CDZ Objective Journalism?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Was there ever any such thing? Today, we generally have more access to news and information as any time in human existence. Now, when I reflect back to the 'Big 3" broadcast news organizations (ABC, CBS, NBC) it becomes obvious that all the news was filtered through corporate editors who may or may not have been objective. Someone like Walter Cronkite (whose name reminds me of a bag of commie concrete :abgg2q.jpg:) was just parroting what was fed to him. In fact, there is no objectivity and never was. The most honest 'news' sources are the ones who declare their bias up front.

Apparently I violated Forum rules by posting this originally in all caps....My bad....
I don't watch the news. I let the voices in my head inform my world view :26:

I really don't watch the news any more. I use twitter for that.

That said, arguably in the pre-internet days, the real objectivity came as a result of there be fewer competitors so wire services at the very least needed to be middle of the road in order to move copy to both left-leaning and right-leaning newspapers.
Was there ever any such thing? Today, we generally have more access to news and information as any time in human existence. Now, when I reflect back to the 'Big 3" broadcast news organizations (ABC, CBS, NBC) it becomes obvious that all the news was filtered through corporate editors who may or may not have been objective. Someone like Walter Cronkite (whose name reminds me of a bag of commie concrete :abgg2q.jpg:) was just parroting what was fed to him. In fact, there is no objectivity and never was. The most honest 'news' sources are the ones who declare their bias up front.

Apparently I violated Forum rules by posting this originally in all caps....My bad....

Objective Journalism is impossible and it is all subjective Journalism.
Was there ever any such thing? Today, we generally have more access to news and information as any time in human existence. Now, when I reflect back to the 'Big 3" broadcast news organizations (ABC, CBS, NBC) it becomes obvious that all the news was filtered through corporate editors who may or may not have been objective. Someone like Walter Cronkite (whose name reminds me of a bag of commie concrete :abgg2q.jpg:) was just parroting what was fed to him. In fact, there is no objectivity and never was. The most honest 'news' sources are the ones who declare their bias up front.

Apparently I violated Forum rules by posting this originally in all caps....My bad....
When Cronkite delivered his famous Viet Nam speech, he did say " in the opinion of this reporter". Won't see that nowadays.
Was there ever any such thing? Today, we generally have more access to news and information as any time in human existence. Now, when I reflect back to the 'Big 3" broadcast news organizations (ABC, CBS, NBC) it becomes obvious that all the news was filtered through corporate editors who may or may not have been objective. Someone like Walter Cronkite (whose name reminds me of a bag of commie concrete :abgg2q.jpg:) was just parroting what was fed to him. In fact, there is no objectivity and never was. The most honest 'news' sources are the ones who declare their bias up front.

Apparently I violated Forum rules by posting this originally in all caps....My bad....
There is no such thing and never was and never will be. My solution is to listen to a variety of sources from MSNBC to Rush Limbaugh. I then come to my own version of the reality. Anyone who listens to only one source, no matter how good, is getting someone's biased worldview and can't think for themselves.
Where a news source is happy to expose wrongdoing without favour then that is a source you can be more confident in what they are telling you. There are still sources that do that in the uk. Not many though.
Was there ever any such thing? Today, we generally have more access to news and information as any time in human existence. Now, when I reflect back to the 'Big 3" broadcast news organizations (ABC, CBS, NBC) it becomes obvious that all the news was filtered through corporate editors who may or may not have been objective. Someone like Walter Cronkite (whose name reminds me of a bag of commie concrete :abgg2q.jpg:) was just parroting what was fed to him. In fact, there is no objectivity and never was. The most honest 'news' sources are the ones who declare their bias up front.

Apparently I violated Forum rules by posting this originally in all caps....My bad....

Was there ever such a thing? Early journalism was incredibly biased- there is a reason there is a term of 'yellow journalism'- think a political National Enquirer which would print as many lies about politicians as they could without getting sued for libel.

But the journalism in the '60's was more respected and was less partisan. Walter Cronkite never parroted anything- he started off as a war correspondent in WW2, and from my recollection as non-partisan as he could be.

The lines between actual reporting- actual journalism- and opinions are blurred. And we have media on both sides that is actively and openly partisan, while back in the day CBS, NBC and ABC all were competing with each other with audiences that actually wanted non-partisan reporting.

