Obama & Iran's Favorite Terrorists Attack UN Peacekeepers.

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Let's be blunt and real here. Obama was a scum sucking terrorist pole smoking son of a bitch who took every opportunity he could to aid and abet terrorists and weaken America and her allies.

Things like what appear below are the end result.

UN peacekeeping patrol filmed coming under attack by Hezbollah in Lebanon

The United Nations Security Council is expected to renew the yearly mandate of its UNIFIL, its peacekeeping force in Lebanon, this week.

But exclusive video obtained by Fox News shows a peacekeeping patrol under attack by the U.S.-designated terrorist group Hezbollah. An intelligence source confirmed to Fox News the Iranian proxy force was behind the attack.

While the U.N. described the attack in a report, the video and the ensuing chaos following the ambush show how dangerous Hezbollah has made the situation for UNIFIL, or the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.

The video shows groups of men block off the convoy with their cars. Once blocked off several men set upon the vehicles, trying to break in through the windows with hammers and stones.

At one stage, gasoline is poured over the second U.N. armored vehicle and then lit on fire. As it burns one peacekeeper leaves the vehicle while being accosted by the men. Another peacekeeper comes running out from behind the lead armored vehicle with his gun drawn, only to retreat. Another peacekeeper leaves the APV, surrendering his weapon to the terrorists. Men carrying automatic weapons can be seen during the melee.
Some humans have to be sacrificed on the alter of liberalism. Thousands of Americans have been killed by illegals. More than terrorists killed on 9/11 yet the left continue to encourage them to pour into our country and give them sanctuary.
Some humans have to be sacrificed on the alter of liberalism. Thousands of Americans have been killed by illegals. More than terrorists killed on 9/11 yet the left continue to encourage them to pour into our country and give them sanctuary.
Illegals need to be treated like terrorists invaders
Let's be blunt and real here. Obama was a scum sucking terrorist pole smoking son of a bitch who took every opportunity he could to aid and abet terrorists and weaken America and her allies.

Things like what appear below are the end result.

UN peacekeeping patrol filmed coming under attack by Hezbollah in Lebanon

The United Nations Security Council is expected to renew the yearly mandate of its UNIFIL, its peacekeeping force in Lebanon, this week.

But exclusive video obtained by Fox News shows a peacekeeping patrol under attack by the U.S.-designated terrorist group Hezbollah. An intelligence source confirmed to Fox News the Iranian proxy force was behind the attack.

While the U.N. described the attack in a report, the video and the ensuing chaos following the ambush show how dangerous Hezbollah has made the situation for UNIFIL, or the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.

The video shows groups of men block off the convoy with their cars. Once blocked off several men set upon the vehicles, trying to break in through the windows with hammers and stones.

At one stage, gasoline is poured over the second U.N. armored vehicle and then lit on fire. As it burns one peacekeeper leaves the vehicle while being accosted by the men. Another peacekeeper comes running out from behind the lead armored vehicle with his gun drawn, only to retreat. Another peacekeeper leaves the APV, surrendering his weapon to the terrorists. Men carrying automatic weapons can be seen during the melee.
It took Pearl Harbor to stir the US to action, maybe the UN needs a harsh wake up call to condemn these bastards.

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