Obama vs Romney... Binders

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Romney receives binders on women he'd like to hire for employment..:clap2:

(I want to help women find a job)

Obama receives binders on women he'd just like to use for re-election..:wtf:

(slam bam thank you ma'am)
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Kinda looks like those fine liberal ladies of the left are being used, distracted and mislead by Obama/Democrat and captured liberal media yet .. again.


On the campaign trail, Mitt Romney has been hammering a statistic that “over 92 percent of the jobs lost under this president were lost by women,” evidence, he says, that President Obama’s policies amount to a “war on women.” Romney’s statistic is accurate, as far as it goes. But it’s not the whole story.

Looking back at the whole recession, men have lost many more jobs than women. But the biggest job losses for men came earlier in the recession, and recovery for men has come faster than it has for women.

FactCheck.org : Obama’s ‘War on Women’?
Binders, Big Bird? What the Hell are Obamabots thinking? What a mess. Romney may have sealed the deal. But i guess we'll see.
Gee, when the left first starting talking about binders of women, images of Bill Clinton looking at a collection of women's nude photos came to mind. Then we find out it's a bunch of resumes put together to make it easy to hire qualified women. How does Obama pick women to hire? Does he actually interview them? When he decided that his supreme court justice nominee had to be a Hispanic women, was there a binder full of resumes of Hispanic women candidates?

It's common for a list of qualified candidates to be put together for consideration. It doesn't matter who vets or interviews potential candidates, just that they be considered.

I would rather people be hired according to their resumes than their race or ethnicity.

Michelle Obama to women, "And he will always have your back"


Amazon reviews of "Avery Economy Binder with 1-inch Round Ring"

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Avery-Economy-Binder-1-Inch-Round/product-reviews/B000V99JYI/ref=cm_cr_pr_top_helpful?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=0]Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: Avery Economy Binder with 1-Inch Round Ring, Black, 1 Binder (3301)[/ame]

As an intern on the Romney 2012 election campaign, I was tasked with procuring binders for Governor Romney. While these binders are well made, attractive and reasonably priced, and while I'm sure they would make an excellent choice for those wishing to store written or printed documentation in a secure and easily accessible manner, they are unfortunately too small to put women in.
On CNN, some guy named "Mitt" said that binders were full of women. Being lonely and single I bought several of these binders and had them shipped overnight. While they are quality binders, I was dismayed to find no women in any of the dozen binders I ordered. I will be returning them.
I am so excited to order this binder! My husband said that I've been doing such a great job of cutting out of work early to serve him meat and potatoes all these years, and he's finally letting me upgrade from a 2-ring without pockets to a binder with 3 rings and two pockets! The pockets excite me the most. I plan to use the left pocket to hold my resume which will highlight my strongest skills which include but are not limited to laughing while eating yogurt. The right pocket will be great for keeping my stash of aspirin, in case of emergencies when I need to hold it between my knees.

Barack, look at the one on da right.
She has da, how you say it, a Pontiac
rear end, you know da wide track. How
you say in America, da baby gots da back.


Silvio, that's my old lady, but I'll fix you
up later you old dog...

Who's binder would you chose..?

The one for the guy who has done things to make women's lives better. That would be Obama.

Let's move beyond how creepy the "Binders of Women" comment was. Let's look at what it says about Romney.

1) He dodged the Question- The question wasn't about hiring women, it was about equal pay for equal work, and did he support the Lily Ledbetter law. He tried to dodge the question, never did answer it.

2) He took credit for someone else's effort. - He didn't initiate the project to find qualified female applicants. That was iniated by a group called "MassGAP" that would have presented these "binders" to whoever won the election.

3) HIding Paul Ryan- Paul Ryan voted against the Ledbetter Act. How does he square that with the question.

4) He really does see a woman's place as being in the home- He made that comment about allowing flex hours so that women could be home to cook dinner? Did he make the same alotment for male employees/officials.

5) Would this be a good point to bring up the inherent Misogyny in Mormon theology? Naaaah. We aren't going to talk about that.

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