Israel To Blame For Escalating Violence Against Hamas After 160 Rockets Fired From Gaza into Israel


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Starting in the early evening on Monday, and lasting well into the early morning hours of Tuesday, Hamas and Palestinian militants operating in Gaza launched 160 rockets into Israel, including seven that were targeted at Jerusalem. I reported on Monday night about the impressive use of the “Iron Dome” by the Israeli military to defeat many of the rockets.

The Israeli defense forces struck back, with airstrikes inside Gaza targeting the rocket launch sites and militants operating those systems."

"When it came to the US media, they covered the Israeli retaliation as the “escalation”, and not the actions of Hamas to indiscriminately rain down explosive tipped rockets on the civilian population of Israel."

"Israel realizes it is now in this fight alone — it has so little faith in the Biden Administration it told the United States to stay out."

Why is the Right to Self-Defense dependent upon race? Evidently defensively responding to a terrorist rocket attack is now allowed, according to Anti-Semites.

Those condemning Israel for acting to protect its people would be the 1st ones calling for Mexico to become our 51st state if Mexico lobbed 160 rockets into Texas.....

With Biden backing Hamas, Israel has to be careful
Yeah, it's not in any frame of time in the past history has anything ever happened like this, had they given Trump the Nobel Prize for Peacenik he would have ended all wars and made the Middle East at peace for the first time since humans appeared in the region..
Israel realizes it is now in this fight alone — it has so little faith in the Biden Administration it told the United States to stay out
They should be in it alone. It's a peon enemy with rocks and bottlerockets. NOT OUR PROBLEM
Same thing Nations said who were around Nazi Germany when they heard about Jews being sent to gas ovens.

It wasn't their problem until the violence spread across their borders in to their country.
The "Christian Republicans" are going to love Low IQ Joe. We were promised a war against Iran 10 years ago if Low IQ Joe became Prez....

Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.

The same "Republicans" who support W, Raffensberger, Cheney, Romney, Murkowski and still watch Fox will CHEER when our troops are sold out yet again to fight and die over lies to serve Israel.
Israel realizes it is now in this fight alone — it has so little faith in the Biden Administration it told the United States to stay out
They should be in it alone. It's a peon enemy with rocks and bottlerockets. NOT OUR PROBLEM
Same thing Nations said who were around Nazi Germany when they heard about Jews being sent to gas ovens.

It wasn't their problem until the violence spread across their borders in to their country.
You can not guilt trip me into violence so give it a rest.
Equating dirt poor sand rats to hitlers Germany is beyond stupid.
compared to hitler's germany....

who did EINSTEIN compare to HITLER's GERMANY?


Einstein Letter Warning Of
Zionist Facism In Israel
Letter That Albert Einstein Sent to the New York Times
1948, Protesting the Visit of Menachem Begin


