Obama vs Trump - Who told the bigger lie?

Which is the bigger, more damaging and dangerous lie?

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Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
My vote is for Trump. He knew it wasn't true when he told it. Told Gov Bullock in Montana he hadn't heard of test kit shortages in weeks. Simply not true. The other thing that makes Donnie's lie more dangerously odious, is that he doesn't WANT people tested.

So let's hear from the Trumpublicans who will undoubtedly pretend that there are plenty of test kits and it's up to states to get them, ventilators and PPE - Not the federal government's anyway.

Should be entertaining. :)

A triple-facepalm worthy OP.

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My vote is for Trump. He knew it wasn't true when he told it. Told Gov Bullock in Montana he hadn't heard of test kit shortages in weeks. Simply not true. The other thing that makes Donnie's lie more dangerously odious, is that he doesn't WANT people tested.

So let's hear from the Trumpublicans who will undoubtedly pretend that there are plenty of test kits and it's up to states to get them, ventilators and PPE - Not the federal government's anyway.

Should be entertaining. :)

Gee, and Obama knew he was lying when saying you could keep your doctor and/or insurance...dumbass.
My vote is for Trump. He knew it wasn't true when he told it. Told Gov Bullock in Montana he hadn't heard of test kit shortages in weeks. Simply not true. The other thing that makes Donnie's lie more dangerously odious, is that he doesn't WANT people tested.

So let's hear from the Trumpublicans who will undoubtedly pretend that there are plenty of test kits and it's up to states to get them, ventilators and PPE - Not the federal government's anyway.

Should be entertaining. :)

Gee, and Obama knew he was lying when saying you could keep your doctor and/or insurance...dumbass.

Meh - There were many details that hadn't been worked out when Obama made that statement.
The Dithering Dotard has been lying about tests for over two months.
My vote is for Trump. He knew it wasn't true when he told it. Told Gov Bullock in Montana he hadn't heard of test kit shortages in weeks. Simply not true. The other thing that makes Donnie's lie more dangerously odious, is that he doesn't WANT people tested.

So let's hear from the Trumpublicans who will undoubtedly pretend that there are plenty of test kits and it's up to states to get them, ventilators and PPE - Not the federal government's anyway.

Should be entertaining. :)

Dang, I see you didn't like my previous comment, you should love this one.

Obamacare: More than 2 million people getting booted from existing health insurance plans
People weren't able to keep their doctors / plans - never could from the start....people can get tested. It may take a while, but they can get tested.

... but hey, why the discrimination? You can't leave Slick Willy out:

"I did not have sex with that woman!"

:p I think that one still beats both Barry and Trump.
My vote is for Trump. He knew it wasn't true when he told it. Told Gov Bullock in Montana he hadn't heard of test kit shortages in weeks. Simply not true. The other thing that makes Donnie's lie more dangerously odious, is that he doesn't WANT people tested.

So let's hear from the Trumpublicans who will undoubtedly pretend that there are plenty of test kits and it's up to states to get them, ventilators and PPE - Not the federal government's anyway.

Should be entertaining. :)

So your argument is that people didnt want Obama care but was forced to buy it?
My vote is for Trump. He knew it wasn't true when he told it. Told Gov Bullock in Montana he hadn't heard of test kit shortages in weeks. Simply not true. The other thing that makes Donnie's lie more dangerously odious, is that he doesn't WANT people tested.

So let's hear from the Trumpublicans who will undoubtedly pretend that there are plenty of test kits and it's up to states to get them, ventilators and PPE - Not the federal government's anyway.

Should be entertaining. :)

One was a "lie" about the amount of supplies the U.S. had to test for a particular virus, which could have easily been a mistake. The consequences being that some people who don't have symptoms will likely not get tested. What a travesty. .

The other was a pants-on-fire communist fuck lie that cost MILLIONS their insurance coverage, doctor, and money for the SOLE purpose of bringing communism to the U.S.

It's just one more reason why the only good commie is a dead commie.

Of course Trump never said if you want a test you can get one....he said if you have symptoms or been in contact with a person that tested positive and you want a test you can get one....he never lied....not once....to TDS nuts like the OP everything he says is a lie....knock it off you are embarrassing yourself....
So your argument is that people didnt want Obama care but was forced to buy it?
Yup, that pretty much sums it up.

These retarded liberals never change, they get burned and try try again
These aren't liberals. They are Social Marxist lemmings.

Liberals think for themselves and take in info and reason. They are rarer than hen's teeth and white supremacists.
There are some here, but less than fingers on 2 hands-worth.
Of course Trump never said if you want a test you can get one....he said if you have symptoms or been in contact with a person that tested positive and you want a test you can get one....he never lied....not once....to TDS nuts like the OP everything he says is a lie....knock it off you are embarrassing yourself....



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