Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2019
Valparaiso, Indiana USA
OCD. I've suffered and struggled with it since I was 13-14 years old, for over 45 years now. Do you or someone close to you suffer from this? Luckily, I've been taking a medication, Fluvoxamine, trade name Luvox, for almost 8 years now and it has helped quite a bit. With NO discernible side effects. It's also one of very few medications that is used ONLY to treat those with severe OCD. So please feel free to share your thoughts or experiences. If you don't want to post this for everyone to see, that's quite understandable. If this is so, please feel free to start a personal conversation with me. Thank you.
Yeah, here's my man room.

Trixie, the 3rd from the left has OCD fetching syndrome. :)
She even brings you the ball when you're in the bathtub, sitting on the toilet, or no matter what else you're doing....playing with her is the #1 priority. My Shih Tzu, Scooby has separation anxiety when we leave.

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OCD. I've suffered and struggled with it since I was 13-14 years old, for over 45 years now. Do you or someone close to you suffer from this? Luckily, I've been taking a medication, Fluvoxamine, trade name Luvox, for almost 8 years now and it has helped quite a bit. With NO discernible side effects. It's also one of very few medications that is used ONLY to treat those with severe OCD. So please feel free to share your thoughts or experiences. If you don't want to post this for everyone to see, that's quite understandable. If this is so, please feel free to start a personal conversation with me. Thank you.
My CDO (OCD correctly) is fairly mild, luckily I don't have to take any drugs for it.

Your last name wouldn't be Monk would it?

Trixie, the 3rd from the left has OCD fetching syndrome. :)
She even brings you the ball when you're in the bathtub, sitting on the toilet, or no matter what else you're doing....playing with her is the #1 priority. My Shih Tzu, Scooby has separation anxiety when we leave.
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Yep, I truly believe animals CAN have OCD. Our two cats seem to exhibit traits of the condition from time to time. They ALWAYS have to have their sleeping area(s) just the same as it usually is or it throws them off a bit.
OCD. I've suffered and struggled with it since I was 13-14 years old, for over 45 years now. Do you or someone close to you suffer from this? Luckily, I've been taking a medication, Fluvoxamine, trade name Luvox, for almost 8 years now and it has helped quite a bit. With NO discernible side effects. It's also one of very few medications that is used ONLY to treat those with severe OCD. So please feel free to share your thoughts or experiences. If you don't want to post this for everyone to see, that's quite understandable. If this is so, please feel free to start a personal conversation with me. Thank you.
My CDO (OCD correctly) is fairly mild, luckily I don't have to take any drugs for it.

Your last name wouldn't be Monk would it?

No, but it IS an unpronounceable name in Urdu.....
My dog is OCD. She doesn't do well when we are cleaning and moving stuff around.

I did not a person whose OCD was so extreme it came across almost like schizophrenia at times.
OCD. I've suffered and struggled with it since I was 13-14 years old, for over 45 years now. Do you or someone close to you suffer from this? Luckily, I've been taking a medication, Fluvoxamine, trade name Luvox, for almost 8 years now and it has helped quite a bit. With NO discernible side effects. It's also one of very few medications that is used ONLY to treat those with severe OCD. So please feel free to share your thoughts or experiences. If you don't want to post this for everyone to see, that's quite understandable. If this is so, please feel free to start a personal conversation with me. Thank you.
Kidding aside, as a general rule I don't take any kind of prescription (or OTC) medications unless it's 100 % necessary, and honestly since I quit smoking (tobacco ;) ) in 2009, the only thing I've needed is turmeric oil capsules for a sore shoulder (rotator cuff injury playing disc golf). So I don't even take aspirin.
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OCD. I've suffered and struggled with it since I was 13-14 years old, for over 45 years now. Do you or someone close to you suffer from this? Luckily, I've been taking a medication, Fluvoxamine, trade name Luvox, for almost 8 years now and it has helped quite a bit. With NO discernible side effects. It's also one of very few medications that is used ONLY to treat those with severe OCD. So please feel free to share your thoughts or experiences. If you don't want to post this for everyone to see, that's quite understandable. If this is so, please feel free to start a personal conversation with me. Thank you.
My CDO (OCD correctly) is fairly mild, luckily I don't have to take any drugs for it.

