Obama May Cut Direct Ties With Netanyahu and Make Kerry Sole Liaison


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Naw, he doesn't hate Bibi......

The Algemeiner ^
President Obama is considering cutting all ties with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s YNet News reported on Friday. According to a source cited by the paper, the White House “is contemplating lowering its ties with Israel and putting Kerry as the sole liaison between the two states, as opposed to the open line Netanyahu now enjoys with Obama.” “The president is pragmatic, if he were to think there was some gain to be made from talking directly with Netanyahu he would do so, but he just prefers not to waste his time,” the White House source said The report...
Graham threatens to cut funds to UN if Obama bypasses Congress on Iran sanctions

Fox News ^
Graham threatens to cut funds to UN if Obama bypasses Congress on Iran sanctions...
Good.............we pay the Lion's share of the UN and pay the price on the battlefield's of the world for their resolutions as their Police Force.
Naw, he doesn't hate Bibi......

The Algemeiner ^
President Obama is considering cutting all ties with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s YNet News reported on Friday. According to a source cited by the paper, the White House “is contemplating lowering its ties with Israel and putting Kerry as the sole liaison between the two states, as opposed to the open line Netanyahu now enjoys with Obama.” “The president is pragmatic, if he were to think there was some gain to be made from talking directly with Netanyahu he would do so, but he just prefers not to waste his time,” the White House source said The report...

Yet he will negotiate with Iran.... What is up with that?
Yeah, the little fucking crybaby is having another one of his tantrums. What an embarrassment.
The so-called "White House source" has not been named. How often have we seen rot spread like this, only to find out later that it was not true.

That being said, a US President does not need to have direct contact with any leader of any country if he doesn't want to. This is why we have a State Dept. to begin with.

I suspect that in a couple of months, when we see Obama and Netanyahu talking with each other, I will come back to this thread and laugh at Vagisil for being such a fucking idiot and believe unnamed sources.

Really, all Righties usually have to go on are lies, rumors and innuendo. FACTS are just too hard for them.

Use some logic, silly little Vagisil.

True, Israel is our friend and ally. I stand totally behind Israel. But Israel needs us much more than we need Israel. At some point in time, Bibi is going to realize this, and just in case you are senile or stupid or just confused, Bibi is NOT the POTUS, Obama, however is. If Obama really wanted to cut ties with Netanyahu personally, he would get much more gain out of it by going public, and not through an unnamed "White House source".
I wish the Lying Cocksucker would cut ties with the United States
Kerry is not well liked. He is actually ridiculed. World wide.

You want a two state solution? Then get rid of Hamas. Pretty simple shit.That's been Netanyahu's stance.
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