Obama meets with 6 illegal DREAMERS and says "these kids are american just like us"


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The law says they can't be here and that should settle it, you treasonous america-hater. Deport all known illegals - no exceptions.

Obama After Meeting With DREAMers These Kids Are Americans Just Like Us Video RealClearPolitics

feb 4 2015
PRESIDENT OBAMA: I don't think there’s anybody in America who’s had a chance to talk to these six young people who or the young DREAMers all across the country who wouldn’t find it in their heart to say these kids are Americans just like us and they belong here and we want to do right by them.

And so often in this immigration debate it's an abstraction and we don't really think about the human consequences of our positions. And part of the reason that I wanted to hear from these young people today, and part of the reason why I've heard from young DREAMers in the past is because it's a constant reminder to me of why this is important.
Fucking hater, those people love this country more than you are capable of. Listen to you, nothing but nastiness, hatred and bitching you poor oppressed anglo being forced to co-exist with people from places you can't correctly pronounce or find on a map.
Oh, cry me a frigging river.

We have anywhere from 8,000,000 to 15,000,000 or more Illegal Aliens currently present upon United States soil, without our express prior consent.

That includes scores of thousands of their Anchor Babies, and those members of their broods whom they dragged across our borders illegally.

We can't keep this up forever, and there is no reason why we should.

Other than that we lack the courage to turn back Illegals in sufficient numbers to largely resolve the problem.

Dreamers are nothing more than Illegal Aliens who are the victims of their Illegal Alien parents' lawbreaking and bad decisions.

Not our fault, and not our problem.

The President's well-known and harmful Open Arms attitude toward this Wave of Invaders is detrimental to America and its People.

January 20, 2017 cannot get here quickly enough.
Oh, cry me a frigging river.

We have anywhere from 8,000,000 to 15,000,000 or more Illegal Aliens currently present upon United States soil, without our express prior consent.

That includes scores of thousands of their Anchor Babies, and those members of their broods whom they dragged across our borders illegally.

We can't keep this up forever, and there is no reason why we should.

Other than that we lack the courage to turn back Illegals in sufficient numbers to largely resolve the problem.

Dreamers are nothing more than Illegal Aliens who are the victims of their Illegal Alien parents' lawbreaking and bad decisions.

Not our fault, and not our problem.

The President's well-known and harmful Open Arms attitude toward this Wave of Invaders is detrimental to America and its People.

January 20, 2017 cannot get here quickly enough.
You think the next president will be republican and that they will have the "courage" to go on a fascist rampage against the illegals? Keep dreaming. Using illegals as a political scapegoat can only backfire, most people are not so callous that they would applaud tearing the dreamers out of the only country they have ever known. Seems pretty heartless and racist to treat these people like a vermin infestation.
'Obama meets with 6 illegal DREAMERS and says "these kids are american just like us"'

How do you know they're 'illegal.'

Where they convicted of being in the country absent authorization in a court of law; until that happens they are not 'illegal,' they are presumed to be innocent and entitled to due process.

Your contempt for the rule of law is exceeded only by your hate.
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Fucking hater, those people love this country more than you are capable of. .

What a lie. Mexicans are told all their life that america stole land from mexico 160 years and they have a DUTY to invade america and take anything they can. They hate america as much as you liberals do and we are crazy to let them come here.
You can't blame the kids for what they're parents or grandparents did. And some of you idiots still don't get the concept that those illegal grandparents now have LEGAL U.S born children and grandchildren in this country that VOTE, and they're certainly not going to vote for anyone that will send a portion of their family back to nothing.

As far as the dream act, why shouldn't a kid that didn't do anything wrong have the same opportunity of higher education as their next door neighbor? A higher education produces a higher income, which results in paying into the federal tax base.
. Using illegals as a political scapegoat can only backfire, most people are not so callous that they would applaud tearing the dreamers out of the only country they have ever known. .

Where is your evidence that these so-called DREAMERS were brought here as infants by their parents? That's what they all say and none of them have any evidence. Obozo just takes their word and gives them amnesty. THINK
As far as the dream act, why shouldn't a kid that didn't do anything wrong have the same opportunity of higher education as their next door neighbor? A higher education produces a higher income, which results in paying into the federal tax base.

Ever hear of obeying the law?. The law says they can't be here!!!!!. Nobody wants to hear your lies about how it's not their fault. Most of these "dreamers" came here last week and invented the lie about how their parents brought them here when they were two. They never have any evidence. THINK
Oh, cry me a frigging river.

We have anywhere from 8,000,000 to 15,000,000 or more Illegal Aliens currently present upon United States soil, without our express prior consent.

That includes scores of thousands of their Anchor Babies, and those members of their broods whom they dragged across our borders illegally.

We can't keep this up forever, and there is no reason why we should.

Other than that we lack the courage to turn back Illegals in sufficient numbers to largely resolve the problem.

Dreamers are nothing more than Illegal Aliens who are the victims of their Illegal Alien parents' lawbreaking and bad decisions.

Not our fault, and not our problem.

The President's well-known and harmful Open Arms attitude toward this Wave of Invaders is detrimental to America and its People.

January 20, 2017 cannot get here quickly enough.
Then the next president will do what the last 5 presidents have done, nothing....except Reagan, he signed the amnesty bill,, into law.
The law says they can't be here and that should settle it, you treasonous america-hater. Deport all known illegals - no exceptions.

