Objecting to illegal immigration is hypocritical


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
America was founded by illegal immigrants. But unlike the ones of today, our founding fathers murdered, enslaved, and subjugated the native population. Illegals of today just crossed a line on a map without permission. Whoopy fracking do.
Thanks. I don't have a prepared speech or anything. But to wing it, next time you speak, lift that white hood so you don't sound so garbled.
Ooh, I'm really scared. No! Don't! Help! There's a peck here with an acorn pointed at me!

Do what you want. I don't smoothe myself over to be more appealing.
America was founded by illegal immigrants. But unlike the ones of today, our founding fathers murdered, enslaved, and subjugated the native population. Illegals of today just crossed a line on a map without permission. Whoopy fracking do.

The Native Americans had no legal framework banning the occupation of thier territory by outside parties. Without said legal framework there can be no illegal immigration.

Current illegal immigrants are breaking a plethora of laws when they remain here past thier visa expiration, or more commonly do not aquire the proper paperwork for entry as workers.
America was founded by illegal immigrants. But unlike the ones of today, our founding fathers murdered, enslaved, and subjugated the native population. Illegals of today just crossed a line on a map without permission. Whoopy fracking do.

^ My Nomination for "Fucking Retard Post of the Day"
I second that nomination........ :thup:
It's hard to hate illegals when they risk it all for a better life. After all I was just born here. I wasn't smuggled in by criminals, leaving behind family, risking it all to make it here. What did I do to deserve this?

But the influx of these immigrants is unsustainable. And many turn to crime to survive. Something has to be done about them.
It's hard to hate illegals when they risk it all for a better life. After all I was just born here. I wasn't smuggled in by criminals, leaving behind family, risking it all to make it here. What did I do to deserve this?

But the influx of these immigrants is unsustainable. And many turn to crime to survive. Something has to be done about them.

One doesn't have to hate them to enforce our laws on them, and send them back to where they came from.
If your only recourse is to wave your tiny dick in my face go right ahead. Just showing everyone you have nothing to counter the assertion with but that little embarassment.
America was founded by illegal immigrants. But unlike the ones of today, our founding fathers murdered, enslaved, and subjugated the native population. Illegals of today just crossed a line on a map without permission. Whoopy fracking do.

Weak and stupid argument. When the settlers arrived there wasn't a country. There wasn't an Indian nation. There were nomadic people that regularly went to war with each other. Europeans came and made stakes on their own lands, not occupied or owned by Indians. They regularly traded with the Indian tribes and for a long time it was mutually beneficial. FOR A LONG TIME and regardless of the propaganda, during the Thanksgiving time.

The American nation slowly grew to it's greatness and regardless of the propaganda, it was not on the backs of the Indians.

Europeans were not Illegal aliens, because their was no nation or laws prohibiting it. If the Europeans came in and took over the Indians villages and teepees that would be a different story.

Now come to the present. First, your illogical argument is pure stupidity. Every modern nation needs laws and immigration restrictions. Every modern nation once was owned by others, from Latin America, to Africa to Europe to Asia. Beyong that fact: (1) We can't absorb poor immigrants from around the world. It bankrupts the schools, hospitals, welfare systems, prison systems and other government services. (2) It is the PRIME cause of wage suppression. Minimum wage workers want a raise, fine, then get rid of the surplus of low wage workers flooding into the country. Caesar Chavez knew this and that is why he VIOLENTLY opposed illegal immigration. Heck see South Dakota, few service workers have led to McDonald's starting salaries of $15 a hour! (3) Unlike the 1600s, 1700 and 1800s, the Indian had no borders or unified nation. Nowadays America has a unified nation, laws and borders. They must be respected and protected.

Regardless if you want to make this moral argument or not, the economic argument trumps your bullshit. People stated doom and gloom in AL, but AL is doing fine without the illegals. Illegal immigration is by FAR a net negative. (1) They DESTROY the school systems. You want to know which school not to send your kids to, one with a high level of hispanics. That sounds racist, but it's the truth. (2) They bankrupt hospitals and DRIVE up costs for you (well probably not you, because you are on some gov assistance no doubt) and me. Go to any emergency room you see illegals there all the time that CAN NOT be denied services (thanks to RONALD REAGAN, what do they say about him hating the poor again). They aren't there for emergencies, they treat it as their primary care physician. They have no insurance, but when they do get billed they don't pay a dime and the hospital knows this. They then push the cost to the insured and people who will pay! (4) They bankrupt the welfare system. Yep the majority go right to food stamps and most double dip. They forge docs to get Sec 8. My buddy bought property in the city for rentals and he always gets latinos that no speaka any ingles with Sec 8 approval (call him an ass for taking them, I DO, but he is guarantee 3/4 of the rent by the first of the month). And the vast majority, esp in sanctuary state - CA, find there way onto welfare. (5) They over-represent the ranks in prison. (6) They over-represent DUI accidents. (7) They TAKE jobs Americans will do. 25% work in high paying construction and carpentry. A large chunk work in sales, as electrians, plumbers, waiters and own businesses. Many work in the manufacturing and assembly sector. All these sectors are areas Americans will work and pay living salaries. Only 3% of illegals work in agriculture and only 33% work in the service industry (to which many service industry jobs pay a living wage). For the non-skilled labor, they are the prime reason for wage suppression!

It is IMMORAL and ANTI-AMERICAN to support illegal immigration and there is ZERO justification to support it. So take your liberal elitist attitude and moral authority and shove it up your ass!
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America was not founded by illegal immigrants because there was no government to grant or deny immigration status. America was founded by settlers. We have a government and clearly defined borders. That doesn't make the illegals settlers, it makes then colonists. We are being colonized and put under the control over other governments foreign to this nation.
Hiding behind that sort of arguement shows how pathetic the arguement really is. Fact remains, Native Nations owned this land every bit as much as we own property today because laws say we do. Difference was their law wasn't codified in some book and located at a capitol. And inventing laws out of thin air and using them to say we now own all this land and the natives don't because they don't have our kind of law is the worst kind of arguement. It's claiming our way of doing things is superior to everyone else's. Thus we can roll tanks in to Canada, plant our flag and say this is now our's because we say so. It's like if a child steals property from another child then insists it's their's becase they currently have possession of it. It no more makes any sense than settlers own the land their settlements were built on. Making that claim is to ignore the peoples who already lived there somewhere nearby and up until that moment had no need of fencing it off to denote property.
It's like if a child steals property from another child then insists it's their's becase they currently have possession of it. It no more makes any sense than settlers own the land their settlements were built on. Making that claim is to ignore the peoples who already lived there somewhere nearby and up until that moment had no need of fencing it off to denote property.
Actually, that's what Israel did in 1948 ... :cool:
If the natives had no country, why do they today have their own sovereign nations with in the nation of the US?
It's like if a child steals property from another child then insists it's their's becase they currently have possession of it. It no more makes any sense than settlers own the land their settlements were built on. Making that claim is to ignore the peoples who already lived there somewhere nearby and up until that moment had no need of fencing it off to denote property.
Actually, that's what Israel did in 1948 ... :cool:

And who did it the Israel in 800 B.C.?
If the natives had no country, why do they today have their own sovereign nations with in the nation of the US?

Due to codification within the existing Western European concept of property, ownership, and relations between nations.

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