Obama's Assault on the 2nd Amendment - Thwarted!


Cast Iron Member
Feb 16, 2014
State of Disgust!
Obama's "Operation Chokepoint" has lost one of it's biggest allies -- the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation). That sly dog, Obama, had attempted to defund the gun industry as a means to strip Americans of our right to self defense. Glad he got his balls kicked. The FDIC admitted wrongdoing and has promised to steer its policies towards a more pro-American, anti-Socialist/Communist agenda. Glad Congress and pro-gun groups helped them see the light.

"In a major development concerning NSSF’s leadership to halt discrimination in the provision of financial services and products to firearms related businesses due to “Operation Choke Point”, the top officials of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) on Wednesday admitted wrongdoing and said they would cease practices that had the effect of encouraging such disparate treatment.

U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-Mo.) released a statement after a meeting with Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Chairman Martin Gruenberg and Vice Chairman Tom Hoenig discussing the agency’s involvement in Operation Choke Point.

Today, the Congressman told NSSF, “After a year of mounting pressure from Congress and outside organization like the National Shooting Sports Foundation, top officials from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation finally acknowledged their involvement and wrongdoing in Operation Choke Point."

FDIC Ends Participation in Anti-gun 8216 Operation Chokepoint 8217 Conservative Daily News

That's it? That's all you got? Fail!!
How many of your guns have been taken?

Thanks to the hard work of the NRA, GOA, RMGO, and numerous other pro-gun lobbies America still remains under the protection of the 2nd Amendment (no thanks to the likes of Obama, Clinton, Boxer, Feinstein and a bunch of other LibNuts). But next time you get a chance you should present the same question to many of the honest, hard working victims of Hurricane Katrina. The LibNuts in their region literally confiscated their weapons when they needed them the most.

That's it? That's all you got? Fail!!
How many of your guns have been taken?

Thanks to the hard work of the NRA, GOA, RMGO, and numerous other pro-gun lobbies America still remains under the protection of the 2nd Amendment (no thanks to the likes of Obama, Clinton, Boxer, Feinstein and a bunch of other LibNuts). But next time you get a chance you should present the same question to many of the honest, hard working victims of Hurricane Katrina. The LibNuts in their region literally confiscated their weapons when they needed them the most.
So none of your guns have been taken; correct?

That's it? That's all you got? Fail!!
How many of your guns have been taken?

Thanks to the hard work of the NRA, GOA, RMGO, and numerous other pro-gun lobbies America still remains under the protection of the 2nd Amendment (no thanks to the likes of Obama, Clinton, Boxer, Feinstein and a bunch of other LibNuts). But next time you get a chance you should present the same question to many of the honest, hard working victims of Hurricane Katrina. The LibNuts in their region literally confiscated their weapons when they needed them the most.
So none of your guns have been taken; correct?

Here in Colorado we can no longer buy 30rd magazines for a gun that's designed to accommodate them. The proverbial foot is in the door. Fortunately, the balance of power recently changed in Colorado and measures are being taken to reverse those anti-gun laws. There are several liberal states that don't allow certain models of guns just because they're black and look scary.

That's it? That's all you got? Fail!!
How many of your guns have been taken?

Thanks to the hard work of the NRA, GOA, RMGO, and numerous other pro-gun lobbies America still remains under the protection of the 2nd Amendment (no thanks to the likes of Obama, Clinton, Boxer, Feinstein and a bunch of other LibNuts). But next time you get a chance you should present the same question to many of the honest, hard working victims of Hurricane Katrina. The LibNuts in their region literally confiscated their weapons when they needed them the most.
So none of your guns have been taken; correct?

Only simple minded left wing idiots like you talk that way. People with a functioning brain know the difference between what is desired and what is possible. Only a naive fool would not know that taking guns away is the end game, the goal. Your idiotic talking point only serves to show how stupid you are.
You left wing nut gun grabbers have been getting your stupid asses whipped by the NRA and the 2nd Amendment. That kind of chronic butt hurt makes you speak in childish taunts. Sucks to be you.

That's it? That's all you got? Fail!!
How many of your guns have been taken?

Thanks to the hard work of the NRA, GOA, RMGO, and numerous other pro-gun lobbies America still remains under the protection of the 2nd Amendment (no thanks to the likes of Obama, Clinton, Boxer, Feinstein and a bunch of other LibNuts). But next time you get a chance you should present the same question to many of the honest, hard working victims of Hurricane Katrina. The LibNuts in their region literally confiscated their weapons when they needed them the most.
So none of your guns have been taken; correct?

Here in Colorado we can no longer buy 30rd magazines for a gun that's designed to accommodate them. The proverbial foot is in the door. Fortunately, the balance of power recently changed in Colorado and measures are being taken to reverse those anti-gun laws. There are several liberal states that don't allow certain models of guns just because they're black and look scary.

Slippery Slope fallacy.

Logical Fallacies Slippery Slope Fallacy

That's it? That's all you got? Fail!!
How many of your guns have been taken?

Thanks to the hard work of the NRA, GOA, RMGO, and numerous other pro-gun lobbies America still remains under the protection of the 2nd Amendment (no thanks to the likes of Obama, Clinton, Boxer, Feinstein and a bunch of other LibNuts). But next time you get a chance you should present the same question to many of the honest, hard working victims of Hurricane Katrina. The LibNuts in their region literally confiscated their weapons when they needed them the most.
So none of your guns have been taken; correct?

Only simple minded left wing idiots like you talk that way. People with a functioning brain know the difference between what is desired and what is possible. Only a naive fool would not know that taking guns away is the end game, the goal. Your idiotic talking point only serves to show how stupid you are.

Slippery slope fallacy.

Logical Fallacies Slippery Slope Fallacy

Nobody is going to confiscate Americans' firearms so implementing some common sense reforms to limit gun violence isn't going to lead to total disarmament.

Quit being an absolutist.

That's it? That's all you got? Fail!!
How many of your guns have been taken?

Thanks to the hard work of the NRA, GOA, RMGO, and numerous other pro-gun lobbies America still remains under the protection of the 2nd Amendment (no thanks to the likes of Obama, Clinton, Boxer, Feinstein and a bunch of other LibNuts). But next time you get a chance you should present the same question to many of the honest, hard working victims of Hurricane Katrina. The LibNuts in their region literally confiscated their weapons when they needed them the most.
So none of your guns have been taken; correct?

Here in Colorado we can no longer buy 30rd magazines for a gun that's designed to accommodate them. The proverbial foot is in the door. Fortunately, the balance of power recently changed in Colorado and measures are being taken to reverse those anti-gun laws. There are several liberal states that don't allow certain models of guns just because they're black and look scary.
Do like my uncle and make you own.....

That's it? That's all you got? Fail!!
How many of your guns have been taken?

Thanks to the hard work of the NRA, GOA, RMGO, and numerous other pro-gun lobbies America still remains under the protection of the 2nd Amendment (no thanks to the likes of Obama, Clinton, Boxer, Feinstein and a bunch of other LibNuts). But next time you get a chance you should present the same question to many of the honest, hard working victims of Hurricane Katrina. The LibNuts in their region literally confiscated their weapons when they needed them the most.
So none of your guns have been taken; correct?

Only simple minded left wing idiots like you talk that way. People with a functioning brain know the difference between what is desired and what is possible. Only a naive fool would not know that taking guns away is the end game, the goal. Your idiotic talking point only serves to show how stupid you are.
Old hag is one stupid libtard.

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