justice.
Haha...when your goofy fantasies collide with reality, its always because you're the victim of a conspiracy. So stupid.

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