Obama the Usurper is now a serious threat to the Constitution of the United States

Should Obama the Usurper be impeached for violating his Oath of Office to the Constitution?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
In a single day Obama has usurped Congress's sole legislative powers and banned ammunition (ATF) and subjected the internet to unshackled government regulation (FCC).

The First and Second Amendments have been obliterated in the same manner the NSA obliterated the Fourth Amendment.

This tyrant must be impeached before he obliterates the 22nd Amendment (term limit).
In a single day Obama has usurped Congress's sole legislative powers and banned ammunition (ATF) and subjected the internet to unshackled government regulation (FCC).

The First and Second Amendments have been obliterated in the same manner the NSA obliterated the Fourth Amendment.

This tyrant must be impeached before he obliterates the 22nd Amendment (term limit).

And more from the lawless Obama



The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, or HHS, is moving forward with a bailout of ObamaCare health-insurance exchange insurers for 2015 even though they have been told that their scheme is illegal.

The Affordable Care Act, or ACA, includes provisions to pay insurers for their financial losses in the ObamaCare exchanges. Money is pooled from each insurer and added to tax revenue from a new tax on health-insurance plans. These funds were supposed to be budget neutral and limited to the amount of money available from insurers and the health plan tax pool of money. But due tonew regulations issued by the Obama administration, taxpayers could now be on the hook for a blank check to the insurance industry if their losses are higher than originally predicted. Bailouts are not supposed to be paid without a congressional appropriation and no appropriations have been authorized after Dec. 11 of this year.

ObamaCare insurer bailout is illegal according to government s own reports Illinois Policy An independent government watchdog

Soros Ford Foundation shovel 196 million to net neutrality groups staff to White House WashingtonExaminer.com

“These left-wing groups not only impacted the public debate and funded top liberal think tanks from the Center for American Progress to Free Press. They also have direct ties to the White House and regulatory agencies. At least five individuals from these groups have ascended to key positions at the White House and FCC,” said the report which included funding details to pro-net neutrality advocates.
In a single day Obama has usurped Congress's sole legislative powers and banned ammunition (ATF) and subjected the internet to unshackled government regulation (FCC).

The First and Second Amendments have been obliterated in the same manner the NSA obliterated the Fourth Amendment.

This tyrant must be impeached before he obliterates the 22nd Amendment (term limit).

Where does the Constitution mention the internet?

Haven't you ever read it?
Don't you guys think that you are overplaying a weak hand when you claim that EVERYTHING Obama does is unconstitutional?
In a single day Obama has usurped Congress's sole legislative powers and banned ammunition (ATF) and subjected the internet to unshackled government regulation (FCC).

The First and Second Amendments have been obliterated in the same manner the NSA obliterated the Fourth Amendment.

This tyrant must be impeached before he obliterates the 22nd Amendment (term limit).

And more from the lawless Obama



The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, or HHS, is moving forward with a bailout of ObamaCare health-insurance exchange insurers for 2015 even though they have been told that their scheme is illegal.

The Affordable Care Act, or ACA, includes provisions to pay insurers for their financial losses in the ObamaCare exchanges. Money is pooled from each insurer and added to tax revenue from a new tax on health-insurance plans. These funds were supposed to be budget neutral and limited to the amount of money available from insurers and the health plan tax pool of money. But due tonew regulations issued by the Obama administration, taxpayers could now be on the hook for a blank check to the insurance industry if their losses are higher than originally predicted. Bailouts are not supposed to be paid without a congressional appropriation and no appropriations have been authorized after Dec. 11 of this year.

ObamaCare insurer bailout is illegal according to government s own reports Illinois Policy An independent government watchdog

Congress did away with this in the last budget agreement, paint it gone.
What are impeachable offenses? If the Rabid Right which claims unfailing fidelity to the Constitution of the United States of America should know. But, sadly, threads like this show they don't.
Don't you guys think that you are overplaying a weak hand when you claim that EVERYTHING Obama does is unconstitutional?

What I find amazing is the commiecrats in congress don't seem to mind being made irrelevant.

It shouldn't be surprising at all. Obama has made Congress irrelevant. Law by Royal Proclamation (Executive Order) is how the Commiecrats roll.

I've got to give Obama props though, he went from an insignificant flaccid puppet to Incredible Hulk in 24 hours. I used to just roll my eyes at him, now I actually fear the son of bitch.
What are impeachable offenses? If the Rabid Right which claims unfailing fidelity to the Constitution of the United States of America should know. But, sadly, threads like this show they don't.

How about we start with perjury times two, he swore before God and the American people that he would support and defend the Constitution of The United States and faithfully perform the duties of the President, he lied both times.
Don't you guys think that you are overplaying a weak hand when you claim that EVERYTHING Obama does is unconstitutional?

Odds are pretty good that most things he touches is in direct opposition to the Constitution


You guys are really sounding like a broken record when everything Obama says or does is declared unconstitutional by the right

Just because it does not support the rightwing batshit crazy agenda does not make it unconstitutional
What are impeachable offenses? If the Rabid Right which claims unfailing fidelity to the Constitution of the United States of America should know. But, sadly, threads like this show they don't.

How about we start with perjury times two, he swore before God and the American people that he would support and defend the Constitution of The United States and faithfully perform the duties of the President, he lied both times.
If the President acted extra-constitutionally, the system of checks and balances provides for interpretation. We don't throw that check to partisan pundits.
What are impeachable offenses? If the Rabid Right which claims unfailing fidelity to the Constitution of the United States of America should know. But, sadly, threads like this show they don't.

How about we start with perjury times two, he swore before God and the American people that he would support and defend the Constitution of The United States and faithfully perform the duties of the President, he lied both times.
If the President acted extra-constitutionally, the system of checks and balances provides for interpretation. We don't throw that check to partisan pundits.

Since when did the Supreme Court become partisan pundits? They have ruled against him unanimously 9 times and several other majority decisions and let's not forget the many lower court rulings that won't or haven't made it to the Supreme Court yet. Congress can't act as a check because the commiecrats keep it in gridlock. Any more questions?

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