obama To Ask Congress For New AUMF


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
But, but, but..... I thought the War was over, our troops were home for good and al Qaeda was on the run? :dunno:

Obama To Ask Congress To Give Him New War Authorization To Take On Islamic State

His pen has ran out of ink and his phone was shut off for nonpayment.


President Barack Obama is poised in coming days to ask Congress for new authority to use U.S. military force against Islamic State militants, the White House said Thursday. But the top Republican in Congress warned it won’t be easy to pass the measure and that it will be up to Obama to rally support from lawmakers and the public.

“His actions are going to be an important part of trying for us to get the votes to actually pass an authorization,” House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said Thursday. “This is not going to be an easy lift.”

White House spokesman Josh Earnest responded that the administration is dedicated to getting a new authorization with support from Republicans and Democrats. That’s even though Obama has argued new authorization isn’t legally necessary and has been ordering airstrikes on militant strongholds in Iraq and Syria for months.[…]

But top House Democrat Nancy Pelosi of California said talks with the administration are focusing on a time frame of three years, while the other issues are still being worked out. Pelosi told journalists it will be a challenge for wary Democrats, the White House, and Republicans seeking a broader use of military force to forge an agreement, but that she ultimately expects one to be reached.

“I’m not saying anybody’s come to an agreement on it,” Pelosi said. “I think it’s going to be a challenge, but we will have it.”

Obama has been relying on congressional authorizations that President George W. Bush used to justify military action after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Critics say the White House’s use of post-9/11 congressional authorizations is a legal stretch, at best.

Pelosi said she hopes Congress will repeal the 2002 congressional authorization for the war in Iraq but retain the 2001 authorization for military action in Afghanistan. Earnest said the White House also supports repeal of the Iraq authorization replaced by the new authorization.
I'd like to see the actual text of the AUMF before commenting on it.
I'd like to see the actual text of the AUMF before commenting on it.

Need some time to get your talking points from OFA, do you?

Just another failure by the Liar in Chief.

No wonder dimocraps are such losers, you can't see failure when it's staring you in the eye
First the right bitches and moans that Obalma is not doing enough to combat ISIS, then they say it will be tough to get them to pass authorization to do more to combat ISIS, sounds like the GOP is just really interested in playing partisan politics.....
I'd like to see the actual text of the AUMF before commenting on it.

Need some time to get your talking points from OFA, do you?

No, I prefer to have facts at hand instead of talking out of my ass and leaping to hack conclusions like you.

So carry on bloviating without a whit of factual information available. It's amusing to watch.
No, I prefer to have facts at hand instead of talking out of my ass and leaping to hack conclusions like you.

All I'm doing is reporting it, scumbag.

I added my $.02 in the prologue but other than that, the report in its entirety is from someone else.

Take your Abilify and relax, junior.

You want to say it isn't true? Fine. Give us reasons why you think it isn't true.

Now, go empty the French Fryer and ask the customer if she'd like an Apple Pie with her order
Why hasn't the failed Republican Congress done something to help in the fight with these barbarians?
Why hasn't the failed Republican Congress done something to help in the fight with these barbarians?

The Executive Branch runs the Military you stupid bitch.

Get a fucking education first, then post in here
Why hasn't the failed Republican Congress done something to help in the fight with these barbarians?

The Executive Branch runs the Military you stupid bitch.

Get a fucking education first, then post in here
So Obama could bomb and invade Syria for a couple of years any time he wants, eh?

He doesn't need an AUTHORIZATION for the use of military force from Congress, eh?

Like BlindBoo said. Bombastic failure.
Stupid, lying, scumbag, knob-slurping dimocrap zombie dimocrap douchebags.......

the Lying Cocksucker in Chief is required by law to ASK Congress for an AUMF.

Here it is from the communist news network (CNN) explained down to the level of intellect you have (very low. really, really low)

After the Black Lady explains it to you in terms a 3rd Grader can understand (watch it twice if you have to) watch a Grown Up explain it when McConnell is interviewed.

White House to request permission to fight ISIS - CNN.com

I actually hope the Lying Piece of Shit in Chief doesn't do anything -- At all. It's only going to get worse.

