Obama’s Martin Luther King speech . . . and “We the People”


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
Today, President Obama had the audacity to point out that the word “we” as found in our Constitution is of utmost importance in our system of government. If that be true President Obama, and I agree that it is, then why do you ignore that a vast majority of “We the People” do not want your Obamacare forced upon us? And why do you also ignore that a vast majority of “We the People” do not want our country flooded with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, and unskilled disease carrying populations of other countries which you have encourage to invade our borders?

And tell us President Obama, why are you ok with using the force of federal taxation to tax hard working American citizens living in our nation’s inner cities which is then used by you to finance the economic needs of those who have invaded our borders? Do you really believe “We the People” are comfortable with that when many American Citizens cannot even meet their own economic needs? If you do believe that Mr. Obama, apparently you have not been listening to We the People


"Shovel-ready was not as ... uh .. shovel-ready as we expected."___ Obama, June, 2011

MLK would be ashamed of Obama, Holder, Sharpton for turning back race relations in this country at it's worst it's ever been

I care nothing what Obama has to say about anything, especially this topic
Obama’s Martin Luther King speech . . . and “We the People”

And we are.

WE have the right to what we pay for - including health care and equality.

The OP willfully ignores the reality of illegal immigration. SJ just does his usual toss off that means nothing and jeeez, Stephanie is, as usual, clueless.

Unless you're an ignorant, knee-jerk, Obama hater ^^^, he was spot on with every single word.

Deal with it.
MLK would be ashamed of Obama, Holder, Sharpton for turning back race relations in this country at it's worst it's ever been

I care nothing what Obama has to say about anything, especially this topic
Blacks have always hated whites, they just needed somebody like B.O. to validate it.
MLK would be ashamed of Obama, Holder, Sharpton for turning back race relations in this country at it's worst it's ever been

I care nothing what Obama has to say about anything, especially this topic
Blacks have always hated whites, they just needed somebody like B.O. to validate it.

True, they want to act like the aren't just as prejudiced as the next color, race etc

I refuse to be quilted by this man who claims he represents US ALL
MLK would be ashamed of Obama, Holder, Sharpton for turning back race relations in this country at it's worst it's ever been

I care nothing what Obama has to say about anything, especially this topic
Blacks have always hated whites, they just needed somebody like B.O. to validate it.

"Blacks have always hated whites" and with damn good reason.
Sorry bout that,

1. Negroes never learn, thats why they hate themselves and who they are, sickness is shared and spread from the top down, obama is the worse thing that ever happened to the negro population, and everything he has done and will do will hurt them more than the white man, the negro plight is getting worse by the day, and the common negro does not see it.

We the people, the majority of U.S. citizens, favored building the Keystone XL.
A bill was passed in both the House and Senate, only to be vetoed.

"We The People" indeed....

He could give a rat's ass.
what would Obama know about struggling as a black person. He's lived a privileged life thanks to his white grandparents.... and thanks to taxpayers first in Chicago as a lowly State Senator now again thanks to us in the white house

the man is so phony
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Wonder why that Obama leaves all this out...It doesn't suit with his race hustling to stir up hate amongst the people in this country

ON THIS DAY IN 1965 – Angry Democrats with Billy Clubs & Dogs Attacked Selma Civil Rights Marchers
Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, March 7, 2015, 11:42 AM

On this day in 1965, fifty years ago today, angry Democrats with billy clubs, tear gas and dogs attacked peaceful civil rights activists in Selma, Alabama.

Angry Democrats sicced dogs on the civil rights protesters.

Police used billy clubs to punish the protesters. (TIME)

Grand Old Partisan reported:

On this day in 1965, state police under the command of the Democrat Governor, George Wallace, attacked African-Americans who were demonstrating for voting rights in Selma, Alabama. The rampaging Democrats used billy clubs and tear gas and dogs in their “Bloody Sunday” assault.

A Republican-appointed federal judge, Frank Johnson, soon ruled in favor of the demonstrators, enabling them to complete their march two weeks later.

These incidents are described on pages 202-03 of Back to Basics for the Republican Party, a history of GOP civil rights achievement.

ALL of it here:
ON THIS DAY IN 1965 Angry Democrats with Billy Clubs Dogs Attacked Selma Civil Rights Marchers The Gateway Pundit
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