Obama is wrong. Muslims have no right to silence critics of Islam.


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
While Obama is telling Muslims today that they should have a right not to have people say negative things about Islam (no more freedom of speech), here is a Muslim guy who leads a group of men and pushes for raping women to be legal as long as it's done on private property. He is advocating that rape is okay and encourages men to follow him.

"Roosh says opposition to his legal rape platform is anti-Muslim hate. "I am OBVIOUSLY experiencing islamophobia in Canada because I am a MOSLEM. The Canadian establishment needs to check their non-moslem privilege.""


The piece of shit had to cancel his meetings in Iowa. Lots of opposition and I'm sure he can't figure out why. He could care less what women think. He believes he should be able to treat women any way he wishes and it shouldn't be against the law.

So, Obama is stupid if he thinks criticism will stop when Muslim men do such stupid shit and express their extreme views. Hell, yes, there will be criticism. People like Roosh are quick to accuse people who oppose him of being Islamophobic and he seems typical when you look at the behavior of many Muslim refugees. The culture in Muslim countries is anti-women. The men prefer they don't vote, speak in public and television shows talk about the best way to beat women who disobey. It's their culture and I'll criticize it all day long. And when they push that shit here, they can expect some very negative comments. It's not Islamophobia to believe in women's rights. It's common decency, which is lacking in their third world hellholes.


Do you have a link to a video of him saying they have the right to deny our right?

Clementine has a bad habit of misrepresenting his political enemies. My guess is that he doesn't have much post high school education.

Obama stated that Muslims cannot be targeted strictly for their religion, but he never said that terrorists or violent extremists cannot be criticized.
This is the religion of obama:

The Prophet said: "The Hour will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them. The Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will say: ‘O Muslim, O slave of Allah! There is a Jews behind me, come and kill him!’

obama is not only a closet racist, he's a closet anti-semite.
Clementine has a bad habit of misrepresenting his political enemies. My guess is that he doesn't have much post high school education.

Obama stated that Muslims cannot be targeted strictly for their religion, but he never said that terrorists or violent extremists cannot be criticized.

You have a habit of resorting to insults and, in this case, making assumptions that are incorrect. Funny how you accuse others of not supporting their opinion, then go on to make stuff up in an attempt to attack. You failed to comment on most of the OP post and just picked out the one thing you didn't like and then started with the deflection by attacking the messenger. I am wondering if you even graduated high school. Either that or you were fully indoctrinated at a liberal college where you had your little safe space and didn't have to learn any harsh truths that upset your fragile little ego.

My opinion was formed after years of numerous comments and actions by Obama that indicate what his real feelings are when it comes to protecting Muslims. He does not show that kind of support or loyalty to any other religion. He meant what he said in his book about standing with them should the winds change. In this case, he is standing with Muslims who have terrorist ties, he isn't serious about stopping ISIS and he refuses to admit that there is a serious problem with radicals among the Muslim population. Even some Muslims are starting to discuss the problem they have. They aren't getting much help from Muslim groups, like CAIR, in dealing with rampant radicalization. And if you bother to look at many Muslim countries, you see a culture that is unfriendly to women. For heaven's sake, they have to cover their bodies in shame and live by sharia law. That is the definition of hell for any freedom-loving person. Sad that so many Muslim women will never know what it feels like to be free or have equal rights.

"Now, leave aside that Obama rarely talks about anti-Semitism, even though Jews represent 60.3 percent of all religious hate crimes victims, while just 13.7 percent of such victims are Muslims. Focus instead on the insane assertion that Muslims have the right to practice their religion without "divisive rhetoric from the campaign trail."

This is the man who told the United Nations, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.""


Polls show that most Muslims want it to be illegal to insult Islam. I am tired of the pandering to Muslims.

The left throws around the term 'Islamophobia' when anyone brings up concerns about Muslims, whether it's terrorism or just the extremist views.

It is customary in Muslim countries to deny women's rights yet the left consistently ignores that. Obama went to a mosque and bitched about people making negative comments about Islam. And he chose a mosque with terrorist ties.