Letters to the EditorNew York TimesDecember 4, 1948 TO THE EDITORS OF THE NEW YORK TIMES: Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine.
The current visit of Menachem Begin, leader of this party, to the United States is obviously calculated to give the impression of American support for his party in the coming Israeli elections, and to cement political ties with conservative Zionist elements in the United States. Several Americans of national repute have lent their names to welcome his visit. It is inconceivable that those who oppose fascism throughoutthe world, if correctly informed as to Mr. Begin's political record and perspectives, could add their names and support to the movement he represents. Before irreparable damage is done by way of financial contributions, public manifestations in Begin's behalf, and the creation in Palestine of the impression that a large segment of America supports Fascist elements in Israel, the American public must be informed as to the record and objectives of Mr. Begin and his movement. The public avowals of Begin's party are no guide whatever to its actual character. Today they speak of freedom, democracy and anti-imperialism, whereas until recently they openly preached the doctrine of the Fascist state. It is in its actions that the terrorist party betrays its real character; from its past actions we can judge what it may be expected to do in the future. Attack on Arab Village A shocking example was their behavior in the Arab village of Deir Yassin. This village, off the main roads and surrounded by Jewish lands, had taken no part in the war, and had even fought off Arab bands who wanted to use the village as their base. On April 9 (THE NEW YORK TIMES), terrorist bands attacked this peaceful village, which was not a military objective in the fighting, killed most of its inhabitants ? 240men, women, and children - and kept a few of them alive to parade as captives through the streets of Jerusalem. Most of the Jewish community was horrified at the deed, and the Jewish Agency sent a telegram of apology to King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan. But the terrorists, far from being ashamed of their act, were proud of this massacre, publicized it widely, and invited all the foreign correspondents present in the country to view the heaped corpses and the general havoc at Deir Yassin. The Deir Yassin incident exemplifies the character and actions of the Freedom Party. Within the Jewish community they have preached an admixture of ultranationalism, religious mysticism, and racial superiority. Like other Fascist parties they have been used to break strikes, and have themselves pressed for the destruction of free trade unions. In their stead they have proposed corporate unions on the Italian Fascist model. During the last years of sporadic anti-British violence, the IZL and Stern groups inaugurated a reign of terror in the Palestine Jewish community. Teachers were beaten up for speaking against them, adults were shot for not letting their children join them. By gangster methods, beatings, window-smashing, and wide-spread robberies, the terrorists intimidated the population and exacted a heavy tribute. The people of the Freedom Party have had no part in the constructive achievements in Palestine. They have reclaimed no land, built no settlements, and only detracted from the Jewish defense activity. Their much-publicized immigration endeavors were minute, and devoted mainly to bringing in Fascist compatriots. Discrepancies Seen The discrepancies between the bold claims now being made by Begin and his party, and their record of past performance in Palestine bear the imprint of no ordinary political party. This is the unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party for whom terrorism (against Jews, Arabs, and British alike), and misrepresentation are means, and a "Leader State" is the goal. In the light of the foregoing considerations, it is imperative that the truth about Mr. Begin and his movement be made known in this country. It is all the more tragic that the top leadership of American Zionism has refused to campaign against Begin's efforts, or even to expose to its own constituents the dangers to Israel from support to Begin. The undersigned therefore take this means of publicly presenting a few salient facts concerning Begin and his party; and of urging all concerned not to support this latest manifestation of fascism. ISIDORE ABRAMOWITZHANNAH ARENDTABRAHAM BRICKRABBI JESSURUN CARDOZOALBERT EINSTEINHERMAN EISEN, M.D.HAYIM FINEMANM. GALLEN, M.D.H.H. HARRISZELIG S. HARRISSIDNEY HOOKFRED KARUSHBRURIA KAUFMANIRMA L. LINDHEIMNACHMAN MAISELSEYMOUR MELMANMYER D. MENDELSONM.D., HARRY M. OSLINSKYSAMUEL PITLICKFRITZ ROHRLICHLOUIS P. ROCKERRUTH SAGISITZHAK SANKOWSKYI.J. SHOENBERGSAMUEL SHUMANM. SINGERIRMA WOLFESTEFAN WOLF. New York, Dec. 2, 1948
compared to hitler's germany....

who did EINSTEIN compare to HITLER's GERMANY?

It's not 1948 anymore. You aren't Albert Einstein. His political views aren't necessarily informed by or equal to his expertise as a physicist.
Would a humanitarian (who helped build atomic weapons, by the way) approve of Hamas raining rockets down on Israel killing innocent men, women and children? It's doubtful. So presumably not.
"Starting in the early evening on Monday, and lasting well into the early morning hours of Tuesday, Hamas and Palestinian militants operating in Gaza launched 160 rockets into Israel, including seven that were targeted at Jerusalem. I reported on Monday night about the impressive use of the “Iron Dome” by the Israeli military to defeat many of the rockets.

The Israeli defense forces struck back, with airstrikes inside Gaza targeting the rocket launch sites and militants operating those systems."

"When it came to the US media, they covered the Israeli retaliation as the “escalation”, and not the actions of Hamas to indiscriminately rain down explosive tipped rockets on the civilian population of Israel."

"Israel realizes it is now in this fight alone — it has so little faith in the Biden Administration it told the United States to stay out."

Why is the Right to Self-Defense dependent upon race? Evidently defensively responding to a terrorist rocket attack is now allowed, according to Anti-Semites.

Those condemning Israel for acting to protect its people would be the 1st ones calling for Mexico to become our 51st state if Mexico lobbed 160 rockets into Texas.....


Ilhan Omar's antisemetic opinions are actually the opinions of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats. Omar's anti-Israel beliefs are a threat to freedom in the Middle East Thank the U.S. for developing the Patriot System and for Israel to refine it.
Funny no one complains about the fact that Iran supplies the rockets to both Hamas and Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade.
This has nothing to do with Palestinians it's Mid Eastern politics run by Iran. It's the terrorists that are causing trouble. Ilhan Omar fails to understand that if they want peace than it is Hamas job to stop the terrorism against Israel in the first place.
Israel is the aggressor.

