Obama is a right-wing demogogue, leading this country towards nuclear annihilation


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
Just like his predecessor before him, Barack Obama is creating fictitious enemies through lies and media manipulation, in order to continue this sick and twisted foreign policy that the neocons created with the Project for a New American Century (PNAC).

His lies about ISIS, as a threat to the US, are similar to Bush's WMD's in Iraq, rhetoric.

Obama’s Demagoguery on Countering Violent Extremism
Obama lied claiming otherwise, saying America faces a “terrorist threat from groups like Al Qaeda and ISIL.”

“It’s a challenge for the world. ISIL is terrorizing the people of Syria and Iriaq…We’ve seen deadly attacks in Ottawa and Sydney and Paris and now Copenhagen.”

“…(I)n the face of this challenge, we have marshalled the full force of the United States government, and we’re working with allies and partners to dismantle terrorist organizations and protect the American people.”
His lies to this country about a transparent government, are worse than his predecessor.

The Real American Exceptionalism: From Torture to Drone Assassination
How Washington Gave Itself a Global Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card

“The sovereign is he who decides on the exception,” said conservative thinker Carl Schmitt in 1922, meaning that a nation’s leader can defy the law to serve the greater good.
But his lies regarding Russia and the Ukraine, are the most dangerous lies of all.

Washington Has Resurrected the Threat of Nuclear War
[supporting the Nazi regime in Kiev, are] ...the purest expression of the blatant propagandistic lies that flow continually from the likes of Fox “News,” Sean Hannity, the neocon warmongers, the White House, and executive branch and congressional personnel beholden to the military/security complex.
Make no mistake, what Obama is doing has nothing to do with liberal ideology. It's the same American exceptionalism the right has being spewing for years. This neocon insanity of a military confrontation with Russia, by creating lies about Putin and the Ukraine, will lead to an end of all life on planet earth. Russia is a nuclear power, not a bunch of Islamic militants driving around in Toyota's with RPG's strapped to their backs. They have ICBM's that can barbecue this country in less than a half hour.
Just like his predecessor before him, Barack Obama is creating fictitious enemies through lies and media manipulation, in order to continue this sick and twisted foreign policy that the neocons created with the Project for a New American Century (PNAC).

His lies about ISIS, as a threat to the US, are similar to Bush's WMD's in Iraq, rhetoric.
Obama’s Demagoguery on Countering Violent Extremism
Obama lied claiming otherwise, saying America faces a “terrorist threat from groups like Al Qaeda and ISIL.”

“It’s a challenge for the world. ISIL is terrorizing the people of Syria and Iriaq…We’ve seen deadly attacks in Ottawa and Sydney and Paris and now Copenhagen.”

“…(I)n the face of this challenge, we have marshalled the full force of the United States government, and we’re working with allies and partners to dismantle terrorist organizations and protect the American people.”
His lies to this country about a transparent government, are worse than his predecessor.

The Real American Exceptionalism: From Torture to Drone Assassination
How Washington Gave Itself a Global Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card

“The sovereign is he who decides on the exception,” said conservative thinker Carl Schmitt in 1922, meaning that a nation’s leader can defy the law to serve the greater good.
But his lies regarding Russia and the Ukraine, are the most dangerous lies of all.

Washington Has Resurrected the Threat of Nuclear War
[supporting the Nazi regime in Kiev, are] ...the purest expression of the blatant propagandistic lies that flow continually from the likes of Fox “News,” Sean Hannity, the neocon warmongers, the White House, and executive branch and congressional personnel beholden to the military/security complex.
Make no mistake, what Obama is doing has nothing to do with liberal ideology. It's the same American exceptionalism the right has being spewing for years. This neocon insanity of a military confrontation with Russia, by creating lies about Putin and the Ukraine, will lead to an end of all life on planet earth. Russia is a nuclear power, not a bunch of Islamic militants driving around in Toyota's with RPG's strapped to their backs. They have ICBM's that can barbecue this country in less than a half hour.
You are being a bit hysterical here.
It's Kabuki Theater.

Like Democrat Presidents before him, Obama is taking his orders from Moscow
It's Kabuki Theater.

Like Democrat Presidents before him, Obama is taking his orders from Moscow
Could we see some proof of this?

Paying attention to current events helps.

Obama is working for Putin and Jinping in attempting to makes the BRICS the new economic power while gradually eliminating the US dollar as the reserve currency. Both China and Russia essentially stopped holding dollars and are converting their dollars to gold and oil
It's Kabuki Theater.

Like Democrat Presidents before him, Obama is taking his orders from Moscow
Could we see some proof of this?

Paying attention to current events helps.

Obama is working for Putin and Jinping in attempting to makes the BRICS the new economic power while gradually eliminating the US dollar as the reserve currency. Both China and Russia essentially stopped holding dollars and are converting their dollars to gold and oil
In other words, you have no proof., just a ridiculous statement.
Just like his predecessor before him, Barack Obama is creating fictitious enemies through lies and media manipulation, in order to continue this sick and twisted foreign policy that the neocons created with the Project for a New American Century (PNAC).

His lies about ISIS, as a threat to the US, are similar to Bush's WMD's in Iraq, rhetoric.
Obama’s Demagoguery on Countering Violent Extremism
Obama lied claiming otherwise, saying America faces a “terrorist threat from groups like Al Qaeda and ISIL.”

“It’s a challenge for the world. ISIL is terrorizing the people of Syria and Iriaq…We’ve seen deadly attacks in Ottawa and Sydney and Paris and now Copenhagen.”

“…(I)n the face of this challenge, we have marshalled the full force of the United States government, and we’re working with allies and partners to dismantle terrorist organizations and protect the American people.”
His lies to this country about a transparent government, are worse than his predecessor.

The Real American Exceptionalism: From Torture to Drone Assassination
How Washington Gave Itself a Global Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card

“The sovereign is he who decides on the exception,” said conservative thinker Carl Schmitt in 1922, meaning that a nation’s leader can defy the law to serve the greater good.
But his lies regarding Russia and the Ukraine, are the most dangerous lies of all.

Washington Has Resurrected the Threat of Nuclear War
[supporting the Nazi regime in Kiev, are] ...the purest expression of the blatant propagandistic lies that flow continually from the likes of Fox “News,” Sean Hannity, the neocon warmongers, the White House, and executive branch and congressional personnel beholden to the military/security complex.
Make no mistake, what Obama is doing has nothing to do with liberal ideology. It's the same American exceptionalism the right has being spewing for years. This neocon insanity of a military confrontation with Russia, by creating lies about Putin and the Ukraine, will lead to an end of all life on planet earth. Russia is a nuclear power, not a bunch of Islamic militants driving around in Toyota's with RPG's strapped to their backs. They have ICBM's that can barbecue this country in less than a half hour.
Of course he lies. He is the POTUS and all of them lie.

But thinking a left winger like BO, can't be a warmonger, is silly.

You like many on the left and right seem to think there is a difference between Rs and Ds. When it comes to promoting the warfare/welfare state that America has become, there is no difference.
Of course he lies. He is the POTUS and all of them lie.
I'm not sure what is worse, them lying, or the people that voted them into office.

But thinking a left winger like BO, can't be a warmonger, is silly.
Obama is not a left winger, but he is definitely a warmonger. Anytime you make up bullshit reasons to attack a sovereign nation, you're a warmonger.

But if we start one up with Russia, every American in this country is going to know what it is like to be a Palestinian.

You like many on the left and right seem to think there is a difference between Rs and Ds.
When have you ever seen me say anything close to that?

When it comes to promoting the warfare/welfare state that America has become, there is no difference.
I agree with that.

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