Obama signaled a hard left agenda for his second term


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Obama's appalling victory speech


President Obama signaled a hard left agenda for his second term in the very first words of his victory speech in Chicago last night.

It required only 31 words (23 if you omit 'thank-you's) for me to become doubly appalled with the speech, delivered to a cheering throng at one of McCormick Place's smaller rooms. Speaking in Obama Code, he indicated what he intends for the next 4 years.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Tonight, more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own destiny to perfect our union moves forward."

The first element of the Obama Code is the startling state of his grammar. What is the subject of "moves forward"?

Grammar, you see, is how we clarify meaning. The Obama Code rests on vagueness, on multiple meanings that can be read into a statement. For the cognoscenti, the meaning can be clear, while the rest of us respond to what we guess is meant, based on the pleasant connotations of many of the words chosen. Nice words like "perfect."

The second element of the Obama Code is the wink to the hard left buried in his word choices. You see, he told us that our "destiny" is "to perfect our union." The wisdom of our Constitution, a "flawed document" in Obama's eyes, is that it does not promise perfection, but rather checks and balances. It consists of "negative rights" and doesn't obligate government to guarantee largesse ("positive rights," like health care) to its citizens.

That must change. That is the agenda. President Obama has shown a willingness to ignore the Constitution whenever it suits him, overriding creditors' rights, ignoring the Constitutional cabinet officers in favor of czars not subject to the inconvenience of a confirmation process, assassinating American citizens with no judicial involvement, and issuing frightening executive orders.


Read more: Blog: Obama's appalling victory speech

Obama's appalling victory speech


President Obama signaled a hard left agenda for his second term in the very first words of his victory speech in Chicago last night.

It required only 31 words (23 if you omit 'thank-you's) for me to become doubly appalled with the speech, delivered to a cheering throng at one of McCormick Place's smaller rooms. Speaking in Obama Code, he indicated what he intends for the next 4 years.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Tonight, more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own destiny to perfect our union moves forward."

The first element of the Obama Code is the startling state of his grammar. What is the subject of "moves forward"?

Grammar, you see, is how we clarify meaning. The Obama Code rests on vagueness, on multiple meanings that can be read into a statement. For the cognoscenti, the meaning can be clear, while the rest of us respond to what we guess is meant, based on the pleasant connotations of many of the words chosen. Nice words like "perfect."

The second element of the Obama Code is the wink to the hard left buried in his word choices. You see, he told us that our "destiny" is "to perfect our union." The wisdom of our Constitution, a "flawed document" in Obama's eyes, is that it does not promise perfection, but rather checks and balances. It consists of "negative rights" and doesn't obligate government to guarantee largesse ("positive rights," like health care) to its citizens.

That must change. That is the agenda. President Obama has shown a willingness to ignore the Constitution whenever it suits him, overriding creditors' rights, ignoring the Constitutional cabinet officers in favor of czars not subject to the inconvenience of a confirmation process, assassinating American citizens with no judicial involvement, and issuing frightening executive orders.


Read more: Blog: Obama's appalling victory speech

Why the fuck is your interpretation of Obama's speech suddenly turned The Da Vinci Code (with maybe a smattering of Angels and Demons) in the Politics forum?

It ought to be in the Conspiracy Theory section.

Quick question...................are there statues in the various monuments in DC that have pointed towards some Kenyan born ursuper who is secretly controlled by Communist/Socialist overlords who would be a black man who won the Presidency TWICE?

Say it ain't so.................I guess the apocalypse is here./sarcasm

Obama's appalling victory speech


President Obama signaled a hard left agenda for his second term in the very first words of his victory speech in Chicago last night.

It required only 31 words (23 if you omit 'thank-you's) for me to become doubly appalled with the speech, delivered to a cheering throng at one of McCormick Place's smaller rooms. Speaking in Obama Code, he indicated what he intends for the next 4 years.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Tonight, more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own destiny to perfect our union moves forward."

The first element of the Obama Code is the startling state of his grammar. What is the subject of "moves forward"?

Grammar, you see, is how we clarify meaning. The Obama Code rests on vagueness, on multiple meanings that can be read into a statement. For the cognoscenti, the meaning can be clear, while the rest of us respond to what we guess is meant, based on the pleasant connotations of many of the words chosen. Nice words like "perfect."

The second element of the Obama Code is the wink to the hard left buried in his word choices. You see, he told us that our "destiny" is "to perfect our union." The wisdom of our Constitution, a "flawed document" in Obama's eyes, is that it does not promise perfection, but rather checks and balances. It consists of "negative rights" and doesn't obligate government to guarantee largesse ("positive rights," like health care) to its citizens.

That must change. That is the agenda. President Obama has shown a willingness to ignore the Constitution whenever it suits him, overriding creditors' rights, ignoring the Constitutional cabinet officers in favor of czars not subject to the inconvenience of a confirmation process, assassinating American citizens with no judicial involvement, and issuing frightening executive orders.