Your last name wouldn't be Monk would it?

No, but it IS an unpronounceable name in Urdu.....
What name isn't unpronounceable in Urdu? :dunno:
OCD. I've suffered and struggled with it since I was 13-14 years old, for over 45 years now. Do you or someone close to you suffer from this? Luckily, I've been taking a medication, Fluvoxamine, trade name Luvox, for almost 8 years now and it has helped quite a bit. With NO discernible side effects. It's also one of very few medications that is used ONLY to treat those with severe OCD. So please feel free to share your thoughts or experiences. If you don't want to post this for everyone to see, that's quite understandable. If this is so, please feel free to start a personal conversation with me. Thank you.
My CDO (OCD correctly) is fairly mild, luckily I don't have to take any drugs for it.

Your last name wouldn't be Monk would it?

No, but it IS an unpronounceable name in Urdu.....
What name isn't unpronounceable in Urdu? :dunno:
Good point! But seriously, my last name is a LONG name of Dutch origin, 11 letters in length. But it IS easily pronounceable. My dad, who saddled me with this name (and HIS ancestors before HIM of course), had a funny saying. He would sometimes remark, "If you ain't Dutch, you ain't much." I try to smile and remember this every time I have to sign my full name.
OCD. I've suffered and struggled with it since I was 13-14 years old, for over 45 years now. Do you or someone close to you suffer from this? Luckily, I've been taking a medication, Fluvoxamine, trade name Luvox, for almost 8 years now and it has helped quite a bit. With NO discernible side effects. It's also one of very few medications that is used ONLY to treat those with severe OCD. So please feel free to share your thoughts or experiences. If you don't want to post this for everyone to see, that's quite understandable. If this is so, please feel free to start a personal conversation with me. Thank you.
Kidding aside, as a general rule I don't take any kind of prescription (or OTC) medications unless it's 100 % necessary, and honestly since I quit smoking (tobacco ;) ) in 2009, the only thing I've needed is turmeric oil capsules for a sore shoulder (rotator cuff injury playing disc golf). So I don't even take aspirin.
I WISH I didn't HAVE to take Luvox and other medications I'm taking. But in the case of Luvox, it really HAS helped tremendously. At certain points in my life I've heavily self-medicated with drinking LOTS of beer. This DID help with the OCD thoughts, but only temporarily, of course. I'd wake up the next day with a wicked hangover and the OCD would be back, full strength. I was lucky enough to participate in a discussion group for those with OCD, in the early or mid 1990's, in Arizona. It was fascinating and a comfort to know their were others that suffered from this. Unfortunately, this group that met once a week, was discontinued after just 4 or 5 weeks, due to not enough people attending. But it WAS highly therapeutic.
People with OCD have been the bane of my existence. It's always the same. I apparently fascinate them and they cannot leave me alone and go away. Took me three OCD girlfriends to realize that their attraction was for the free therapy. These days I can spot them a mile away and avoid them like they are contagious. Why is a guy that is incapable of neatness such an OCD magnet.
OCD. I've suffered and struggled with it since I was 13-14 years old, for over 45 years now. Do you or someone close to you suffer from this? Luckily, I've been taking a medication, Fluvoxamine, trade name Luvox, for almost 8 years now and it has helped quite a bit. With NO discernible side effects. It's also one of very few medications that is used ONLY to treat those with severe OCD. So please feel free to share your thoughts or experiences. If you don't want to post this for everyone to see, that's quite understandable. If this is so, please feel free to start a personal conversation with me. Thank you.
what are the OCD symptoms?
OCD. I've suffered and struggled with it since I was 13-14 years old, for over 45 years now. Do you or someone close to you suffer from this? Luckily, I've been taking a medication, Fluvoxamine, trade name Luvox, for almost 8 years now and it has helped quite a bit. With NO discernible side effects. It's also one of very few medications that is used ONLY to treat those with severe OCD. So please feel free to share your thoughts or experiences. If you don't want to post this for everyone to see, that's quite understandable. If this is so, please feel free to start a personal conversation with me. Thank you.
what are the OCD symptoms?
Things have to be just so..in order for everything to be right in the world.
OCD. I've suffered and struggled with it since I was 13-14 years old, for over 45 years now. Do you or someone close to you suffer from this? Luckily, I've been taking a medication, Fluvoxamine, trade name Luvox, for almost 8 years now and it has helped quite a bit. With NO discernible side effects. It's also one of very few medications that is used ONLY to treat those with severe OCD. So please feel free to share your thoughts or experiences. If you don't want to post this for everyone to see, that's quite understandable. If this is so, please feel free to start a personal conversation with me. Thank you.
what are the OCD symptoms?
Things have to be just so..in order for everything to be right in the world.
Trixie, the 3rd from the left has OCD fetching syndrome. :)
She even brings you the ball when you're in the bathtub, sitting on the toilet, or no matter what else you're doing....playing with her is the #1 priority. My Shih Tzu, Scooby has separation anxiety when we leave.
View attachment 316892
View attachment 316895hasa Apso
Oh My Gosh! They are all soooooo cute!