And, as usual, no liberals will say anything about the extremist Muslims who openly fight for their "right" to mistreat women. Nearly a thousand women in Germany were sexually assaulted on New Year's Eve by Muslim refugees. Women and children have become targets in all areas where there are Muslim refugees. A pregnant women in Great Britain was murdered because some asshat was angry that she walked too close to the mosque. Suddenly, it's not even acceptable for infidels to walk near a mosque without being threatened or killed. The left ignores it because it doesn't fit with their narrative that the refugees are innocent people. The left also ignores the fact that so few Christian refugees are being accepted.

Until liberals are willing to discuss the truth about so many Muslims, I will ignore you guys.
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I think we focus on religion too much in this country and I don't pander to anyone. If someone commits an honor killing then drop the hammer on him and send him to the electric chair because he's a murderer, religion doesn't come into it. If someone is running for President and then talks about man and dinosaur frolicking together 6000 years ago then don't vote for him because he's an idiot not because he's a Christian. I don't care if Obama is a muslim or not and I'm not going to get myself all worked up over books of fiction no matter who the author is.
While Obama is telling Muslims today that they should have a right not to have people say negative things about Islam (no more freedom of speech), here is a Muslim guy who leads a group of men and pushes for raping women to be legal as long as it's done on private property. He is advocating that rape is okay and encourages men to follow him.

"Roosh says opposition to his legal rape platform is anti-Muslim hate. "I am OBVIOUSLY experiencing islamophobia in Canada because I am a MOSLEM. The Canadian establishment needs to check their non-moslem privilege.""


The piece of shit had to cancel his meetings in Iowa. Lots of opposition and I'm sure he can't figure out why. He could care less what women think. He believes he should be able to treat women any way he wishes and it shouldn't be against the law.

So, Obama is stupid if he thinks criticism will stop when Muslim men do such stupid shit and express their extreme views. Hell, yes, there will be criticism. People like Roosh are quick to accuse people who oppose him of being Islamophobic and he seems typical when you look at the behavior of many Muslim refugees. The culture in Muslim countries is anti-women. The men prefer they don't vote, speak in public and television shows talk about the best way to beat women who disobey. It's their culture and I'll criticize it all day long. And when they push that shit here, they can expect some very negative comments. It's not Islamophobia to believe in women's rights. It's common decency, which is lacking in their third world hellholes.



Post like this will prevent muslim's in this country from ever getting laid. No wonder they are pissed off all the time.

President Obama criticized Hollywood
and the television industry for contributing
to Muslim stereotypes by frequently
portraying them as terrorists.

Of course WHERE does he do this from?

Obama could have visited ANY Mosque in the US to show Islam is not as bad as people think, that not all Muslims are terrorists...but he chose THE one known for its connection to the Muslim Brotherhood, THE ONE known for its connection to Al Qaeida, THE ONE known for recruiting radicals, and he meets with THE IMAM who spews hate and has his own on-line video preaching hate against homosexuals.


In hind-sight, lecturing Hollywood while visiting THAT particular Mosque wasn't too bright, even for Barry!
OK, its time to throw some oil on this fire.

If You christians were smart, you should pull quotes from the Q'uran that advocate same sex marriage, death to homosexuals, and pro life/antiabortion positions.

The moment some one call you an extremist, you say the quote and declare they are insulting Islam!!

That is, if you are telling the truth.
a, you do know that many Islamic countries put homosexuals to death, right? You do know that the Imam of the Mosque Obama just visited, the Imam he visited has his own video on-line bashing homosexuals, right? You do know recently the news media reported Islamists throwing homosexuals off the top of a building, right?

Christians don't have to do a thing, or wouldn't if everyone else would just pay attention to what's going on around them. They are, instead, too busy worrying about 'PC' and protecting Islamic Extremists to notice.
Post like this will prevent muslim's in this country from ever getting laid. No wonder they are pissed off all the time.

They must have problems getting laid in the first place or some wouldn't have to rape women and children. Not to mention that the jihadists will volunteer for a suicide mission to get 72 virgins. I do hope their virgins all look like Janet Reno.

The only comment I've heard from liberals regarding the rampant rapes and attacks by refugees in Europe is that we have criminals, too. It's telling that the Syrian refugees seem like-minded when it comes to treatment of women. That means it's culture, not a few people on the fringe.


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