Obama says Blacks In Such large Numbers Voted For Trump Because His 'Stereotypical Macho Style' Appealed To Some Young Black Voters


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Stereotypical Macho Style' Appealed To Some Young Black Voters?

It couldn't possibly have been because:

Biden continually insulted and offended blacks....
- Declaring Blacks are not 'diverse'
- Saying 'You ain't black' if you don't vote for HIM
- Calling Blacks 'Predators' when he passed his disastrous crime bill years ago

Blacks finally figuring out after a hundred years or so that Democrats keep promising the same ol' bullshit and had yet to DELIVER....figuring out that doing the same thing over and over again - voting for Democrats - and expecting a different outcome was the definition of 'insanity'


President Trump did more for Blacks, as factually recorded/reported, in 3 years than Barry did for them in 8 years.

Interesting how the Democrats sent out the 'magic negro' to attempt to explain away the desertion of the Democrat Party in large numbers by blacks in 2020.....and the best he could do is say, 'Young Blacks are / were so stupid tat they 'bought into' President Trump's 'Stereotypical Macho Style'.

:p Bwuhahahaha.....

Obama is the most effeminate "man" in Politics. Lindsay Graham is close.
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook."

Wow, Barry has been saying a lot of stupid racist stuff lately.
Why is Barry stereotyping Black Men?
Black men voted for Obama because of his most legendary vice president pick - Joe Biden... the most voted man in US history.

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