Your last pic looks like my Lhasa Apso.. her name was Chewbacca, Chewy for short!
OCD. I've suffered and struggled with it since I was 13-14 years old, for over 45 years now. Do you or someone close to you suffer from this? Luckily, I've been taking a medication, Fluvoxamine, trade name Luvox, for almost 8 years now and it has helped quite a bit. With NO discernible side effects. It's also one of very few medications that is used ONLY to treat those with severe OCD. So please feel free to share your thoughts or experiences. If you don't want to post this for everyone to see, that's quite understandable. If this is so, please feel free to start a personal conversation with me. Thank you.
what are the OCD symptoms?
They are many and varied. The most common symptom is believing that you've somehow contacted deadly germs and HAVE to wash your hands vigorously to rid yourself of these germs. This thought will repeat over and over in your mind, causing you to think of things like, "Did I really wash my hands enough?" Or something like, "Damn, I THINK I just touched something unclean, and I JUST washed my hands." Which can lead to one washing their hands over and over until the OCD thoughts die down. I've literally washed my hands FIVE or SIX times before I felt that I had done this correctly. The Luvox I take helps tremendously with things like this, and I very rarely wash my hands more than once now. I've done some research on the causes of OCD, and most cases are due to a physical malfunction in one's brain. People who DON'T have OCD have synapses in their brains that smoothly connect to other synapses, with no repetitive thoughts. While most WITH OCD have synapses that fail to connect with the next synapses, causing a "rebound" effect, where the thought is repeated over and over until the connection is complete. Drugs like Luvox help connect these synapses and prevent repetition of thoughts. Some have termed OCD the "Doubting Disease", which it is in a way very true. Your mind "doubts" you've done something correctly, so you keep repeating the action, whether it be hand washing or many other things. It's truly fascinating that doctors came up with this, and in my case, a lifesaver. In the past, I HAVE contemplated suicide, but never seriously enough to actually try. Medications like Luvox have given me a better way of life.
OCD. I've suffered and struggled with it since I was 13-14 years old, for over 45 years now. Do you or someone close to you suffer from this? Luckily, I've been taking a medication, Fluvoxamine, trade name Luvox, for almost 8 years now and it has helped quite a bit. With NO discernible side effects. It's also one of very few medications that is used ONLY to treat those with severe OCD. So please feel free to share your thoughts or experiences. If you don't want to post this for everyone to see, that's quite understandable. If this is so, please feel free to start a personal conversation with me. Thank you.
what are the OCD symptoms?
They are many and varied. The most common symptom is believing that you've somehow contacted deadly germs and HAVE to wash your hands vigorously to rid yourself of these germs. This thought will repeat over and over in your mind, causing you to think of things like, "Did I really wash my hands enough?" Or something like, "Damn, I THINK I just touched something unclean, and I JUST washed my hands." Which can lead to one washing their hands over and over until the OCD thoughts die down. I've literally washed my hands FIVE or SIX times before I felt that I had done this correctly. The Luvox I take helps tremendously with things like this, and I very rarely wash my hands more than once now. I've done some research on the causes of OCD, and most cases are due to a physical malfunction in one's brain. People who DON'T have OCD have synapses in their brains that smoothly connect to other synapses, with no repetitive thoughts. While most WITH OCD have synapses that fail to connect with the next synapses, causing a "rebound" effect, where the thought is repeated over and over until the connection is complete. Drugs like Luvox help connect these synapses and prevent repetition of thoughts. Some have termed OCD the "Doubting Disease", which it is in a way very true. Your mind "doubts" you've done something correctly, so you keep repeating the action, whether it be hand washing or many other things. It's truly fascinating that doctors came up with this, and in my case, a lifesaver. In the past, I HAVE contemplated suicide, but never seriously enough to actually try. Medications like Luvox have given me a better way of life.
interesting.... I never really understood what OCD was....thanks for explaining it, in somewhat layman's terms....