Did you CHEER when Israel took out the USS Liberty???

Israeli pilot to IDF war room: This is an American ship. Do you still want us to attack?

IDF war room to Israeli pilot: Yes, follow orders.

Israeli pilot to IDF war room: But sir, it’s an American ship - I can see the flag!

IDF war room to Israeli pilot: Never mind; hit it.

EINSTEIN = spot on patriotic AMERICAN

Israel realizes it is now in this fight alone — it has so little faith in the Biden Administration it told the United States to stay out
They should be in it alone. It's a peon enemy with rocks and bottlerockets. NOT OUR PROBLEM
Same thing Nations said who were around Nazi Germany when they heard about Jews being sent to gas ovens.

It wasn't their problem until the violence spread across their borders in to their country.
You can not guilt trip me into violence so give it a rest.
Equating dirt poor sand rats to hitlers Germany is beyond stupid.
Hatred is hatred and lies are lies. To the degree to which the hatred ends in further more horrific crimes is immaterial. Jehovah is not pleased.

If you hate a man in your heart, you have murdered him.

There is no such thing as a Palestinian. They are not an ethnic group and they are only where they are to be a pawn and cannon fodder for hate filled radical Islam.
Israel is the aggressor.

Did you CHEER when Israel took out the USS Liberty???

Israeli pilot to IDF war room: This is an American ship. Do you still want us to attack?

IDF war room to Israeli pilot: Yes, follow orders.

Israeli pilot to IDF war room: But sir, it’s an American ship - I can see the flag!

IDF war room to Israeli pilot: Never mind; hit it.

EINSTEIN = spot on patriotic AMERICAN

How can one be an aggressor in their own land?

And why do you lie?

If allah is so great, then why does he need the fake people, the palestinians to carry rocks and rockets to the temple mount in preparation for a conflict which they planned and initiated?

If allah is so great, then why did allah allow a 200 year old tree to catch on fire next to the mosque on The Temple Mount?

If allah is so great, then why did he allow The So Called Palestinians to trash the Al Assah Mosque?

If allah is so great and Israel is Evil, then why can't impotent allah get rid of them?

If allah is so great and the fake Palestinians so righteous, then why are The Palestinians pawns of Hamas and The PLO?

If allah is so great then why would even 1 Palestinian ever die or need to blow himself up as a suicide bomber?

If allah is so great then why even when surrounding Israel and outnumbering them 10-1, can't any of the Islamic Nations even when allied with each other defeat Israel?

If allah is so great then why do nearly all Muslims live in abject poverty, and live in third world conditions?

If allah is so great then why did Islamic Nations get hit harder with The Corona Virus than Christian Nations?

If allah is so great then why do Islamic Nations get their asses continually kicked in wars against Christian Nations?
Last edited:
"Starting in the early evening on Monday, and lasting well into the early morning hours of Tuesday, Hamas and Palestinian militants operating in Gaza launched 160 rockets into Israel, including seven that were targeted at Jerusalem. I reported on Monday night about the impressive use of the “Iron Dome” by the Israeli military to defeat many of the rockets.

The Israeli defense forces struck back, with airstrikes inside Gaza targeting the rocket launch sites and militants operating those systems."

"When it came to the US media, they covered the Israeli retaliation as the “escalation”, and not the actions of Hamas to indiscriminately rain down explosive tipped rockets on the civilian population of Israel."

"Israel realizes it is now in this fight alone — it has so little faith in the Biden Administration it told the United States to stay out."

Why is the Right to Self-Defense dependent upon race? Evidently defensively responding to a terrorist rocket attack is now allowed, according to Anti-Semites.

Those condemning Israel for acting to protect its people would be the 1st ones calling for Mexico to become our 51st state if Mexico lobbed 160 rockets into Texas.....


Ilhan Omar's antisemetic opinions are actually the opinions of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats. Omar's anti-Israel beliefs are a threat to freedom in the Middle East Thank the U.S. for developing the Patriot System and for Israel to refine it.
Funny no one complains about the fact that Iran supplies the rockets to both Hamas and Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade.
This has nothing to do with Palestinians it's Mid Eastern politics run by Iran. It's the terrorists that are causing trouble. Ilhan Omar fails to understand that if they want peace than it is Hamas job to stop the terrorism against Israel in the first place.

Then don't fire rockets into Israel.

Hamas isn't very bright

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