BTW, I just read that a Jordanian Air Strike killed an American female Hostage held by ISIS.

You people are done. Go crawl back under a rock and don't come out -- Ever
Why hasn't the failed Republican Congress done something to help in the fight with these barbarians?

The Executive Branch runs the Military you stupid bitch.

Get a fucking education first, then post in here
But Congress must authorize use of military, see how that works? And from the statement from the Congressman, I guess that Congress is not to gung-ho on the idea...They probably are, but not if it's Oblama asking....
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Stupid, lying, scumbag, knob-slurping dimocrap zombie dimocrap douchebags.......

the Lying Cocksucker in Chief is required by law to ASK Congress for an AUMF.

Here it is from the communist news network (CNN) explained down to the level of intellect you have (very low. really, really low)

After the Black Lady explains it to you in terms a 3rd Grader can understand (watch it twice if you have to) watch a Grown Up explain it when McConnell is interviewed.

White House to request permission to fight ISIS - CNN.com

I actually hope the Lying Piece of Shit in Chief doesn't do anything -- At all. It's only going to get worse.

BTW, I just read that a Jordanian Air Strike killed an American female Hostage held by ISIS.

You people are done. Go crawl back under a rock and don't come out -- Ever
I am sure ISIS feels bad for the hostage....
Stupid, lying, scumbag, knob-slurping dimocrap zombie dimocrap douchebags.......

the Lying Cocksucker in Chief is required by law to ASK Congress for an AUMF.

So when BlindBoo asked why hasn't "the failed Republican Congress done something to help in the fight with these barbarians", you were an idiot for saying the Executive runs the military. It turns out the Executive and Congress run the military, which means Obama needs the Republican Congress to help him.

So lookee who has just been edumacated!!!


Now where were we?

Oh yeah.

"Why hasn't the failed Republican Congress done something to help in the fight with these barbarians?"
Stupid, lying, scumbag, knob-slurping dimocrap zombie dimocrap douchebags.......

the Lying Cocksucker in Chief is required by law to ASK Congress for an AUMF.

Here it is from the communist news network (CNN) explained down to the level of intellect you have (very low. really, really low)

After the Black Lady explains it to you in terms a 3rd Grader can understand (watch it twice if you have to) watch a Grown Up explain it when McConnell is interviewed.

White House to request permission to fight ISIS - CNN.com

I actually hope the Lying Piece of Shit in Chief doesn't do anything -- At all. It's only going to get worse.

BTW, I just read that a Jordanian Air Strike killed an American female Hostage held by ISIS.

You people are done. Go crawl back under a rock and don't come out -- Ever
What exactly are you getting all lathered up about? that Obama is following the law and asking congress for an authorization to use military force? Are you upset that the republican congress might not give him authorization to fight ISIS? Are you upset that he has already been fighting ISIS for months? Is ISIS your bestest butt buddy?
But Congress must authorize use of military, see how that works? And from the statement from the Congressman, I guess that Congress is not to gung-ho on the idea...They probably are, but not if it's Oblama asking....

You STUPID BITCH.......!!!!

the Lying Cocksucker in Chief has to ASK FIRST.

God damn, but you people are fucking stupid.

the Liar in Chief has to OFFICIALLY ask for an AUMF IN WRITING!!!

He hasn't.

dimocraps aren't just scum of the earth, you're really, really stupid.
But Congress must authorize use of military, see how that works? And from the statement from the Congressman, I guess that Congress is not to gung-ho on the idea...They probably are, but not if it's Oblama asking....

You STUPID BITCH.......!!!!

the Lying Cocksucker in Chief has to ASK FIRST.

God damn, but you people are fucking stupid.

the Liar in Chief has to OFFICIALLY ask for an AUMF IN WRITING!!!

He hasn't.

dimocraps aren't just scum of the earth, you're really, really stupid.
obama To Ask Congress For New AUMF

So this is not your thread?
Wouldnt trust this guy...........first lets see if we cant get some weapons to the Kurds........Jordanians asked to buy unarmed drones and were denied..........we arent taking advantage of the obvious why should we trust Obama with any more authority to eff it up

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