Media isn't perfect- but Media is always more honest than politicians. Politicians do not want Americans to believe in Media- politicians want Americans to believe them personally- so that they can get away with whatever they do.

Pretending that a biased media is the same as the bald faced lies from politicians is destroying America.
Was there ever any such thing? Today, we generally have more access to news and information as any time in human existence. Now, when I reflect back to the 'Big 3" broadcast news organizations (ABC, CBS, NBC) it becomes obvious that all the news was filtered through corporate editors who may or may not have been objective. Someone like Walter Cronkite (whose name reminds me of a bag of commie concrete :abgg2q.jpg:) was just parroting what was fed to him. In fact, there is no objectivity and never was. The most honest 'news' sources are the ones who declare their bias up front.

Apparently I violated Forum rules by posting this originally in all caps....My bad....
There is no such thing and never was and never will be. My solution is to listen to a variety of sources from MSNBC to Rush Limbaugh. I then come to my own version of the reality. Anyone who listens to only one source, no matter how good, is getting someone's biased worldview and can't think for themselves.

I think there is value in hearing different points of view- but Rush Limbaugh is not 'journalism'- he is an entertainer who provides a point of view. I can see the value in knowing what Rush Limbaugh or Seth Meyers says, but that isn't journalism.

I think the real danger is in equating propaganda with journalism.

Russia publishes 'journalism' but it is done for the benefit of Putin and his cronies- not to actually inform. Even Breitbart is more journalism than RT News.
Was there ever any such thing? Today, we generally have more access to news and information as any time in human existence. Now, when I reflect back to the 'Big 3" broadcast news organizations (ABC, CBS, NBC) it becomes obvious that all the news was filtered through corporate editors who may or may not have been objective. Someone like Walter Cronkite (whose name reminds me of a bag of commie concrete :abgg2q.jpg:) was just parroting what was fed to him. In fact, there is no objectivity and never was. The most honest 'news' sources are the ones who declare their bias up front.

Apparently I violated Forum rules by posting this originally in all caps....My bad....
There is no such thing and never was and never will be. My solution is to listen to a variety of sources from MSNBC to Rush Limbaugh. I then come to my own version of the reality. Anyone who listens to only one source, no matter how good, is getting someone's biased worldview and can't think for themselves.

I think there is value in hearing different points of view- but Rush Limbaugh is not 'journalism'- he is an entertainer who provides a point of view. I can see the value in knowing what Rush Limbaugh or Seth Meyers says, but that isn't journalism.

I think the real danger is in equating propaganda with journalism.

Russia publishes 'journalism' but it is done for the benefit of Putin and his cronies- not to actually inform. Even Breitbart is more journalism than RT News.

If you can call CNN 'journalism' I can call Rush 'journalism' as well.
Was there ever any such thing? Today, we generally have more access to news and information as any time in human existence. Now, when I reflect back to the 'Big 3" broadcast news organizations (ABC, CBS, NBC) it becomes obvious that all the news was filtered through corporate editors who may or may not have been objective. Someone like Walter Cronkite (whose name reminds me of a bag of commie concrete :abgg2q.jpg:) was just parroting what was fed to him. In fact, there is no objectivity and never was. The most honest 'news' sources are the ones who declare their bias up front.

Apparently I violated Forum rules by posting this originally in all caps....My bad....
There is no such thing and never was and never will be. My solution is to listen to a variety of sources from MSNBC to Rush Limbaugh. I then come to my own version of the reality. Anyone who listens to only one source, no matter how good, is getting someone's biased worldview and can't think for themselves.

I think there is value in hearing different points of view- but Rush Limbaugh is not 'journalism'- he is an entertainer who provides a point of view. I can see the value in knowing what Rush Limbaugh or Seth Meyers says, but that isn't journalism.

I think the real danger is in equating propaganda with journalism.

Russia publishes 'journalism' but it is done for the benefit of Putin and his cronies- not to actually inform. Even Breitbart is more journalism than RT News.

If you can call CNN 'journalism' I can call Rush 'journalism' as well.

You can call your dog journalism if you want.

