Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West

Fox News (cable) had a one-hour program on this last night, from 8-9 p.m. This movie shows you the reality of radical Islam; when it's released, everyone should go see it just to understand the determined enemy Israel, the U.S. and the West are facing. This is no laughing matter. Radical Islam's goal and intention is to take over the whole world and make everyone worship Allah.

The special will air Saturday night at 8 p.m. ET, and will be repeated Sunday at 1 a.m. ET, 5 a.m. ET, 4 p.m. ET and 10 p.m. ET.

I watched it last night..........Shocking..........Friggen a wake up call.........
I don't think anyone denies that there is a frightening aspect to islam afoot in the world. The question is "What to do about it?" And the answer is not to be found in assessing blame for how this state of affairs came to be, although the seeds for a solution may be found in trying to understand how this virulence came into being.

One solution is to just to exterminate all the little fuckers. We have the power to do it.

Other than that, though, anyone got any ideas?
I don't think anyone denies that there is a frightening aspect to islam afoot in the world. The question is "What to do about it?" And the answer is not to be found in assessing blame for how this state of affairs came to be, although the seeds for a solution may be found in trying to understand how this virulence came into being.

One solution is to just to exterminate all the little fuckers. We have the power to do it.

Other than that, though, anyone got any ideas?

Apparently not. The liberal theory is to understand them, use diplomacy and not do anything that pisses them off. If we were to ask them what it would take for them to stop the jihad, what do you think the answer would be?
Fair enough. And what, pray tell, is the conservative theory?

Basically it has been to engage radical Islam is places that encourage and support it. No, we have not militarily engaged ALL of those places yet. I just happen to prefer engaging it rather than to appease it or pretend it isnt there. Denial makes us a sitting duck.
Basically it has been to engage radical Islam is places that encourage and support it. No, we have not militarily engaged ALL of those places yet. I just happen to prefer engaging it rather than to appease it or pretend it isnt there. Denial makes us a sitting duck.

I agree, I would only add, that where needed, I wouldn't hold back a nuclear solution.

Well, it WOULD clear the air.:shocked1:

Please define "engage" as you see it. Thanks.

Confront--tell them that thier behavior is unacceptable and act when they continue thier violent tactics. They gotta be held responsible for what they do even if it comes to military force.
I'm afraid there's only one solution to this mess... war

The radical Islamists are little different from the Nazis. You cannot accomodate them, they will only be happy after we're dead and gone.

Someone on the Fox News Special made a good point , "jihad" means "struggle", but then, "Mein Kampf" means "my struggle", too.

OK. Here's my point. I do not advocate sitting around on our hands until every last one of us has had his or her throat cut with a scimitar. Trobinett and GunnyL speak of extermination as a solution. They may be comfortable with that, but I am not.

Jawboning governments in the middle east doesn't seem to have had much effect. Some suggest that commerce is the key. If people want something badly, they are not going to kill those who provide what they want. But I can't think of too many things we have that they want except Bevis & Butthead rerums and Madonna videos.

For once, I really have no ideas of my own how to do this. That's why I am trying to understand what others are suggesting.
I was watching a dispatches docu called 'Iraq: the lost generation' on UK tv tonight. It featured loads of Iraqi kids with no schools to go to because of the disruption in the country. For those that can get some 'schooling', the only option is often Madrassah type institutions run by people like the Mehdi Army. And guess what they get taught there....
The people interviewed blamed the Americans for everything, even the sunni-shi'ite civil strife- and even shi'ites, although not wanting Saddam back said things were better when he was in charge. So it seems to me that the best thing the US can do is get out of iraq and leave them to it - they will have to find someone else to blame then.

As for nuking the Islamists, that would make a mess for the environment for everyone.

My solution to the problem would be to expell all Muslims from the west and all westerners from muslim lands, and have the two cultures completely isolated from each other as they are clearly incompatible. Unfortunately i doubt this would work in practice as we need their oil too much...

OK. Here's my point. I do not advocate sitting around on our hands until every last one of us has had his or her throat cut with a scimitar. Trobinett and GunnyL speak of extermination as a solution. They may be comfortable with that, but I am not.

Jawboning governments in the middle east doesn't seem to have had much effect. Some suggest that commerce is the key. If people want something badly, they are not going to kill those who provide what they want. But I can't think of too many things we have that they want except Bevis & Butthead rerums and Madonna videos.

For once, I really have no ideas of my own how to do this. That's why I am trying to understand what others are suggesting.

Nor do I which is why I'm not so quick to criticize what has already been done. No doubt mistakes have been made but while Monday morning quarterbacking may be fun it is a waste of time unless one has other agendas. Right now it appears as though the US has no leverage to alter anything except those with abhorrent consequences. We can't even act as a united country. We have been divided--if we're conquered we may soon feel the effects.

OK. Here's my point. I do not advocate sitting around on our hands until every last one of us has had his or her throat cut with a scimitar. Trobinett and GunnyL speak of extermination as a solution. They may be comfortable with that, but I am not.

Jawboning governments in the middle east doesn't seem to have had much effect. Some suggest that commerce is the key. If people want something badly, they are not going to kill those who provide what they want. But I can't think of too many things we have that they want except Bevis & Butthead rerums and Madonna videos.