Obama After Meeting With DREAMers These Kids Are Americans Just Like Us Video RealClearPolitics

feb 4 2015
PRESIDENT OBAMA: I don't think there’s anybody in America who’s had a chance to talk to these six young people who or the young DREAMers all across the country who wouldn’t find it in their heart to say these kids are Americans just like us and they belong here and we want to do right by them.

And so often in this immigration debate it's an abstraction and we don't really think about the human consequences of our positions. And part of the reason that I wanted to hear from these young people today, and part of the reason why I've heard from young DREAMers in the past is because it's a constant reminder to me of why this is important.
Is that regardless of whatever ideology they espouse?
Then the next president will do what the last 5 presidents have done, nothing....except Reagan, he signed the amnesty bill,, into law.

You're right and that's why the states need to take charge here and deport illegals themselves. The federal constitution gives the states, not the feds, the power to do so.
Oh, cry me a frigging river.

We have anywhere from 8,000,000 to 15,000,000 or more Illegal Aliens currently present upon United States soil, without our express prior consent.

That includes scores of thousands of their Anchor Babies, and those members of their broods whom they dragged across our borders illegally.

We can't keep this up forever, and there is no reason why we should.

Other than that we lack the courage to turn back Illegals in sufficient numbers to largely resolve the problem.

Dreamers are nothing more than Illegal Aliens who are the victims of their Illegal Alien parents' lawbreaking and bad decisions.

Not our fault, and not our problem.

The President's well-known and harmful Open Arms attitude toward this Wave of Invaders is detrimental to America and its People.

January 20, 2017 cannot get here quickly enough.
You think the next president will be republican and that they will have the "courage" to go on a fascist rampage against the illegals? Keep dreaming. Using illegals as a political scapegoat can only backfire, most people are not so callous that they would applaud tearing the dreamers out of the only country they have ever known. Seems pretty heartless and racist to treat these people like a vermin infestation.
Oh, horseshit...

There's nothing 'fascist' about clamping down on Illegal Aliens and making it impractical for them to remain upon United States soil...

That's just pro-Illegals hyper-Liberal claptrap designed to keep the Opposition quiet, while you and yours slide another 12,000,000 past the American People...

Heartless and racists and fascists want to clamp down on Illegals?

I call bullshit.

The Republicans want Illegal Aliens to stay here because they want to exploit the cheap labor that has decimated the American Trade Unions.

The Democrats want Illegal Aliens to stay here because they want millions of grateful new Democratic voters, as these Illegals become naturalized.

But the American People... well, the thinking element of them, anyway, know better, and know that the Illegals are being used to screw them over.

We don't have to deport the bastards... merely pass laws to make it impossible to obtain housing and employment and schooling and medical care and welfare and financial services (including money wire-transfer)... then sit back and watch the fun as they fall all over themselves, scrambling for the border in an orgy of Self-Deportation.

The only trouble with that scenario is that very few amongst our next crop of potential leaders have the balls to do that - to do what is right for America.

But, meanwhile, you can take your accusations of racism and fascism and stick 'em where the sun don't shine.
Oh, cry me a frigging river.

We have anywhere from 8,000,000 to 15,000,000 or more Illegal Aliens currently present upon United States soil, without our express prior consent.

That includes scores of thousands of their Anchor Babies, and those members of their broods whom they dragged across our borders illegally.

We can't keep this up forever, and there is no reason why we should.

Other than that we lack the courage to turn back Illegals in sufficient numbers to largely resolve the problem.

Dreamers are nothing more than Illegal Aliens who are the victims of their Illegal Alien parents' lawbreaking and bad decisions.

Not our fault, and not our problem.

The President's well-known and harmful Open Arms attitude toward this Wave of Invaders is detrimental to America and its People.

January 20, 2017 cannot get here quickly enough.
You think the next president will be republican and that they will have the "courage" to go on a fascist rampage against the illegals? Keep dreaming. Using illegals as a political scapegoat can only backfire, most people are not so callous that they would applaud tearing the dreamers out of the only country they have ever known. Seems pretty heartless and racist to treat these people like a vermin infestation.
Oh, horseshit...

There's nothing 'fascist' about clamping down on Illegal Aliens and making it impractical for them to remain upon United States soil...

That's just pro-Illegals hyper-Liberal claptrap designed to keep the Opposition quiet, while you and yours slide another 12,000,000 past the American People...

Heartless and racists and fascists want to clamp down on Illegals?

I call bullshit.

The Republicans want Illegal Aliens to stay here because they want to exploit the cheap labor that has decimated the American Trade Unions.

The Democrats want Illegal Aliens to stay here because they want millions of grateful new Democratic voters, as these Illegals become naturalized.

But the American People... well, the thinking element of them, anyway, know better, and know that the Illegals are being used to screw them over.

We don't have to deport the bastards... merely pass laws to make it impossible to obtain housing and employment and schooling and medical care and welfare and financial services (including money wire-transfer)... then sit back and watch the fun as they fall all over themselves, scrambling for the border in an orgy of Self-Deportation.

The only trouble with that scenario is that very few amongst our next crop of potential leaders have the balls to do that - to do what is right for America.

But, meanwhile, you can take your accusations of racism and fascism and stick 'em where the sun don't shine.
Not buying it, too many in your crowd of "thinking" Americans are full of hatred and have spontaneous orgasms at the thought of going full SWAT on these people. It really is the only way to get rid of them fast enough to suit you people who treat this problem as an urgent national emergency that calls for immediate and decisive action.

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