CNN and Fox- talking about their news departments are journalism
CNN and Fox's opinion shows are not journalism.
Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer, just like Seth Meyers.
Was there ever any such thing? Today, we generally have more access to news and information as any time in human existence. Now, when I reflect back to the 'Big 3" broadcast news organizations (ABC, CBS, NBC) it becomes obvious that all the news was filtered through corporate editors who may or may not have been objective. Someone like Walter Cronkite (whose name reminds me of a bag of commie concrete :abgg2q.jpg:) was just parroting what was fed to him. In fact, there is no objectivity and never was. The most honest 'news' sources are the ones who declare their bias up front.

Apparently I violated Forum rules by posting this originally in all caps....My bad....
There is no such thing and never was and never will be. My solution is to listen to a variety of sources from MSNBC to Rush Limbaugh. I then come to my own version of the reality. Anyone who listens to only one source, no matter how good, is getting someone's biased worldview and can't think for themselves.

I think there is value in hearing different points of view- but Rush Limbaugh is not 'journalism'- he is an entertainer who provides a point of view. I can see the value in knowing what Rush Limbaugh or Seth Meyers says, but that isn't journalism.

I think the real danger is in equating propaganda with journalism.

Russia publishes 'journalism' but it is done for the benefit of Putin and his cronies- not to actually inform. Even Breitbart is more journalism than RT News.
I don't disagree but I think many people get most or all of their news from Limbaugh and other conservative sources.
Was there ever any such thing? Today, we generally have more access to news and information as any time in human existence. Now, when I reflect back to the 'Big 3" broadcast news organizations (ABC, CBS, NBC) it becomes obvious that all the news was filtered through corporate editors who may or may not have been objective. Someone like Walter Cronkite (whose name reminds me of a bag of commie concrete :abgg2q.jpg:) was just parroting what was fed to him. In fact, there is no objectivity and never was. The most honest 'news' sources are the ones who declare their bias up front.

Apparently I violated Forum rules by posting this originally in all caps....My bad....
There is no such thing and never was and never will be. My solution is to listen to a variety of sources from MSNBC to Rush Limbaugh. I then come to my own version of the reality. Anyone who listens to only one source, no matter how good, is getting someone's biased worldview and can't think for themselves.

I think there is value in hearing different points of view- but Rush Limbaugh is not 'journalism'- he is an entertainer who provides a point of view. I can see the value in knowing what Rush Limbaugh or Seth Meyers says, but that isn't journalism.

I think the real danger is in equating propaganda with journalism.

Russia publishes 'journalism' but it is done for the benefit of Putin and his cronies- not to actually inform. Even Breitbart is more journalism than RT News.

If you can call CNN 'journalism' I can call Rush 'journalism' as well.

You can call your dog journalism if you want.

CNN and Fox- talking about their news departments are journalism
CNN and Fox's opinion shows are not journalism.
Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer, just like Seth Meyers.
I have to admit I get a lot of news from the Daily Show.
That journalists report facts and the truth conservatives don’t like, that journalists report facts and the truth which conflict with rightwing political dogma, that journalists report facts and the truth subjectively and incorrectly perceived by conservatives to be ‘hostile’ to Trump or other Republican politicians doesn’t mean those journalists are failing to be objective.
Was there ever any such thing? Today, we generally have more access to news and information as any time in human existence. Now, when I reflect back to the 'Big 3" broadcast news organizations (ABC, CBS, NBC) it becomes obvious that all the news was filtered through corporate editors who may or may not have been objective. Someone like Walter Cronkite (whose name reminds me of a bag of commie concrete :abgg2q.jpg:) was just parroting what was fed to him. In fact, there is no objectivity and never was. The most honest 'news' sources are the ones who declare their bias up front.

Apparently I violated Forum rules by posting this originally in all caps....My bad....
There is no such thing and never was and never will be. My solution is to listen to a variety of sources from MSNBC to Rush Limbaugh. I then come to my own version of the reality. Anyone who listens to only one source, no matter how good, is getting someone's biased worldview and can't think for themselves.

I think there is value in hearing different points of view- but Rush Limbaugh is not 'journalism'- he is an entertainer who provides a point of view. I can see the value in knowing what Rush Limbaugh or Seth Meyers says, but that isn't journalism.