For once, I really have no ideas of my own how to do this. That's why I am trying to understand what others are suggesting.

To find a solution to muslim violence, you have to understand its origins. Martyrdom is not an actual muslim concept, it was created by Iran to rally the people to fight against Iraq. The first suicide bomber in the middle east was a 13 year old Iranian boy. He strapped bombs to himself and blew up an Iraqi tank.

The martyr concept helped Iran win the war and became a very popular philosophy in Iran. Iranians exported the idea to Lebanon and Syria. Yet, it was still a tactic of warfare. It was used against Israeli military targets, the U.S. embassy that housed CIA operatives, and the U.S. marine base. Hezbollah was created, and practically made martyrdom a religion of its own. Shrines as big as temples were created to honor the "martyrs". A secular Syrian nationalist group also used suicide bombers against Israel. An idea that was once strictly practiced by shi'ite radicals was spreading.

Palestinians adopted the tactic as well. After an Israeli mad killed 29 Palestinian civilians, Hamas responded with the first ever suicide bombing attack on a civilian target: a bus. The suicide bomber became the weapon of choice for the Palestinian movement.

From there, suicide attacks sprouted in Russia, India, New York, and London.

In Iraq, the suicide bomber is used against fellow muslims, as Shi'ites and Sunnis battle for the country.

So how do you stop suicide bombings? You can not eliminate violence in muslim community, there is violence in every community. So we must stop the violence against Western civilians.

1) Recognize Palestine. The tactics used by Palestinians are deplorable, but their cause is not. The U.S. has to be objective in world affairs. This would be a way to express that the U.S. is not against Islam.

2) Rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan. We fucked it up, we have to be responsible for its future. It will cost a lot of money, but it is important to show the world that we are not in the business of killing and leaving. When we leave, these countries must have order and infrastructure.

3) Give aid to Lebanon and Palestine. Again, demonstrates that we want peace. Both countries are in poor condition. When people are living with nothing in refugee camps, extremism becomes tempting. When people are given proper living conditions and education, they can learn what their religion is really about. A Palestinian in a Israeli prison said: "Every Palestinian has graduated from the university of occupation". The occupation must end, so must the living standards that accompany it.

4) Promote social reforms in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has a vast population of young, unemployed men with educations from extremist schools. This does not bode well for the Western world. The wealth disparity in Saudi Arabia needs to be corrected so there is not such a large poor population that can be easily manipulated.

If you did not feel like reading this whole post, know this: Terrorists want muslims to hate the west, they want the west to hate muslims so that muslims hate the west. Stop hating muslims and you stop the cycle. We need to convert these people not to a different religion, but to a better way of life.
To find a solution to muslim violence, you have to understand its origins. Martyrdom is not an actual muslim concept, it was created by Iran to rally the people to fight against Iraq. The first suicide bomber in the middle east was a 13 year old Iranian boy. He strapped bombs to himself and blew up an Iraqi tank.

The martyr concept helped Iran win the war and became a very popular philosophy in Iran. Iranians exported the idea to Lebanon and Syria. Yet, it was still a tactic of warfare. It was used against Israeli military targets, the U.S. embassy that housed CIA operatives, and the U.S. marine base. Hezbollah was created, and practically made martyrdom a religion of its own. Shrines as big as temples were created to honor the "martyrs". A secular Syrian nationalist group also used suicide bombers against Israel. An idea that was once strictly practiced by shi'ite radicals was spreading.

Palestinians adopted the tactic as well. After an Israeli mad killed 29 Palestinian civilians, Hamas responded with the first ever suicide bombing attack on a civilian target: a bus. The suicide bomber became the weapon of choice for the Palestinian movement.

From there, suicide attacks sprouted in Russia, India, New York, and London.

In Iraq, the suicide bomber is used against fellow muslims, as Shi'ites and Sunnis battle for the country.

So how do you stop suicide bombings? You can not eliminate violence in muslim community, there is violence in every community. So we must stop the violence against Western civilians.

1) Recognize Palestine. The tactics used by Palestinians are deplorable, but their cause is not. The U.S. has to be objective in world affairs. This would be a way to express that the U.S. is not against Islam.

2) Rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan. We fucked it up, we have to be responsible for its future. It will cost a lot of money, but it is important to show the world that we are not in the business of killing and leaving. When we leave, these countries must have order and infrastructure.

3) Give aid to Lebanon and Palestine. Again, demonstrates that we want peace. Both countries are in poor condition. When people are living with nothing in refugee camps, extremism becomes tempting. When people are given proper living conditions and education, they can learn what their religion is really about. A Palestinian in a Israeli prison said: "Every Palestinian has graduated from the university of occupation". The occupation must end, so must the living standards that accompany it.

4) Promote social reforms in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has a vast population of young, unemployed men with educations from extremist schools. This does not bode well for the Western world. The wealth disparity in Saudi Arabia needs to be corrected so there is not such a large poor population that can be easily manipulated.

If you did not feel like reading this whole post, know this: Terrorists want muslims to hate the west, they want the west to hate muslims so that muslims hate the west. Stop hating muslims and you stop the cycle. We need to convert these people not to a different religion, but to a better way of life.

It's not about Iran. It's not about hating the West. It's not about what you are claiming. It's about Islam, pure and simple.


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