Read more: Blog: Obama's appalling victory speech

:eusa_boohoo: Oh no, Obama the Marxist Communist is moving even further to the left. Pretty soon he will want to take all of our money and then send us back equal checks. You guys are just too frickin funny with your stupid Communist Marxist shit.

Obama's appalling victory speech


President Obama signaled a hard left agenda for his second term in the very first words of his victory speech in Chicago last night.

It required only 31 words (23 if you omit 'thank-you's) for me to become doubly appalled with the speech, delivered to a cheering throng at one of McCormick Place's smaller rooms. Speaking in Obama Code, he indicated what he intends for the next 4 years.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Tonight, more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own destiny to perfect our union moves forward."

The first element of the Obama Code is the startling state of his grammar. What is the subject of "moves forward"?

Grammar, you see, is how we clarify meaning. The Obama Code rests on vagueness, on multiple meanings that can be read into a statement. For the cognoscenti, the meaning can be clear, while the rest of us respond to what we guess is meant, based on the pleasant connotations of many of the words chosen. Nice words like "perfect."

The second element of the Obama Code is the wink to the hard left buried in his word choices. You see, he told us that our "destiny" is "to perfect our union." The wisdom of our Constitution, a "flawed document" in Obama's eyes, is that it does not promise perfection, but rather checks and balances. It consists of "negative rights" and doesn't obligate government to guarantee largesse ("positive rights," like health care) to its citizens.

That must change. That is the agenda. President Obama has shown a willingness to ignore the Constitution whenever it suits him, overriding creditors' rights, ignoring the Constitutional cabinet officers in favor of czars not subject to the inconvenience of a confirmation process, assassinating American citizens with no judicial involvement, and issuing frightening executive orders.


Read more: Blog: Obama's appalling victory speech

Big load of horseshit.

Listen to his speech, in the link provided by the jackass who wrote the blog... obviously he didn't listen to it.....

The Prez clearly says: the task of perfecting the union moves forward.

Will the lies ever end?

"You can talk to me now in public"

Constitution Check: Would an Obama victory turn the Supreme Court sharply to the left?

Posted 2 days, 7 hours ago.
By Lyle Denniston

Lyle Denniston looks at claims that a Supreme Court in a second Obama administration would be like “the Warren Court on steroids.”

The statement at issue:
“It’s the third branch of government – the judiciary – that will likely give [Barack] Obama the greatest opportunity to fulfill his dream of a radical makeover for America. The United States Supreme Court is at a tipping point unseen since the 1930s, and Barack Obama will likely be able to tip the Court far to the left if re-elected…. The Obama Court would probably be like the Warren Court on steroids.”

—Curt Levey, president of The Committee for Justice, a Washington-based conservative advocacy group that focuses upon the judicial branch, in an on-line column November 4, “Obama Supreme Court is the Stuff of Nightmares.”

We checked the Constitution, and…


Constitution Check: Would an Obama victory turn the Supreme Court sharply to the left? | Constitution Daily

Obama's appalling victory speech


President Obama signaled a hard left agenda for his second term in the very first words of his victory speech in Chicago last night.

It required only 31 words (23 if you omit 'thank-you's) for me to become doubly appalled with the speech, delivered to a cheering throng at one of McCormick Place's smaller rooms. Speaking in Obama Code, he indicated what he intends for the next 4 years.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Tonight, more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own destiny to perfect our union moves forward."

The first element of the Obama Code is the startling state of his grammar. What is the subject of "moves forward"?

Grammar, you see, is how we clarify meaning. The Obama Code rests on vagueness, on multiple meanings that can be read into a statement. For the cognoscenti, the meaning can be clear, while the rest of us respond to what we guess is meant, based on the pleasant connotations of many of the words chosen. Nice words like "perfect."

The second element of the Obama Code is the wink to the hard left buried in his word choices. You see, he told us that our "destiny" is "to perfect our union." The wisdom of our Constitution, a "flawed document" in Obama's eyes, is that it does not promise perfection, but rather checks and balances. It consists of "negative rights" and doesn't obligate government to guarantee largesse ("positive rights," like health care) to its citizens.

That must change. That is the agenda. President Obama has shown a willingness to ignore the Constitution whenever it suits him, overriding creditors' rights, ignoring the Constitutional cabinet officers in favor of czars not subject to the inconvenience of a confirmation process, assassinating American citizens with no judicial involvement, and issuing frightening executive orders.


Read more: Blog: Obama's appalling victory speech
Proves he is anti colonist he hates he white people. this was in the movie Obama 2016.. We are all screwed. And if America falls I blame he idiots on this board who voted for a man they did not even know. Since all his records were sealed.

Obama's appalling victory speech


President Obama signaled a hard left agenda for his second term in the very first words of his victory speech in Chicago last night.