I think the real danger is in equating propaganda with journalism.

Russia publishes 'journalism' but it is done for the benefit of Putin and his cronies- not to actually inform. Even Breitbart is more journalism than RT News.

If you can call CNN 'journalism' I can call Rush 'journalism' as well.

You can call your dog journalism if you want.

CNN and Fox- talking about their news departments are journalism
CNN and Fox's opinion shows are not journalism.
Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer, just like Seth Meyers.
I have to admit I get a lot of news from the Daily Show.

And conservatives get lots of their 'news' from Rush Limbaugh and Shawn Hannity.

Just pointing out that even if I disagree with Fox News- they are 'news' while Limbaugh is as much of a journalist as Seth Meyers is.
And conservatives get lots of their 'news' from Rush Limbaugh and Shawn Hannity.

Just pointing out that even if I disagree with Fox News- they are 'news' while Limbaugh is as much of a journalist as Seth Meyers is.

Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity have become the news because the MSM 'news' is nothing but propaganda. As usual, lefties have it ass-backward. Limbaugh presents the rock-rib conservative, patriotic, American POV and does include sources for his commentary. Hannity actually has research crews finding certified documents, etc. to support everything they find. CNN doesn't investigate the Bidens, has nothing but leftist opinion programming, couldn't care less about the fake dossier, the fake rendition Schiff did when he completely lied about the content of the phone conversation between our President and the Ukraine President. They couldn't care less that Biden bribed the Ukraine with the withholding of aid until they laid of his son Hunter. No....Nothing to see here.......CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, MSNBC are no better either.
Was there ever any such thing? Today, we generally have more access to news and information as any time in human existence. Now, when I reflect back to the 'Big 3" broadcast news organizations (ABC, CBS, NBC) it becomes obvious that all the news was filtered through corporate editors who may or may not have been objective. Someone like Walter Cronkite (whose name reminds me of a bag of commie concrete :abgg2q.jpg:) was just parroting what was fed to him. In fact, there is no objectivity and never was. The most honest 'news' sources are the ones who declare their bias up front.

Apparently I violated Forum rules by posting this originally in all caps....My bad....
There is no such thing and never was and never will be. My solution is to listen to a variety of sources from MSNBC to Rush Limbaugh. I then come to my own version of the reality. Anyone who listens to only one source, no matter how good, is getting someone's biased worldview and can't think for themselves.

I think there is value in hearing different points of view- but Rush Limbaugh is not 'journalism'- he is an entertainer who provides a point of view. I can see the value in knowing what Rush Limbaugh or Seth Meyers says, but that isn't journalism.

I think the real danger is in equating propaganda with journalism.

Russia publishes 'journalism' but it is done for the benefit of Putin and his cronies- not to actually inform. Even Breitbart is more journalism than RT News.

If you can call CNN 'journalism' I can call Rush 'journalism' as well.

you can do that only if you ignore the definition
And conservatives get lots of their 'news' from Rush Limbaugh and Shawn Hannity.

Just pointing out that even if I disagree with Fox News- they are 'news' while Limbaugh is as much of a journalist as Seth Meyers is.

Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity have become the news because the MSM 'news' is nothing but propaganda. As usual, lefties have it ass-backward. Limbaugh presents the rock-rib conservative, patriotic, American POV and does include sources for his commentary. Hannity actually has research crews finding certified documents, etc. to support everything they find. CNN doesn't investigate the Bidens, has nothing but leftist opinion programming, couldn't care less about the fake dossier, the fake rendition Schiff did when he completely lied about the content of the phone conversation between our President and the Ukraine President. They couldn't care less that Biden bribed the Ukraine with the withholding of aid until they laid of his son Hunter. No....Nothing to see here.......CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, MSNBC are no better either.
Do you think that either Hannity or Limbaugh fully and accurately present the entire story?

Is it possible that they avoid/ignore evidence, information and facts that might be contrary to the point they're making?
Do you think that either Hannity or Limbaugh fully and accurately present the entire story?

Is it possible that they avoid/ignore evidence, information and facts that might be contrary to the point they're making?

What evidence do you think they are avoiding?

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