Obamas One Last "Fuck You" to American Voters; an Intercessional SCOTUS Appointment


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Obama has zero respect for the Will of the American People, who voted against a third Obama term via the Hillary Clinton surrogacy. But that doesnt matter one whit to this witless oaf; he will do everything he can to damage Trump, damage America and kiss the collective asses of his Marxist supporters.

This degenerate should have been impeached five years ago.

Obama could still force Merrick Garland onto Supreme Court during ‘intersession recess’

Mr. Obama’s moment will come just before noon, in the five minutes that the Senate gavels the 114th Congress out of session and the time the 115th Congress begins.

In those few moments the Senate will go into what’s known as an “intersession recess,” creating one golden moment when the president could test his recess-appointment powers by sending Judge Garland to the high court.​
Obama has zero respect for the Will of the American People, who voted against a third Obama term via the Hillary Clinton surrogacy. But that doesnt matter one whit to this witless oaf; he will do everything he can to damage Trump, damage America and kiss the collective asses of his Marxist supporters.

This degenerate should have been impeached five years ago.

Obama could still force Merrick Garland onto Supreme Court during ‘intersession recess’

Mr. Obama’s moment will come just before noon, in the five minutes that the Senate gavels the 114th Congress out of session and the time the 115th Congress begins.

In those few moments the Senate will go into what’s known as an “intersession recess,” creating one golden moment when the president could test his recess-appointment powers by sending Judge Garland to the high court.​

LMAO Gawd I love the shit you come out with in your titles etc.
A highly unlikely scenario with little chance of coming of pass, but that won't stop the alarmists from shitting their pants over it.
A highly unlikely scenario with little chance of coming of pass, but that won't stop the alarmists from shitting their pants over it.
Obama is way too much of an ideologue for "unlikely" to influence him at all, roflmao.
i have no problem with it, if he does it...in fact, I think he should do the recess appointment....it's only a temporary fix for the opening, the Senate can ditch him later, if they still want to....

it was his pick to make according to the constitution a year ago, the Senate didnt even give his pick a vetting.
Obama has zero respect for the Will of the American People, who voted against a third Obama term via the Hillary Clinton surrogacy. But that doesnt matter one whit to this witless oaf; he will do everything he can to damage Trump, damage America and kiss the collective asses of his Marxist supporters.

This degenerate should have been impeached five years ago.

Obama could still force Merrick Garland onto Supreme Court during ‘intersession recess’

Mr. Obama’s moment will come just before noon, in the five minutes that the Senate gavels the 114th Congress out of session and the time the 115th Congress begins.

In those few moments the Senate will go into what’s known as an “intersession recess,” creating one golden moment when the president could test his recess-appointment powers by sending Judge Garland to the high court.​

I doubt he will do it, but I hope he does.
i have no problem with it, if he does it...in fact, I think he should do the recess appointment....it's only a temporary fix for the opening, the Senate can ditch him later, if they still want to....

it was his pick to make according to the constitution a year ago, the Senate didnt even give his pick a vetting.

Get a grip. Such a move would damage the stature of the court. The Republic comes first.
Obama has zero respect for the Will of the American People, who voted against a third Obama term via the Hillary Clinton surrogacy. But that doesnt matter one whit to this witless oaf; he will do everything he can to damage Trump, damage America and kiss the collective asses of his Marxist supporters.

This degenerate should have been impeached five years ago.

Obama could still force Merrick Garland onto Supreme Court during ‘intersession recess’

Mr. Obama’s moment will come just before noon, in the five minutes that the Senate gavels the 114th Congress out of session and the time the 115th Congress begins.

In those few moments the Senate will go into what’s known as an “intersession recess,” creating one golden moment when the president could test his recess-appointment powers by sending Judge Garland to the high court.​

You think Trump would hesitate to do it?
Obama has zero respect for the Will of the American People, who voted against a third Obama term via the Hillary Clinton surrogacy. But that doesnt matter one whit to this witless oaf; he will do everything he can to damage Trump, damage America and kiss the collective asses of his Marxist supporters.

This degenerate should have been impeached five years ago.

Obama could still force Merrick Garland onto Supreme Court during ‘intersession recess’

Mr. Obama’s moment will come just before noon, in the five minutes that the Senate gavels the 114th Congress out of session and the time the 115th Congress begins.

In those few moments the Senate will go into what’s known as an “intersession recess,” creating one golden moment when the president could test his recess-appointment powers by sending Judge Garland to the high court.​
Actually it could be considered the will of the voters, since an unquestionable majority did not vote for the sickness that Donald Trump has proposed for the country.
i have no problem with it, if he does it...in fact, I think he should do the recess appointment....it's only a temporary fix for the opening, the Senate can ditch him later, if they still want to....

it was his pick to make according to the constitution a year ago, the Senate didnt even give his pick a vetting.

Get a grip. Such a move would damage the stature of the court. The Republic comes first.
NOPE! imo, what the Senate did, starting a year ago by never giving the President's pick a single hearing, is was damaged the stature of the court and spit on the constitution
As I already noted the Supreme Court ruled years ago that the short time between Congresses is NOT a valid recess for Presidential appointments.
Supreme Court already ruled that such an appointment is illegal and unconstitutional.
nope! Obama did a recess appointment while the congress PRETENDED to be in session by having 2 senators there during the rest of congresses recess....

so the court ruled they were not in recess cuz a coupe of senators opened the senate without anyone else there....was STILL considered an open session, not a recess.

between the 114th and 115th session, although for just a coupe of handful of minutes, is still a real recess.

I don't think he will do it, but would not object if he did.
Once again for the slow and stupid, the period of time between the end of one congress and the start of another has already been ruled not a recess for the President to use as appointments.

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