It required only 31 words (23 if you omit 'thank-you's) for me to become doubly appalled with the speech, delivered to a cheering throng at one of McCormick Place's smaller rooms. Speaking in Obama Code, he indicated what he intends for the next 4 years.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Tonight, more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own destiny to perfect our union moves forward."

The first element of the Obama Code is the startling state of his grammar. What is the subject of "moves forward"?

Grammar, you see, is how we clarify meaning. The Obama Code rests on vagueness, on multiple meanings that can be read into a statement. For the cognoscenti, the meaning can be clear, while the rest of us respond to what we guess is meant, based on the pleasant connotations of many of the words chosen. Nice words like "perfect."

The second element of the Obama Code is the wink to the hard left buried in his word choices. You see, he told us that our "destiny" is "to perfect our union." The wisdom of our Constitution, a "flawed document" in Obama's eyes, is that it does not promise perfection, but rather checks and balances. It consists of "negative rights" and doesn't obligate government to guarantee largesse ("positive rights," like health care) to its citizens.

That must change. That is the agenda. President Obama has shown a willingness to ignore the Constitution whenever it suits him, overriding creditors' rights, ignoring the Constitutional cabinet officers in favor of czars not subject to the inconvenience of a confirmation process, assassinating American citizens with no judicial involvement, and issuing frightening executive orders.


Read more: Blog: Obama's appalling victory speech

OMG! That picture! Looks like a black James Carville!

Obama's appalling victory speech


President Obama signaled a hard left agenda for his second term in the very first words of his victory speech in Chicago last night.

It required only 31 words (23 if you omit 'thank-you's) for me to become doubly appalled with the speech, delivered to a cheering throng at one of McCormick Place's smaller rooms. Speaking in Obama Code, he indicated what he intends for the next 4 years.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Tonight, more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own destiny to perfect our union moves forward."

The first element of the Obama Code is the startling state of his grammar. What is the subject of "moves forward"?

Grammar, you see, is how we clarify meaning. The Obama Code rests on vagueness, on multiple meanings that can be read into a statement. For the cognoscenti, the meaning can be clear, while the rest of us respond to what we guess is meant, based on the pleasant connotations of many of the words chosen. Nice words like "perfect."

The second element of the Obama Code is the wink to the hard left buried in his word choices. You see, he told us that our "destiny" is "to perfect our union." The wisdom of our Constitution, a "flawed document" in Obama's eyes, is that it does not promise perfection, but rather checks and balances. It consists of "negative rights" and doesn't obligate government to guarantee largesse ("positive rights," like health care) to its citizens.

That must change. That is the agenda. President Obama has shown a willingness to ignore the Constitution whenever it suits him, overriding creditors' rights, ignoring the Constitutional cabinet officers in favor of czars not subject to the inconvenience of a confirmation process, assassinating American citizens with no judicial involvement, and issuing frightening executive orders.


Read more: Blog: Obama's appalling victory speech
Proves he is anti colonist he hates he white people. this was in the movie Obama 2016.. We are all screwed. And if America falls I blame he idiots on this board who voted for a man they did not even know. Since all his records were sealed.

Do you even know the diff between reality(life) and fantasy(films)?

Obama's appalling victory speech


President Obama signaled a hard left agenda for his second term in the very first words of his victory speech in Chicago last night.

It required only 31 words (23 if you omit 'thank-you's) for me to become doubly appalled with the speech, delivered to a cheering throng at one of McCormick Place's smaller rooms. Speaking in Obama Code, he indicated what he intends for the next 4 years.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Tonight, more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own destiny to perfect our union moves forward."

The first element of the Obama Code is the startling state of his grammar. What is the subject of "moves forward"?

Grammar, you see, is how we clarify meaning. The Obama Code rests on vagueness, on multiple meanings that can be read into a statement. For the cognoscenti, the meaning can be clear, while the rest of us respond to what we guess is meant, based on the pleasant connotations of many of the words chosen. Nice words like "perfect."

The second element of the Obama Code is the wink to the hard left buried in his word choices. You see, he told us that our "destiny" is "to perfect our union." The wisdom of our Constitution, a "flawed document" in Obama's eyes, is that it does not promise perfection, but rather checks and balances. It consists of "negative rights" and doesn't obligate government to guarantee largesse ("positive rights," like health care) to its citizens.

That must change. That is the agenda. President Obama has shown a willingness to ignore the Constitution whenever it suits him, overriding creditors' rights, ignoring the Constitutional cabinet officers in favor of czars not subject to the inconvenience of a confirmation process, assassinating American citizens with no judicial involvement, and issuing frightening executive orders.


Read more: Blog: Obama's appalling victory speech
Proves he is anti colonist he hates he white people. this was in the movie Obama 2016.. We are all screwed. And if America falls I blame he idiots on this board who voted for a man they did not even know. Since all his records were sealed.

Trump should have paid someone 5 mill to steal the records, he'd get more for his money...:D

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