Obama To Meet With Baltimore Mosque’s Anti-LGBT Hate Preacher


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
LINK: Obama To Meet With Baltimore Mosque's Anti-LGBT Hate Preacher - Breitbart

:disbelief:Yeah, say it ain't so.... lol

"The director of Islamic teaching at the mosque which President Barack Obama has chosen to visit is on record saying that Islam requires homosexuals to be despised and treated as “transgressors.”

And according to a list provided to reporters by the White House, President Obama will meet with Imam Yaseen Shaikh, the controversial Islamic teacher, later on Wednesday.

Being a homosexual “is an immoral act, it is a shameful act, it is despised act, it is haram, it is forbidden in Islam, completely, absolutely, from the Koran, the Hadith [recorded statements from Islam’s reputed founder, the leader Muhammad) and by consensus of the scholars from the beginning of Islam,” says Imam Yaseen Shaikh, who was hired in to serve as the head of Islamic teaching or Islamic “scholar” for the Islamic Society of Baltimore and its nearby Al-Rahmah school."

I would feign 'shock', but I'm not that good of an actor.

Couple of interesting thoughts / points here:

1. Out of ALL the mosques Obama had to choose from all over the U.S. to visit and show support to the Islamic faith / Muslims, Obama chose THE ONE known for their connections to The Muslim Brotherhood, THE ONE known for their connection to Al Qaeida, and THE ONE known for recruiting extremists.
- I don't believe in coincidences, and with Obama things like this are not by 'accident'.

2. Of all the Imams Obama could choose to visit with he chooses the FAMOUS one who has openly spoken out against - and even has a video in which he teaches the Islamic hatred and intolerance of - homosexuals to visit.
- Of course it doesn't matter which Imam he visited because the ENTIRE Islamic faith is very intolerant of homosexuality. We are not allowed to say anything negative about Islam, says the party of 'inclusion' and freedom, yet you can go online and see this very same Imam laying waste to homosexuality...the guy Obama is going to visit / support. It is widely known, as well. that some Islamic nations (and Iran) believe in killing homosexuals.

3. The Imam speaks out about homosexuality as being evil and not tolerated...yet some Muslim men have sex with little boys and justify it by claiming THAT is not homosexuality...riiiiight. (Is Bill Clinton Islamic or does he just have sex with little GIRLS on 'Pedophile Island? LOL!)

4. Hillary Clinton has claimed to be in favor of same-sex marriages and a supporter of gay rights...while taking MILLIONS from Islamic nations that slaughter homosexuals.
- I am pretty sure that is sending mixed messages. Maybe she doesn't like homosexuals but IS a 'big fan' of their money and vote...

5. I bet Imam Yaseen Shaikh and Reverend Jeremiah Wright would get along great....
-- Hey, may Obama is shopping around for another 'MENTOR'...

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Jill while some of us think homosexuality is a sin, we believe in tolerance...and do not accept money from people who murder homosexuals like Hillary does.
Muslims ain't right....

Didn't he just today meet with Muslims in Baltimore to denounce virtually non0exitent bias against Muslims? And now he is going to meet these same groups that call for murdering gays?

What is his Obama guy, schizophrenic?
Well this shows the RW inconsistency not Obama's... If Obama is supposed to be a muslim, how does he support Gay Marriage.

Think that over until we have a new one under President Clinton...
What do you expect!

The Wahhabi in Chief has to squeeze in ...in his (golf) busy schedule, as many Mosques as possible... before the year is over.

The more extremist the mosque the better....it reminds Hussein of childhood in Indonesia.

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