maybe with this virus, you need to take less of your medicine and go back to being obsessed with hand washing and germs.... seems like it actually could be a life saver, with this virus!!!

to me, it also seems like it could be a supposed defect, that's actually worth having, under pandemic conditions and perhaps it is not a defect at all, but some sort of genetic passing on thru the family tree for generations and generations for survival that comes from some period in the great past of killer pandemics...that your distant ancestors went through??
OCD. I've suffered and struggled with it since I was 13-14 years old, for over 45 years now. Do you or someone close to you suffer from this? Luckily, I've been taking a medication, Fluvoxamine, trade name Luvox, for almost 8 years now and it has helped quite a bit. With NO discernible side effects. It's also one of very few medications that is used ONLY to treat those with severe OCD. So please feel free to share your thoughts or experiences. If you don't want to post this for everyone to see, that's quite understandable. If this is so, please feel free to start a personal conversation with me. Thank you.
what are the OCD symptoms?
They are many and varied. The most common symptom is believing that you've somehow contacted deadly germs and HAVE to wash your hands vigorously to rid yourself of these germs. This thought will repeat over and over in your mind, causing you to think of things like, "Did I really wash my hands enough?" Or something like, "Damn, I THINK I just touched something unclean, and I JUST washed my hands." Which can lead to one washing their hands over and over until the OCD thoughts die down. I've literally washed my hands FIVE or SIX times before I felt that I had done this correctly. The Luvox I take helps tremendously with things like this, and I very rarely wash my hands more than once now. I've done some research on the causes of OCD, and most cases are due to a physical malfunction in one's brain. People who DON'T have OCD have synapses in their brains that smoothly connect to other synapses, with no repetitive thoughts. While most WITH OCD have synapses that fail to connect with the next synapses, causing a "rebound" effect, where the thought is repeated over and over until the connection is complete. Drugs like Luvox help connect these synapses and prevent repetition of thoughts. Some have termed OCD the "Doubting Disease", which it is in a way very true. Your mind "doubts" you've done something correctly, so you keep repeating the action, whether it be hand washing or many other things. It's truly fascinating that doctors came up with this, and in my case, a lifesaver. In the past, I HAVE contemplated suicide, but never seriously enough to actually try. Medications like Luvox have given me a better way of life.
interesting.... I never really understood what OCD was....thanks for explaining it, in somewhat layman's terms....

maybe with this virus, you need to take less of your medicine and go back to being obsessed with hand washing and germs.... seems like it actually could be a life saver, with this virus!!!

to me, it also seems like it could be a supposed defect, that's actually worth having, under pandemic conditions and perhaps it is not a defect at all, but some sort of genetic passing on thru the family tree for generations and generations for survival that comes from some period in the great past of killer pandemics...that your distant ancestors went through??
Thanks very much for your reply.

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