Obama Social Security Number To Become Issue In 2012 Race


May 29, 2010
How did President Obama get a Connecticut Social Security number when he never has lived there? I think the article brings up good points and that this should be a issue during the campaign or at least it should be resolved. Alan Keyes is upset about this mystery and wants the press to get involved. I think they should. It seems that the usurper was given a pass by the press during the last electionand was never vetted. If any other candidate had a similar situation with their social security number, the press would have went to all ends to exploit it and get it resolved. We knew about Joe The Plumbers life, divorce details, employment and tax returns in less than 48 hrs after he asked that 'Spread The Wealth' question to Obama. We need to know why Obama is using a Connecticut Social Security number.

A private investigator said this:

"There is obviously a case of fraud going on here," said private investigator Susan Daniels. "In 15 years of having a private investigator's license in Ohio, I've never seen the Social Security Administration make a mistake of issuing a Connecticut Social Security number to a person who lived in Hawaii. There is no family connection that would appear to explain the anomaly."

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You fool.....

That os not a Connecticut Social Security number....that is a Kenyan Social Security number

Get with the program
Snopes has been debunked themselves, if thats all you got, well...

my SS number says i got it where i got it, so should OBama's.
The SSN Numbering Scheme

Note: One should not make too much of the "geographical code." It is not meant to be any kind of useable geographical information. The numbering scheme was designed in 1936 (before computers) to make it easier for SSA to store the applications in our files in Baltimore since the files were organized by regions as well as alphabetically. It was really just a bookkeeping device for our own internal use and was never intended to be anything more than that.
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The real issue about OBama facts is the way those asking questions have been treated imho.

So if i ask about an issue and all i get is distractions, well, makes me want to keep asking the questions.
How did President Obama get a Connecticut Social Security number when he never has lived there? I think the article brings up good points and that this should be a issue during the campaign or at least it should be resolved. Alan Keyes is upset about this mystery and wants the press to get involved. I think they should. It seems that the usurper was given a pass by the press during the last electionand was never vetted. If any other candidate had a similar situation with their social security number, the press would have went to all ends to exploit it and get it resolved. We knew about Joe The Plumbers life, divorce details, employment and tax returns in less than 48 hrs after he asked that 'Spread The Wealth' question to Obama. We need to know why Obama is using a Connecticut Social Security number.

A private investigator said this:

"There is obviously a case of fraud going on here," said private investigator Susan Daniels. "In 15 years of having a private investigator's license in Ohio, I've never seen the Social Security Administration make a mistake of issuing a Connecticut Social Security number to a person who lived in Hawaii. There is no family connection that would appear to explain the anomaly."

Before It's News

no, you braindead pathetic loon... it will not be an issue for the 2012 election.

but please, please, please, keep up the birfer insanity... you're the best thing to happen to the democratic party since the new deal.

racist, antisemitic retarded freak. :cuckoo:
To the OP.......you want Obama to win again?
Just keep bringing up stupid distractions like this. His record of no plans, no leadership and refusing to compromise should be the talking points.
Once again, it is not the question that fascinates me butt the responses to the questioners.

i run a media portal and would you like to berate me every time i have one?

You will be very busy, why do some of you not like the persuit of the truth so much?

And FYI:

I doubt this website has the influence to change elections all on its own just because of what is discussed here.


The question posed is " How did President Obama get a Connecticut Social Security number when he never has lived there?"

All the Snopes article says is that the SSN Obama is using never belonged to Jean Paul Ludwig. That doesn't answer the question and nothing has been 'debunked'.

Birtherphobes employ straw man arguments to distract from the fact they cannot explain how he got it, just like they can't explain why Obama doesn't simply tell us where it came from.

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